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SE Compatibility Tracking (Jul 1)

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On 6/24/2024 at 7:48 PM, Monoman1 said:

Pretty sure I am...

Think I do remember such a mod though I don't recall the name/author. 

There's even links to the mod Im talking about in chats right here on the loverslab. I juz googled almost exactly what my question here was about "the mod that lets u stay in peoples homes via Simply Knock" and I found where someone else was answered with a link years ago and said thanks and the links are all dead.

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  • tasairis changed the title to SE Compatibility Tracking (Jul 1)
4 hours ago, DrHuge said:

Dam man i really need Alternate Start for 1.6.1179, shit im about to loose it.




AP is what I use and it's fairly solid.


ALAL can suck a fat one (associated with Arthmoor, who I genuinely hope is actively pushed out from being involved in anything for TES6).


Any others I've tried either caused other issues or just weren't good

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