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SE Compatibility Tracking (Jul 1)

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... Good news I finally got SILF to effect my character in game.... Badnews for whatever reason, it has set all values to 100 and now my character looks like the unholy offspring, of A mushroom Cloud, The Elephant Man, The Adoring Fan, and a Thalmor....

It aint pretty...


I think I am going to stick with SGO, MME And BAC for the time being... I have done something wrong here, I am just not sure what...


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14 hours ago, rb888 said:

I do have but version need be correct to fix it thanks

It's just a debug popup message in a script checking for LE version numbers.  Getting rid of the debug message doesn't make the mod more or less effective with SE.  It is SE-compatible from the beginning.  Has no assets to convert.  Been using it in my SE version for years.  2 annoying popups when making a new game, 1 on every savegame load from then on.  Works fine, otherwise.  That message is there so they don't need to field support questions when you use "unsupported versions" of Sexlab with their mod.

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2 hours ago, Freelanceactual said:

... Good news I finally got SILF to effect my character in game.... Badnews for whatever reason, it has set all values to 100 and now my character looks like the unholy offspring, of A mushroom Cloud, The Elephant Man, The Adoring Fan, and a Thalmor....

It aint pretty...


I think I am going to stick with SGO, MME And BAC for the time being... I have done something wrong here, I am just not sure what...


You installed all the SLIF compatibility patches, right?

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Next time you're in the neighborhood, you might want to give @meh321's Immersive First Person View SE another look- he's rebuilt it several times this year and the last version is practically perfect- the only remaining disappointment is the odd view of my own body (in first person) when I turn my head all the way to the left or right, wherein I get a weird shoulder-over-hollow-arm clipped view (which might just be a config setting, I don't do that particular thing on purpose so I haven't bothered to find out if I can fix it with a setting. All other views, including walking along watching my breasts sumo-wrestle with each other are great, right up there on par with the awesome Oldrim versions of IFPV.

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I believe I have now,  I think... At this point I am tempted to just start backfrom square 1... again. As much as I'd hate to be that guy, I keep going back over the mod pages trying to figure out what I missed...  I definetly feel like I ought to ask  someone to walk me back through getting SILF installed properly. because at this point I am pretty sure I have no clue what I am doing...

Honestly It's a miracle I ever got my Sexlab install on LE working in the first place... 





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29 minutes ago, 4nk8r said:

You installed all the SLIF compatibility patches, right?

I believe I have now,  I think... At this point I am tempted to just start backfrom square 1... again. As much as I'd hate to be that guy, I keep going back over the mod pages trying to figure out what I missed...  I definetly feel like I ought to ask  someone to walk me back through getting SILF installed properly. because at this point I am pretty sure I have no clue what I am doing...

Honestly It's a miracle I ever got my Sexlab install on LE working in the first place... 


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22 hours ago, Freelanceactual said:

I believe I have now,  I think... At this point I am tempted to just start backfrom square 1... again. As much as I'd hate to be that guy, I keep going back over the mod pages trying to figure out what I missed...  I definetly feel like I ought to ask  someone to walk me back through getting SILF installed properly. because at this point I am pretty sure I have no clue what I am doing...

Honestly It's a miracle I ever got my Sexlab install on LE working in the first place... 





Can't look at it right now, but leave it in default modus. Then go to the tab with the sliders and for nio make sure everything (breast, belly, butt) is defaulting to 0. then change it to percentage and set the default percent to 100. leave it on percent and not nio. don't eslify the esp.




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20 minutes ago, zarantha said:

Can't look at it right now, but leave it in default modus. Then go to the tab with the sliders and for nio make sure everything (breast, belly, butt) is defaulting to 0. then change it to percentage and set the default percent to 100. leave it on percent and not nio. don't eslify the esp.




Now we are getting somewhere! Breasts are now scaling... now just need to figure out why the 3bbb belly node wont default to 100%, Do I need 3bbb to get the belly scale? at this point I could care less about the physics...

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1 hour ago, Freelanceactual said:

Now we are getting somewhere! Breasts are now scaling... now just need to figure out why the 3bbb belly node wont default to 100%, Do I need 3bbb to get the belly scale? at this point I could care less about the physics...

you shouldn't.  cbbe and 3bbb worked the same for setting defaults. after setting the default for breasts, change the option to belly, set nio to 0 and percentages to 100, and then do it one more time for the butt. there's no belly bone in cbbe or 3bbb any more, but the morphs work, which is why we're doing percentages instead of nio. nio would be looking for a belly bone that doesn't exist in these bodies.


if you're using 3bbb body, you grabbed the morphs patch right? then on the first tab in slif, change the dropdown in the upper right to the tullius option?

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Hey guys, I need some help and I'm not even sure if that's the proper place to ask for it.
I have 2 issues:

1) My character is usually stuck in animation after I use it. It happened even when I had less than 9k animations, no sexlab framework, using just pose mods (like PeroPero poses).


2) Now I have Sexlab, Aroused, Defeat, DD, Devious Followers and a bunch of animations. I configured everything and it all seems to be working fine untill Defeat triggers a SL animation. Then my character gets stuck doing her usual idle and only npcs perform their animations.

Also, after the animation ends my character is stuck in "defeated" animation and the only workaround I found is using command "sae huga".

I also realized that Horrible Harrassment seems to never play it's animations. Even thought it says my character was unable to resist, the npc harrassing usually flees like if it wasn't able to perform the action after an awkward 1 minute of characters stuck playing idles.


Anyone have an idea what might be happening?

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17 hours ago, zarantha said:

you shouldn't.  cbbe and 3bbb worked the same for setting defaults. after setting the default for breasts, change the option to belly, set nio to 0 and percentages to 100, and then do it one more time for the butt. there's no belly bone in cbbe or 3bbb any more, but the morphs work, which is why we're doing percentages instead of nio. nio would be looking for a belly bone that doesn't exist in these bodies.


if you're using 3bbb body, you grabbed the morphs patch right? then on the first tab in slif, change the dropdown in the upper right to the tullius option?

I got it working thanks for the help, turns out  addtionally Egg factory 3.0 SE, is not compatible with SILF at the moment, (It works by itself, however SILF doesnt seem to actually do anything with the mod atm,) the   3.5 Egg factory is non operational,  

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On 4/29/2020 at 6:19 PM, Freelanceactual said:

I got it working thanks for the help, turns out  addtionally Egg factory 3.0 SE, is not compatible with SILF at the moment, (It works by itself, however SILF doesnt seem to actually do anything with the mod atm,) the   3.5 Egg factory is non operational,  

Odd, egg factory 3.5 work great for me. It has a bsa, make sure to run it through cathedral optimizer.

You use the script from the slif patches for version 3.3, but I think it needs edits and I got rid of mine when 3.5 came out.

3.4 is when slif was integrated into egg factory.


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54 minutes ago, zarantha said:

Odd, egg factory 3.5 work great for me. It has a bsa, make sure to run it through cathedral optimizer.

You use the script from the slif patches for version 3.3, but I think it needs edits and I got rid of mine when 3.5 came out.

3.4 is when slif was integrated into egg factory.


looking back over the Egg Factory mod page, for whatever reason having 3.5 activated in my Load order, results in skryim being unable to launch, not even a crash on launch. It just causes Skse loader hang up.... and I am not the only one that has run into this issue it would appear.  did anything change from 3.0 in terms of dependencies for egg factory, that I missed somwhere?  3.0 and 3.3 run/ran fine   

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