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hey those toll guards are pretty friendly guys :D

they help you to find your master if you lost him (again) and they help you out of devious devices if tell them your not THAT kind of a slave ^^


the simple knock function is awesome

would be great if there are more dialog options

atm all other mods that add dialog get blocked (guess to prevent a conflicting mess) and after sleeping a bit you get kicked out (with a chance to SS+/SD+)

but... but.. it has so much potential!


and would it be possible for the lazy MCM guys like me to switch off all belly scaling with one check box? i have already so many mods that want to deflate/inflate that poor PC ;D


your mods get the offical "best and only skyrim ass slap mod (with DF integration) of the century" decoration!

cant get enough of that

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25 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

hey those toll guards are pretty friendly guys :D

they help you to find your master if you lost him (again) and they help you out of devious devices if tell them your not THAT kind of a slave ^^

Not sure I follow. SD master? DF master? Help you OUT of devices? That shouldn't be happening ;)

25 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

atm all other mods that add dialog get blocked (guess to prevent a conflicting mess) and after sleeping a bit you get kicked out (with a chance to SS+/SD+)

but... but.. it has so much potential!

Don't remember setting the dialogue to blocking. I'll have to check. Agreed on the potential part. Feel free to post ideas.

25 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

and would it be possible for the lazy MCM guys like me to switch off all belly scaling with one check box? i have already so many mods that want to deflate/inflate that poor PC ;D

Honestly the default scaling is minuscule. But point taken, I'll probably add an import/export settings button like milk addicts eventually. I won't be adding anything new to survival for a while though. It's in a fairly good place right now. First up, I'll need to refactor the soft dependencies like I did with milk addict. Then, I need to see if I can remove RND & DDs as a hard dependencies. After that I can obviously look at adding iNeed. And THEN I can start looking at adding extra stuff. So you can see there's a lot to do and I'm currently rounding the rough edges off of milk addict :(

25 minutes ago, donttouchmethere said:

your mods get the offical "best and only skyrim ass slap mod (with DF integration) of the century" decoration!

cant get enough of that

Might have to add this as my signature :)

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On 9/16/2018 at 8:31 PM, RDA said:

Hi evryone, love your mod, it will fit with my rp playthrough. Thx for your work.


I have a suggestion too : swallow cum increase thirst, because swallowing too much cum make the throat dry. What do you think about that ?

Kinda goes against using sex to survive, you know, for your Survival :P

But I might be able to add a toggle. 

On 9/20/2018 at 12:38 AM, Halleaon said:

love this mod so much, sadly RND was conflicting with another mod I have and I had to uninstall it which means I had to uninstall this mod too since it's a hard requirement. ?

I know, i know. Everyone hates RND

21 hours ago, greatmaniac said:

Suggestion: add Sexlab Pheromones as option if a vial is swalloed to leave the city.

I haven't tried this mod yet but shouldn't this already work? MME and skooma whore are listed as compatible and survival equips standard lactacid and skooma type drugs. 

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18 hours ago, Monoman1 said:

Kinda goes against using sex to survive, you know, for your Survival :P

But I might be able to add a toggle. 

I know, i know. Everyone hates RND

I haven't tried this mod yet but shouldn't this already work? MME and skooma whore are listed as compatible and survival equips standard lactacid and skooma type drugs. 

I don't hate RND, just my load order does T.T I actually prefer having it because i like my game to be immersive, my other mods just don't agree.

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9 hours ago, mangalo said:

Let's not forget this is Monoman's mod and his choice to use RND.  He has already acknowledged that some people don't like RND (even in his last post), it's no use to remind him that often.

You are right. I am probably stating the obvious.


But ... in the context of Monoman's response to Halleaon, in which he possibly implied he might do something about the locked-in RND dependency one day, I just wanted to voice what everyone was probably thinking ... there would probably be an eager audience for an SL Survival that can work with other needs mods.

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Sorry guys. I don't mean to be short with people but I've answered this a few times now. 


I DO want to see if I can remove both RND and devious devices as hard dependencies and add iNeed. I won't be able to remove simply knock. I'm actually surprised nobody has had a problem with the simply knock dependency. And im 90% sure that removing devious devices means that the sneak gag talk perk has to go. 


The thing is I'm up to my eyeballs in another project right now. One that might never see the light of day (very tricky implementation). If it works I'll have to do some more work on milk addict. Then when that's done I can come back to survival. 


Making mods takes a fuckin ton of time. 

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Sneak gag talk perk? 


I can't find any mention of it on the front page.



I love the idea of being locked out of player houses.


I wish SS would do that. If you're sold as a slave you should lose your property. 



The "need a follower to leave town" thing needs more content maybe? Enabling it in the MCM is the same as simply saying to yourself "I'll get a follower" and then doing it. You wouldn't enable it if you weren't going to do it anyway. However, if there were ways to try and work around the requirement, then it could add some fun gameplay.



Guard: You can't leave without an escort, it's not safe.

PC: Oh, I promise, I'll stay in the patrolled areas of the hold.

Guard: Alright then, but if you're not back before dark I'm sending out a search party.

<Back by dark, or you get a large bounty. If PoP, maybe you get bounty hunters.>



Guard: Where do you think you're going? You need at least two bodyguards if you're leaving the city.

PC: But... I don't have enough gold to hire bodyguards.

Guard: If you can't pay, these two will look after you. You can work the debt off later...

<Only if you have DF installed, the two thugs add a nice signing on debt to get you started.>



Guard: Stop right there. You know the rule! No unescorted women allowed outside the city. 

PC: Please. My pimp's waiting for me outside.

Guard: Why didn't you say? In that case I think it's free samples for all. Gather round boys!

<Massive gang bang, marked as a whore and filled up with skooma.>



Really though, even if it was just the exact same things you have to do to get around the toll, it would be fine.

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1 hour ago, Lupine00 said:

Sneak gag talk perk? 

It only applies to certain gags. (Ball gag I think) when you get that <You realize talking through your gag is impossible> dialog. You can sneak and activate to beg but only for food and water. I think it might bug out on female npcs though. 

1 hour ago, Lupine00 said:

The "need a follower to leave town" thing needs more content maybe? 

Agreed. A lot of things need more content tbh. For the moment this is only a light tie in with devious followers. I was hoping maybe a minimum contract length might be added or something like that where you wouldn't be able to dismiss your follower for some time after hiring. 


As For the tolls gates. Ive used the mod sewers of skyrim for a long time. I was hoping of adding a way of detecting when the player skipped the toll via sewers of skyrim (or any other mod that allows the player to bypass the toll gates). The the next time you came through that town you would have to wear a hood and keep your distance from the guards or they'd confront you. First you'd have to remember if you skipped the toll obviously which could be the hardest part. 

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Would have loved to install this mod if it supported iNeed or even if it didn't have RND as a hard req.


I also love the simply knock idea; is the chance to get tied up related to the NPC's disposition towards the PC? Because I don't think friends should tie you up.

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5 hours ago, kataura said:

I also love the simply knock idea; is the chance to get tied up related to the NPC's disposition towards the PC? Because I don't think friends should tie you up.

Nope it's 100% if you choose the dialog. There's an option in the mcm to enable the normal simply knock dialog. If you turn it on you can try to convince them to let you in as normal, then if you fail you can resort to them tying you up. Only problem is that normal SK dialog doesn't give you a place to sleep. Just gets you in out of the cold. 

Besides your friends might want to tie you up more than others ;)


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  • 2 weeks later...
36 minutes ago, Tremor said:

I've narrowed a bug where I can't open my map to being caused by this mod. Is there a possible conflict or something here? Just wondering if anyone else had had this issue.

lmao did u even read the mod description, you have to buy a compass before been able to open your map...

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