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23 minutes ago, -alpha- said:

Hmm I dont seem to be getting my weapons back.

Even the quest weapon I had seems to have been taken but returned once a lic has been acquired.

Ok don't panic! I think your stuff is ok. I'm just opening the wrong container when asking to recover your stuff.

24 minutes ago, -alpha- said:

The Toll dude wont let me leave the city either the gate remains locked. (theres no diag option)

Do you have the gold to pay? The toll box is somewhere beside the door.

24 minutes ago, -alpha- said:

Also is there a condition to prevent the begging dialog from appearing or a MCM toggle?

Not yet. But I keep meaning to add it.

25 minutes ago, -alpha- said:

dea for more  jumbo for you license if you want.

Thanks. Not sure about the fancy where/when/who stuff. I'll have to look deeper into the text replacement stuff for it. 

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Fix for weapon recovery from quartermaster in version 0.31. Just overwrite the existing script.

I'll push an update tomorrow. It's just very very late here. 


Also I need suggestions on how to handle followers with the licence system. 

Right now you can just dump your weapons/armors on them before you go through the doors

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2 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

_SLS_LicenceUtil.pex 14.27 kB · 1 download

Fix for weapon recovery from quartermaster in version 0.31. Just overwrite the existing script.

I'll push an update tomorrow. It's just very very late here. 


Also I need suggestions on how to handle followers with the licence system. 


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Right now you can just dump your weapons/armors on them before you go through the doors




Will give this a test soon soon.


As to followers I was thinking of this just a few wee bit ago.


Ideas off the top of my head.


Option 1: Dismiss or "imprison" followers to Tavern/Inn (could make it so you would have to fit the Inn bill per follower too)

Option 2: Pay upfront fee per follower. (Simple but lame...)

Option 3: Collar/Cuff followers only + fee


Removing gear from followers i think is a bad idea.

Not sure if that would really be the case but it seemed like it would be.


Oh and one thing.

Would it be possible to be able to set a City as a Home City? (even if its just limited to one city)

For eg Breezehome/Whiterun, if I live there I wouldnt need to have a license?


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4 hours ago, Monoman1 said:



Also I need suggestions on how to handle followers with the licence system. 


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Right now you can just dump your weapons/armors on them before you go through the doors




Add script to Follower when he/she Will be mad at you for taking weapons and armors from him/her, it Will prevent from stacking loot on followers after dungeoning. And when Follower dismissed or you visit a city armors and weapons would be gonefrom his/her eq sold tosome traders. 


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Not sure I follow your ideas. 

3 hours ago, -alpha- said:

Dismiss or "imprison" followers to Tavern/Inn (could make it so you would have to fit the Inn bill per follower too)

When would you dismiss them though? You could have already dumped your stuff to them. Also, inn bill?

3 hours ago, -alpha- said:

Removing gear from followers i think is a bad idea.

Not sure if that would really be the case but it seemed like it would be.

I'm currently thinking that this is the only way to go. People, myself included, lack the willpower to not try to workaround things.

3 hours ago, -alpha- said:

Would it be possible to be able to set a City as a Home City? (even if its just limited to one city)

For eg Breezehome/Whiterun, if I live there I wouldnt need to have a license?

Possibly. I think the information on whether or not you own a home is already contained in the eviction script. 

So if you get evicted should you then need a licence? :P

1 hour ago, Koozie said:

Add script to Follower when he/she Will be mad at you for taking weapons and armors from him/her, it Will prevent from stacking loot on followers after dungeoning. And when Follower dismissed or you visit a city armors and weapons would be gonefrom his/her eq sold tosome traders.

Define mad? ;)

What you're describing can be accomplished by lowering their carry weight to something sensible. I'm not sure it would be in your followers interest though. They still want to get paid (devious followers) at the end of the day. 

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3 minutes ago, AtemisAkagi said:

Are all the quartermasters in the barracks? I've been trying to find the one for whiterun but he's not in the barracks so I'm not sure where he is.

It's the one behind the bannered mare. 

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7 minutes ago, PolskiHusarz20 said:

I have a problem, my SL Survival detects the DD and iNeed but they do not cooperate, there is always a message which is requesting me to reinstall SL Survival but after i do it, the mod tells me to do it again and again.

Ok. The FoMod seems to be misbehaving for some people. So install it manually as described in this post. 



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Hullo again Monoman. Bit late to the party, I know, but I'm very happy to see this mod continue to be updated. I shan't be too long in my suggestions since I know how frustrating it is when people complain, and making mods takes up more than enough time as it is.


First of all; love what you've done with the licensing system; it's exactly the kind of immersive administration feature that other mods in this vein like Slaverun lacked, though I do have a quick to hopefully improve the experience further.


Might you consider into making some kind of check for the magical collar? I enjoy the concept of the feature; magicka suppression for the safety of the citizenry and all that, but right now it feels like a <pay money to not be perma-collared> feature to me, personally. Some kind of check like ~Does the player have 200+ magicka?~ or ~does the player have X amount of spells learned~ or ~does the player have X amount of points/perks in Y skill trees~, or even a simple enable/disable checkbox in the MCM to isolate the magic-suppression collar feature. It just feels a little out of place to me, that the guard would automatically put it on someone who's suspected of being "magically attuned" (especially since everyone is technically magically attuned in TES), despite having no actual talent or propensity towards magic, while everyone else is walking around collar-less. I realise that this is a bit of a personal quibble, but SL Survival has been a supremely beneficial slot in my load order since installing it, since almost no other mod has integrated kinky gameplay overhaul features while also retaining amazing compatibility, and - most importantly - the ability to continue playing Skyrim properly (looking at you, SD+ and default Cursed Loot), without it turning into a bondage fantasy land. Let alone in conjunction with Requiem.


That's really all I have; everything else is working wonderfully so far, and the new license system is great (maybe hopefully with the chance to tweak the specifics one day? ;)), and I'd really rather not turn it off because of the collar.

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35 minutes ago, PolskiHusarz20 said:

I don't have any of such files on my computer.

Then you need to enable logging: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/368

1 hour ago, Sam0016 said:

Hullo again Monoman. Bit late to the party, I know, but I'm very happy to see this mod continue to be updated. I shan't be too long in my suggestions since I know how frustrating it is when people complain, and making mods takes up more than enough time as it is.


First of all; love what you've done with the licensing system; it's exactly the kind of immersive administration feature that other mods in this vein like Slaverun lacked, though I do have a quick to hopefully improve the experience further.


Might you consider into making some kind of check for the magical collar? I enjoy the concept of the feature; magicka suppression for the safety of the citizenry and all that, but right now it feels like a <pay money to not be perma-collared> feature to me, personally. Some kind of check like ~Does the player have 200+ magicka?~ or ~does the player have X amount of spells learned~ or ~does the player have X amount of points/perks in Y skill trees~, or even a simple enable/disable checkbox in the MCM to isolate the magic-suppression collar feature. It just feels a little out of place to me, that the guard would automatically put it on someone who's suspected of being "magically attuned" (especially since everyone is technically magically attuned in TES), despite having no actual talent or propensity towards magic, while everyone else is walking around collar-less. I realise that this is a bit of a personal quibble, but SL Survival has been a supremely beneficial slot in my load order since installing it, since almost no other mod has integrated kinky gameplay overhaul features while also retaining amazing compatibility, and - most importantly - the ability to continue playing Skyrim properly (looking at you, SD+ and default Cursed Loot), without it turning into a bondage fantasy land. Let alone in conjunction with Requiem.


That's really all I have; everything else is working wonderfully so far, and the new license system is great (maybe hopefully with the chance to tweak the specifics one day? ;)), and I'd really rather not turn it off because of the collar.

Don't take this the wrong way but it's only a bit of a niggle. From a mechanical point of view, most people will learn a certain amount of magic anyway. Even if it's just healing magic for a warrior type. So it 'fits' in that regard. From a lore point of view you are of course correct but mechanics > lore in my book -> the mod needs to play well first and foremost. If it fits the lore then it's just the cherry on top. I've tried to make it fit the lore a little with the references to Winterhold but of course it isn't bulletproof. 


That said I might add an option to check the players magicka stat. Probably not any more than that though. Things need to get checked as quickly as possible as you approach the gates. There's a limited window for that to happen and I still will probably have to add follower checks. Checking the player for perks would probably be very time consuming. 


Btw. Lots of female characters are collared in my game :P

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9 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Define mad? ;)

What you're describing can be accomplished by lowering their carry weight to something sensible. I'm not sure it would be in your followers interest though. They still want to get paid (devious followers) at the end of the day. 

Mad? You are taking present which you presented them. Followers are not mules you pay them for fighting. They taking loot from you from kind heart. And armors and weapons are more important for them. they can upgrade armor or have some backup when theirs would be destroyed. And when you take they are mad/disappointment with you So maybe they will force you to buy them something for it. Or simple put you in yoke and retake presents. Or simple will leave you and go away from city.


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29 minutes ago, Koozie said:

Mad? You are taking present which you presented them. Followers are not mules you pay them for fighting. They taking loot from you from kind heart. And armors and weapons are more important for them. they can upgrade armor or have some backup when theirs would be destroyed. And when you take they are mad/disappointment with you So maybe they will force you to buy them something for it. Or simple put you in yoke and retake presents. Or simple will leave you and go away from city.


Hmm, you know what that wouldn't be a bad idea for a dominating follower mod I've been thinking of making. Must start recording these ideas somewhere.

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3 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Don't take this the wrong way but it's only a bit of a niggle. From a mechanical point of view, most people will learn a certain amount of magic anyway. Even if it's just healing magic for a warrior type. So it 'fits' in that regard. From a lore point of view you are of course correct but mechanics > lore in my book -> the mod needs to play well first and foremost. If it fits the lore then it's just the cherry on top. I've tried to make it fit the lore a little with the references to Winterhold but of course it isn't bulletproof. 


That said I might add an option to check the players magicka stat. Probably not any more than that though. Things need to get checked as quickly as possible as you approach the gates. There's a limited window for that to happen and I still will probably have to add follower checks. Checking the player for perks would probably be very time consuming. 


Btw. Lots of female characters are collared in my game :P


Completely understandable. It's kind of psychotically specific as far as complaints go, I know. Totally get why it's not a big priority (and I'm also on board with mechanics --> lore as well).


I don't suppose you'd be willing to share how you have lots of collared NPCs (beside personal CK edits that is), would you? I imagine it bothering me a lot less if everyone else is doing it too. I'm aware that there's an NPC enslavement feature in Slaverun, but I'm reeeeeaaaally not a big fan of Slaverun's story progression (I tend to just change the settings and use it passively as background flavour). The only other semi-automated option I'm aware of is DD For The Masses, but I've never quite been able to make that work properly.


Apologies if this got off-topic, just thought I'd ask :)

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25 minutes ago, Sam0016 said:

Apologies if this got off-topic, just thought I'd ask

No problem. Personally I use DD Ftm. Never had any problems with it myself. 


I'm looking for suggestions for misogynistic names to go on your licences. Things like: 



Tiny Tits


Some random slut

Fat ass


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I will burn in SJW hell :flushed::



(devious) filly

pony girl

cow girl

sex(y) kitten





arm candy

gold digger

cock tease

honey pot


fish libs

Camel Toe

sheep (?)



painted woman (litteraly^^)


pinky cheeks (makes DBF happy)



feisty one

Prima Donna





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16 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

I will burn in SJW hell :flushed::

  Reveal hidden contents

(devious) filly

pony girl

cow girl

sex(y) kitten





arm candy

gold digger

cock tease

honey pot


fish libs

Camel Toe

sheep (?)



painted woman (litteraly^^)


pinky cheeks (makes DBF happy)



feisty one

Prima Donna





See you there! ?

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