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SE Compatibility Tracking (Jul 1)

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10 hours ago, 4nk8r said:

Assuming there aren't any scripts that need adjustments, it should work as-is.  Give it a try and let us know?

I tried and it doesn't work sadly, even after running though cathedral optimizer.

There comes an error message and after triggering a sex act there is no marker on the map


Error Message




After disabling the error message cross in SKY Ui Menu it still shows no marker on the map, so sadly it doesn't work as is 

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1 hour ago, DarkAuron said:

I tried and it doesn't work sadly, even after running though cathedral optimizer.

You will need SSEedit but give this a try:


1/ Open your Sky_UI_SE mod folder and copy SkyUI_SE.esp to SKYUI.esp and enable it in your load order (this is so we can open SexFinderAndMapMarker.esp in SSEedit)

2/ open SexFinderAndMapMarker.esp in SSEedit and wait for it to load, then right click on it and select "clean masters".

3/ Close SSEedit saving SexFinderAndMapMarker.esp

4/ Delete the SKYUI.esp file that you made in step 1 (the unrequired dependency has now been removed).

5/ Delete interface/map.swf from the BDSexfinder mod. The map.swf in skyui_se will work fine.


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23 minutes ago, Yinkle said:

You will need SSEedit but give this a try:


1/ Open your Sky_UI_SE mod folder and copy SkyUI_SE.esp to SKYUI.esp and enable it in your load order (this is so we can open SexFinderAndMapMarker.esp in SSEedit)

2/ open SexFinderAndMapMarker.esp in SSEedit and wait for it to load, then right click on it and select "clean masters".

3/ Close SSEedit saving SexFinderAndMapMarker.esp

4/ Delete the SKYUI.esp file that you made in step 1 (the unrequired dependency has now been removed).

5/ Delete interface/map.swf from the BDSexfinder mod. The map.swf in skyui_se will work fine.


Well that did it, thank you a lot :D

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5 hours ago, DarkAuron said:

Well that did it, thank you a lot :D

Glad it worked out.  You can do the same thing using Wrye Bash.  Saves you having to do the copy/rename SkyUI_SE.esp and delete after.  SSEdit won't load mods with missing masters.  That's why Yinkle's process requires that step.


1. In the "Mods" tab of Wrye Bash, find and Left Click on SexFinderAndMapMarker.esp

2. On the right side is info on the plugin selected. Right Click in an empty area within the "Masters" view (not on any plugin listed).  If "Allow Edit" isn't selected, do so.

3. Right Click on "SkyUI.esp" in the "Masters" view, click "Change To".  An Explorer window opens to your game Data folder.  Find SkyUI_SE.esp there, select it and click "Open".

4. "SkyUI.esp" is now "SkyUI_SE.esp" in the "Masters" view. Left Click the "Save" button under "Masters" view.

5. Delete the bad interface/map.swf

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42 minutes ago, 4nk8r said:

3. Right Click on "SkyUI.esp" in the "Masters" view, click "Change To".  An Explorer window opens to your game Data folder.  Find SkyUI_SE.esp there, select it and click "Open".

I didn't know you could do that in wrye bash, nice! It turned out there was nothing in the skyui plugin that it was using anyway (it was probably just loaded in the ck when the BD sexfinder plugin was saved and never got cleaned). Had it been an actual requirement then your method would definitely be the way to go.

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2 hours ago, Yinkle said:

I didn't know you could do that in wrye bash, nice! It turned out there was nothing in the skyui plugin that it was using anyway (it was probably just loaded in the ck when the BD sexfinder plugin was saved and never got cleaned). Had it been an actual requirement then your method would definitely be the way to go.

TBH I was rather surprised that xEdit didn't facilitate the same feature.  They seem to share the same code base and developers.


WB lets you create empty missing masters via a right click option on the plugin file.  This helps to facilitates the xEdit process you used without forcing you into the file system via Explorer to duplicate/rename the missing file(s).  You can delete the empty masters via WB after you're done cleaning things in xEdit.  I overlooked your mention that it was an unreferenced dependency when I read thru it the 1st time, otherwise I'd have suggested that instead of renaming the master...but then you'd have missed out on that bit of info!  ;)


I use WB to curate my load order, since I'm a Vortex heretic and like to be able to drag/drop my load order.  I'm always adding/removing mods, tempting the Savegame Corruptor God to come visit me.  WB allows you to arbitrarily create empty masterless plugins that you can then flag as ESL/ESM to move all over your load order to fill in where you might have removed a mod or to perhaps create space for future mods to be added where they will cause the least conflicts.


WB has a feature that allows you to "lock" the load order so that if something shifts position, WB will pop up a warning and then restore the load order to the previous version.  You can CTRL Z/CTRL Y thru the change history it records as well.  The redo/undo history feature is available even if you don't have it trying to lock/undo changes automatically.  WB has to be running to record historical changes, though it will remember the last version it witnessed (and previous history) on the next launch. 


Invaluable tool.  Don't mod without it.

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13 minutes ago, Mammaluigi9433 said:

sse version?

Superficially it should work if you use CAO to rebuild or extract the BSA into loose files.  Scripts might need adjustment, dependencies might not be 1:1 compatible any longer.  I references ZAZ 6 and older Devious Assets versions.


Only meshes/textures are Facegen.  I recommend re-exporting the Facegen from the CK instead of using NIF Optimizer or CAO to try and adjust them.  Never seems to work.  Always seem to get the dark face bug.  Discard any TGA textures.


You'll probably have better longterm success using


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1 minute ago, 4nk8r said:

Superficially it should work if you use CAO to rebuild or extract the BSA into loose files.  Scripts might need adjustment, dependencies might not be 1:1 compatible any longer.  I references ZAZ 6 and older Devious Assets versions.


Only meshes/textures are Facegen.  I recommend re-exporting the Facegen from the CK instead of using NIF Optimizer or CAO to try and adjust them.  Never seems to work.  Always seem to get the dark face bug.  Discard any TGA textures.


You'll probably have better longterm success using


ah thanks ill give it a go

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6 hours ago, Dibellor said:

Has anyone tried to play this mod in Skyrim SE or has it converted?


Other than a couple minor errors in the plugin (that would have been present in LE anyway) it should work the same with no conversion needed.

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10 minutes ago, beerman778 said:

Devious Devices Hider, you can disable it in DD's MCM

Could be Schlongs of Skyrim.  SOS flags any slot 32 (curiass/body/torso) that doesn't include the SOS_Revealing keyword, as covering slot 52 (schlong/panty/pubes).  In practice this means that equipping slot 32 top that lacks the keyword will force unequip the slot 52 item (schlong/pubes/panty/bottom).  The opposite should also true.  Re-equipping the bottom should force the top to be removed.

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CWO is quite literally one of the buggiest mods Skyrim has ever seen, it's even worse than Open Cities on the list of "Compatibility nightmares" where you basically have to build your entire mod list specifically around it and still end up with an 85% chance to CTD 

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