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SE Compatibility Tracking (Jul 1)

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While playing animations, all actors expression remains indiferrent (they dont show any expressions). I am not sure what would be the reason for this. I have installed

  • Expressive Facial Animation -Female Edition-
  • Expressive Facial Animation -Male Edition-
  • Sexlab Expressions
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6 hours ago, ApolloXYZ said:

While playing animations, all actors expression remains indiferrent (they dont show any expressions). I am not sure what would be the reason for this. I have installed

  • Expressive Facial Animation -Female Edition-
  • Expressive Facial Animation -Male Edition-
  • Sexlab Expressions

You still need:


MFG Fix https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11669

Lip Sync Fix


After all installed you can enable the expression + lip sync in the Sexlab MCM. After that for the mod Sexlab Expressions SE to work you will need to go to the Rebuild and Clean menu and click o IMPORT.

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30 minutes ago, JimKhan said:

So, is SKSE 2.0.19 safe to use now? I've been avoiding upgrading from .17 due to some reported issues.

You know, I'm really not sure. Apparently JContainers just did a 19 release, so that probably means the 17 version wasn't good anymore.


I would treat it like any regular SKSE update: check your mods to see if they have new versions, and if not check user commentary to see if there are problems or patches or even confirmation that the old version is still good.


Or hold off until tomorrow's update: I'll run through the SKSE mods myself to see what's going on.

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21 minutes ago, tasairis said:

You know, I'm really not sure. Apparently JContainers just did a 19 release, so that probably means the 17 version wasn't good anymore.


I would treat it like any regular SKSE update: check your mods to see if they have new versions, and if not check user commentary to see if there are problems or patches or even confirmation that the old version is still good.


Or hold off until tomorrow's update: I'll run through the SKSE mods myself to see what's going on.

Yeah, the JC update is exactly what prompted me to ask again. I'm fairly certain it's the only mod I'm using that's been updated for version 19. People have stated in the past that's actually okay right now so maybe I'll update and see for myself. I don't use that many mods compared to the more experienced user so it might be easier to find a problem if it surfaces.

I'll keep an eye out in case you have any more insight to offer on the matter.

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Installed JC 19 tested worked until I got a defeat encounter.

PC defeated NPC and tied up. Started rape (opened console to followup this search for proper anim SL and SLutil+)

The anim did not start, NPC just walked away.

Exit game, reverted to former JC, loaded save and did exactly same thing. It worked now.

I need to do more testing, cannot 100% confirm yet.

However, if someone could double check this ?

SL, SLutil+ and defeat setup

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14 hours ago, T-lam said:

Installed JC 19 tested worked until I got a defeat encounter.

PC defeated NPC and tied up. Started rape (opened console to followup this search for proper anim SL and SLutil+)

The anim did not start, NPC just walked away.

Exit game, reverted to former JC, loaded save and did exactly same thing. It worked now.

I need to do more testing, cannot 100% confirm yet.

However, if someone could double check this ?

SL, SLutil+ and defeat setup

I CTD on savegame load on the latest JC.  Crash logs point to Helgen Reborn as the most likely culprit, and that mod doesn't even list JC as something it uses.



Possible relevant objects (2)

  [ 258]    BGSProjectile(FormId: 00073324, File: `Skyrim.esm`)
  [ 258]    GrenadeProjectile(FormId: 4B13ED4A, File: `Helgen Reborn.esp`, BaseForm: BGSProjectile(FormId: 00073324, File: `Skyrim.esm`))


I've not tried a new game.  I'm not going to dig any deeper, just stay at the previous version for now.


Edit: After a few retries it finally loaded, and now I can't reproduce it.  I'll try a defeat situation.


Edit 2: Another mod event fired before I tested defeat.  It was a guard search situation, groping, etc.  A lot of standing around doing nothing after strip and alignment, sound effects playing.

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Those five SKSE mods were the only ones that had an update for 2.0.19. All the others in my list, either someone said it was working or no one said it wasn't.

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1 minute ago, tasairis said:

Those five SKSE mods were the only ones that had an update for 2.0.19. All the others in my list, either someone said it was working or no one said it wasn't.

Most mods compatible with 2.0.17 were also compatible with 2.0.19. Some skse plugins updated to take advantage of the trampoline feature added in .18 (and fixed in .19). Others (like Racemenu) required an update for reasons... no idea about the specifics really.

For reference, here is a list of all the mods with a dll I have currently installed. ~60 hours in my current save with 2.0.19 since the beginning and haven't found problems so far.

* I updated Jcontainers yesterday and have read some comments about problems with this latest version, I'll keep an eye out for problems in game or bug reports. 



"PrivateProfileRedirector SE",18860,""
"SSE Engine Fixes",17230,""
"SSE Display Tweaks",34705,""
"Keyboard Shortcuts Fix",3620,""
"Animation Limit Crash Fix SSE",31146,""
"MFG Fix",11669,""
"3rd Person Walk Fix",32229,""
"Encounter Zones Unlocked SE",19608,""
"Fix Note icon for SkyUI",32561,""
"Stay At The System Page - Updated",19832,""
"Display Enemy Level",18533,""
"Equipment Durability System",19023,""
"Dynamic Equipment Manager",34407,""
"Mum's the Word",27713,""
"I'm Walkin' Here",27742,""
"Yes Im Sure",24898,""
"You Can Sleep SKSE Remake",36057,""
"Better Jumping SE",18967,""
"Difficulty Balance",35767,""
"Spell Perk Item Distributor",36869,""
"Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice",15109,""
"More Informative Console",19250,""
"Skyrim Skill Uncapper",8889,""
"Player Rotation in ShowRaceMenu",36095,""
"Improved Camera",0,""
"HDT-SMP (Skinned Mesh Physics)",30872,""
"CBPC - CBP Physics with Collisions",21224,""
"ENB Helper SE",23174,""
"moreHUD Inventory Edition",18619,""
"Named Quicksaves - A Save Manager",-1,""
"Hide Those Futile Quests",23028,""
"Schlongs of Skyrim SE",0,""
"Dynamic Animation Replacer",33746,""
"SexLab Framework SE",0,""
"Papyrus Extender SE",22854,""
"PapyrusUtil SE",13048,""
"JContainers SE",16495,""


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1 hour ago, mulliganplummer said:

I have a question, is this the kind of place I can request to convert Vtaw's great looking Utility Pack to SSE. I think he made some of the best armor in Fallout 4.



Not really, no. Try the main forum, or maybe someone will be able to give you advice on how you could convert it yourself.

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33 minutes ago, ApolloXYZ said:

Can anyone tell me the proper procedure to follow after installing new animations ?

Run fnis, make sure you look for any errors, or warnings.

Make sure you have SLAL (Sex Lab Animation Loader) installed

Start game, go to SLAL MCM menu. Click Enable all, Then register.

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2 hours ago, wildtangent said:

Run fnis, make sure you look for any errors, or warnings.

Make sure you have SLAL (Sex Lab Animation Loader) installed

Start game, go to SLAL MCM menu. Click Enable all, Then register.

To add to the above, before you run SLAL, make sure Sexlab itself has installed in-game. I know, it's a no-brainer, but for the sake of completeness, it's best to mention it...

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