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SE Compatibility Tracking (Jul 1)

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1 hour ago, DrHuge said:

What would you recommend i use for SE UNP https://gyazo.com/14ea2e94180ba00e87ebecf3704107cc

Rebuild everything...naked body and all outfits, using the same preset shown in your screenshot...or an adjusted variation of the preset for clothed that looks as much like you want it to look.  It may be that that specific outfit lacks morphs that are otherwise being applied in other outfit/naked situations.  Just make sure to check the "Build Morphs" box and rebuild everything you have to avoid any further issues.  If you want more fine-tuned per outfit kind of tweaks, you'll need to build those individually or create another preset that covers those groups of outfits.

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2 hours ago, 4nk8r said:

Rebuild everything...naked body and all outfits, using the same preset shown in your screenshot...or an adjusted variation of the preset for clothed that looks as much like you want it to look.  It may be that that specific outfit lacks morphs that are otherwise being applied in other outfit/naked situations.  Just make sure to check the "Build Morphs" box and rebuild everything you have to avoid any further issues.  If you want more fine-tuned per outfit kind of tweaks, you'll need to build those individually or create another preset that covers those groups of outfits.

thx very much

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On 7/9/2020 at 12:05 PM, Guineaux said:

Hello! its posible converter this mod?







On 7/10/2020 at 8:06 PM, tasairis said:

Do you have CreationKit Fixes?

It has a BSA file with another .esp inside, it's packed wrong, that's why CK crashes. Extract the BSA, and get rid of the extraneous ESP, then run everything thru Cathedral Assets Optimizer, then convert the ESP for Form44 is you think it needs to be, but in Form43 is perfectly fine, textures and meshes are the important thing.

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44 minutes ago, Duncan Idaho said:

Official conversion of Simple Slavery Plus Plus (update/replacement for SS)



is this the conversion for 6.3 or 6.3.1 ? i only see an LE version for 6.3.1 and 6.3 for SE. sorry for the confusing questions, just want to make sure i am grabbing the right files / versions. and thank you


EDIT: apparently 6.3.1 was posted yesterday and contains a fix for device equip issue in 6.3.

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1 minute ago, YojimboRatchet said:

is this the conversion for 6.3 or 6.3.1 ? i only see an LE version for 6.3.1 and 6.3 for SE. sorry for the confusing questions, just want to make sure i am grabbing the right files / versions. and thank you


Currently 6.3 for SE, 6.3.1 for LE. Just grab the file with SE in the name.

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16 minutes ago, YojimboRatchet said:

any idea when 6.3.1 will be converted for SE ? it seems to have a serious DD fix implemented in that version

There's an official SE converter for the mod who is aware of the 6.3.1 update.  And yes it has a critical fix for DD removal that you'll want.  In the past, the conversions didn't take long, but real life and all that.  I believe that it will be soon, though.  When it's available, I'll upload the SE version to the mod page. 

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2 hours ago, HexBolt8 said:

There's an official SE converter for the mod who is aware of the 6.3.1 update.  And yes it has a critical fix for DD removal that you'll want.  In the past, the conversions didn't take long, but real life and all that.  I believe that it will be soon, though.  When it's available, I'll upload the SE version to the mod page. 

yeah RL kind of sucks sometimes. wish it would go away from time to time lol.


and thanks, look forward to the updated conversion, and thank you for sharing it

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On 2/19/2018 at 6:35 PM, tasairis said:

HDT High Heels (SSE 1.5.97) - RaceMenu HH is recommended instead; install only the HH DLL, get the Framework from aers's HDT-SMP;

a bit confused by this, so i want to make sure i understand what you mean. i am using HDT-SMP already. so if i want to add high heels as well, i would pick either racemenu OR HDT High Heels, but if i pick HDT High Heels, only use the HDT SSE High Heels 1.5.97 file from the site, as the framework already comes with HDT-SMP.


is this correct ?


also, i assume i would install the HDT SSE High Heels mod AFTER HDT-SMP (or before ?) ?

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1 hour ago, YojimboRatchet said:

a bit confused by this, so i want to make sure i understand what you mean. i am using HDT-SMP already. so if i want to add high heels as well, i would pick either racemenu OR HDT High Heels, but if i pick HDT High Heels, only use the HDT SSE High Heels 1.5.97 file from the site, as the framework already comes with HDT-SMP.


is this correct ?


also, i assume i would install the HDT SSE High Heels mod AFTER HDT-SMP (or before ?) ?

  If at all possible choose the the Nio-Override used by Racemenu for the High Heels, a lot less buggy and lot less Engine script work. Downside is you have to enter values to the heels in Nifskope-if they don't have them already.


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23 minutes ago, Vortec said:

  If at all possible choose the the Nio-Override used by Racemenu for the High Heels, a lot less buggy and lot less Engine script work. Downside is you have to enter values to the heels in Nifskope-if they don't have them already.


i don't have nifscope or use nio at all, and know little about them. and right now, don't want to complicate my already complicate mod list lol, hence why i was asking the question i did.

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6 hours ago, YojimboRatchet said:

i don't have nifscope or use nio at all, and know little about them. and right now, don't want to complicate my already complicate mod list lol, hence why i was asking the question i did.

Use this an Thank me later......Install mod,once installed go to your MCM go Lazytools,sellect heels, input value between 7 or 9 hit ''enter'',exit MCM an wha'la heels babyyyyyyyy.




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