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SE Compatibility Tracking (Jul 1)

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18 hours ago, VirginMarie said:

Switching Shout Like a Virgin to working is incorrect.


I understand your reasoning, but if someone says that they converted it and it's working then I want to repeat that. Obviously I can't make any guarantees that it's in 100% perfect working condition, not even if I tried it out myself, but that's already the case for every mod created. It's Schrodinger's Bug: a mod works until someone observes a problem with it.


In the case of Shout like a Virgin, having completed the mind-numbing task of trying to index everything people have said in the SL thread, I know that only one person reported converting it - the post I linked. If other people tried they didn't say so. Given that the person reported it working, I'm not going to be arrogant and believe "well they claimed it works but how can I trust what they say?" because that would be counter-productive to this project.


If someone says it works then it works. If someone later says their attempt mostly works but they encountered a particular problem then I will amend my notes and potentially update the list (depending on the nature of the problem). I can't fact-check anyone's conversions.

From a more devious standpoint, if I say something works then that may encourage people to try it themselves, and that increases the chances of someone finding a problem...



Sorry if I sound like a party pooper. I don't want to be, and would love to release for SEE. Just trying to be transparent.

Me too :smile:

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1 hour ago, Farass said:

Still not working on my side. Did you do anything other than changing to this:

if JContainers.APIVersion() == 4 && JContainers.FeatureVersion() >= 0 && JContainers.IsInstalled()


in creatureFramework.psc?

You need to recompile related to creatureFramework.psc script in Ck wich is creatureframework.pex. That didn't work for me Creation KIt acts bad with MO2. But folks here help me to  found a link to already compiled version.    


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Some more changes based on my indexing of the comments in the SL thread and this one.


* Working: College Days: Winterhold, Convenient Horses 5
* Buggy: The Sisterhood of Dibella
* Unknown: SL Separate Orgasm
* Added and fixed some credits when people been linked to
* Added notes with instructions link for using SL Lite's animations instead of SLAL


* Buggy: Creature Framework
Many people have noticed when converting assorted mods that creatures don't show arousal, and that traces back to Creature Framework. Otherwise the mod does seem to function correctly.


* Crashes: DDx
Devious Devices is rather difficult to evaluate. The only thing everyone can agree on is that while DDa can be converted, DD as a whole does not work. The problem is somewhere between DDi and DDx but tends to only manifest when both are installed; though DDi is the one with the DLL, crashes seem to be due more to DDx.
javier_himura ported DeviousDevices.dll for SKSE64 and it's not clear when someone is using it and still experiencing problems. So please, if you want to give a shot at getting the full DD experience working for yourself, use that DLL so hopefully we can narrow down what exactly is causing crashes.


* Buggy: Random Sex
More than one person has tried to convert but apparently there are MsgConsoleFunc calls so those will fail. I don't know the impact. Author is rewriting anyways.


* Buggy: Scent of Sex
For the most part rules are loaded and executing correctly, but the MCM menu has problems and there are assorted error messages.


* Unknown: Wet Function Redux
Initially problematic, edits to the WetFunctionMCM script have worked for some people and not for others. So far the downloadable compiled script by Farass has worked for some.


With any luck this is the last of the weirdness with updates (knock on wood).

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I've tried to get SOS schlong for females - UNP working but it doesn't work with the Light version of SOS. Spent like an hour in Visual Studio trying to recompile SOS's SKSE plugin for SKSE64 but realised I don't know enough about Microsoft's Visual C++ to be useful. I'm better at other languages.


As an aside, Blush when Aroused doesn't work either and for the same reason as Sex Lab Cumshot. It's the version checking of nioverride version that breaks it. I've tried patching the pex files but that's way out of league for me so I tried to decompile them and I haven't really been able to make too much sense of the Papyrus language and it won't just recompile.

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Again about DD.... 


1 hour ago, tasairis said:



* Buggy: Creature Framework
Many people have noticed when converting assorted mods that creatures don't show arousal, and that traces back to Creature Framework. Otherwise the mod does seem to function correctly.


* Crashes: DDx
Devious Devices is rather difficult to evaluate. The only thing everyone can agree on is that while DDa can be converted, DD as a whole does not work. The problem is somewhere between DDi and DDx but tends to only manifest when both are installed; though DDi is the one with the DLL, crashes seem to be due more to DDx.
javier_himura ported DeviousDevices.dll for SKSE64 and it's not clear when someone is using it and still experiencing problems. So please, if you want to give a shot at getting the full DD experience working for yourself, use that DLL so hopefully we can narrow down what exactly is causing crashes.




* Buggy: Scent of Sex
For the most part rules are loaded and executing correctly, but the MCM menu has problems and there are assorted error messages.



About CF: someone has written, that he has it working: My question is which version of CF and of MNC he converted. I ended up with unaroused creatures.


About DD: I had it partially working, but it is tricky and the Nio Check has to be reworked. (It was the first time that I checked the included stuff...) I used Fred200 DDx.esm and javiers .dll. but I had to copy it over the original version. 


About Scent of Sex: It complains about the wrong SkyUI version. The cell scan seems to be a bit more buggy than in Oldrim, and the alias scan didn't work for me. Rules from oldrim can be imported and exported, but they can't be edited.

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2 hours ago, tasairis said:

* Buggy: Random Sex
More than one person has tried to convert but apparently there are MsgConsoleFunc calls so those will fail. I don't know the impact. Author is rewriting anyways.


The MfgConsoleFunc and NiOverride scripts are required to compile against SexLab. Both of these are minimalist and the NiOverride script does nothing other than declare a bunch of global native functions. I pulled these scripts from the Oldrim SexLab and NetImmerse Override mods respectively and have had no other issues.


I should probably go and ask Ashal to remove these dependencies in SexLab until the corresponding mods are available.

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On 2/20/2018 at 6:05 AM, Farass said:

wetfunctionredux  is working by editing the WetfunctionMCM.psc



int niov = SKSE.GetPluginVersion("NiOverride")
    ok = ecCheckItem("NiOverride/RaceMenu", "3.4.0+", niov>=6, niov!=NiOverride.GetScriptVersion()) && ok



int niov = NiOverride.GetScriptVersion()
    ok = ecCheckItem("NiOverride", "4.0+", niov>=0, niov!=NiOverride.GetScriptVersion()) && ok



is working by editing the source scripts to the new Jcontainers. In aproposConfig.psc

line1525 - change to:

Bool isValid = JContainers.APIVersion() ==4 && JContainers.featureVersion() >= 0&& jcontainers.IsInstalled()


compile script.


EBD Skyrim Special Edition

It is also possible to make this work with head parts(hair/beards/eyes/brows).

Have to do a little reverse engineering using https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35307/ on the EBDGlobalFuncs.pex into .psc

and then change to this:

if jcontainers.APIVersion() == 4 && jcontainers.featureVersion() >= 0


Compile again and copy over the existing pex script





thanks for this!! ive been trying to apropos to work, by recompiling the config source. never didi it before, but in the end learned alot about compiling and had success. sort of, didi not know what values to change lol. thanks again

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On 2/20/2018 at 6:05 AM, Farass said:

wetfunctionredux  is working by editing the WetfunctionMCM.psc



int niov = SKSE.GetPluginVersion("NiOverride")
    ok = ecCheckItem("NiOverride/RaceMenu", "3.4.0+", niov>=6, niov!=NiOverride.GetScriptVersion()) && ok



int niov = NiOverride.GetScriptVersion()
    ok = ecCheckItem("NiOverride", "4.0+", niov>=0, niov!=NiOverride.GetScriptVersion()) && ok



is working by editing the source scripts to the new Jcontainers. In aproposConfig.psc

line1525 - change to:

Bool isValid = JContainers.APIVersion() ==4 && JContainers.featureVersion() >= 0&& jcontainers.IsInstalled()


compile script.


EBD Skyrim Special Edition

It is also possible to make this work with head parts(hair/beards/eyes/brows).

Have to do a little reverse engineering using https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35307/ on the EBDGlobalFuncs.pex into .psc

and then change to this:

if jcontainers.APIVersion() == 4 && jcontainers.featureVersion() >= 0


Compile again and copy over the existing pex script






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9 hours ago, Pfiffy said:

About CF: someone has written, that he has it working: My question is which version of CF and of MNC he converted. I ended up with unaroused creatures.

One person hinted at having aroused creatures, but everyone else is in the same boat as you.


9 hours ago, Pfiffy said:

About DD: I had it partially working, but it is tricky and the Nio Check has to be reworked. (It was the first time that I checked the included stuff...) I used Fred200 DDx.esm and javiers .dll. but I had to copy it over the original version.

Partially how?


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8 hours ago, Arizona_Steve said:


The MfgConsoleFunc and NiOverride scripts are required to compile against SexLab. Both of these are minimalist and the NiOverride script does nothing other than declare a bunch of global native functions. I pulled these scripts from the Oldrim SexLab and NetImmerse Override mods respectively and have had no other issues.


I should probably go and ask Ashal to remove these dependencies in SexLab until the corresponding mods are available.

With skee64.dll NiOverride should be working (albeit alpha) so those natives should be available to use - it's just that there's no official SSE release so the Papyrus headers haven't been released. If NiOverride exposes the same functions as before then the Oldrim scripts should work fine.


But MfgConsoleFunc doesn't have a full port yet: opparco's version includes MfgConsole headers that are similar to but not the same as SL's MfgConsoleFunc, while andrelol's version is just a DLL. Last I heard Ashal wrote out the parts of SL that needed it in the beta - do you still see references, and if so in which scripts? You could copy the Papyrus header script from Oldrim but the natives won't be available, and I don't know if Papyrus will abort those function calls (like any other missing userland code) or if the game will crash (because they're native)... I mean they should abort because that's the most stable option, but Bethesda's coding practices often make me go "WTF?" so I don't know. So I would not copy the file and instead fix and recompile scripts to not use it.

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5 hours ago, tasairis said:

One person hinted at having aroused creatures, but everyone else is in the same boat as you.


Partially how?


Well, I couldn't equip the Boots, because DD could not detect Nio... I think I have written this before. If some one could edit and recomplie the Nio check, we might get a working version. The other functions seem to work as supposed. At least it should be enough to test mods that depend on DD.


What I did was: I did the usual steps for converting the mod. repacked them, installed them, and then copied the ESM from fred200 and the .dll from JH over the old files.

The best way to find out if it works is to start the game and see if it crashes after a few minutes...


By the way: Until now I had it just installed it because some other mods depended on it or offered additional features. Didn't know how much stuff was in it. Same with the 'inofficial' ZAP 8.0+. I never had been to the test zone. t.ara added a lot of cool stuff.


As a little sidenote: I just know enough about modding to do a little clothing replacer, but most of the stuff I'm working with/talking about right now is far beyond my abilities. When I see all the struggle with dependecies, I start appreciating all the things that had been done for SE without even depending on SKSE or SkyUI.


Is it possible to add the links for edited skripts/DLL's to the frontpage?


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5 hours ago, Pfiffy said:

Well, I couldn't equip the Boots, because DD could not detect Nio... I think I have written this before. If some one could edit and recomplie the Nio check, we might get a working version. The other functions seem to work as supposed. At least it should be enough to test mods that depend on DD.

Right, yes, now I remember you saying you couldn't equip stuff because of that NIO check. But if that's the only problem you have then that's good.


It shouldn't be hard for someone to edit the script and pull out the check entirely. I kinda have in the back of my mind a backlog of stuff to try out myself whenever I get around to getting back to modding Skyrim... which I haven't done yet because I'm really not looking forward to the amount of effort it will take...

5 hours ago, Pfiffy said:

Is it possible to add the links for edited skripts/DLL's to the frontpage?

I've been doing that when someone's posted a link. Did I miss one? Remember fred200's ESM is private and he doesn't want it shared further, but I do have the rebuilt DLL for DDi linked to.

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25 minutes ago, tasairis said:

Right, yes, now I remember you saying you couldn't equip stuff because of that NIO check. But if that's the only problem you have then that's good.


It shouldn't be hard for someone to edit the script and pull out the check entirely. I kinda have in the back of my mind a backlog of stuff to try out myself whenever I get around to getting back to modding Skyrim... which I haven't done yet because I'm really not looking forward to the amount of effort it will take...

I've been doing that when someone's posted a link. Did I miss one? Remember fred200's ESM is private and he doesn't want it shared further, but I do have the rebuilt DLL for DDi linked to.

I think of a hiddent conten box in the sticky post for every mod.... So ppl, don't have to scroll throu all the posts. I know it is already a long list and it will get longer....


And I will go down on my knees and beg Fred200 to share his ESM...



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57 minutes ago, Pfiffy said:

I think of a hiddent conten box in the sticky post for every mod.... So ppl, don't have to scroll throu all the posts. I know it is already a long list and it will get longer....


And I will go down on my knees and beg Fred200 to share his ESM...



Also we should verify what version of DDi/DDx used fred200 to port.

He also shared his DDx. ESM with me but I noticed his converted version file size is around 500 kb while original. ESM for DDx v4.0 is around 1500 kb. When I installed his DDx. ESM, my game didn't crash anymore but also the "expansion" section never appeared in-game in my DDi MCM.

Also I tried equipping an ebony armbinder that I spawned using console.

The armbinder was equipped but the idle wasn't working correctly (my PC showed the armbinder but the arms were in the default position and hands dissapeared)

When I tried to test the struggle option from the inventory, my game crashed.


Also, not sure if you have noticed error messages when opening DDi in creation kit about missing a tree source in a script.


All this altogether made me wonder if the .dll that Javier Himura created has all necessary dependencies. (Not that I'm complaining on his file, but saying something could still be missing).

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10 minutes ago, jeime said:

Creature Framework 1.1.0-pre2  and MNC 11D

And can you post a screenshot of the CF settings accoerding arousal?


And maybe a proove of naked creatures?


I will do a new conversion attempt today. If I fail again we might have to exchange some files... Edit and the pex file with the Version check where did you get that one?


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On 23/02/2018 at 2:15 PM, p3styk1tten said:

I've tried to get SOS schlong for females - UNP working but it doesn't work with the Light version of SOS. Spent like an hour in Visual Studio trying to recompile SOS's SKSE plugin for SKSE64 but realised I don't know enough about Microsoft's Visual C++ to be useful. I'm better at other languages.


As an aside, Blush when Aroused doesn't work either and for the same reason as Sex Lab Cumshot. It's the version checking of nioverride version that breaks it. I've tried patching the pex files but that's way out of league for me so I tried to decompile them and I haven't really been able to make too much sense of the Papyrus language and it won't just recompile.

I know of two versions of the sos plugin that have managed to compile it. YuliaS11  did the first version in December last year 


On 17/12/2017 at 7:37 AM, YuliaS11 said:

By the way I was attempting to convert the dll with SKSE64 (This one has no Pointer related Hook file so it's hopefully working. But then I am worried about mesh loading though since SOS light can cover that without all the other problems) (included with zip, just not installed by fomod). But there will be some Papyrus script replacing to make a whole lot of features work, and there is no way to contact him (considering he's disconnected before the site upgrade and his files absent from Nexus)so I won't be able to post it either.


I've done the other, which is a straight conversion with only minor changes to the original source, so a drop in replacement. I've had sos running on my machine for a couple of weeks. A skse version number change, replacing the GameGetForm routine and a datahandler initialisation which is defined in skse64, in total it's less than 20 lines of code. The time I spent looking into jcontainers helped a lot even if in the end the only contribution to that was finding incorrect reference numbers. I haven't checked or verfied that referenced to revealing armours work though.


Both of us have sent messages to B3lisario, in my case I just offered the converted code, and it seems neither of us have received a reply as he hasn't logged in for a few months.



As I have beta jcontainers and slal installed, I'm using the 11G version of creature framework. So far I've not seen the nude mesh appear butI've also got sla installed so that might be overriding the arousal in arnimals.


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Hurray! I' proudly present:  


Quoting the the one and only person that managed to get it working so far:


''I never said keep it private - or I did not mean to - or I changed my mind.

Do what you want with it. It is just me that won't distribute it.

And I still wish I knew why my version is so much smaller...

If I screwed up something in the conversion - it was fortuitous.''


Someone with more experience with DD should have a look at it...


Devious Devices - Expansion.esm

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Hey I just wanted to spread world. PSQ is partially working after extracting .bsa, optimizing meshes and saving .esp in CK. What is not working is any body scaling (pregnancy, cum inflation etc.), overlays (tattoos) and body swapping, but you still can change skin, armor, horns, wings etc.


Here have look:


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RE: Creature Framework (reposting my PM to someone)


"It doesn't always work, just more often with aroused disabled.  There is still an issue with the strip feature that seems to be removing the body-switch item.  You can see when this happens because the model will "flash" for a couple frames to the nude model then back again, if you target the npc and type showinventory you can see what was unequipped and type "equipitem xxxxxxxx" to switch the skin back.  It seems to work better with a creature that has already been used once rather than a fresh one."




Versions before 4.0 work fine for me on conversion, DDi 4.0 with DDx 4.0 always CTD sometime during initialization for me (even before you open MCM).  A caveat on DDi though:

With FNIS XXL at least, 

abc1_h2h_locomotionpose.hkx (3.3)

abc2_h2h_locomotionpose.hkx (3.3)

abc3_h2h_locomotionpose.hkx (3.3, 4.0)

abc4_h2h_locomotionpose.hkx (3.3, 4.0)

abc5_h2h_locomotionpose.hkx (3.3, 4.0)


...needed to be moved (not just copied) from \DD up to the main actors\character\animations directory or it would fail FNIS consistency check and CTD on load every time.

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