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SE Compatibility Tracking (Jul 1)

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I've done something hack-ish with Vortex that allows me to roll between Skyrim versions at will.  I used the depotdownloader to create zip files of specific Skyrim versions and I install them via Vortex like mods.  I keep the core EXE and DLLs that live above the Data directory in 1 mod and everything else in another.  Flag the EXE/DLL mod as an Engine Injector in Vortex before enabling it.  I can swap between 1.5.97 and 1.6.640 with ease.

Edited by 4nk8r
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I understand that LewdMarks is marked compatible with the latest 1.6.1130 (and associated SKSE and other updated mods), but I experienced crashes with the glow patch on. So, sadly I have to install with the glow patch off.


Edit: Yes, I already installed SlaveTats SE 1.3.9.

Edited by abcd99
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6 hours ago, ARO57 said:

i get ctd when i wanna join the main menu

2023-12-26-19-31-17.log 48.85 kB · 1 download

If you downgraded with the best of both patcher, grab https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106441

and install it, your game lack features needed to open some of the masters as they are now, installing this mod will bring the missing features and the ctds will be fixed.

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3 hours ago, abcd99 said:

I understand that LewdMarks is marked compatible with the latest 1.6.1130 (and associated SKSE and other updated mods), but I experienced crashes with the glow patch on. So, sadly I have to install with the glow patch off.


Edit: Yes, I already installed SlaveTats SE 1.3.9.


It's compatible in the sense that it's a regular mod without any DLLs or dependencies on special things (besides RaceMenu) and the mod author says that it's compatible (which it is because there's separate LE and SE files). It's not even in my set of manually-tracked mods at the moment, though I'm about to add it so I can do things like say it depends on SlaveTats/RM.


Anyway, if you have a problem with the glow stuff then you should probably mention it in the support thread. It could even be just a regular, run-of-the-mill mesh or texture problem, which you might be able to discover and/or fix by running the files through CAO.

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- Armor Rating Rescaled SKSE Remake: works according to modding.wiki
- DAR: not updated, only been a year since the last one so I'm not calling it as unmaintained just yet (but OAR is still better)
- Floating Damage: tentatively not working, given the number of complaints and lack of rebuttals
- Keyword Item Distributor: works according to modding.wiki
- moreHUD Inventory Edition: works according to modding.wiki
- Passive Weapon Enchantment Recharging: tentatively not working
- PrivateProfileRedirector SE: working in that it doesn't actually need SKSE
- Proteus: not working
- Stay At The System Page - AE and Updated: removed from the list
- UIExtensions: still unclear how much does or doesn't work; has scaling problems on ultra widescreen displays


Still leaves a few that I can't tell, mostly because nobody's commenting on the mods' Posts tabs (and I'm still running 1.6.353 myself).


We'll hit the T+1 month mark this week, when I'll likely do one final pass and then switch the list back to its regular state. That's also when I'll focus on catching up on the SE/LE compatibility stuff I've put off for... jeez, a couple months now?


Still the rumor of another update on the horizon, so if you have a stable game now then I'd hold off a while longer. But remember to get the Backported ESL Support mod so you'll be forwards-compatible with mods whose authors are updating to use the newest version of Creation Kit, as ARO57 just discovered...

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2 hours ago, tasairis said:

- Armor Rating Rescaled SKSE Remake: works according to modding.wiki
- DAR: not updated, only been a year since the last one so I'm not calling it as unmaintained just yet (but OAR is still better)
- Floating Damage: tentatively not working, given the number of complaints and lack of rebuttals
- Keyword Item Distributor: works according to modding.wiki
- moreHUD Inventory Edition: works according to modding.wiki
- Passive Weapon Enchantment Recharging: tentatively not working
- PrivateProfileRedirector SE: working in that it doesn't actually need SKSE
- Proteus: not working
- Stay At The System Page - AE and Updated: removed from the list
- UIExtensions: still unclear how much does or doesn't work; has scaling problems on ultra widescreen displays


Still leaves a few that I can't tell, mostly because nobody's commenting on the mods' Posts tabs (and I'm still running 1.6.353 myself).


We'll hit the T+1 month mark this week, when I'll likely do one final pass and then switch the list back to its regular state. That's also when I'll focus on catching up on the SE/LE compatibility stuff I've put off for... jeez, a couple months now?


Still the rumor of another update on the horizon, so if you have a stable game now then I'd hold off a while longer. But remember to get the Backported ESL Support mod so you'll be forwards-compatible with mods whose authors are updating to use the newest version of Creation Kit, as ARO57 just discovered...

My game and everything else updated to most recent and Proteus is working for items at least. I haven't tried with my PC since I just made a new one.

UIExtensions is also working fine for my 16:9 3840x2160 display.

Can confirm working: MoreHud Inventory Edition, Stay At The System Page, Keyword Item Distributor, OAR and animations.


My list of things that still need to be updated for 1130 (most due to incompatible SKSE plugins):

LokiWadeInWater, Wade In Water Redone, Quickloot EE (I don't know but assume also Quickloot RE), Improved Alternate Conversation Camera, Compass Navigation Overhaul, Behavior Data Injector, AnimObject Swapper, Seasons of Skyrim (and all related mods), Dynamic Animation Casting NG, Sure of Stealing, Additemmenu NG (I'm using Simple Mod Item Spawner), Frame Generator RE AE Support, Better Third Person Selection.

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14 hours ago, Shonen17000 said:

If you downgraded with the best of both patcher, grab https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106441

and install it, your game lack features needed to open some of the masters as they are now, installing this mod will bring the missing features and the ctds will be fixed.

doesnt worked im a little bit longer in the main menu and it feels hes fighting to stay there but then i get ctd


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7 hours ago, ARO57 said:

doesnt worked im a little bit longer in the main menu and it feels hes fighting to stay there but then i get ctd

2024-01-01-01-33-45.log 53.86 kB · 0 downloads

It WORKS, if you still have ctds then it comes from something else, verify you have the correct skse and address library (don't use 2.2.5 if you downgraded, and from your log, you don't have the correct skse, you ARE using 2.2.5).

1.5.97 -> skse 2.0.20 address library 2

1.6.640 -> skse 2.2.3 address library 8.

So next time before shouting that something doesn't work, check that YOU didn't make a mistake.

And if you didn't downgrade at all, then you don't need bees.

Skse is version dependant, means that when the game update you have to update skse, but if you chose to downgrade the game you have to downgrade skse too. Also address library 8 and 9 aren't compatible with skyrim 1.5.97 (and of course address library 2 isn't compatible with skyrim 1.6.640 and skyrim 1.6.1130).

Now like said above, this thread is NOT for troubleshooting but to check the compatiblity of the mods with the newer version of the game so that's the last time i answer to you here.

Edited by Shonen17000
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41 minutes ago, Shonen17000 said:

It WORKS, if you still have ctds then it comes from something else, verify you have the correct skse and address library (don't use 2.2.5 if you downgraded, and from your log, you don't have the correct skse, you ARE using 2.2.5).

1.5.97 -> skse 2.0.20 address library 2

1.6.640 -> skse 2.2.3 address library 8.

So next time before shouting that something doesn't work, check that YOU didn't make a mistake.

And if you didn't downgrade at all, then you don't need bees.

Skse is version dependant, means that when the game update you have to update skse, but if you chose to downgrade the game you have to downgrade skse too. Also address library 8 and 9 aren't compatible with skyrim 1.5.97.

yes i use skse 2.2.5 because i use newest skyrim 1.6.1xx
before the skyrim update to 1.6.1xx my game works with my 700 mods
i updated all mods so they could work with the new skyrim skse ect. and which dont had an update i deinstall like improvedcameraSE
but after all i now get ctds

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1 hour ago, ARO57 said:

yes i use skse 2.2.5 because i use newest skyrim 1.6.1xx
before the skyrim update to 1.6.1xx my game works with my 700 mods
i updated all mods so they could work with the new skyrim skse ect. and which dont had an update i deinstall like improvedcameraSE
but after all i now get ctds

AS i said: Skyrim se 1.6.1130 DOES NOT NEED backported extended esl support, BECAUSE IT ALREADY HAS THOSE FEATURES.
BEES was created to bring to skyrim 1.5.97 / 1.6.353 / 1.6.640 and GOG new features from 1.6.1130, which means not only is it useless for 1.6.1130 (why bring it features it already have?) but it may not even be compatible (why making it compatible with a version of skyrim that doesn't need it?), and from the mod's page "Do not install this mod if you're using game version 1.6.1130 or later. It's redundant." and on the download link: "Built with CommonLibSSE-NG with support from 1.5.97 through 1.6.659" (next time read the descriptions of the mods you install before saying something doesn't work). Besides improved camera se HAS BEEN updated, on nexus.



  • Version 1.1.0b1

    • Added bOverrideVanillaArmsOnMovement by Kruziikrel13
    • Added bEnableThirdPersonTorchBlock as requested.
    • Fixed left arm issue with magic using third person arm when equipped with a weapon in the right.
    • Removed fControllerBufferDepth3rd this was the main culprit for animations getting stuck workbench, etc. Handled internally to adhere to 0.14 value.
    • Update imgui to 1.89.9 and fixed a crash issue which is present in previous builds.
    • Removed bQuickLightLighting due to not working as intended and causing more problems than it is worth.
    • Added official support for latest SkyrimSE v1.6.1130.
    • Fixed Paragliding, now is enforced into third person with fake first person support.
    • Fixed Camera acting oddly, visible body when looking down.
    • Removed fSwitchPOVDetectDistance.
    • Fixed Third Person Arms toggle so all third person options underneath are disabled.
    • Updated OpenSans font.
    • Added FontAwesome v6 font. Prettifies the menu.
    • Various issues with vendor modules not playing nicely with latest Visual Studio 2022.
    • CommonLibSSE-NG is pretty much up to date, Improved Camera v1.0.5 and below were using from Nov 2022 (I think it was).
    • Additional libraries are now submodules.
    • Kruziikrel13 has been also working on github related things which will transfer over to the public repo in due course.
    • CMake, premake and vcpkg will be sorted out for the project(s). Currently VS2022 only."


Edited by Shonen17000
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1 hour ago, Brumfondl said:


A look at the log shows you are running Quickloot RE. If you are trying to run 1.6.1130 then that mod has to go as it has not been updated.

Another incompatible mod.... And in the comments of quickloot re, it is CLEARLY said that it makes 1.6.1130 ctd.
Also considering the github is gone, and the comments section locked, we can pretty much assume quickloot re is abandoned.

And you won't have more chance with quick loot EE, doesn't work either.

Edited by Shonen17000
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Think SOS AE DLL may need an update or I may be wrong. I was using IC yesterday too. Game was running fine all day while I had IC installed, as soon as I installed SOS got DLL warnings. Started new game, ran fine. Saved in Helgen, booted it back up later and boom crashes instantly. Gonna be patient and wait for updates unless I may be wrong. 

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38 minutes ago, thumbtacksword said:

Think SOS AE DLL may need an update or I may be wrong. I was using IC yesterday too. Game was running fine all day while I had IC installed, as soon as I installed SOS got DLL warnings.

Yes. Mod that has a dll needs an update to work with the new game/SKSE version. The usual.

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7 hours ago, thumbtacksword said:

Think SOS AE DLL may need an update or I may be wrong. I was using IC yesterday too. Game was running fine all day while I had IC installed, as soon as I installed SOS got DLL warnings. Started new game, ran fine. Saved in Helgen, booted it back up later and boom crashes instantly. Gonna be patient and wait for updates unless I may be wrong. 


You can use The New Gentleman + Himbo instead, and it looks better IMO. 

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7 hours ago, thumbtacksword said:

Think SOS AE DLL may need an update or I may be wrong. I was using IC yesterday too. Game was running fine all day while I had IC installed, as soon as I installed SOS got DLL warnings. Started new game, ran fine. Saved in Helgen, booted it back up later and boom crashes instantly. Gonna be patient and wait for updates unless I may be wrong. 

There's a link to a working dll in the op.

This link offers the best replacement dlls for sos on all versions of the game but vr. It is based on the actual source of the original dll (all other replacement dlls were reversed engineered and don't have the bug fixes), with bug fixes (including a potential ctd) so even on skyrim 1.5.97 the dll should be replaced. And yes there is a dll for 1.6.1130.

Edited by Shonen17000
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On 12/31/2023 at 5:56 AM, nomkaz said:

My game and everything else updated to most recent and Proteus is working for items at least. I haven't tried with my PC since I just made a new one.


I'm more inclined to believe you than random Nexus users, so alright then.


On 12/31/2023 at 5:56 AM, nomkaz said:

UIExtensions is also working fine for my 16:9 3840x2160 display.


The issue was with stuff getting cut off, but they were on a 5120x1440 which I'm now realizing is so extremely wide-screen that it's not even really worth mentioning.


On 12/31/2023 at 8:58 AM, cetuximab said:

It looks like SSE Creation Kit Fixes may be unmaintained, but there is Creation Kit Platform Extended (formerly SSE Creation Kit Fixes Updated) which is now updated for the latest CK.  Also this project is now standalone, and no longer requires you to first install SSE Creation Kit Fixes.




Seen, and I'm keeping an eye on it. Want to see a little more activity before embracing it though.

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