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SE Compatibility Tracking (Jul 1)

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1 hour ago, 4nk8r said:

The volume of MCM options put me off the last time I looked at it.

The trick is to set it up "as you go". Don't try to set up everything for a game at once.


Don't worry about breast size until something happens to inflate them, and then go in and set of some modifiers.

Then, when you feel the need, go back and set up some more modifiers for them.

Don't bother with worn devices until you're actually put in the device in question.

And so on.


You can save and restore up to ten different configs.

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I use both SLS and SLD, they cover different purposes. I mostly use SLD for carry weight buffs, as I like the way wearing a gag lets you carry more stuff and because encumbrance is annoying.


My only suggestion for disparity would be some presets for people who are scared off by the sheer number of options / are too tempted to cheat and need a guide on what's balanced / fair / easy mode.


Some presets that are fairly punishing when out of bondage but mildly helpful when in it to make a bondage only playthrough more feasible would be pretty noob friendly.  Like not wearing a blindfold for X hours starts to debuff you, but wearing it increases your stamina or something

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2 hours ago, JimKhan said:

I'm a bit surprised we still haven't gotten a new SKSE version if it's as buggy as stated. Guess we'll have to wait till the game's executable is updated for that.

I'm staying in 2.0.17 because the first days after .18/.19 were a bit chaotic. I'm not sure how buggy is .19, most of the comments about issues seem to be purely user error (like failing to install skse itself or failing to update other mods depending on skse, like Racemenu). Is there a list of issues and known bugs for the current 2.0.19?

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1 hour ago, dontknowdontcaredontask said:

I'm staying in 2.0.17 because the first days after .18/.19 were a bit chaotic. I'm not sure how buggy is .19, most of the comments about issues seem to be purely user error (like failing to install skse itself or failing to update other mods depending on skse, like Racemenu). Is there a list of issues and known bugs for the current 2.0.19?

.19 seems to be working perfectly now for me. The original issues seem to have been fixed.

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2 hours ago, nomkaz said:

Do not use. It kills the sound for the entire game. I'd wait until that nasty bug gets ironed out and it's uploaded to Nexus...  unless you enjoy playing with zero audio that is. ?

makes you wonder if they're actually testing it before releasing these updates. that's one nasty nasty bug

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a couple of year ago i had found this white body warpaint (don't rember the actual artists), I used it for a while on odlrim cause i was using uunp body, now that on se i'm using cbbe i was wondering if there is some converted version of the texture, since looks pretty famous, but i can't find anyhing...

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On 9/16/2020 at 7:38 AM, nomkaz said:

Do not use. It kills the sound for the entire game. I'd wait until that nasty bug gets ironed out and it's uploaded to Nexus...  unless you enjoy playing with zero audio that is. ?

Does the version prior to that have that bug? The characters voice is so low in my game it's hard to hear them.

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23 hours ago, SexyTop69 said:

Does the version prior to that have that bug? The characters voice is so low in my game it's hard to hear them.

No, the previous one does not. However, if you have NPC Dialogue Audio Enhancer, it might be the problem with really quiet voices, it was for me. If you don't have it, it might help. MODDING IS FUN!  ?

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On 9/18/2020 at 3:59 PM, nomkaz said:

No, the previous one does not. However, if you have NPC Dialogue Audio Enhancer, it might be the problem with really quiet voices, it was for me. If you don't have it, it might help. MODDING IS FUN!  ?

Thank you! I think the NPC Dialogue Audio Enhancer is working, I can hear them better. In unrelated news, just patched High Poly NPCs for Immersive Weapons because they had tinted faces.

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Now there's a month of my life I wish I could get back. Let me know if I missed anything.


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1 hour ago, pidorzombi said:

Does anyone have the M.C.G latest version ported to SE by chance? I unpacked bsa and "leave esp alone" and now my MO2 says that M.C.G. has form 43. I have tried to fix it myself, but CK keep crushing on validating forms with Fatal error: Unspecified exception (0xC0000005).

Did you miss the part about "leave ESP alone"?


Disable that MO2 warning.

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