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2 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

The json file is supposed to be empty. 


Do you have frostfall installed? Did you enable the frostfall interface when installing the mod? Check the 'Interfaces' section at the bottom of the first MCM page. Do the toggles match your load order? 



ok, then it is empty as supposed to be :)


I have frostfall, rnd 1.0.3 usleep and devious devices 4.2 installed


Picked all 3 interfaces during Survival installation


Started a clean game, without Survival. Activated frostfall, rnd & DD, saved, started WITH Survival


And while campfire and MME detect RND, Survival does not, just checked the log


RealisticNeedsandDiseasesUSLEEP - EN-75876-1-0-3.rar


is installed and I pushed SL Survival to the end of the load order.


I assume the Notice on Load about RND is not a notice but a fatal error then?




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25 minutes ago, Abraxas67 said:


ok, then it is empty as supposed to be :)


I have frostfall, rnd 1.0.3 usleep and devious devices 4.2 installed


Picked all 3 interfaces during Survival installation


Started a clean game, without Survival. Activated frostfall, rnd & DD, saved, started WITH Survival


And while campfire and MME detect RND, Survival does not, just checked the log


RealisticNeedsandDiseasesUSLEEP - EN-75876-1-0-3.rar


is installed and I pushed SL Survival to the end of the load order

sls.log 6.63 kB · 1 download

I'm a little confused. Is your problem with frostfall or Rnd or both? 


For Rnd: Hmm, I'm not sure why but it looks like the installer is installing an inactive interface script. Try copying the scripts manually from the installer archive from path '/Conditionals/Rnd/Active/'. Copy those scripts in and restart the interface by clicking on it in the MCM. Let me know how it goes. 

33 minutes ago, SamBooka said:

Great to see you still working on this mod, i never play without it. Dont know if people mentioned this before or i am doing something wrong. But in the previous version when i slept naked in my home. After the message i got a real good night sleep and all that. My fatique rate in RND went up by 3 everytime. So becoming very tired very quick. Is that just me sleeping wrong or is it a bug. Now you rewriting it can you have a look at that. Keep up the great work thx.


And i see some people mention it before. So this was in old and in new version. 

The implementation is completely different now so I'm hoping that will fix it.

1 hour ago, MayDayCray said:

People here are into being raped..


Surely being burglarized is a few steps below that- and 1,000 times more exciting. Think about it. You could make it a probability by location (A home in Riften is more prone to break-ins than a home in solitude).. add some locks for extra protection. I mean.. just imagine


Imagine noticing your front door is slightly ajar and you don't know if they are still inside..


Imagine running into someone wearing or wielding some shit that was in one of your chest or something..


Imagine reading a book by the fire in your underwear and you hear the distinct sound of a lockpick fiddling with your locks..


Imagine waking up in the middle of the night to someone or something banging on your door and you don't know if your door is fortified enough to keep them/it out..


Maybe it's just me but I find that there are more thrills to be had when nothing is 100% safe.  


True that's interesting enough. My big problem with sleeping rape type mods is that it's usually all just based on a random roll of the dice. There is nothing you can do to mitigate any threat and that is one thing I really dislike. 

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1 hour ago, Monoman1 said:

I'm a little confused. Is your problem with frostfall or Rnd or both? 


For Rnd: Hmm, I'm not sure why but it looks like the installer is installing an inactive interface script. Try copying the scripts manually from the installer archive from path '/Conditionals/Rnd/Active/'. Copy those scripts in and restart the interface by clicking on it in the MCM. Let me know how it goes. 

The implementation is completely different now so I'm hoping that will fix it.


And that worked!!! Thank you. Copied the _SLS Files from the active Folders manually. Still got the initial "Need State: RND" during the load. But the interfaces showed up without error. And on the next reload that message "Need State: RND" did not show up anymore.


I am using the old Nexus Mod Manager 0.65.2, so that might be the reason why despite selecting the interfaces they did not install.


They were preselected and I even deselect and select them again in an experiment, but that did not do anything.


But copying manually fixed it. Thank you!!



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12 minutes ago, Abraxas67 said:


And that worked!!! Thank you. Copied the _SLS Files from the active Folders manually. Still got the initial "Need State: RND" during the load. But the interfaces showed up without error. And on the next reload that message "Need State: RND" did not show up anymore.


I am using the old Nexus Mod Manager 0.65.2, so that might be the reason why despite selecting the interfaces they did not install.


They were preselected and I even deselect and select them again in an experiment, but that did not do anything.


But copying manually fixed it. Thank you!!




It could be an error in the installer logic. I'll have a look at it later when I've more time.

The message you get is just a debugging message. The state will either be iNeed or Rnd or nothing. It's nothing to worry about. There are probably more debugging messages I forgot to remove, particularly around sleeping. For now just do me a favor and make sure what they say is true. I'll remove them later. 

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could you add an option to enable/disable the various begging outcomes? i get the sexual fame outcome a LOT and i don't really care for it


EDIT: i use slsf for other mods tho. also, could you make it so that when the mod displays begging dialogues, it doesn't hide the one for clothes when you have damaged clothes form your mortal weapons and armor mod in your inventory?

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Really nice mod! Few weeks ago i had cool idea for mod basically few rules for nights for example bondage night, naked night, rape/sex night, free night, some kind of slavery night...etc, also add guard at the entrance to every city so player can ask him about next night and when it starts, actually it could be adjustable so if someone want 24h instead of 12 and basically rule after rule without break then you can simply set it in MCM. Your mod is kinda closest to the idea thats why i share it here.


About current version i would love to see possibility to set dd that we want to use in MCM especially in Kennel scene, also i have a bug in kennel scene basically Kennel keeper keep saying that he has another toy for player but he didnt lock anything new. 


Can't figure out knock stuff i set chances really high and enter npc home sleep,wait and nothing happening :/  

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48 minutes ago, letterman said:

could you add an option to enable/disable the various begging outcomes? i get the sexual fame outcome a LOT and i don't really care for it

I'll see if it can be done though the dialogue conditions are fairly complicated in parts already.

49 minutes ago, letterman said:

EDIT: i use slsf for other mods tho. also, could you make it so that when the mod displays begging dialogues, it doesn't hide the one for clothes when you have damaged clothes form your mortal weapons and armor mod in your inventory?

Yes this needs to be done! I can't think of a 'nice' way of doing it right now though. It might have to be done on the MWA side. 

48 minutes ago, Jappa123 said:

Really nice mod! Few weeks ago i had cool idea for mod basically few rules for nights for example bondage night, naked night, rape/sex night, free night, some kind of slavery night...etc, also add guard at the entrance to every city so player can ask him about next night and when it starts, actually it could be adjustable so if someone want 24h instead of 12 and basically rule after rule without break then you can simply set it in MCM. Your mod is kinda closest to the idea thats why i share it here.

I've a few ideas I want to add myself first before anything. Take a look at my patreon for what they are.

48 minutes ago, Jappa123 said:

About current version i would love to see possibility to set dd that we want to use in MCM especially in Kennel scene, also i have a bug in kennel scene basically Kennel keeper keep saying that he has another toy for player but he didnt lock anything new. 

The devices I kind of hand picked myself to fit the theme. Pet suits, pony boots, pony plugs etc. But maybe later I'll add options. 

49 minutes ago, Jappa123 said:

Can't figure out knock stuff i set chances really high and enter npc home sleep,wait and nothing happening

Are you entering via the normal SK dialogue or the new dialogue? Do you have DDs installed?

There isn't a whole lot to the scenario at the moment. If you have DDs the owner should ask you to put on an armbinder before entering and once inside should force greet you, strip you and give you a bed roll. 

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17 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

There isn't a whole lot to the scenario at the moment. If you have DDs the owner should ask you to put on an armbinder before entering and once inside should force greet you, strip you and give you a bed roll. 

So i should disable normal dialoge right? And DDs? what do you mean? i have DDi DDx DDa.

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21 minutes ago, Jappa123 said:

So i should disable normal dialoge right?

You can disable it if you like. If you enter via the normal SK dialogue nothing happens.

22 minutes ago, Jappa123 said:

And DDs? what do you mean? i have DDi DDx DDa.

Yes I meant devious devices. Since you have DDx it should be ok.

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4 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

I'm a little confused. Is your problem with frostfall or Rnd or both? 


For Rnd: Hmm, I'm not sure why but it looks like the installer is installing an inactive interface script. Try copying the scripts manually from the installer archive from path '/Conditionals/Rnd/Active/'. Copy those scripts in and restart the interface by clicking on it in the MCM. Let me know how it goes. 

The implementation is completely different now so I'm hoping that will fix it.

True that's interesting enough. My big problem with sleeping rape type mods is that it's usually all just based on a random roll of the dice. There is nothing you can do to mitigate any threat and that is one thing I really dislike. 

Well you are the first person I've come into contact here who hates the idea of auto rape just as much as me.  There are some mods breaking that trend however such as Radiant Prostitution where you can defend yourself by brawling to stop an attempted rape.. and Sexlab Horrible Harassment/Approach Redux where the author has included a struggling mechanic with nice animations to pair. 

I know it might be a scripting/papyrus nightmare to have a person break into your home, steal from you and or foist themselves upon you as mentioned above.. but all combined it sounds cool, no? 

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1 hour ago, Gimlord said:

I installed the new version. I can't create the bed using the bedroll, i drop it, sneak and then pressing e to use it, but i just take it in inventory and the bed is not created


Seems to work fine for me...

Papyrus log? 

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Still having same issue as previous versions: I get the initial explanation from the toll collector, but no option to choose other options than paying with gold. This is a fresh install of the game, don't have mods that would really impact conversation tree.


Is there any way, any mod out there, that can designate an outdoor location or even indoor as player home? For example, if I decided to set up a fortified, permanent camp in some location in the wilds and would want the home visit/burglary to happen there.


On 5/2/2019 at 11:31 AM, Monoman1 said:

I am open to other ideas around the player home though. Maybe having to lock your doors at night or wake up with a fresh load on your face. I had another idea of turning your home into a whorehouse temporarily in exchange for.... something... but that's all up in the air atm. 


Dumb question, but what is MWA mod?


Near-topic: I had one very memorable night in Oblivion where I (or rather my female player char) would wake up suddenly in her Anvil home to already being raped by some argonian burglar that was making fun of her for not locking the door and him finding her sleeping there all helpless and he couldn't help himself, lol. I liked the Lovers Rapers mechanics where you could decide to either wake up (into an already running animation) or just ignore the feeling of sex only to wake up next morning dripping with cum (and some in your inventory if you had the pregnancy mod).


I also remember how much fun I had stealing ova and sperm from dead enemies, waiting for them to be fertilized in my own inventory and then lockpicking unwary citizens and planting that fertilized ova on them. There was an epidemic of unplanned pregnancies across Cyrodill at one time. :D Beeing Female is amazing, but I liked the inventory part from Oblivion more (even though it was unrealistic), it also better reflected who you had sex with cause not all races would provide the same number of sperms (some more and some less).


Skyrim definitely hit the pinnacle in terms of quality and variety of mods that not even Fo4 with a "newer" engine is approaching to even 30% (honestly, all of Fo4 mods just feel clunky), but Oblivion also had some truly awesome mods, especially quest mods like blackmail (the Kovacs) and so on.


If you decide to include sleep rape, please consider including the options from Lovers Rapers I mentioned and a blackout to skip the stripping and start of anim, so we can imagine our chars woke up to sex in progress.


On 5/2/2019 at 12:34 PM, MayDayCray said:

People here are into being raped..


Honestly, with the shit that's on the internet (and IRL), the rape of a fictional digital character that represents the player pales in comparison.


On 5/2/2019 at 12:34 PM, MayDayCray said:

Surely being burglarized is a few steps below that- and 1,000 times more exciting. Think about it. You could make it a probability by location (A home in Riften is more prone to break-ins than a home in solitude).. add some locks for extra protection. I mean.. just imagine


+1 for burglary (though sadly I'm too poor in current playthrough to own anything and I'm playing Unbound so no Whiterun Thane Breezehome possibility).


On 5/2/2019 at 12:34 PM, MayDayCray said:

Imagine running into someone wearing or wielding some shit that was in one of your chest or something..


Would be great if this mod could also unequip all armors and weapons worn when entering a home and equipping random clothes for immersion. ?


On 5/2/2019 at 12:34 PM, MayDayCray said:

Imagine reading a book by the fire in your underwear and you hear the distinct sound of a lockpick fiddling with your locks..


Well, with these houses made of logs and with their poor insulation, I don't think being just in underwear, even in front of a fire, is a cozy scenario. ?


On 5/2/2019 at 12:34 PM, MayDayCray said:


Imagine waking up in the middle of the night to someone or something banging on your door


Or banging the player char. :-D


On 5/2/2019 at 12:34 PM, MayDayCray said:

and you don't know if your door is fortified enough to keep them/it out..


As horrifying as home invasions are IRL, in this game they would work splendidly. Heck, maybe some drunk guard decided to have fun cause the dungeons were too far...


On 5/2/2019 at 12:34 PM, MayDayCray said:

Maybe it's just me but I find that there are more thrills to be had when nothing is 100% safe. 




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22 minutes ago, mangalo said:

Just read the plans you have for SLS on your patreon and now I can't wait for it !


Thanks for this post, I didn't know about that.


@Monoman1 Teutonic in his Sexlab Adventures adds the possibility of wearing armor or having a weapon armed being considered a crime, which would work well with your plans. Maybe, please, code your plans with that mod in mind? ? thanks


That mod also has rape and sleep rape features which could maybe also interact with your other plans.

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1 hour ago, user9120975435 said:

Teutonic in his Sexlab Adventures adds the possibility of wearing armor or having a weapon armed being considered a crime, which would work well with your plans. Maybe, please, code your plans with that mod in mind? ? thanks

You mean having a licence would stop SLA making it a crime? I think that would probably have to be done on the SLA side. Shouldn't be too hard. The licence will probably just be a note in your inventory. 


1 hour ago, mangalo said:

As you said you were taking a break from modding I'm conflicted as to subscribe to your patreon or not

Oh hey contribute if you want. Most of the modding I do, I do because I want to do it. I wouldn't say I'm taking a break exactly. I mean I did release an update here and I'm also working on a little side project with crudo. BUT I do need to slow down at least until the end of June. There's something I need to take care of IRL. Even though I don't particularly want to do it. I'd rather be modding ;)


2 hours ago, user9120975435 said:

Still having same issue as previous versions: I get the initial explanation from the toll collector, but no option to choose other options than paying with gold. This is a fresh install of the game, don't have mods that would really impact conversation tree.

I've not touched that part of the mod yet but it's still weird. So what dialogue do the toll collectors have at that point? You'll have to refresh my memory which of these mods do you have:

Devious devices

Skooma Whore

Milk Addict

TDF Aggressive prostitution


(am I forgetting one?)


2 hours ago, user9120975435 said:

Is there any way, any mod out there, that can designate an outdoor location or even indoor as player home? For example, if I decided to set up a fortified, permanent camp in some location in the wilds and would want the home visit/burglary to happen there.

Not really. In fact any mod that significantly changes an existing player home will probably break the eviction mechanic as it's looking for specific doors. It would probably be impossible to lock you out of a custom home. 

2 hours ago, user9120975435 said:

Dumb question, but what is MWA mod?

Mortal weapons & armors. Reason I brought it up is that it's quite good at keeping you naked. Normal eviction events leave you with nothing. But usually you can just go into Warmaidens, sneak upstairs and steal Adriannes knickers = No longer naked. You'll be very lucky for that to work with MWA. 

2 hours ago, user9120975435 said:

If you decide to include sleep rape, please consider including the options from Lovers Rapers I mentioned and a blackout to skip the stripping and start of anim, so we can imagine our chars woke up to sex in progress.


2 hours ago, user9120975435 said:

+1 for burglary

Maybe. But there needs to be a way to avoid it. Pay for a guard for your home -70% chance for home invasion event. Improved door locks from the steward -30% chance of home invasion event. Something like that. I've said it before but this kind of thing defeats the purpose of existing mechanics like tolls and eviction. If it's safer (and cheaper) to stay out in the woods in a tent then that's what people will do. It needs to be blatantly obvious that it's safer to stay in your home or home invasion/eviction/toll events will never fire...


It's either that or make camping in the woods a ridiculous rape & robbery feast where you can't sleep for an hour without either happening. Doesn't seem like a lot of fun. 

2 hours ago, user9120975435 said:

Would be great if this mod could also unequip all armors and weapons worn when entering a home and equipping random clothes for immersion.

Lazy eh? :P

I've ideas for a dominant follower mod I posted... somewhere (my tweaks page I think). One of those ideas is that if you're submissive enough that your follower will want you naked when at home and possibly crawling. But that's a long way off atm. 

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3 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

I've not touched that part of the mod yet but it's still weird. So what dialogue do the toll collectors have at that point?


Well, they give me that first speech about not being allowed to exit, needing a follower and being a helpless little bitch that costs brave guards their lives. After that their tree is empty and looks like this:



I can pay for the exit by using the lockbox and the gates are locked like they should be. I can also change the price for leaving. There are also 2 toll collectors for each gate. Basically it seems everything works, just that dialog option doesn't show up.


3 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

You'll have to refresh my memory which of these mods do you have:

Devious devices

Skooma Whore

Milk Addict

TDF Aggressive prostitution


(am I forgetting one?)


Of these I have DD, MA, Rapetats, Milk Mod. Other mods that come to mind that modify conversation trees are Devious Followers, SL Adventures, Cursed loot, Bathing in Skyrim, Road inspections, Sexist Guards, SL Solutions, The people of Skyrim (though I'm not sure whether it changes that at all).


I don't have any mod that extends dialog tree for more mods using it, though that maybe could be a good idea to try, but I've forgotten what that mod is called. xD


3 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Mortal weapons & armors. Reason I brought it up is that it's quite good at keeping you naked. Normal eviction events leave you with nothing. But usually you can just go into Warmaidens, sneak upstairs and steal Adriannes knickers = No longer naked. You'll be very lucky for that to work with MWA. 


I love that mod and I'm really grateful you made it. I'm just trying a least-stressful modload this time, so I don't have it loaded. Yet. Plus I'm relying on Milk Addict to destroy my clothes lol.


3 hours ago, Monoman1 said:


Maybe. But there needs to be a way to avoid it. Pay for a guard for your home -70% chance for home invasion event.


Female guard: +70% home invasion chance increase. :D After all, two birds for the price of one, what kind of burglar could resist such an offer, especially if they come in groups. :)


3 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Improved door locks from the steward -30% chance of home invasion event. Something like that. I've said it before but this kind of thing defeats the purpose of existing mechanics like tolls and eviction. If it's safer (and cheaper) to stay out in the woods in a tent then that's what people will do. It needs to be blatantly obvious that it's safer to stay in your home or home invasion/eviction/toll events will never fire...


Hm, what about faster destruction of clothes while sleeping outside (with MWA)? The cache-robbery already goes a long way into persuading people to get a home and store stuff there. I'm personally deliberately not hoarding loot because my char doesn't have a home to store it in and is always on the move.


3 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

It's either that or make camping in the woods a ridiculous rape & robbery feast where you can't sleep for an hour without either happening. Doesn't seem like a lot of fun. 


Yeah, sadly, wretched peasants like my girl are simply too poor to afford a home yet. :( And everything she makes the devious follower takes away and all the times she's been raped (defeat skill loss) has kept her at level 1 even after 20 hours of play. Most of her skills are now at 1, lol, she's more helpless than a chicken and thus completely dependent on her follower. She's actually been killed by mucrabs many times... xD She's at the point where she's thinking of turning to prostitution or even burglary herself, lol.


3 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Lazy eh? :P


Like you wouldn't believe! xD

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4 hours ago, Monoman1 said:


Maybe. But there needs to be a way to avoid it. Pay for a guard for your home -70% chance for home invasion event. Improved door locks from the steward -30% chance of home invasion event. Something like that. I've said it before but this kind of thing defeats the purpose of existing mechanics like tolls and eviction. If it's safer (and cheaper) to stay out in the woods in a tent then that's what people will do. It needs to be blatantly obvious that it's safer to stay in your home or home invasion/eviction/toll events will never fire...


It's either that or make camping in the woods a ridiculous rape & robbery feast where you can't sleep for an hour without either happening. Doesn't seem like a lot of fun. 

I disagree.. (Not with your prevention mechanics. Love those ideas) but not only do I think most people prefer property, but some of us couldn't survive living under a tree. 


I'm a vampire.. And that's a start..


With a mod that makes wilderness very dangerous. Especially at night - Genesis: Surface Level Encounters.


With another mod that makes it extremely dangerous to sleep outside.. and uncomfortable - Sands of Time: Sleeping Encounters, Sleep Anywhere and Sexlab Survival


And a few mods that makes me more susceptible to being raped if I sleep outside - Sexlab Adventures, Magno Cum Gaudio and the two mentioned above in conjunction with Sexlab: Defeat


I think us masochist have many mods designed to dunk on us installed besides SL Survival. I think you should consider it

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14 minutes ago, user9120975435 said:

Well, they give me that first speech about not being allowed to exit, needing a follower and being a helpless little bitch that costs brave guards their lives. After that their tree is empty and looks like this:

I forgot to ask. I THINK that if you have enough gold to cover the cost of the toll then the normal options are hidden and instead you get a new topic - *Lie* I haven't enough gold to pay the toll. In your screenshot, did you have enough gold to pay the toll? It will help me narrow down the problem.

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4 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

I forgot to ask. I THINK that if you have enough gold to cover the cost of the toll then the normal options are hidden and instead you get a new topic - *Lie* I haven't enough gold to pay the toll. In your screenshot, did you have enough gold to pay the toll? It will help me narrow down the problem.

Not sure how it works in this version, but before 0.3 I either had money and toll collectors wouldn't talk to me, or I was broke and had the option to choose an alternative to gold.

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36 minutes ago, Monoman1 said:

I forgot to ask. I THINK that if you have enough gold to cover the cost of the toll then the normal options are hidden and instead you get a new topic - *Lie* I haven't enough gold to pay the toll. In your screenshot, did you have enough gold to pay the toll? It will help me narrow down the problem.




That was actually the problem. As soon as I removed all my gold and initiated convo he gave me the option for other sorts of payment. It works now, thanks :)


Maybe unhide these options, though? So the stingy among us can keep the gold and humiliate our char a little? :D

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9 minutes ago, user9120975435 said:




That was actually the problem. As soon as I removed all my gold and initiated convo he gave me the option for other sorts of payment. It works now, thanks :)


Maybe unhide these options, though? So the stingy among us can keep the gold and humiliate our char a little? :D

You should still be able to try to lie to them which leads to the usual options but the speech check is very difficult. So theres obviously something wrong with the conditions on the lie topic.

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