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SE Compatibility Tracking (Jul 1)

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12 hours ago, JimKhan said:

Sorry but I'm not sure which issue you are referring to. If it's the one about mods not being recognised by Skyrim SE, that was my bad, I hadn't noticed they were all unchecked in the plugins tab, I checked them again and it's all working. If you were referring to the other thing I mentioned about New Vegas not running, I'm not sure what caused it but I followed the Viva New Vegas guide and got it running so, all problems have been fixed for now.

Ah, ok. Nevermind then. It's just that when trying to install mod archives in the .rar format with NMM, I often had issues. Repacking it usually did the trick. But seems like it's not that for you, so nvm.

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I'm trying to use CAO to convert an old mod, Localized Thieves Guild Jobs, which has a BSA. I open CAO, point it at the mod folder, and tell it to convert one mod. It issues messages that say it has worked, but the date on the BSA is unchanged, and Wrye Bash still reports it as the wrong format for SSE. I've tried all 3 modes of CAO (quick auto port, intermediate, and advanced) and in all of them the convert BSA option is selected. But nothing seems to be happening. I'm sure it's a stupid error on my part, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

These are the messages I'm getting from CAO:


2020-11-10 17:49:57.406 INFO [34880] [CAO::Manager::Manager@40] Listing directories...

2020-11-10 17:49:57.463 INFO [40516] [CAO::Manager::runOptimization@104] Processing: D:/Users/Owner/Documents/My Games/ModOrganizer2/SkyrimSE/mods/Localized Thieves Guild Jobs

2020-11-10 17:49:57.464 INFO [40516] [CAO::Manager::runOptimization@107] Beginning...Start time: 17:49:57

2020-11-10 17:49:57.480 INFO [40516] [CAO::BSATransform::process@37] Starting optimization of BSA content

2020-11-10 17:49:57.500 INFO [40516] [CAO::MainOptimizer::process@47] Successfully optimized D:/Users/Owner/Documents/My Games/ModOrganizer2/SkyrimSE/mods/Localized Thieves Guild Jobs/LocalizedGuildJobs.bsa

2020-11-10 17:49:57.504 INFO [40516] [CAO::Manager::runOptimization@145] Process completed. End time: 17:49:57
Elapsed time: 0s

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5 minutes ago, PubliusNV said:

In regard to my previous post, I tried using CAO's option to simply unpack the BSA into loose files, and having done that at least the game will start.

I haven't tried the beta, which i think is supposed to convert the bsa without unpacking.


What should work is checking off unpack bsa, create bsa, and create least amount of bsa (unless you want a bsa just for textures). optionally, you can also check delete backup bsa


or  just leave it loose. mostly, I do that.

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On 5/1/2020 at 6:48 AM, zarantha said:

SUM works as is, no conversion needed, but the pop up warning about the sexlab version gets old fast.

The SE conversion had a fix for that, but I don't know if it's around after the conversion was pulled down. But I've edited the script for myself, so try dropping this in (dammit, another new version too)


SUM 1.44 - iSUmConfig.pex


SUM 4.46 - iSUmConfig.pex

Sorry to drag up such an old topic, but I'm not sure about which file to use here and with what.

I'd assumed to DL SUM 1.44 - iSUmConfig.pex and use it with the 1.44 version of the mod. What's puzzling me though is that there apparently is no version 4.46 of SUM and if it's not for that, then I wonder if I might need it for something else.

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1 hour ago, Starfire12 said:

Sorry to drag up such an old topic, but I'm not sure about which file to use here and with what.

I'd assumed to DL SUM 1.44 - iSUmConfig.pex and use it with the 1.44 version of the mod. What's puzzling me though is that there apparently is no version 4.46 of SUM and if it's not for that, then I wonder if I might need it for something else.

Sometimes versions are removed, but I've never looked  to see why. I'll just typically update.


It doesn't need patched anymore, don't download the old script fixes for SUM. Download the current version, then edit system.json (\SKSE\Plugins\Skyrim - Utility Mod\System\SUM\System.json) in a text editor to list the SE version of SexLab.


"islcompatiblever" should look like this:

        "islcompatiblever" : [ 16200, 16207, 16208 ],

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1 hour ago, Starfire12 said:

Sorry to drag up such an old topic, but I'm not sure about which file to use here and with what.

I'd assumed to DL SUM 1.44 - iSUmConfig.pex and use it with the 1.44 version of the mod. What's puzzling me though is that there apparently is no version 4.46 of SUM and if it's not for that, then I wonder if I might need it for something else.

I'd suggest just updating to the latest version, running 1.53 on SE without any issues. Don't think I ever converted it either. Nice thing from version 1.50 onwards, there is now a system.json where you can set compatible versions yourself- no modified iSUmConfig needed anymore. Just set the version you have as compatible if you want to get rid of the message.

"islcompatiblever" : [ 16200, 16207, 16208 ],

I think you have to run the game once after installing for the file to get created. Also make sure to follow the update instructions if you want to keep your other settings files, as the paths and names changed.


Manual changes required to transfer previous custom settings to SUM 1.50.

  1. Change ‘\Data\SKSE\Plugins\Skyrim - Utility Mod\Stuff\Actors\McmStoredActors.json’ to ‘\Data\SKSE\Plugins\Skyrim - Utility Mod\Global\MCM\StoredActors.json’. 
  2. Change ‘\Data\SKSE\Plugins\Skyrim - Utility Mod\Stuff\Forms\McmStoredForms.json’ to ‘\Data\SKSE\Plugins\Skyrim - Utility Mod\Global\MCM\StoredForms.json’.
  3. Move all in folder ‘\Data\SKSE\Plugins\Skyrim - Utility Mod\Global’ to ‘\Data\SKSE\Plugins\Skyrim - Utility Mod\Stuff’.
  4. Move all files from  ‘\Data\SKSE\Plugins\Skyrim - Utility Mod\Stuff\MCM’ and ‘\Data\SKSE\Plugins\Skyrim - Utility Mod\Stuff\Outfits’ to ‘\Data\SKSE\Plugins\Skyrim - Utility Mod\Global\MCM’


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Sorry for posting about this here but I'm looking for opinions on a small matter I'm having. Running FNIS seems somewhat problematic, it runs then freezes and becomes unresponsive. It does unstuck eventually and finishes its job normally, it just seems to freeze multiple times before it actually does which takes quite a bit of time. I'm wondering if it's a compatibility issue, I checked and the exe is set to run in compatibility mode for Windows 8, I was thinking of trying to set it to Windows 7 as my old pc and see if that fixes anything. At the very least, it does its job.

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2 hours ago, JimKhan said:

Running FNIS seems somewhat problematic, it runs then freezes and becomes unresponsive. It does unstuck eventually and finishes its job normally, it just seems to freeze multiple times before it actually does which takes quite a bit of time.

That is how FNIS has always behaved for me. I don’t worry about it.

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6 hours ago, zarantha said:

Sometimes versions are removed, but I've never looked  to see why. I'll just typically update.


It doesn't need patched anymore, don't download the old script fixes for SUM. Download the current version, then edit system.json (\SKSE\Plugins\Skyrim - Utility Mod\System\SUM\System.json) in a text editor to list the SE version of SexLab.


"islcompatiblever" should look like this:

        "islcompatiblever" : [ 16200, 16207, 16208 ],

Wow, thanks a lot! I was just about to post the same question that Starfire12 did.

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I'm still trying to get my new SSE setup running. I installed the Racemenu SE pointed to by the first post in this topic (from Nexus), and the description there says it includes Nioverride. But I can't find an nioverride.ini file. I remember in oldrim I used to have to make a change to that file to enable face tatoos. Is nioverride.ini no longer used?  Thanks.

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36 minutes ago, PubliusNV said:

I'm still trying to get my new SSE setup running. I installed the Racemenu SE pointed to by the first post in this topic (from Nexus), and the description there says it includes Nioverride. But I can't find an nioverride.ini file. I remember in oldrim I used to have to make a change to that file to enable face tatoos. Is nioverride.ini no longer used?  Thanks.

Nioverride changed to skee in Racemenu SE. That's why it causes problems for some LE scripts. But as long as they aren't version checking, it basically works the same.


To edit skee options, look for \SKSE\Plugins\skee.ini

You don't need to change anything to enable tattoos, the overlays have been working out of the box once they were added back


Edit: are you looking for skse.ini to enable hi res tattoos? Make your own, or use this:

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43 minutes ago, zarantha said:

Nioverride changed to skee in Racemenu SE. That's why it causes problems for some LE scripts. But as long as they aren't version checking, it basically works the same.


To edit skee options, look for \SKSE\Plugins\skee.ini

You don't need to change anything to enable tattoos, the overlays have been working out of the box once they were added back

Thanks very much!

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On 11/16/2020 at 9:35 AM, ForgottenGlory said:

I revised and edited the English used in Being a Cow. It's a total re-write to use proper English, including books, quests, and dialogue. Consider it a "translation" from poor English/grammar to good English/grammar. Here: 


NICE! Bad translations (English) are the worst part of LL mods. I have a couple users that have and are fixing some of my conversions, but with my dyslexia I can't follow the dialogue trees to save my life,, so I can't do it myself. I'm glad there are people like you out there!

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11 hours ago, nomkaz said:

NICE! Bad translations (English) are the worst part of LL mods. I have a couple users that have and are fixing some of my conversions, but with my dyslexia I can't follow the dialogue trees to save my life,, so I can't do it myself. I'm glad there are people like you out there!

Happy to help! If you have any specific ones that are troublesome I'd be happy to take a look at them.

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