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SE Compatibility Tracking (Jul 1)

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20 hours ago, Bluegunk said:

I tried to convert SLab Cumshot before seeing this thread, and have been generally successful apart from it looking for the old NIOverride. Sadly no squirties, only the "final drip" works but the mod seems to do what it is supposed to do other than that. I do have the new SKSE64 and Skee in game already (part of my converted Racemenu). Thanks for the script. Presumably connecting NIOverride is what allows the "flying spunk" nif to work?


I use SE SOS Light with Tempered Skins version: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/72927-sos-light-version-with-tempered-skins-for-males/

The ESP has the same name but I don't know if the mod differs significantly. Have you any opinion on that please?


I'm not a modder though I'm reasonably OK with the various mainstream tools. If you have a moment I would be eternally grateful if you could drop me a couple of lines on how I can implement your script for my version of Cumshot.

Thank you!

And thanks for this conversion thread!


Yeah same here, and I am using SAM-Light from vector plexus site with custom skin, the final splooge is just hanging out of alignment and no shooting ever happens, I disabled it for now since it seems it will need further refactoring in the new api perhaps?

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You can add Puppet Master to this list though it requires some code edits to be current with the new api 


Namely in _mindscript.pex needs updates to use the new api way, and I also removed some hard coded animation calls and replaced with animation tags instead for more variety.


Once I did that and all the basic porting stuff it seems to be working perfectly in game. :smile:


The changes were simple,  its only one of the scripts neediing edits.  There is a file already listed in the comments/support section for the pupetmaster mod and a thread of why its needed has the changes made already which I used to base my custom tweaks on.  So no need to upload another, the only other tweaks I made was what I said above about animation tags.

Here is a direct link to the comment with the needed script.


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5 minutes ago, infiniteone said:

You can add Puppet Master to this list though it requires some code edits to be current with the new api 


Namely in _mindscript.pex needs updates to use the new api way, and I also removed some hard coded animation calls and replaced with animation tags instead for more variety.


Once I did that and all the basic porting stuff it seems to be working perfectly in game. :smile:

And what do the ppl that are not fit in codin, like me? Will you offer a link?

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12 hours ago, cheekygirl said:

the Ck says "failed" when compiling the script. Im using MO2 btw.

I have exact the same problem with creatureframework.pex. Ck just refuses to compile it.  And i'm to using MO2  too. Can somebody post a link on already compiled script, please ? 

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11 minutes ago, jeime said:

I have exact the same problem with creatureframework.pex. Ck just refuses to compile it.  And i'm to using MO2  too. Can somebody post a link on already compiled script, please ? 

check the thread about the jcontainers conversion....


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PSA: I'll go back through my sources looking to cite why anything is listed as having problems for the next update. I still don't want to cite people who've said simply that they have working conversions (so unless they provide steps/instructions) because there have been lots of those, and because I'm not keen on calling out specific people to help them avoid being flooded with "how did you do it" questions.


6 hours ago, VirginMarie said:

3. DDi is listed as buggy... is there a place where this is detailed?


Most of my DD information comes from the SL beta thread. Thing is, between DDi and DDx some people had problems and some people didn't and it wasn't always clear which was responsible for problems. For example, someone said that if the DDx ESM wasn't converted properly then also running DDi could cause crashes, but the details are still unclear. Another person said they had errors with DDi, but now I'm not sure whether they meant errors compiling scripts or Papyrus errors in game.


I'll downgrade DDi to unknown.


6 hours ago, VirginMarie said:

4. Shout Like a Virgin is listed as buggy... is there a place where this is detailed?

Likely from this comment by Notserious80, but reading it again now it sounds like the issue was more about needing JContainers and DD. I'll switch it to working.


6 hours ago, VirginMarie said:

A side note: Oldrim Zaz Animations 8.0 is very unofficial and created against the will of the original author. I will never trust it's future thus I will never create a dependency on it. This is also why DD already stripped its dependency on Zaz. Thus the so called "official SEE version" that's coming should be called "the official conversion of the very unofficial 8.0" lol :p. Why use 8.0 at all when there's almost no content mods currently using that framework? Anyhow if anyone is testing Shout Like a Virgin with Zaz 8 in the mix, bugs are just wasted noise.

"Official" was meant more along the lines of "the author(s) of this mod are working on their own port", but I can drop the word.

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With Puppet master mod the changes were simple as I explained its only one of the scripts neediing edits, though it still worked mostly it was a bit off until updated.  There is a file already listed in the comments/support section for the mod with the changes made already which I used to base my custom tweaks on.  Without that I couldnt even compile the script since it was calling functions that no longer exist in SL.

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15 hours ago, Pfiffy said:

check the thread about the jcontainers conversion....


hmm.I think that I may have to go back on my statement that creature framework is working. The mcm menu is working and all creatures from MNC is registering, but actors/creatures doesn't swap meshes when aroused or when in a sexlab animation. Have to investigate some more.

EDit: Seems that creatureframework loads the normal meshes, but not the aroused meshes. Not for sexlabaroused nor for sexlab.

- Anyone got this working?

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If anyone is interested, serial stripper works:

Just convert animations and optimize niffs, but don't convert .esp


Private needs 2.11 works too.

Step 1: download the strotis outhouse resource mod, optimize niffs and install

Step 2: download private needs 2.11, convert animations, optimize niffs, convert .esp and install


T-bucket for private needs 2.11 works too:

Just optimize niffs, but don't convert .esp

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17 hours ago, tasairis said:

Most of my DD information comes from the SL beta thread. Thing is, between DDi and DDx some people had problems and some people didn't and it wasn't always clear which was responsible for problems. For example, someone said that if the DDx ESM wasn't converted properly then also running DDi could cause crashes, but the details are still unclear. Another person said they had errors with DDi, but now I'm not sure whether they meant errors compiling scripts or Papyrus errors in game.


I'll downgrade DDi to unknown.

"Unknown" makes sense. There's no way its going to be stable without the attention of the developers and some changes to scripts. IMO most of the mods listed are "unknown" unless the author has given status, or some serious testing has been done.


17 hours ago, tasairis said:


Likely from this comment by Notserious80, but reading it again now it sounds like the issue was more about needing JContainers and DD. I'll switch it to working.


Switching Shout Like a Virgin to working is incorrect.

  • It relies heavily on DD thus with DD as a likely train wreck, so is my mod (so are all mods that use DD)
  • Even with DD updated, I will need script changes
  • There are lots of animations supplied with it and some may not work at all when converted. This could required quests that take alternative paths or finding replacement animations
  • There's loads of meshes to go through. Some are going to be broken and who knows what is needed to replace them
  • There could be timing issues introduced by a more efficient Skyrim engine... this can lead to race conditions and conflicts with other mods since dealing with the oldrim engine required some "creative workarounds"
  • It will likely work in part with little change, but will be a mess without a pile of testing
  • Did I mention testing... I mean loads of it

In general, mods need far more testing than the info that's revealed in that thread can tell you. The statuses you are providing are a early indicator, but cannot be used alone, to derive an accurate status due to the limited info you have to draw from.


My mod has no direct dependency on JContainers.


17 hours ago, tasairis said:


"Official" was meant more along the lines of "the author(s) of this mod are working on their own port", but I can drop the word.

When it comes to ZAP, I won't release my mod for SEE unless a) ZAP 7 has been officially released and not by T.ara, or b) I strip my dependency from ZAP entirely, just like DD has already done (its a big job but doable). I will never use a ZAP from T.ara.





Sorry if I sound like a party pooper. I don't want to be, and would love to release for SEE. Just trying to be transparent.


There's nothing I can release without Sexlab, DD, and ZAP released. Many mods on Loverslab have the same problem. Sexlab is in beta so coming but certainly taking longer than most would have guessed which in itself is an indicator of how much needs to be done. DD as far as I know has no work in progress. I can strip dependency from ZAP but not DD, so for me, the biggest road block is DD.


Potentially, to make a difference for SEE, maybe offer to help DD devs by offering to supply serious testing with well detailed use cases and bug reports. I'd do that with their buy in though. If I were them, I'd want to be the one supplying an update for testing, so I know what you are testing. Otherwise bug reports are not helpful.

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9 hours ago, Farass said:

hmm.I think that I may have to go back on my statement that creature framework is working. The mcm menu is working and all creatures from MNC is registering, but actors/creatures doesn't swap meshes when aroused or when in a sexlab animation. Have to investigate some more.

EDit: Seems that creatureframework loads the normal meshes, but not the aroused meshes. Not for sexlabaroused nor for sexlab.

- Anyone got this working?

When i finaly set creture framework working, i did some brief testing and seems like everything worked. Don't know about mesh swapping when aroused, but in sex scenes everything was  fine.  

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1 hour ago, VirginMarie said:

"Unknown" makes sense. There's no way its going to be stable without the attention of the developers and some changes to scripts. IMO most of the mods listed are "unknown" unless the author has given status, or some serious testing has been done.



Switching Shout Like a Virgin to working is incorrect.

  • It relies heavily on DD thus with DD as a likely train wreck, so is my mod (so are all mods that use DD)
  • Even with DD updated, I will need script changes
  • There are lots of animations supplied with it and some may not work at all when converted. This could required quests that take alternative paths or finding replacement animations
  • There's loads of meshes to go through. Some are going to be broken and who knows what is needed to replace them
  • There could be timing issues introduced by a more efficient Skyrim engine... this can lead to race conditions and conflicts with other mods since dealing with the oldrim engine required some "creative workarounds"
  • It will likely work in part with little change, but will be a mess without a pile of testing
  • Did I mention testing... I mean loads of it

In general, mods need far more testing than the info that's revealed in that thread can tell you. The statuses you are providing are a early indicator, but cannot be used alone, to derive an accurate status due to the limited info you have to draw from.


My mod has no direct dependency on JContainers.


When it comes to ZAP, I won't release my mod for SEE unless a) ZAP 7 has been officially released and not by T.ara, or b) I strip my dependency from ZAP entirely, just like DD has already done (its a big job but doable). I will never use a ZAP from T.ara.





Sorry if I sound like a party pooper. I don't want to be, and would love to release for SEE. Just trying to be transparent.


There's nothing I can release without Sexlab, DD, and ZAP released. Many mods on Loverslab have the same problem. Sexlab is in beta so coming but certainly taking longer than most would have guessed which in itself is an indicator of how much needs to be done. DD as far as I know has no work in progress. I can strip dependency from ZAP but not DD, so for me, the biggest road block is DD.


Potentially, to make a difference for SEE, maybe offer to help DD devs by offering to supply serious testing with well detailed use cases and bug reports. I'd do that with their buy in though. If I were them, I'd want to be the one supplying an update for testing, so I know what you are testing. Otherwise bug reports are not helpful.

According to DD I can say, that I had it running with limited functionality. All stuff related to Nio could not be equipped.  

DDa was no problem, DDi needed a recompiled Dll. Someone posted it in the thread.

As soon as DDx came in the problems started. Except from Fred200 no one managed to do a working port of the esm.

All the other including me ended up with a ctd on load. I tried to install a repacked version with the updated versions but that failed, too.

So in the end It is convertable, but it is tricky.


According Zap I'm a bit confused right now.

From what I saw by looking into the files it is just an expanded Zaz ESM and a lot of additional stuff, that needs some polishing/cleaning. but the additonal stuff is quite interesting.

If T.ara is not allowed to use it I wonder, why the admins did not take it down and blocked my link for the ported version. From what I have seen in oldrim is 8.0/ 8.0+ downwards compatible. But I have to say that I usually don't play with the stuff in Zap/DD but needed them because other mods depend on them. So what is this all about?

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4 hours ago, VirginMarie said:

My mod has no direct dependency on JContainers.


When it comes to ZAP, I won't release my mod for SEE unless a) ZAP 7 has been officially released and not by T.ara, or b) I strip my dependency from ZAP entirely, just like DD has already done (its a big job but doable). I will never use a ZAP from T.ara.


Sorry if I sound like a party pooper. I don't want to be, and would love to release for SEE. Just trying to be transparent.


There's nothing I can release without Sexlab, DD, and ZAP released. Many mods on Loverslab have the same problem. Sexlab is in beta so coming but certainly taking longer than most would have guessed which in itself is an indicator of how much needs to be done. DD as far as I know has no work in progress. I can strip dependency from ZAP but not DD, so for me, the biggest road block is DD.


Potentially, to make a difference for SEE, maybe offer to help DD devs by offering to supply serious testing with well detailed use cases and bug reports. I'd do that with their buy in though. If I were them, I'd want to be the one supplying an update for testing, so I know what you are testing. Otherwise bug reports are not helpful.

Yeah  I have to agree with that sentiment, but its not being a party pooper though!  There are a ton of mods working great already, my current playthrough has become a lot more entertaining lol.   For the majority of people who cannot play Oldrim anymore, because its wreaked on any OS after windows 7, we are quite happy with all that is already available and working, im grateful for the SL beta, and the learning experience of porting mods and tweaking scripts.


So... its all good, take your time, no pressure, nor angry demands.  :smile:

SSE is the future as oldrim goes to a really early grave due to being replaced, so there's plenty of time to craft your mods if you'd like to.

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On 2/20/2018 at 5:05 AM, Farass said:

wetfunctionredux  is working by editing the WetfunctionMCM.psc



int niov = SKSE.GetPluginVersion("NiOverride")
    ok = ecCheckItem("NiOverride/RaceMenu", "3.4.0+", niov>=6, niov!=NiOverride.GetScriptVersion()) && ok



int niov = NiOverride.GetScriptVersion()
    ok = ecCheckItem("NiOverride", "4.0+", niov>=0, niov!=NiOverride.GetScriptVersion()) && ok



is working by editing the source scripts to the new Jcontainers



On 2/21/2018 at 2:11 AM, Farass said:

Try this..

copy it to your scripts folder


Bless you

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3 hours ago, Pfiffy said:

According to DD I can say, that I had it running with limited functionality. 

So in the end It is convertable, but it is tricky.

Convertible/limited functionality is not enough for it to be stable, reliable, and something I can use. It's going to need a lot of work.




According Zap I'm a bit confused right now.

From what I saw by looking into the files it is just an expanded Zaz ESM and a lot of additional stuff, that needs some polishing/cleaning. but the additonal stuff is quite interesting.

If T.ara is not allowed to use it I wonder, why the admins did not take it down and blocked my link for the ported version. From what I have seen in oldrim is 8.0/ 8.0+ downwards compatible. But I have to say that I usually don't play with the stuff in Zap/DD but needed them because other mods depend on them. So what is this all about?

I can't find the support thread for 6.2, otherwise I'd point you to it so you can see the full history. T.ara likely deleted the whole thing or something in a rage when Zaz asked him to stop taking it over.


The short version...

  1. Zaz posted that ZAP 6.11 is in need of a new maintainer because he and partner are not active
  2. T.ara got his permission and released as v6.2
  3. When T.ara released, it was with no beta for modders to test. It was a mess and had a critical flaw (a part he was not aware of) that broke mods. He was not aware because he barely tested it. This is a framework for crying out loud!
  4. Instead of seeking help to fix, he said it does not need to be backward compatible so tough luck to us modders. To make it worse, there was no way to work around the problem even if we made updates to our mods
  5. T.ara also admitted he does not want to maintain the framework, but only add his own cool stuff
  6. Zaz (Chris) asked him to stop. He did stop. 6.2 is no longer available
  7. Zaz got other modder help to update to latest FNIS, and released as 7.0 (Chris, like T.ara is not a scripter. That was Chris' partner)
  8. Modders suggested T.ara release his stuff as something separate, which he did do. But any modder that used that now has no support as he abandoned it
  9. Next T.ara went back to his old approach and released the same thing that was 6.2+7.0 framework, as 8.0. Who knows why it makes no sense

My reason to not trust a dependency with ZAP 8, is not much to do with the lack of permission he has. It's that he's not got the skill set to maintain the framework. His skill set is animations. You don't see any other animators taking over ZAP now do you?


He's admitted he does not intend to, or care about actually maintaining the framework. So even if ZAP 8 currently works with my mod (it likely does for the most part), I cannot trust what he releases in the future. He will break it and then I'm screwed. I will never use anything from T.ara.


The DD devs abandoned ZAP by removing dependency for DD 4, for the same reasons. Any mod author that knows this history will feel the same and will need ZAP 7 for SEE, not ZAP 8. As far as I know, only 1 mod plus T.ara's own mods require ZAP 8.



If T.ara is not allowed to use it I wonder, why the admins did not take it down and blocked my link for the ported version.

Probably because the admins did not follow what happened/don't know the history, and Zaz has not been around to ask them to put a stop to it.

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2 hours ago, VirginMarie said:

Convertible/limited functionality is not enough for it to be stable, reliable, and something I can use. It's going to need a lot of work.


I can't find the support thread for 6.2, otherwise I'd point you to it so you can see the full history. T.ara likely deleted the whole thing or something in a rage when Zaz asked him to stop taking it over.


The short version...

  1. Zaz posted that ZAP 6.11 is in need of a new maintainer because he and partner are not active
  2. T.ara got his permission and released as v6.2
  3. When T.ara released, it was with no beta for modders to test. It was a mess and had a critical flaw (a part he was not aware of) that broke mods. He was not aware because he barely tested it. This is a framework for crying out loud!
  4. Instead of seeking help to fix, he said it does not need to be backward compatible so tough luck to us modders. To make it worse, there was no way to work around the problem even if we made updates to our mods
  5. T.ara also admitted he does not want to maintain the framework, but only add his own cool stuff
  6. Zaz (Chris) asked him to stop. He did stop. 6.2 is no longer available
  7. Zaz got other modder help to update to latest FNIS, and released as 7.0 (Chris, like T.ara is not a scripter. That was Chris' partner)
  8. Modders suggested T.ara release his stuff as something separate, which he did do. But any modder that used that now has no support as he abandoned it
  9. Next T.ara went back to his old approach and released the same thing that was 6.2+7.0 framework, as 8.0. Who knows why it makes no sense

My reason to not trust a dependency with ZAP 8, is not much to do with the lack of permission he has. It's that he's not got the skill set to maintain the framework. His skill set is animations. You don't see any other animators taking over ZAP now do you?


He's admitted he does not intend to, or care about actually maintaining the framework. So even if ZAP 8 currently works with my mod (it likely does for the most part), I cannot trust what he releases in the future. He will break it and then I'm screwed. I will never use anything from T.ara.


The DD devs abandoned ZAP by removing dependency for DD 4, for the same reasons. Any mod author that knows this history will feel the same and will need ZAP 7 for SEE, not ZAP 8. As far as I know, only 1 mod plus T.ara's own mods require ZAP 8.


Probably because the admins did not follow what happened/don't know the history, and Zaz has not been around to ask them to put a stop to it.

Wow, thats unfortunate. 

I've never used DD but perhaps if any aspects of it are a "framework" those abilities could be in SL core?  Or is it too far out of scope for that?

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6 hours ago, VirginMarie said:

Convertible/limited functionality is not enough for it to be stable, reliable, and something I can use. It's going to need a lot of work.


I can't find the support thread for 6.2, otherwise I'd point you to it so you can see the full history. T.ara likely deleted the whole thing or something in a rage when Zaz asked him to stop taking it over.


The short version...

  1. Zaz posted that ZAP 6.11 is in need of a new maintainer because he and partner are not active
  2. T.ara got his permission and released as v6.2
  3. When T.ara released, it was with no beta for modders to test. It was a mess and had a critical flaw (a part he was not aware of) that broke mods. He was not aware because he barely tested it. This is a framework for crying out loud!
  4. Instead of seeking help to fix, he said it does not need to be backward compatible so tough luck to us modders. To make it worse, there was no way to work around the problem even if we made updates to our mods
  5. T.ara also admitted he does not want to maintain the framework, but only add his own cool stuff
  6. Zaz (Chris) asked him to stop. He did stop. 6.2 is no longer available
  7. Zaz got other modder help to update to latest FNIS, and released as 7.0 (Chris, like T.ara is not a scripter. That was Chris' partner)
  8. Modders suggested T.ara release his stuff as something separate, which he did do. But any modder that used that now has no support as he abandoned it
  9. Next T.ara went back to his old approach and released the same thing that was 6.2+7.0 framework, as 8.0. Who knows why it makes no sense

My reason to not trust a dependency with ZAP 8, is not much to do with the lack of permission he has. It's that he's not got the skill set to maintain the framework. His skill set is animations. You don't see any other animators taking over ZAP now do you?


He's admitted he does not intend to, or care about actually maintaining the framework. So even if ZAP 8 currently works with my mod (it likely does for the most part), I cannot trust what he releases in the future. He will break it and then I'm screwed. I will never use anything from T.ara.


The DD devs abandoned ZAP by removing dependency for DD 4, for the same reasons. Any mod author that knows this history will feel the same and will need ZAP 7 for SEE, not ZAP 8. As far as I know, only 1 mod plus T.ara's own mods require ZAP 8.


Probably because the admins did not follow what happened/don't know the history, and Zaz has not been around to ask them to put a stop to it.

This is a pitty. It seems like it doesn't matter which version will be converted, the framework itself will not be supported. I don't know much about scripting. And I found a lot of stuff in 8.0 that needs cleaning. The good thing is, that nif optimizer wiped out lot of the errors.


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5 hours ago, infiniteone said:

Wow, thats unfortunate. 

I've never used DD but perhaps if any aspects of it are a "framework" those abilities could be in SL core?  Or is it too far out of scope for that?

DD is already entirely a framework. DD does nothing without content mods. The DD devs are active, just not focused on SSE as far as I have seen.


1 hour ago, Pfiffy said:

This is a pitty. It seems like it doesn't matter which version will be converted, the framework itself will not be supported. I don't know much about scripting. And I found a lot of stuff in 8.0 that needs cleaning. The good thing is, that nif optimizer wiped out lot of the errors.  

If someone converts ZAP 7, and really tests it with some mods that use it, but then does not maintain it, it would still be ok for a long time. But yes ZAP needs a maintainer with scripting skill set, regardless of SSE.

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* Convertable: Slave Girls, Night Mistress Mansion, SD Cages, Puppet Master, Shout Like a Virgin, Vanilla Voices, College Days - Winterhold, Private Needs, animation packs
* Broken: Scent of Sex
* Unknown: SerialStrip(er)
* Overview: added conversion references


Question to folks who have said to not convert particular ESPs and ESMs:
Why not? As an educated guess I think it may not be strictly necessary to do so, depending on the forms inside, but I wouldn't think that doing it when unneeded wouldn't be harmful?

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16 hours ago, jeime said:

When i finaly set creture framework working, i did some brief testing and seems like everything worked. Don't know about mesh swapping when aroused, but in sex scenes everything was  fine.  

Still not working on my side. Did you do anything other than changing to this:

if JContainers.APIVersion() == 4 && JContainers.FeatureVersion() >= 0 && JContainers.IsInstalled()


in creatureFramework.psc?

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