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SLS 3.11


It seems this is already reported :classic_rolleyes:, will try to fix it

(installed SLS last via NMM, because I know it depends on other mods to work, so maybe it's the FOMOD)


LAL game start, still in LAL

SLS is not able to recognize:

> DDi 4.2

> iNEED 1.6


means: the SLS MCM options can't be choosen for those mods

The warning tells me to reinstall SLS, but seeing only SLS has issues - and no other mod in LO related to those two mods - I doubt that will change anything, especially because SLS finds all other mods I have installed.

Restarting SLS detection via SLS MCM - by checking the required mod related boxes - gives a feedback message box, but the result is the same: SLS is not able to find DDi or iNeed


sad times in LL ^^:


after opening the SLS MCM:





after manually checking the undetected mods via SLS MCM check boxes



still SLS is not able to find those mods after reopening the MCM


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18 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

SLS 3.11


It seems this is already reported :classic_rolleyes:, will try to fix it

(installed SLS last via NMM, because I know it depends on other mods to work, so maybe it's the FOMOD)


LAL game start, still in LAL

SLS is not able to recognize:

> DDi 4.2

> iNEED 1.6


means: the SLS MCM options can't be choosen for those mods

The warning tells me to reinstall SLS, but seeing only SLS has issues - and no other mod in LO related to those two mods - I doubt that will change anything, especially because SLS finds all other mods I have installed.

Restarting SLS detection via SLS MCM - by checking the required mod related boxes - gives a feedback message box, but the result is the same: SLS is not able to find DDi or iNeed


sad times in LL ^^:

  Reveal hidden contents

after opening the SLS MCM:





after manually checking the undetected mods via SLS MCM check boxes



still SLS is not able to find those mods after reopening the MCM


Manual install as in the post above. 

Nmm hates me.

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29 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

Wasn't it with MO1 that this issue was reported first? o.O


Manual modifing the folders/files and adding it back to NMM worked \o/

(after a cleaning the save)


Lets see what happens in the actual game =D

You're right. It was. Though I think that was a slightly different issue. The options were greyed out instead. 


Need suggestions for dialogue when buying a bikini licence. All I've got so far is:

"Speed IS armor. Right hunnybuns?"

"You planning on distracting the enemy to death?"


Also I'm changing the default prices to reflect the new additions: 

LicCostArmorShort = 1000
LicCostArmorLong = 3000 
LicCostArmorPer = 30000 
LicCostBikiniShort = 500 
LicCostBikiniLong = 1200 
LicCostBikiniPer = 10000 
LicCostClothesShort = 300 
LicCostClothesLong = 1000 
LicCostClothesPer = 10000 
LicCostWeaponShort = 500 
LicCostWeaponLong = 1500 
LicCostWeaponPer = 15000 
LicCostMagicShort = 500 
LicCostMagicLong = 1500 
LicCostMagicPer = 15000 


Look ok?

Short = 1 week by default

Long = 4 weeks

Per = perpetual. 


Note that clothes licences should be optional. I'm hoping for options of:


Always on

When Slaverun town. 


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6 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

You're right. It was. Though I think that was a slightly different issue. The options were greyed out instead. 


Need suggestions for dialogue when buying a bikini licence. All I've got so far is: "Speed IS armor. Right hunnybuns?"


Also I'm changing the default prices to reflect the new additions: 

LicCostArmorShort = 1000
LicCostArmorLong = 3000 
LicCostArmorPer = 30000 
LicCostBikiniShort = 500 
LicCostBikiniLong = 1200 
LicCostBikiniPer = 10000 
LicCostClothesShort = 300 
LicCostClothesLong = 1000 
LicCostClothesPer = 10000 
LicCostWeaponShort = 500 
LicCostWeaponLong = 1500 
LicCostWeaponPer = 15000 
LicCostMagicShort = 500 
LicCostMagicLong = 1500 
LicCostMagicPer = 15000 


Look ok?

Short = 1 week by default

Long = 4 weeks

Per = perpetual. 


wait? what?

you mean my PC can't run around in a string bikini and thight high latex boots anymore without paying a fee? ?



looks good to me, until I run out of gold^^


On my actual game I set the toll to pretty much the same high.

It's hard at the start, but later - thx to SDcage bandits - I make over 10k / dungeon / bandit camp (only the easy to carry stuff)

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I deleted my previous post to avoid a double-post :)


There's one thing I'm not sure I understand, there's no way for me to get out of the collar without a license ?  I mean, shouldn't the collar get removed once you leave the city ?  Or is the intent to need a license on you everywhere in Skyrim (which is fine too)?


If I remove the collar via another mod, will the debuff be removed too ?

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26 minutes ago, mangalo said:

I mean, shouldn't the collar get removed once you leave the city ? 

Nope. You're not licensed. They don't give you your weapons or armor back either, so why should they give back your magic? :P

26 minutes ago, mangalo said:

If I remove the collar via another mod, will the debuff be removed too ?

Yes you can remove it yourself :)

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I'm currently working on the French translation of the mod but I'll wait a few more releases before publishing it.


I'm not really against the "licenses apply to all of skyrim" thing but I would have preferred it to happen only in cities.  Basically do whatever you want in the wild but once you enter a city, you have to submit to the rules.  I don't know how you and others feel about this, though so I'm not asking you to make it an option.  But still, getting the stuff back when you leave the city would have been my vision.


As I said, the mod is really great, I love the restrictions on magic users (the collar is a bit generic but as you said you can't do anything about without a hard dependency).  However there's a small flaw caused by ordinator (the perk mod).  Ordinator adds an alteration spell that allows you to cast novice spells for free, and because of it I'm still able to cast spells with the collar.  I'm not an experienced modder like yourself so I thought maybe you'd figure out a way around it (another soft dependency maybe ?)





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47 minutes ago, mangalo said:

I'm currently working on the French translation of the mod but I'll wait a few more releases before publishing it.

Great :)

47 minutes ago, mangalo said:

I'm not really against the "licenses apply to all of skyrim" thing but I would have preferred it to happen only in cities.  Basically do whatever you want in the wild but once you enter a city, you have to submit to the rules.  I don't know how you and others feel about this, though so I'm not asking you to make it an option.  But still, getting the stuff back when you leave the city would have been my vision.

My own thoughts on this is that I can see your side but I also think that if your stuff was to be given back then:

1) You wouldn't really need to buy licences as most of the action is outside of cities.

2) It wouldn't affect gameplay at all really. It would just be an oppressive city atmosphere kind of mod which of course is fine. But that's not really the way I want it.


In time I might add a very simple option where when you activate the inside toll gate then stuff is given back to you. I don't really want to go adding dialogues/guards on the other side of the gates as it would be very time consuming. 


47 minutes ago, mangalo said:

As I said, the mod is really great, I love the restrictions on magic users (the collar is a bit generic but as you said you can't do anything about without a hard dependency). 

I can create options for you to change the kind of collar that is equipped. Or I could pick a collar at random from the Json file (This one wouldn't be too difficult, I think). The 'curse' can apply to anything really - Cuffs/piercings/belts/whatever, hell it could even be applied to a hat. But I wouldn't trust you to keep the hat equipped :P

But what I can't do is change the description of the item in your inventory. That requires direct esp editing as far as I know. 

47 minutes ago, mangalo said:

However there's a small flaw caused by ordinator (the perk mod).  Ordinator adds an alteration spell that allows you to cast novice spells for free, and because of it I'm still able to cast spells with the collar.  I'm not an experienced modder like yourself so I thought maybe you'd figure out a way around it (another soft dependency maybe ?)

I might be able to do something about it. If it's a perk I can just remove it when the collar is equipped and add it back after.  Do you know the name of the perk in english? I don't know what that says... Nevermind, found them. 

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14 minutes ago, mangalo said:

Thanks for the answers :)  Glad you might find something about the ordinator thing

Got it fixed. It'll be in the next update.

14 minutes ago, mangalo said:

What do you think of these cuffs as a model for a magic-restraining item ? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/90048


They're not DD but they're really dope and fit the Slaverun storyline

Hmm yea they would be pretty suitable alright but without DDs as a hard dependency it would be impossible for me to make a DD out of them. 

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9 minutes ago, thecrustytac0 said:

 so i have this problem. i have reinstalled survival twice to no avail. did i miss something any help would be appreciated. also i checked inside the barracks for the quartermaster hes not showing up for me there either.

Please use spoiler tags for huge pics.


Do you use NMM? It's a common problem with it.

If so install the mod manually as described here: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/99955-sexlab-survival/?do=findComment&comment=2606867

If your save is after you installed Survival you should restart the interfaces by clicking on them. 


Edit: And the barracks in whiterun is the one behind the Bannered Mare. 

There are 3 barracks in whiterun for some reason. 


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2 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

Please use spoiler tags for huge pics.


Do you use NMM? It's a common problem with it.

If so install the mod manually as described here: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/99955-sexlab-survival/?do=findComment&comment=2606867


Edit: And the barracks in whiterun is the one behind the Bannered Mare. 

There are 3 barracks in whiterun for some reason. 


Sorry i do not really post much and will do so in the future thank you very much for the info

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Ok, someone that uses iNeed needs to explain iNeed to me. I don't mean to start a flame war or anything here but there's some serious oddities with it's fatigue system that don't make any sense to me. 

This is all done without survival, nothing is overwriting it's scripts and it's last in the load order.


Test scenario:

Start a new game. And start off 'A bit fatigued'. That's fine. 

Wait ONE MONTH. End up 'Well rested'...? What?

Wait another month. Same thing. All the while getting hungrier and thirstier. 

Wait one week. Nothing

Wait one day -> mildly fatigued \o/ (I think it's designed so as you can't actually drop more than one level at a time)

Wait another day or two -> Severely fatigued. Ok great.


Jump into bed for ONE (1) hour -> 'A bit fatigued'. Eh wtf!?


It's making testing things a nightmare. 

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11 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Ok, someone that uses iNeed needs to explain iNeed to me. I don't mean to start a flame war or anything here but there's some serious oddities with it's fatigue system that don't make any sense to me. 

This is all done without survival, nothing is overwriting it's scripts and it's last in the load order.


Test scenario:

Start a new game. And start off 'A bit fatigued'. That's fine. 

Wait ONE MONTH. End up 'Well rested'...? What?

Wait another month. Same thing. All the while getting hungrier and thirstier. 

Wait one week. Nothing

Wait one day -> mildly fatigued \o/ (I think it's designed so as you can't actually drop more than one level at a time)

Wait another day or two -> Severely fatigued. Ok great.


Jump into bed for ONE (1) hour -> 'A bit fatigued'. Eh wtf!?


It's making testing things a nightmare. 

I usually set fatigue rate to 1, which seems to work really well, don't know if i'm in the majority in doing it. Basically without combat adding extra fatigue (I set that bonus rate to 2), it takes somewhere around 12-14 hours without sleep to reach severe. Hard to be exact when I add the combat fatigue but probably a medium length dungeon would bring me from full rested to mild in a few hours. It's never really been something I've really kept tabs on the actual times before so later tonight I'll do some testing to find out.


As for recovering fatigue, 8 hours is usually enough to get off of severe.

Mild is anywhere from 4-6. Mild tends to not be much of a problem because of the sleeping on carriages thing.

1-2 usually doesn't do much unless fatigue is low enough.


I don't have the mod that lets me wait for longer than a day so I can't really say anything on it.


Something I will say is that after I added survival no matter how much I slept for like 3-4 days straight the HUD icon for sleep went back to red. I would sleep, it would be green, food and water would be red. I would eat and drink, then the fatigue one would turn back red. But if I checked the status/magic effect it would say I was well rested. Don't remember how I fixed it or if i just fixed itself but it's fine now.


I usually kinda hate to be the one to bug about updates, but this mod adds a bunch of interesting stuff. Is there going to be one soon?

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5 hours ago, Yuuen said:

usually kinda hate to be the one to bug about updates, but this mod adds a bunch of interesting stuff. Is there going to be one soon?

Possibly later today. Though I said that to myself yesterday and the day before. Depends on how things go. Will probably need a clean save this time though. I've also added help on how to add bikini armors in the 2nd post in advance. 


I'll upload an edited version of the stock bikini armors esp with the update. It will include the keyword. The help guide is for those with a custom bikini esp. 

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1 hour ago, Monoman1 said:

Possibly later today. Though I said that to myself yesterday and the day before. Depends on how things go. Will probably need a clean save this time though. I've also added help on how to add bikini armors in the 2nd post in advance. 


I'll upload an edited version of the stock bikini armors esp with the update. It will include the keyword. The help guide is for those with a custom bikini esp. 

I have a whole bunch of armors merged so yeah that'll be fun.

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48 minutes ago, Yuuen said:

I have a whole bunch of armors merged so yeah that'll be fun.

Me too :(

Well it's not something you HAVE to do unless you want to use the bikini licence. Sorry but I can't think of a nice and easy way to check if an armor is a bikini. At least not one that won't gobble papyrus resources and be very slow. 

To be fair. Adding the keyword with automation tools is easy as fuck. Removing the keyword.... ehhh. Not so much. 


I might make a TesEdit script myself later to add/remove the keyword. For now remember to keep a backup of your armor mod without the keyword though. Because if Survival is a master and you need to clean save..... Mmmm

Edit: Actually removing the keyword with AT isn't that hard. A bit more involved but not much. If you're looking for your bikini armors in a massive armor merge I suggest sorting by EditorID. The naming convention of all the armors start with 00 so they're all grouped together that way. 

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