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SE Compatibility Tracking (Jul 1)

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On 1/19/2024 at 11:23 AM, Cornoholio said:

Hm... since Address-library and SKSE64 already Updated I gave it a try:



I'm happy to report that the authors of FasterSMP are already working on it, according to their nexus forum!

There is already a version linked in said forum that you can download :)

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2 hours ago, Brumfondl said:

There is already a version linked in said forum that you can download :)

Nice to see things adapt already to the newest shit Bethesda pulled... they really only want us to get aboard with their creation-club BS.

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  • tasairis changed the title to SE Compatibility Tracking (Jan 14) - SSE 1.6.1170 ✅ AddLib ✅ SL ❌ HDT ❌ JC ❌ RM ❌ SOS
On 1/18/2024 at 8:51 PM, WCSC said:

Heh, so....I gotta ask because I'm dumb when it comes to this stuff, I don't really know what AL is other than some mods require it....why would this mainly affect mods not using it?


Address Library is essentially a library of addresses (hence the name)


If I made a mod for Skyrim and needed to, say, fire off when the player interacts with a door, I could spend some time looking through a decompilation of the game, find where the function PlayerOpensDoor() is, and program that into my plugin. Which works great for say, Version 1.5.97, but I want to now update to 1.6.1170 - I now need to decompile the game again, go looking for PlayerOpensDoor() *again*, and use that offset, and either program each possible address in and use an if statement to do something based on the version of the game, but this gets messy fast - with possibly supporting dozens of game versions, you may have hundreds of thousands of lines of functionally zombie code doing nothing for 98% of players, OR...


Address Library solves this by using a fixed set of IDs, mapped to address offsets. What you as a modder can then do, is make your mod for one version of the game, (say, 1.6.353), and instead of targeting the memory address for PlayerOpensDoor(), you target the AL ID for PlayerOpensDoor(). That way, no matter if Bethesda recompiles the game (a natural side effect of updating the executable - this part is objectively not Bethesda's fault), your mod will always* work.


7 hours ago, tasairis said:


Actually PapyrusUtil and SexLab both use it, however they still tend to need updating...

Unfortunately, as both are closed source (there's mentions of SexLabs source code being available but the link always gives me a "not found" which makes me think it doesn't exist, which is great, given this also includes the docs for the SL API being totally inaccessible which makes interacting with the mod even more obtuse and unintuitive than "just read the papyrus source".)


I have to assume both hook into some addresses that, for one reason or another, aren't in Address Library. (this is also where the asterisk above leads)

Edited by VeraDra
I can only speak english yet I still fuck it up. Times two.
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22 hours ago, VeraDra said:

Unfortunately, as both are closed source (there's mentions of SexLabs source code being available but the link always gives me a "not found" which makes me think it doesn't exist, which is great, given this also includes the docs for the SL API being totally inaccessible which makes interacting with the mod even more obtuse and unintuitive than "just read the papyrus source".)


They're both on GitHub.





22 hours ago, VeraDra said:

I have to assume both hook into some addresses that, for one reason or another, aren't in Address Library. (this is also where the asterisk above leads)


I haven't bothered to read the source to find out why, but that's my assumption as well.

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  • tasairis changed the title to SE Compatibility Tracking (Jan 14) - SSE 1.6.1170 ✅ AddLib ✅ SL ❌ HDT ❌ JC ❌ RM ✅ SOS
5 hours ago, tasairis said:

They're both on GitHub.



I haven't bothered to read the source to find out why, but that's my assumption as well.

Unfortunately, both of these are borderline useless for finding why. At best, they have papyrus source scripts, or extremely ancient source code (PapyrusUtil) - by all definitions, the mods are closed source (you cannot take the source code and compile it to an identical binary - PU is technically possible if you wanted an ancient version).


The real stuff we're after (for finding why) would be in one or many .cpp files.


At best, we could hope for someone with source code access to find out why (or even better, just open-source SL... - closed-source dlls haven't really been in style for a LONG time)

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  • tasairis changed the title to SE Compatibility Tracking (Jan 14) - SSE 1.6.1170 ✅ AddLib ✅ SL ❌ HDT ✅ JC ❌ RM ✅ SOS
On 1/20/2024 at 11:09 PM, VeraDra said:

Unfortunately, both of these are borderline useless for finding why. At best, they have papyrus source scripts, or extremely ancient source code (PapyrusUtil) - by all definitions, the mods are closed source (you cannot take the source code and compile it to an identical binary - PU is technically possible if you wanted an ancient version).


The real stuff we're after (for finding why) would be in one or many .cpp files.


At best, we could hope for someone with source code access to find out why (or even better, just open-source SL... - closed-source dlls haven't really been in style for a LONG time)


...you're right. I thought those two repos had the full source, as I remembered having seen it there at one point - but obviously that must not have been the case.

So yes, they're currently closed-source. And in the case of SL, I suppose that even makes sense.

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I've added to the update list a little more data about version numbers for updates. It's only partial at the moment, and I'll try to fill in the missing information, but this



should be able to tell you whether or not you need to download a new version of the mod. For example, SexLab had to publish a new version (1.66b), so if you wanted to run it on the latest Skyrim then you'd need to be on that version (or later).


Not very pretty, but I don't have much space to work with up there.


With this particular update, the Address Library-based mods should still be compatible with 1130 (and still mostly not compatible with 640) so when I'm able to fill in their various bits of missing version information, they'll show up as something like "ver: 1.2.3✔️".


I believe that brings me into feature-parity with the modding.wiki list, even if I'm not covering nearly as many mods as they are.

Edited by tasairis
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  • tasairis changed the title to SE Compatibility Tracking (Jan 14) - SSE 1.6.1170 ✅ AddLib ✅ SL ✅ Fuz ❌ HDT ✅ JC ❌ RM ✅ SOS
7 minutes ago, dieer said:

Steamdb, but it’s hidden behind a login and non-public builds.


Edit: https://www.updatemonitor.com/app/489830 also shows the dev branch, and the days they change it.


Fuck it I may as well rant like I do on other forums.


Skyrim SE is a 6-7 year old game. Every single time they update shit breaks. The community yells at each other. And yes, Skyrim's modding community isn't civil, and I got called names for wanting to use both FNIS and Nemesis vs just Nemesis and now I use Pandora Engine, which still doesn't have ZAZ-based movement, but at least the mod author is trying and updating but what's the point if your mod uses SKSE...


Which MBA son of a bitch thinks this is a good idea. Why don't they launch Starfield Creation Kit 2 or work on ES6? It's an 8-year-old game, leave it alone, and let the modders mod. And maybe this does have something to do with porn bans and the fact that the birthrate is down in a sort of getting rid of abortion, and this, and credit card companies going to war with Pornhub. 


But most likely it has to do with the creation club. They want us to buy shit that has already been made or could be made on nexus. I for one have used Patreon then other sub-based means to fund some of my creators but it's likely not enough. 


I am on 1.597 but SE and AE get in constant fights, some creators are too zealous about it, and I was willing to move to AE after some time, but what's the point there are 1.597, 1.6640, and 1.611. At this point, I wouldn't even update any mods if you have made them because what's the point we are getting constant updates? They will just break. 



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2 hours ago, Gergar12 said:


Fuck it I may as well rant like I do on other forums.


Skyrim SE is a 6-7 year old game. Every single time they update shit breaks. The community yells at each other. And yes, Skyrim's modding community isn't civil, and I got called names for wanting to use both FNIS and Nemesis vs just Nemesis and now I use Pandora Engine, which still doesn't have ZAZ-based movement, but at least the mod author is trying and updating but what's the point if your mod uses SKSE...


Which MBA son of a bitch thinks this is a good idea. Why don't they launch Starfield Creation Kit 2 or work on ES6? It's an 8-year-old game, leave it alone, and let the modders mod. And maybe this does have something to do with porn bans and the fact that the birthrate is down in a sort of getting rid of abortion, and this, and credit card companies going to war with Pornhub. 


But most likely it has to do with the creation club. They want us to buy shit that has already been made or could be made on nexus. I for one have used Patreon then other sub-based means to fund some of my creators but it's likely not enough. 


I am on 1.597 but SE and AE get in constant fights, some creators are too zealous about it, and I was willing to move to AE after some time, but what's the point there are 1.597, 1.6640, and 1.611. At this point, I wouldn't even update any mods if you have made them because what's the point we are getting constant updates? They will just break. 



Until now, every time the game received a "big" update, smaller ones followed in the following weeks/months, and every time players will rush the creators to update the dlls to find out the game updated and broke the dlls again, just WAIT the end of the patch train. 1.6.640 was merely the last step of the 1.6.629+ patch train.

At least now we have address library and commonlib-ng, it was way worst before, when every single patch broke every single skse dll.

Edited by Shonen17000
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