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SE Compatibility Tracking (Jul 1)

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7 hours ago, Farass said:

Hmm..any chance you could share the .esm file?


Tried resaving my .esm file in CK , but no change in game. The error I get is the same for all creatures:

CF][Framework] Triggering update for ["Frost Troll" [Actor < (FF003F0F)>]]
[CF][Creature] Update being forced on ["Frost Troll" [Actor < (FF003F0F)>]]; havingSex=False savedOverrideArousal=3 arousalSource=3
[CF][Creature] ["Frost Troll" [Actor < (FF003F0F)>]] aroused
[CF][Creature] Not equipping aroused armour on ["Frost Troll" [Actor < (FF003F0F)>]]; there is no aroused armour; gender=1


So it all boils down to creature framework not beeing able to find either the normal armor or the aroused armor for the creatures.

The CF ESM? CF doesn't have any assets - it's really just the framework, the ESM is minimal, and meshes and textures come from the plugins.


So do you mean MNC? I'd like to compare our versions: can you send me your ESP, and in case it's the meshes everything in /meshes/MoreNastyCritters/troll?


I keep getting the first post of a page. FFS

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7 hours ago, LazyGirl said:

Creature Framework

With the CreatureFramework.pex linked on first page - works 50/50, aroused meshes often get equipped and then removed even with SexLab Aroused integration off

Fixed it by adding an extra armor check to CFEffectCreature.pex but it's a workaround rather than a solution so nothing I'd recommend.


What was the change you made? Could help to explain what the problem is.


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7 hours ago, Pfiffy said:

Well, at least I'm happy with cf running partially... Whenever I open the new CK it comes up with thousands of warnings.

Yeah... I haven't tried loading any plugins with USSEP too, that might have fixed some issues, but even the vanilla files have warnings - especially Dawnguard. (But at least they seem to be mostly minor issues.) It was the same with Oldrim. But it seems like SSE CK has more mod validation checks added to it, which is really nice.



did anyone with scriptig abilities took a look at CF so far? Just in case that it is depending on something we don't know?

I recompiled all the scripts in CK successfully, so there's no compile-time errors (eg, missing dependency or function calls that doesn't exist). I also looked through my Papyrus log for anything important and didn't see anything, but since CF/MNC is working I wouldn't expect any errors from it in the first place.


Maybe you could help me with that? Enable Papyrus logging,

  1. Edit Skyrim.ini - in MO2 use its INI Editor, otherwise it's \SSE\Skyrim.ini
  2. Find the [Papyrus] section
  3. Set bEnableLogging=1, bEnableTrace=1, bLoadDebugInformation=1 (add them if they don't exist)

Log files go in Documents\My Games\SSE\Logs\Script. #0 is most recent.

load up the game, test it out until it doesn't work, then quit, then post/send me the Papyrus log?


In other words, I'm fine helping people out with troubleshooting their problems, but there's only so much I can do given just a description...



Well, I have just downloaded the new 11G2 version of MNC estrus, Estrus chaurus and Estrus Spider... And when it comes to 'equipping the equipment' it works...

I have not touched the esp of MNC... Don't know what happened. Estrus work fine... Estrus Spider, too... Estrus Chaurus registered the estrus anims, but nothing else... 

But I have a strage effect right now... Sometimes the human part gets stuck in a T Pose for a while and sometimes I get a message that I have the wrong Skeleton installed. Tested on Ballista, Spider, Sphere, Dog and the the differen chaurus.

Make sure you're only adding one mod at a time when testing. So CF and one plugin (because CF by itself won't do anything).  I mean for all I might know EC+ is conflicting with CF somehow. Or with another CF plugin. EC+ isn't my cup of tea so if I get around to checking that it will be a while.



Damn it, I'm a consumer, not a modder.... Ok.. I have already created a mod but nothing on the level that I'm dealing with right now...

Don't feel bad: I'm a software developer so this is all second nature to me :smiley:

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7 hours ago, Pfiffy said:

Well, I have just downloaded the new 11G2 version of MNC estrus, Estrus chaurus and Estrus Spider... And when it comes to 'equipping the equipment' it works...

I have not touched the esp of MNC... Don't know what happened. Estrus work fine... Estrus Spider, too... Estrus Chaurus registered the estrus anims, but nothing else... 

But I have a strage effect right now... Sometimes the human part gets stuck in a T Pose for a while and sometimes I get a message that I have the wrong Skeleton installed. Tested on Ballista, Spider, Sphere, Dog and the the differen chaurus. 


Damn it, I'm a consumer, not a modder.... Ok.. I have already created a mod but nothing on the level that I'm dealing with right now...


Iirc, wasn't estrus chaurus failing a nioverride check? I was thinking of seeing if the SL Cumshot workaround from sfll would work for EC too, but I probably won't be able to try until the weekend.

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47 minutes ago, tasairis said:


What was the change you made? Could help to explain what the problem is.


Added a check to the default and aroused OnUpdate events that verifies the arousedArmor is equipped. If it is the script continues as normal. If not an attempt is made to equip it with a new check scheduled 0.25 seconds later to verify success. Hope it helps, I'd upload the script but I couldn't find anything on the modpage about distributing edits being allowed.

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I used the devious devices.dll and .esm that were giving on page 4 of this amazing thread and used them to convert my oldrim version to SE. Now I read version 3.3 worked fine but that wasn't available to download so I used my oldrim version which happened to be 2.0. All 3 Devious Devices mods were properly converted and seem to work fine (I guess, the game hasn't crashed but I've yet to find many devices to play with). Since I wanted to see if the devices worked I also ported Devious Cidhna (which I LOVE) BUT all the dialogue created by this mod doesn't show up. I get [...] as a dialogue option for my character to choose and when the NPC replies it says "LOOKUP FAILED". The rest of the mod seems to work fine, they slap the blindfold on me and start to rape me when I pass by or ask for help, it's just the dialogue isn't working. 




I heard SE changed the scripts folder or something like that so I copied the scripts from "Scripts/source" to "source/scripts" and it seems to be pointless as everything is the same (copy, not moved or overwrite or anything like that). I think it's totally to do with this but I have no clue as my experience with modding is mostly following orders instead of improvising XD. So any help would be greatly appreciated.  


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All SLAL animation packs are easy to convert. You need to convert animations, meshes if any animobjects are present and save esp in CK (I personally coppied records to my SSEMerge.esp as my frankenstain of load order goes up to 254 esp). I have converted them all with exeption of SLAL NSAP Mitos pack that is somehow causing T-pose after converting.

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5 hours ago, tasairis said:

The CF ESM? CF doesn't have any assets - it's really just the framework, the ESM is minimal, and meshes and textures come from the plugins.


So do you mean MNC? I'd like to compare our versions: can you send me your ESP, and in case it's the meshes everything in /meshes/MoreNastyCritters/troll?


I keep getting the first post of a page. FFS

I will do some more testing first:-) Thanks for the help so far.

Hmm..no progress. CF can't find the arousedArmor (CF][Creature] Not equipping aroused armour on ["Frost Troll" [Actor < (FF003F0F)>]]; there is no aroused armour; gender=1)

Could it be errors with the .json files? The scripts are the same as everybody else is using I quess and everything else works fine....just the mesh swapping that is not.

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3 hours ago, zarantha said:


Iirc, wasn't estrus chaurus failing a nioverride check? I was thinking of seeing if the SL Cumshot workaround from sfll would work for EC too, but I probably won't be able to try until the weekend.

Well if it does, Estrus spider should fail it, too... Or not? My problem was that I didn't run FNIS after installing some SLAL pack. And after moving some DD anims from one folder to another it is not crashing. This should be added to the description.

I just got the permission to upload a port of Aroused... and SexSlaves... 

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On creature framework issues, at least for me the esp wasnt enabled for MNC so when I enabled it there were some improvements lol.... some creatures had their unaroused bits on, but so far testing they didnt become visually aroused.   Perhaps I need to disable some other SL mod's that may be conflicting.   Ill test again and try to get some errors from the logs this time.

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16 minutes ago, Bluegunk said:

I went back and checked. Now I'm confused - I'm sure I had to convert it. D'Oh. Brain failure. Sorry.  :confounded:

Well, for me it is running with the 43 header and my computer didn't explode. Same for a lot of other mods...But I also have to say, that it isn't a rule for all...

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13 minutes ago, infiniteone said:

On creature framework issues, at least for me the esp wasnt enabled for MNC so when I enabled it there were some improvements lol.... some creatures had their unaroused bits on, but so far testing they didnt become visually aroused.   Perhaps I need to disable some other SL mod's that may be conflicting.   Ill test again and try to get some errors from the logs this time.

I have it running and if creatures have their second time they will equip their equipment... but i only tested it shortly and right now I am not sur if they unequip it again.



Sidenote: I didn't even touch the esp, It didn't work this way with the 44 header...

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1 hour ago, Pfiffy said:

I have it running and if creatures have their second time they will equip their equipment... but i only tested it shortly and right now I am not sur if they unequip it again.



Sidenote: I didn't even touch the esp, It didn't work this way with the 44 header...

I have tried plenty to get this working, but no luck.


Always the same message for every creature: (CF][Creature] Not equipping aroused armour on ["Frost Troll" [Actor < (FF003F0F)>]]; there is no aroused armour; gender=1)


- converted .esp to esp and svaed through CK - no difference

- did not touch .esp - no difference

- edited scripts for jcontainers and compiled all scripts again to make sure there were no errors - no difference



- converted nifs with nif optimizer

- converted animations to SSE

- looked at scripts - nothing to edit it seems

- saved .esp in CK - no difference

- did not touch .esp in CK- no difference

 - checked in SSEEdit if names and adresses is the same as in the .json files - seems ok

 - changed names on aroused armor in .psc and .json files from arousedarmor/normalarmor to CFArmorAroused/CFArmorNormal - no difference

 - Waht about the .DLL file? SetVehicleFixPlugin.DLL this is not loaded, does this have anything to say?


in Skyrim Creature Freamework MCM:

-everything registers

- creatures are registered and both sexlab and sexlabaroused are registered


Anyone got some idea what is wrong?

I am left with this mod and SOS before I would say that I could replace Oldrim:-)

mods used :


Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm
ABT SE - Kevkas All-in-One.esp
Alternate Start -- New Beginnings.esp
Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
Ars Metallica.esp
babes combined.esp
Bashed Patch, 0.esp
Bathing in Skyrim - Hunterborn.esp
Bathing in Skyrim - Main.esp
BDIC SkyTEST Patch.esp
Bells of Skyrim.esp
Bells of Skyrim - ICAIO Patch.esp
Better Dynamic Snow.esp
Better Dynamic Snow - NSUTR Patch.esp
Better Vampire NPCs.esp
Book of UUNP - Textures.esp
Book of UUNP - WIC - Cloaks Skyrim - Patch.esp
Book of UUNP Iron And Steel.esp
Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp
Cloaks - USSEP Patch.esp
Convenient Bridges.esp
Darkwater Crossing.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
dD-Larger Splatter Size.esp
dD-Medium Script Range.esp
dD-No Spinning Death Animation Merged.esp
Deadly Wenches.esp
DFB - Random Encounters.esp
Dragon Bridge.esp
dynamic fires.esp
EveryBody's Different.esp
Fixed body collision.esp
Forgotten DungeonsSSE.esp
Halo's Poser.esp
HDT Necklace.esp
Helgen Reborn.esp
High Level Enemies - SIC SE Edition.esp
Hotsprings of Skyrim.esp
Hunterborn - Campfire Patch.esp
Hunterborn - iNeed Patch.esp
Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp
Immersive Jewelry.esp
Immersive Patrols II.esp
Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp
Immersive Weapons.esp
Immersive Wenches.esp
Immersive Wenches -Apachii hairs- Patch.esp
Immersive Wenches -Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul Patch-.esp
Inconsequential NPCs.esp
Increased Enemy Bosses - 2x.esp
Increased Enemy Spawns - 2x.esp
iNeed - Extended.esp
ISC Enhanced Blood Patch.esp
JK's Riverwood.esp
JKs Whiterun.esp
Judgment Wenches.esp
JUSTICE - City Exteriors.esp
Keeping Warm.esp
KS Hairdo's.esp
LegacyoftheDragonborn - TexturePack.esp
Lethal Traps.esp
Man Those Borders!.esp
MK Poser.esp
Modern Brawl Bug Fix.esp
MoreBanditCamps(SSE Explorer'sEdition).esp
Mortal Enemies.esp
NarrativeLoot - Paintings and Frames.esp
Northern Marsh Bridges SE.esp
notice board.esp
OBIS Loot SE.esp
OBIS SE - NoticeBoard - Addon.esp
OBIS SE Patrols Addon.esp
Open Face Guard Helmets.esp
Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp
PC Head Tracking - MCM.esp
Populated Dungns Caves Ruins Legendary.esp
Populated Skyrim Prisons Cells.esp
Poser Hotkeys.esp
Public Executions.esp
Realistic AI Detection 2 SE Lite.esp
Realistic Melee Range.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - iNeed.esp
Rebirth Monster.esp
Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul - Skyrim.esp
Rorikstead Revised.esp
RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Unsorted.esp
S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp
Schlongs of Skyrim - Light.esp
Settlements Expanded SE.esp
Settlements Expanded SE - No Snow Under the Roof Patch.esp
SexLab Aroused Creatures.esp
SexLab Eager NPCs.esp
SexLab TDF Aggressive Prostitution.esp
SFCO - Alternate Start Patch.esp
SFCO - Immersive Citizens Patch.esp
Simple AUA.esp
Skyrim Better Roads and Bridges - All In One - Merged.esp
Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp
Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul.esp
Snowy AF Windhelm.esp
TeraArmorSSE Level List LOOT.esp
TeraArmorsSSE LOOT USSEP Patch.esp
TES5SE NPCs Travel.esp
The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp
The Ruins.esp
They took our jobs - no chilrden.esp
True Eyes SE.esp
Ultimate Lingerie Collection.esp
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
Veydosebrom - Grasses and Groundcover.esp
VioLens SE.esp
Visible Favorited Gear.esp
Whiterun Forest Borealis.esp
Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp
Worlds Dawn.esp


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Hm... Ok. These are my settings for SL and CF. I remembered, that SLAL had a problem with genderchecks for animals. Note: As jemie has posted the creatures sometimes need a second chance before they equipp their equipment. I don't think that the arousal has to be set to '0' but i might help testing things.... keeping the equipment equiped and so on.


I don't have so many mods installed, which might also help on my side.

JC: 4.01

CF: 1.1.0 pre 2

MNC: 11g2

HC: 11g




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11 hours ago, zarantha said:


Iirc, wasn't estrus chaurus failing a nioverride check? I was thinking of seeing if the SL Cumshot workaround from sfll would work for EC too, but I probably won't be able to try until the weekend.

The most important work around we now need is one for DD. If we get a version generally running for all, This would be big step for SE gaming and modding...

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7 hours ago, Pfiffy said:

Is the CF pex different from that in the Jcontainers threat?

These are ones I compiled in Notepad++ but I figured it would be easier for everyone who is having trouble compiling then to find them in the same thread. SLCumshot works 100% for me and was a pain due to so many errors I had to chase down in the script compiling it.

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I finally got the Creature Framework to make the wolf equip the Arousal mesh, i turn on TGM and let the wolf stand and bite me while i using Sexlab Aroused (not sure if this had an effect) to set the wolfs aroused state to 100, i then used the Creature Framework's puppeteer mode to set the wolf to male and then trigger update, after that the Wolf suddenly had arousel mesh equipped, i dont know if what i did was what did it or if it was just that i let it stand at bite me for 2 - 5 minutes, but it clear that in my game it wont trigger on its own.. hope this info helps somehow..

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2 hours ago, Thenryb said:

I cannot seem to find any link to the converted Leito animation packs. (Assuming "is working..." means they have been converted.)

I have them converted, but I don't have a permission to upload them so you have to do it on your own...

I have just published a port of Billyy's anims and run into the first issues. Befor I start to bring me into trouble with other packs I will see how this works for other ppl. But If you are smart you can as if other authors would give a permission for releasing ported versions of their anim packs. 

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54 minutes ago, Pfiffy said:

I have them converted, but I don't have a permission to upload them so you have to do it on your own...

I have just published a port of Billyy's anims and run into the first issues. Befor I start to bring me into trouble with other packs I will see how this works for other ppl. But If you are smart you can as if other authors would give a permission for releasing ported versions of their anim packs. 

I thought that might be the case (permission issues). Thanks for your work on this stuff.

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1 hour ago, Thenryb said:

I thought that might be the case (permission issues). Thanks for your work on this stuff.

Well, converting SLAL Packs is an easy thing to do. If you run into problems you are here at the right place to ask. 


I have to correct my self: It is not so easy sometimes...


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Im getting the same errors as those above in my console

{  (CF][Creature] Not equipping aroused armour on ["Frost Troll" [Actor < (FF003F0F)>]]; there is no aroused armour; gender=1) }


 And a bunch of these in the papyrus log

    [Active effect 2 on  (0401961D)].CFEffectCreature.UnregisterForUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?
    [Active effect 2 on  (0401961D)].CFEffectCreature.OnArousedSettingChanged() - "CFEffectCreature.psc" Line ?
[02/27/2018 - 03:01:32PM] Error: Unable to call UnregisterForUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type


I guess I should reinstall MNC, seems odd it says theres not aroused armor, it should be there.

Perhaps I need to clean and rebuild SL as well.



Well I reinstalled MNC even tried the non-converted esp, and mulitple attempts on them as suggested. 

still same issue of it saying there is no aroused armor when it trys to equip it.  Its finding the non-aroused schlong ok but not boners.

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