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SE Compatibility Tracking (Jul 1)

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I need to know if someone already converted Midas Magic to SSE:




On top of it, there is also this fix, which I dont know if it is for the original version or the "evolved" version:




There is no requirement link between the two mods, so I assume the "evolved" version already have these fixes, but I could be wrong.


If it is already converted, please send a link.

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1 hour ago, Wolfstorm321 said:

I need to know if someone already converted Midas Magic to SSE:

Whether someone has converted a mod that hasn't been updated since 2013?


When I looked at the descriptions and Nexus posts for both mods, I found the answers to your questions.

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4 hours ago, NorseDude said:

Any chance that this mod will be updated?

Really wanna see it converted to SSE, and hopefully supporting 3BBB too. I tried to convert it myself, but I CTD'd every time I tried to launch the game with it. Couldn't even get to the main menu screen.

I prefer this: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3166?tab=description   :) 

And I use these tails and ears with it, but the ears requires removing the ears from the lunar/dagi-raht mod



Lunar Lattice is pretty stable for beta, and they plan on adding more khajiit races later. Only major drawback is the neck seem, they're working on it.


For the mod you want, it's just textures, with additional meshes only if you use the ears and tails. I ran it through cathedral and it worked for me. Make sure you follow the install instructions, it's not set up for mod manager install.


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22 minutes ago, Electric Aether said:

Thank you

and will you add 3bb armors?



Yeah I hope to make the list as complete as possible. I have already added some 3BA armors, look for the pink tag. This list is now mostly copied from the old one, with only a few new additions so I haven't had time to find 3B version for everything yet. 

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1 hour ago, Hannibal_P said:

I apologize if this has been done, but has anyone been successful in converting this mod to SSE??  I have been trying off and on for the past month.  I PM'd ThisTimeIBeAGoodGirlSir, but I have not received a reply.



Mod looks straightforward. What sort of problems are you having?


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5 hours ago, fred200 said:


Mod looks straightforward. What sort of problems are you having?


First was NPC invisible.  Another attempt it was the facegen...then it was the invisible body and armor again.  Then it was CTD in area.  It was something different everytime, but the one constant was the facegen files not converting properly.   If I sound like a noob, I'm sorry.  I have converted other NPCs with difficultly before, but have not been able to solve this one.  Each attempt I learn more though.

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1 hour ago, Hannibal_P said:

First was NPC invisible.  Another attempt it was the facegen...then it was the invisible body and armor again.  Then it was CTD in area.  It was something different everytime, but the one constant was the facegen files not converting properly.   If I sound like a noob, I'm sorry.  I have converted other NPCs with difficultly before, but have not been able to solve this one.  Each attempt I learn more though.

Well I tried it - and I gave up.

After conversion, Lyra looks perfect - from the rear. CTD approaching front.

CTD at Meeko shack. Moved her to a known good spot. CTD approaching front. Deleted all facegen data. CTD.

Removed all items so she was nude in a known good spot. CTD approaching  front.


Best I can figure out is her 7B HDT body is simply not compatible with XPM32 extended. Extra bones or something.

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1 hour ago, fred200 said:

Well I tried it - and I gave up.

After conversion, Lyra looks perfect - from the rear. CTD approaching front.

CTD at Meeko shack. Moved her to a known good spot. CTD approaching front. Deleted all facegen data. CTD.

Removed all items so she was nude in a known good spot. CTD approaching  front.


Best I can figure out is her 7B HDT body is simply not compatible with XPM32 extended. Extra bones or something.

Your are using CaO in my wild guess. Use SSE Nif Optimizer. When converting the headnif, select the Head Parts option or else you will get CTd whenever you try to look into her eyes.

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6 hours ago, Koozie said:


Hello, I have questions about 2 mods and its compatibility with SE




The first one looks like it's just ESPs, but I only checked the DD ones. My concern there was if it included any of the heretic chain meshes that overwrote the DD SE chains, you'd have problems.


The second one I only checked DD again, looks like at most there's facegen data.


These should be safe to convert. Don't bother doing anything with the esps, see if they work as is before trying to resave them in the CK. Anything with meshes should go through cathedral assets optimizer or nif optimizer.

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17 minutes ago, zarantha said:

The first one looks like it's just ESPs, but I only checked the DD ones. My concern there was if it included any of the heretic chain meshes that overwrote the DD SE chains, you'd have problems.

I just checked the DD + luxury collection for immersive wenches patch as I thought this sounds fun but loads of the forms couldn't be resolved in the SE version of luxury collection. I might make a fixed SE version of this so pm me if you'd like to try it out.


Edit: I think a fair few of the items were removed in the SE version of luxury collection which might explain this

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30 minutes ago, Yinkle said:

I just checked the DD + luxury collection for immersive wenches patch as I thought this sounds fun but loads of the forms couldn't be resolved in the SE version of luxury collection. I might make a fixed SE version of this so pm me if you'd like to try it out.


Edit: I think a fair few of the items were removed in the SE version of luxury collection which might explain this

Not interested for myself, it's more I know those damn chains are a problem so I took a peek. But maybe @Koozie would be?

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1 minute ago, zarantha said:

Not interested for myself, it's more I know those damn chains are a problem so I took a peek. But maybe @Koozie would be?

Yup it was meant for anyone following this thread really. I've made a new version which removes some and changes the forms of the leveled items for others (mainly the stocking entries as it seems quite a few were removed). I don't have DD installed on my current save but I'll make a new profile and test it out.

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On 5/18/2020 at 12:36 PM, ApolloXYZ said:

What should be the category of mods to install and their order. I understand Framework mods(Sexlab SE, PapyrusUtil,Animation Loader,etc) to install first, but then which mods to install after that.

This really depends on the mod manager you're using. Vortex and MO2 don't care about install order because you can always change the order in which mod files are loaded and thus, overwritten. NMM/manual installs is a different story, there you'll need to be careful with overwrites. For some mods it doesn't matter at all, while other mods will break if you overwrite some files with other mods. There is no way to tell other than checking each mod, following their install instructions/requirements and checking in case of overwrites.

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5 hours ago, Gergar12 said:

What about this file at the bottom is it safe???



Usually the mods themselves or their forum will give you an idea about successfull load order. I run LOOT then observe the activity of the mods in game and if for some reason it is not working as written in the mod forum I will change the load order of that particular mod down in the load order until it starts working properly. LOOT is not the end all but a good reference or generalization of the order. A lot of the sex lab mods should be lower in the load order but not all the way to the bottom. Remember all of the .esm files are on top of the .esp files so there is a separate order there. You want to make as minimal changes to the load order as possible but the people telling you that making changes will wipe out your save are wrong. Some mods will be affected by the numerical change but will start to function correctly a few saves later as the mod starts to utilize the change made. So be patient after a change.

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