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SE Compatibility Tracking (Jul 1)

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- Improved Camera SE: downgraded due to being buggy
- Proteus: apparently working
- Quick Loot RE: has a patch mod
- UIExtensions: widescreen problems only on super ultra mega widescreen, at which point you gotta figure something will look wrong

I've also tweaked the list to better show mods that can work if you install a patch.



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About the quick loot re patch, it is missing some features from the original mod atm.

"It is missing features that have been added since then, like icon support, Hunterborn support, Completionist support, Curator's Companion support, the position/scale config options, and the QuickLootReload command."

(it is based on the sources from an older version).

Edited by Shonen17000
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On 12/7/2023 at 8:30 AM, ButchDiavolo said:

Just so y'all know: rumour has it that Bethesda will update AGAIN some time soon. So fretting over broken mods/ quick updates is kinda pointless. Just roll back to the 1.6.640 version for the time being, prevent Steam from updating the game again (turn it to offline) and continue playing as if nothing happened 


How to roll-back"to 1.6.640:

Open a command window by pressing Win + R and then enter the command: steam://open/console, and then press Enter. This will open the console tab on Steam.

At the bottom will be the input line for you to enter the following codes, just copy and paste one line at a time and press enter:

download_depot 489830 489831 3660787314279169352
download_depot 489830 489832 2756691988703496654
download_depot 489830 489833 5291801952219815735


This will download the 1.6.640 files. Wait until all 3 files have downloaded. You will get a prompt when it is done.


Go to the folder C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\content (or where you have installed Skyrim). Here you will find the 3 folders with the 1.6.640 files. Open the folders and paste the files inside (so NOT the whole folder!) into C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition (or where your Skyrim is), overwriting when prompted.




If you have already installed mods that were updated to the new version (i.e. SKSE and SexLab), go back to the version for 1.6.640 or Skyrim won't start. Address Library doesn't need to be "downgraded" to 1.6.640, since it will pick the correct version for whichever game version you use.


OMG! thank you so much, I LOVE YOU!

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Be aware that this manipulation will download only the english version of the game, all other languages require a fourth depot different for each language, and every single person explaining this method forget about the fourth depot.

Edited by Shonen17000
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14 hours ago, Shonen17000 said:

Be aware that this manipulation will download only the english version of the game, all other languages require a fourth depot different for each language, and every single person explaining this method forget about the fourth depot.

also even better advice: just don't downgrade, less you have to deal with issues like this.

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Oh the irony, the depot method isn't even needed, the bestofboth downgrade patcher works perfectly if you use Backported Extended Esl Support (BEES) (link in the op)
The ctds don't come from the patcher itself but from the lack of support of the old engines for the new file header used in some of the masters, the engine can't load some of the masters, so it crashes, as simple as that. Use BEES with the versions of skse and address library corresponding to the version you downgraded to, and it will work.

Besides BEES is usefull even on genuine non downgraded 1.5.97 / 1.6.640 / GOG because it brings them the support of the new file header which is used by the new version of the creation kit, the extended esl support (up to 4096 esl/espfe) and of the new papyrus features.


PS BEES is redundant and not compatible with 1.6.1130.

PPS @VeraDra I'll stop downgrading when all the skse mods i use will be ported, not yet achieved. And another update is already planned.

Edited by Shonen17000
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If you're using Vortex, you can make your life easier if you just zip up your downloaded depots and install them like mods.  Any depot that installs stuff above Data, install disabled, flag it as an engine injector, then enable and deploy, allow these 3 "mods" to overwrite everything that conflicts.  You'll have a 100% update proof install (while also allowing Vortex to revert any external changes Steam might do afterwards).


Edit: Obviously anything that is going to replace a core DLL for use as a preloader should allow THAT mod to win any conflict battles.

Edited by 4nk8r
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thanks so much for this. I was looking all over nexus to find out what works after these new updates that have been coming out (I havent played since anniversay update broke everthing and then some mods stopped supporting pre anniversary and some never got updated so I gave up, lol). who would've thought the best list for what mods function would be on the gooning mod site? Appreciate you

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Any new updates?


Asking because my Creation Kit jus started crashing today:




Fatal Error

The Creation Kit encountered a fatal error and has crashed. Reason: An invalid parameter was sent to a function that considers invalid parameters fatal (0x5041524D)



Anyone know how I fix this? Was working fine yesterday.


EDIT: Just nuked my current game trying to fixing this. Thank god for the collections. I can rebuild way faster now.

Edited by devildx
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  • tasairis changed the title to SE Compatibility Tracking (Jan 8) - but still WIP
Posted (edited)


Also, like I threatened earlier, it's been a month since the update and things are mostly settled down, so I'm removing the big blob of stuff about SKSE and updates. Will still post if any mods have more updates.

I would like to use The Detailed List to present all that instead, since it includes a filter for "has requirements" (which is what the blob was drawing from), but it still needs updating for my new system - and then probably updates just in general since it's always kinda sucked. Trying to get that done this weekish.


Also also, starting today, the second post is where I'll put the recent changes. For multiple reasons, including it giving me more space to work with. We'll see how that pans out.

While the post includes a few things I've kept track of over the last couple months, the truth is that there are many, many, many other changes that I couldn't keep track of. Like, I basically rebuilt all my data from the ground up, and was fixing and updating things as I went. If I had been more attentive I probably could have kept a list of those changes as I went on... but I wasn't, so I don't know.



On 1/6/2024 at 11:52 PM, Silyest fela said:

thanks so much for this.



Edited by tasairis
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On 1/15/2024 at 5:59 PM, ebbluminous said:

Yup seems an update was launched today.

Edit: indeed, skyrim ae got updated to 1.6.1170 on steam today.

Edit 2: steam's skse got updated to 2.2.6.


GOG skyrim also got updated to 1.6.1170 by the way, but no update of skse for gog yet.

Edited by Shonen17000
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43 minutes ago, ThyraUnn said:

I really Wish Todd would go Work on Starfield and ES6 Instead of breaking Skyrim...

How long does Address Library Usually take to Update?

SKSE was only a few hours. Ian usually is on top of it.

last time address library was pretty fast too, we may have the update tomorrow, unless they are waiting for the update of GOG's version of skse.

That said, if you managed to backup bink2w64.dll, steam_api64.dll, SkyrimSe.exe (and by security SkyrimSELauncher.exe) before hand, by copying them back in your skyrim's main folder, you can launch Skyrim with the new masters and bsas, but the old engine (basically it's the same as using the best of both world downgrade patcher) but on versions of skyrimse.exe older than 1.6.1130, you'll need Backported extended esl support to launch the game (the game will ctd without BEES, and you have to use skse to launch the game (it won't work by using directly skyrimse.exe).

I managed to upload downgrade kits for both gog (with skyrimse.exe 1.6.659) and steam (but only with slyrimse.exe 1.5.97 sorry about that, so if someone could provide the 1.6.640 and 1.6.1130 files it would be appreciated).

steam https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pz2r--JZ9Dcs9ociTj7bYbLi_4-vtXmn/view?usp=drive_link (on 1.5.97 you need to remove bink2w64.dll since it uses binkw64.dll instead (provided in the kit).

gog https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A57Bqhe4r7pkRc5cSrid_P-jOL8ybGb6/view?usp=drive_link (ps the gog kit don't have the dlls since you don't need to downgrade bink2w64.dll on any of the 1.6+ versions and GOG skyrim don't use steam_api64.dll, unless you want to use the creation kit (not provided by gog)). Both kits don't have skse/address library/ BEES.
Of course backup the 1.6.1170 files before downgrading, this will allow you to revert the changes when your mods will be updated.

Also on steam write protect Steam\steamapps\appmanifest_489830.acf, this should prevent forced updates (on my computer steam didn't update to 1.6.1170 until i removed the write protection).

PS i have tested both steam and gog skyrim downgraded this way, full success on both.

Edited by Shonen17000
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