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SE Compatibility Tracking (Jul 1)

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14 minutes ago, saltshade said:

I have all the requirements. The latest SKSE and the address library. It also says "DynamicAnimationReplacer v1.1.0 for SkyrimSE" in the message. I have a lot of SKSE plugins and this is the only with with an error.

Check in MO2's Data tab that data\SKSE\Plugins\DynamicAnimationReplacer.dll isn't being overwritten?

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11 minutes ago, orgs1n said:

Check in MO2's Data tab that data\SKSE\Plugins\DynamicAnimationReplacer.dll isn't being overwritten?

It's not overwritten by anything. Why would it be? There is only one plugin by that name and MO2 doesn't check requirements for dlls, so my MO must be retarded. I have asked on the nexus a few days ago but the author haven't replied yet. Wouldn't surprise me if he ignores it.

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6 minutes ago, saltshade said:

It's not overwritten by anything. I have asked on the nexus a few days ago but the author haven't replied yet. Wouldn't surprise me if he ignores it.

In serious cases like this, I make a new profile with just the mod in question and its direct prerequisites, and start a new game. You might try that and see if it still finds a wrong DLL.

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9 minutes ago, orgs1n said:

In serious cases like this, I make a new profile with just the mod in question and its direct prerequisites, and start a new game. You might try that and see if it still finds a wrong DLL.

Tried it and I'm still getting the same error. Tbh I don't think you can help me with this, but thanks for trying. If you know another way to get sidesaddle riding you can tell me how. That's all I wanted it for.

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3 hours ago, saltshade said:

Tried it and I'm still getting the same error. Tbh I don't think you can help me with this, but thanks for trying. If you know another way to get sidesaddle riding you can tell me how. That's all I wanted it for.

Make sure you've installed this: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32444


It is a requirement for DAR and many other SKSE64 plugins.


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3 hours ago, saltshade said:

Tried it and I'm still getting the same error. Tbh I don't think you can help me with this, but thanks for trying. If you know another way to get sidesaddle riding you can tell me how. That's all I wanted it for.

The mod has already been converted to SSE and is working just fine in my game

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13 hours ago, saltshade said:

I have all the requirements. The latest SKSE and the address library. It also says "DynamicAnimationReplacer v1.1.0 for SkyrimSE" in the message. I have a lot of SKSE plugins and this is the only with with an error.

When you downloaded the address library, did you do the aio or just your skse version?

I had trouble with a dll loading (don't remember which) and finally grabbed the aio which fixed it.

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4 minutes ago, zarantha said:

When you downloaded the address library, did you do the aio or just your skse version?

I had trouble with a dll loading (don't remember which) and finally grabbed the aio which fixed it.

The AIO version is the best.

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25 minutes ago, saltshade said:

The aio.

Are other dlls that use the address library working? Or is this your only address library dll?


If you haven't already, try reinstalling the address library and equipment manager.

You can also check the logs, see what they say. I've seen vortex lie about compatibility, it's not really a stretch to think it might happen with MO as well. Usually it will go away after a few runs.


C:\Users\<user name>\Documents\my games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE\DynamicAnimationReplacer.log

Should look like this if it's working:


DynamicAnimationReplacer Loaded
Loaded database for SkyrimSE.exe version
355 / 16384 : actors\draugr\draugrproject.hkx
12870 / 16384 : actors\character\defaultfemale.hkx
12870 / 16384 : actors\character\defaultmale.hkx
869 / 16384 : actors\character\_1stperson\firstperson.hkx



C:\Users\<user name>\Documents\my games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE\skse64.log

Should have lines like this if it's working:


SKSE64 runtime: initialize (version = 2.0.17 01050610 01D6363B107AF847, os = 6.2 (9200))
imagebase = 00007FF66BE30000
reloc mgr imagebase = 00007FF66BE30000
config path = D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\SKSE\skse.ini
plugin directory = D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\




checking plugin D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\DynamicAnimationReplacer.dll
registering plugin listener for SKSE at 11 of 12
plugin D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\DynamicAnimationReplacer.dll (00000001 DynamicAnimationReplacer 00000001) loaded correctly


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46 minutes ago, zarantha said:

Are other dlls that use the address library working? Or is this your only address library dll?


If you haven't already, try reinstalling the address library and equipment manager.

You can also check the logs, see what they say. I've seen vortex lie about compatibility, it's not really a stretch to think it might happen with MO as well. Usually it will go away after a few runs.


C:\Users\<user name>\Documents\my games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE\DynamicAnimationReplacer.log

Should look like this if it's working:

  Reveal hidden contents

DynamicAnimationReplacer Loaded
Loaded database for SkyrimSE.exe version
355 / 16384 : actors\draugr\draugrproject.hkx
12870 / 16384 : actors\character\defaultfemale.hkx
12870 / 16384 : actors\character\defaultmale.hkx
869 / 16384 : actors\character\_1stperson\firstperson.hkx



C:\Users\<user name>\Documents\my games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE\skse64.log

Should have lines like this if it's working:

  Reveal hidden contents

SKSE64 runtime: initialize (version = 2.0.17 01050610 01D6363B107AF847, os = 6.2 (9200))
imagebase = 00007FF66BE30000
reloc mgr imagebase = 00007FF66BE30000
config path = D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\SKSE\skse.ini
plugin directory = D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\




checking plugin D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\DynamicAnimationReplacer.dll
registering plugin listener for SKSE at 11 of 12
plugin D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\DynamicAnimationReplacer.dll (00000001 DynamicAnimationReplacer 00000001) loaded correctly


Tried reinstalling both mods. This time I installing the library first and the error went away. Maybe the error got stuck the first time. Thanks.

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MFG Fix is updated

  • Version 1.5.1

    • changed the way how different modifiers interact with each other, it should eliminate most of the problems with eyes when using mods that dynamically change character's expressions
    • added support for Address Library by meh321, so now it is in requirements


as mentioned in the update, link to:

Address Library for SKSE Plugins




  • Fixes "mfg modifier", "mfg phoneme", "mfg reset" console commands and adds new command "mfg info" that shows all currently applied modifiers.
  • Fixes eyes blinking for player (eyes blinking can be configured in ini file).
  • Fixes stationary eyes issue when using mods that dynamically change character's expressions.
  • Adds MfgConsoleFunc script from MfgConsole mod that allows mods that require this script to work in Skyrim SE.



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2 hours ago, erojiraiya said:

Tiny question : is it safe to run CAO on any mod ? just for texture/animations fixes ?

should be, and you should be using it to convert meshes too. textures usually don't need editing between le and se, most of the time you can drop textures in with no conversion.


when using cao, just leave it on necessary optimization for meshes, textures, and animations. you can use the higher levels if you run into problems with that mod in game, as the problems may be bad meshes or textures, but i haven't had to do that very often.

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1 hour ago, zarantha said:

should be, and you should be using it to convert meshes too. textures usually don't need editing between le and se, most of the time you can drop textures in with no conversion.


when using cao, just leave it on necessary optimization for meshes, textures, and animations. you can use the higher levels if you run into problems with that mod in game, as the problems may be bad meshes or textures, but i haven't had to do that very often.

Thanks !

Just tried on Anub's 2020 animations and for now everything seems fine :)

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On 5/29/2020 at 10:29 PM, saltshade said:

Tried reinstalling both mods. This time I installing the library first and the error went away. Maybe the error got stuck the first time. Thanks.

The behavior I've seen with Vortex and DLL compatibility detection is that it doesn't appear to be doing a proactive forensic analysis of your currently installed DLLs, but is instead reading the SKSE log for the last time the game launched.  The error it previously detected won't clear until you start Skyrim with no DLL loading errors and Vortex has had an opportunity to re-read the log (deploy something, restart Vortex, etc.).  I'm guessing the MO detection is based on a similar mechanic if it is behaving the same way.

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14 hours ago, BakersDelight1234 said:

Started experimenting with eVx Every time I'm outside the screen starts flashing from blurry to focused. It stops for a little while then it starts up again.
Here is a link to what I am talking about


Did you make the required edits to your skyrimprefs.ini?  There are some settings related to DOF.  See the spoiler on the mod's Nexus Description page related to installation instructions.

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