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SE Compatibility Tracking (Jul 1)

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The dumberst of the crew is always the one calling others dumb, more intelligent people will find ways to say the same without even insulting.


And to add on what the previous person stated, sexlab framework itself uses TWO dlls (including papyrus-util), so if we followed someone's not so bright idea sexlab wouldn't work anyway.

Edited by Shonen17000
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7 minutes ago, VeraDra said:

I'm well fucking aware that "SKSE" stands for "Skyrim Script Extender" to extend the functionality of the Papyrus scripting language. This isn't nearly the "gotcha" you think it is - most mods either a) directly rely on SKSE (DLL mods), b) rely on another mod with a direct SKSE dependancy (non-DLL mods that make use of eg, po3's papyrus extender), or c) use a mix (DLL or non-DLL mods that will use some of the new functions added by SKSE, as well as a mod that is loaded by SKSE). You will rarely see d) a mod that relies on SKSE purely for the new papyrus functions, or e) a mod that only uses vanilla papyrus, with no dependancy on any other mod that directly or indirectly relies on SKSE.


The lack of DLL injection would make that version of SKSE completely pointless, as it would only cater to mods in group D and E.

A version of SKSE without DLL injection would be rightfuly ignored as it's only a minor step above a vanilla playthrough. It's a stupid idea that, again, defeats the largest used part of SKSE.




You do understand that releasing a gimped version of SKSE would still take time, right? Time better spent on literally anything else? Given .1179 was little more than a version bump, they probably *could* have released a GOG .1170 build, but that woud mean supporting a GOG .1170 build possibly for months or years. Which isn't something they'd liekly be keen on doing, Especially when they knew a .1179 version would be out around a week later.

Don't flatter yourself, I'm not trying to gotcha you, you just do seem this ignorant so I assume you don't know what you're talking about. The other stuff you said also makes no sense, the vast majority of mods that use skse are not dll mods.


"You do understand that releasing a gimped version of SKSE would still take time, right?" What do you think I'm bitching here about? I know it takes a extra time. My entire point is they don't give enough shit to waste that time for gog users only steam.


 So they would rather release nothing for weeks. At least they should admit it and just say "fuck you" to all gog users.

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12 minutes ago, Shonen17000 said:

The dumberst of the crew is always the one calling others dumb, more intelligent people will find ways to say the same without even insulting.

That just what dumb people say to each other.

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10 minutes ago, swmas said:

That just what dumb people say to each other.

You're the one calling others dumb, i never actually insulted you. That said we are several to say to you that what you say makes no sense.
Blast it, i'm not even a native english user and i know that we can't strip skse from the function you want to strip it.
Never rush a developper, how many times will we have software rushed and released unfinished and highly bugged before some guys finaly understand that?
You CAN play on GOG skyrim, just rollback it to 1.6.659, after all MOST of the changes in 1.6.1130 then 1.6.1170 were paid content stuff that gog skyrim doesn't even have.

Edited by Shonen17000
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8 minutes ago, Shonen17000 said:

You're the one calling others dumb, i never actually insulted you. That said we are several to say to you that what you say makes no sense.
Blast it, i'm not even a native english user and i know that we can't strip skse from the function you want to strip it.
Never rush a developper, how many times will we have software rushed and released unfinished and highly bugged before some guys finaly understand that?
You CAN play on GOG skyrim, just rollback it to 1.6.659, after all MOST of the changes in 1.6.1130 then 1.6.1170 were paid content stuff that gog skyrim doesn't even have.

Didn't you call me a "big fat troll"

All I did was call bs on the skse team and apparently that is not allowed so I must be a troll.

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As a reminder, there are people who volunteer their time to create/maintain mods (including SKSE, Address Library), and this site, and helping others.


In a different topic, I am gradually working through the Isle of Mara mod - there's some broken quest stages, so the simple fix will be some dwemer buttons to advance stages as a non immersive work around to get a set of quests that can go to completion. Then I'll go back through and see if I can patch together the quest stages and animations.

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4 minutes ago, swmas said:

"You do understand that releasing a gimped version of SKSE would still take time, right?" What do you think I'm bitching here about? I know it takes a extra time. My entire point is they don't give enough shit to waste that time for gog users only steam.

Then why support the GOG version in the first place.


You've backed yourself into a corner here; either they do not care at all (which then makes supporting it all all a weird proposition), or they can't be bothered with updating SKSE for newer GOG releases (which then makes supporting GOG releases at all a weird proposition).


Under both circumstances, it's weird they'd put effort into updating SKSE for GOG when they, according to you, don't care about it. This especially becomes strange when SKSE for .1179 was released within 24 hours of the GOG update releasing.


the GOG version is significantly less popular than Steam, ergo any decision on how to continue supporting both would be more likely to lead to delays for the GOG build, Because it affects the fewest number of users. Nothing specifically for or against GOG.

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3 minutes ago, swmas said:

Didn't you call me a "big fat troll"

All I did was call bs on the skse team and apparently that is not allowed so I must be a troll.

Troll isn't an insult, it means someone trying to make others mad at them and provoking a fight. The expression big fat troll wasn't directed at you but at your actions.

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7 minutes ago, Shonen17000 said:

Troll isn't an insult, it means someone trying to make others mad at them and provoking a fight. The expression big fat troll wasn't directed at you but at your actions.

That how insults work, the actions define the person, I don't want to call you dumb again but you're not making it easy for me.

Edited by swmas
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8 minutes ago, VeraDra said:

Then why support the GOG version in the first place.


You've backed yourself into a corner here; either they do not care at all (which then makes supporting it all all a weird proposition), or they can't be bothered with updating SKSE for newer GOG releases (which then makes supporting GOG releases at all a weird proposition).


Under both circumstances, it's weird they'd put effort into updating SKSE for GOG when they, according to you, don't care about it. This especially becomes strange when SKSE for .1179 was released within 24 hours of the GOG update releasing.


the GOG version is significantly less popular than Steam, ergo any decision on how to continue supporting both would be more likely to lead to delays for the GOG build, Because it affects the fewest number of users. Nothing specifically for or against GOG.

I don't give a shit either way I just called bs at the reason given for not having a gog version, I have no horse in this race I was just pointing what was obvious to me. You guys apparently took it as an assault on your own persons, get some internet under your feet and learn that a different opinion or idea shouldn't make you feel butthurt if you don't share it.

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On 2/23/2024 at 9:24 AM, swmas said:

So they already knew it was a technical nightmare and intentionally used a different version number previously but didn't do it again later. Sounds legit.

yes, forgetting to change the version number is a extremely easy thing to do, they were likely preoccupied with gutting the middle of the source code and trying to keep it running (while also being forced to work on starfield's update at the same time)

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We clearly lost here. Why would we take the given explanation by the team dealing with Bethesda games and updating the script extender for years now when we can use our critical thinking skills to clearly see it's all just BS and a lack of competence on their part.

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4 hours ago, Just Don't said:

We clearly lost here. Why would we take the given explanation by the team dealing with Bethesda games and updating the script extender for years now when we can use our critical thinking skills to clearly see it's all just BS and a lack of competence on their part.

Never let common sense get in the way of a good conspiracy theory.

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I am extremely grateful to all modders and their tremendous passion  in trying to keep this  game up despite (unlimited) updates....

Thank you very much for all your work !!- from my naughty Dovahkiin heart!

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Hey! Been like 3 years since I last fired up skyrim so I'm going through the usual 'start a load order from scratch to ensure I get all the new hotness', but my main question is on skyrim versions. My steam install is currently still frozen on 1.5.97, and from googling around quite a few people seem to recommend keeping it there, but looking at the main sexlab mod it's saying they've stopped supporting that version now. At this point is it worth ripping the bandaid off and jumping up to 1.6.1170?

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8 hours ago, cweez said:

Hey! Been like 3 years since I last fired up skyrim so I'm going through the usual 'start a load order from scratch to ensure I get all the new hotness', but my main question is on skyrim versions. My steam install is currently still frozen on 1.5.97, and from googling around quite a few people seem to recommend keeping it there, but looking at the main sexlab mod it's saying they've stopped supporting that version now. At this point is it worth ripping the bandaid off and jumping up to 1.6.1170?

I am playing on 1.6.1170 with a heep of mods 2000+ plus works great but just make sure the mods you can't live without works on the version you choice to play on.

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10 hours ago, cweez said:

Hey! Been like 3 years since I last fired up skyrim so I'm going through the usual 'start a load order from scratch to ensure I get all the new hotness', but my main question is on skyrim versions. My steam install is currently still frozen on 1.5.97, and from googling around quite a few people seem to recommend keeping it there, but looking at the main sexlab mod it's saying they've stopped supporting that version now. At this point is it worth ripping the bandaid off and jumping up to 1.6.1170?

update to .1170.


Some mods (RaceMenu, Sexlab) only support the latest version of the game, and some others (Sexlab P+) will be dropping 1.5.97 support eventually.

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so far i have OSLAroused working on 1170 as is unsure whats wrong with it tho, but no errors or notices from it on 1170, had a DD mod removing quest items and just deleting them when i triggered an event, people might want to look out for that


and costom skill framework doesnt work on 1170

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Well this is just sad, I decided to get back into Skyrim after a long pause, and being a fan of CDPR I decided to get the GOG version.


Guess what, racemenu, Faster SMP and Fuz are not compatible with the latest GOG version (1179 I believe), lucky me 😆

Edited by AWHA2
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11 hours ago, AWHA2 said:

Well this is just sad, I decided to get back into Skyrim after a long pause, and being a fan of CDPR I decided to get the GOG version.


Guess what, racemenu, Faster SMP and Fuz are not compatible with the latest GOG version (1179 I believe), lucky me 😆

Of course they aren't gog 1.6.1179 went out less than a month ago and skse gog has some changes that is making the updates a bit harder, the mods are updating right now. But it's not hard to go back to 1.6.659 (which has all those mods compatible) from the launcher. It's way easyer to downgrade on gog than on steam.

Besides you forgot one mod, sexlab framework itself isn't compatible 1.6.1179 yet.

Do not let steam or gog impose you the last versions before all your mods are ready.

Besides it's not limited to gog, efvery time the game is updated on steam or on gog those mods (and others) break and have to be updated, and right now it's much faster than it used to be (for 1.6.353 it took next to 6 months for a lot of mods to update).
Also steam users were in the same boat less than three months ago, twice!

Edited by Shonen17000
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Hi, I decided to retry OSLAroused and it's working in 1170.


Since I've already had version 2.5.1 downloaded, all i did was resintalling it. I use sexlab only, so I don't know if it will work with Ostim.



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  • tasairis changed the title to SE Compatibility Tracking (Mar 6)
Posted (edited)
On 2/17/2024 at 3:07 PM, tasairis said:

SKSE list is going away. Really, really going to try to do a normal update this weekend.


lol so much for that. Good news is that I got a lot done in the last *checks calendar* three weeks, including overhauling the detailed list with more information (though not quite showing everything the main list does... yet) and improving my system for checking mod compatibility (you know, why I'm here).




These update posts will be just summaries - the recent updates post will show everything in the normal tabular way.


Some recognizable big names in there as I'm starting from the top of the downloads list and looking for anything that's unknown - not simply "I haven't given it a look yet", which I was doing before. Going to mean some amount of speculation, so no promises. Will probably go a few more like this over the next few days.

Edited by tasairis
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