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SE Compatibility Tracking (Jul 1)

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  • tasairis changed the title to SE Compatibility Tracking (Apr 2)

Just about to give up on ever playing skyrim again, been trying for hours and just nuked everything from the start. Even downgraded to 1.6.640.0 to try and make sure all the mods I had worked but now it crashes right away. If anyone has a working modlist for 640 or current that has a working buxom wench quest and can function with stuff like sexlabs please hit me up.

Edited by Lightgot
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2 hours ago, Lightgot said:

Just about to give up on ever playing skyrim again, been trying for hours and just nuked everything from the start. Even downgraded to 1.6.640.0 to try and make sure all the mods I had worked but now it crashes right away. If anyone has a working modlist for 640 or current that has a working buxom wench quest and can function with stuff like sexlabs please hit me up.

something broke


if you want help, go to the support forum and bother to include a log.

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  • tasairis changed the title to SE Compatibility Tracking (Apr 16)
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  • tasairis changed the title to SE Compatibility Tracking (Apr 23)
  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, Isaac2148 said:

sad to see that this topic is silent since April

Not much seems to have changed since then - the main point of this topic is to track update progress, and most mods people use have updated.


No new update for the game in the near future to boot, so unlikely to change soon.


Plus I imagine tasairis has better things to do

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Sorry about the silence... again... Been a little distracted lately.




True that there's really not much happening these days, though. All I'm doing now is going through a backlog of mods that I don't know about and are making educated guesses as to what to call them.


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  • tasairis changed the title to SE Compatibility Tracking (Jun 24)
On 6/17/2024 at 1:03 AM, LynErso666 said:

What was the name of that one mod, that plugged into Simply Knock and used Devious Devices? U could knock on a door and ask to stay the night and theyd ask u to be deviced?



Does nobody seriously remember the name of thiz mod??? Not even the dam author?

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11 hours ago, LynErso666 said:

Does nobody seriously remember the name of thiz mod??? Not even the dam author?

I can't find any reference to this before SLS included the feature, other than a discussion in an Apropos topic in 2016 about potential mod ideas around it.  The deleted mod jfraser posted in reference to the question in the post below was Sexlab Survival.  You can tell if you mouse over some of the menu buttons.  They link to "https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/5914-sexlab-survival/?do=embed#"


If you do manage to find a reference to it or track down the mod, please let me know as well.  The feature was in SLS from at least v0.3 alpha, for which I still have a copy.  Maybe @Monoman1 would be willing to comment on the source of the feature?


Edited by 4nk8r
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been using community shaders for a long time with no problems that is from when it was released threw all of skyrim updates including 1170

Edited by KCOLL
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On 6/24/2024 at 6:15 AM, LynErso666 said:

Does nobody seriously remember the name of thiz mod??? Not even the dam author?


Sexlab Survival.


From the LE blog, which has been deleted (the mod too) so you have to read an archived version:


Got kicked out of your home? Don't have a tent? You've run out of Monster (aka skooma)? You're tired and it's getting late & cold? No problem! Ask one of your fellow townfolk if you can stay the night. But can they trust that your not faking just get inside and rob them blind or worse? Or, more importantly, can you trust them...? 


Your character is made to strip and wear an armbinder if she wants to get in from the cold. Once inside the door is locked and 'requires a key'. Ie you can't leave without talking to your 'host'. Right now it just adds a little bit of flavor to the standard simply knock scenario. Has good potential though. I already have a scene where you wake up in a MME bound milk pump but took it out because it's not finished and I'm not sure where to go with it yet.  


To use the bed roll, drop it from your inventory and drag it to where you want it. When happy, sneak and activate it to turn it into a sleeping spot.  

When you want to leave talk to your 'host' and they will untie you and unlock the door. At that point they may decide to keep you (Sanguines Debauchery) or sell you (Simple Slavery) or just let you leave. Chances are configurable in the Mcm.  


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On 6/26/2024 at 5:47 AM, tasairis said:


Sexlab Survival.


From the LE blog, which has been deleted (the mod too) so you have to read an archived version:




Omg noooo that mod was incorporated into Sexlav Survival. Devious Simply Knock or something is what it was called and it was incorporated into Sexlab Survival years ago. And now the standalone version (links to which I have and they are all dead) is missing from the Loverslab 

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