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SE Compatibility Tracking (Jul 1)

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Unknown → Obsolete: Devious Assets and Expansion for Bodyslide -- CBBE HDT
☠️ Obsolete: Included in Devious Devices since 5.0
Unknown → Compatible: The Dungeon: Milk Mod Economy Follower Home
Unknown → Ported: Mobile Milker Armor for MME UUNP SE
📝 SE version is a patch on top of the original LE version
Unknown → Obsolete: Panic's animation workshop (Animations for Modders) updated 16.01.2015
☠️ Obsolete: Included with  More Nasty Critters Special Edition
Unknown → Convertible: Pregnant-Weighted tbbp armor (Bodyslide2)
Unknown → Convertible: SoS - Schlong for Females and Equipable Schlong BodySlide
Unknown → Convertible: Wet Function Redux - Male Textures
Unknown → Convertible: Xarathos' Armor Workshop - Mass Effect Cosplay for UUNP Bodyslide


Unknown → Convertible: asianboy345's Conversions to Skyrim
Unknown → Convertible: Devious Regulations
🔗 Other links: conversion by Orb23
Unknown → Convertible: Dragon Princess & Trielek armor Mix
Unknown → Convertible: Haunted House
🌐 Translations:  Traductions françaises/French translations
Unknown → Convertible: Hentai Pregnancy Childbirth Plugin
🔗 Other links:  SexLab Hentai Pregnancy Special Edition
📝 Should be usable with the newer SL Hentai Pregnancy Special (and Legendary) Editions
Unknown → Convertible: Private Needs Discreet
🌐 Translations:  Traductions françaises/French translations
🔗 Other links:  Private Needs, Private Needs Redone SE Converted
Unknown → Obsolete: SexLab - Solutions 2013-10-19 OUTDATED
☠️ Obsolete: use  SexLab Solutions; or try  SexLab Solutions - Revisited SE
🌐 Translations:  Traductions françaises/French translations
Unknown → Incompatible: SexLab Brawling Rape
Unknown → Obsolete: SexLab Paycrime
☠️ Obsolete: use  SexLab PaySexCrime
🌐 Translations:  Traductions françaises/French translations
Unknown → Obsolete: SexLab Procreation
☠️ Obsolete: try  BeeingFemale SE
🌐 Translations:  Traductions françaises/French translations
Unknown → Obsolete: SexLab Solutions V2 BETA NEW 2014-05-27
☠️ Obsolete: use  SexLab Solutions; or try  SexLab Solutions - Revisited SE
Unknown → Obsolete: SexLab Trainers
☠️ Obsolete: try SexLab Demanding Trainers or  Sexlab Eager NPCs SE
🌐 Translations:  Traductions françaises/French translations
Unknown → Obsolete: The Skyrim Licenced Universal Transport Service (0.11.2 - 2015/10/22)
🔎 Also known as: S.L.U.T.S.
☠️ Obsolete: use  S.L.U.T.S. Resume
Unknown → Convertible: Slave Trainer
🌐 Translations:  Traductions françaises/French translations
Unknown → Obsolete: [WIP] Spectator Crowds and Guards (Oct 28th 2013)
☠️ Obsolete: use  Spectator Crowds Ultra Edition
Unknown → Obsolete: Trapped in Rubber (updated 2015-08-02)
☠️ Obsolete: use  Trapped In Rubber - SE/AE edition redux


Unknown → Convertible: Armor Conversions for YII - Techniques-Labors *COTS*
Unknown → Ported: Ebonitium SE
Compatible → Ported: Remove your tats SE
Unknown → Convertible: [TEST,WIP] SexLab Aroused Animations v2014-01-09
Unknown → Ported: Shared Serana Dialogue SE
📝 Modder's resource, not a dialogue mod itself
Incompatible → Ported: Skyfall Alternate Start (AE)
Incompatible → Ported: SKYGIRL BOOK, Vol.3 - Pussy (LoversLab Version)
Incompatible → Ported: SKYGIRL BOOK: Playboy 50's (LoversLab Version)
Incompatible → Ported: SKYGIRL BOOK: Playboy 60's (LoversLab Version)
Unknown → Convertible: Slash197 UUNP Conversion
Incompatible: Sorlis Balarn's Treasure en Español
Unknown → Convertible: SOS - Male Vanila Armor & Cloths Conversion for SOS
📝 conversion by Worthmore
Unknown: Spouses Enhanced (1.7.3) - Spanish Translation
Incompatible → Ported: Taimain Asagi BodySuit
Incompatible → Ported: Talos BJ statue Whiterun SE.zip


Unknown → Ported: Awesome Potions
🔎 Also known as: Potion Replacer
🌐 Translations:  Traductions françaises/French translations
Unknown → Obsolete: Creature Sex - Spell
☠️ Obsolete: Covered by SexLab, Creature Framework, MNC, and various other mods
Unknown → Obsolete: The Devious Corner
☠️ Obsolete: Included with Devious Devices
Unknown → Incompatible: Fill Her Up - NetImmerse Override Compatibility Patch
📝 May technically be able to work in SE, but seems like there are problems
Unknown → Obsolete: SexLab Horrible Harassment
☠️ Obsolete: use  SexLab Horrible Harassment Expansion
🌐 Translations:  Traductions françaises/French translations
Unknown → Obsolete: Project: Unified UNP
☠️ Obsolete: Included in the main UUNP BodySlide files on Nexus
Unknown → Compatible: SexLab Extra Voices
Unknown → Compatible: Sexlab Position Selector By Nen - Control Yourself
🌐 Translations:  Traductions françaises/French translations
Unknown → Obsolete: SkyUI - show armor slots
☠️ Obsolete: try SkyUI AIO Survival
📝 May still be compatible
Unknown → Ported: SES - Slaverun Enforcer Standsalone
Edited (For Skyrim 1170, version 6.2 no longer needs config edits to work): SSE Engine Fixes (alt: github.com)
🛠️ Requires: Address Library
📝 Might conflict with  CreationKit Fixes or  Creation Kit Platform Extended?
Unknown → Convertible: UNPBO (O)PPAI BBP
📝 theoretically convertible
Unknown → Obsolete: ZazExtensionPack
🔎 Also known as: ZEP
☠️ Obsolete: Covered by ZAP 8+
📝 If you must use this, use with ZAP 7 only and not ZAP 8+
Edited by tasairis
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UPDATE NOTE: The SOS Light bundled with Tempered Skins does not have the "SE" in it, while the one in the main SOS download does - corrected SLCumshotConfig.psc changes to check for both versions.


All conversions need mesh (.nif) conversion (see OP)

All conversions need .esp resaving (good idea to make a duplicate and use SSEdit "Compare to" with what comes out of the CK as well.

All .esm need master flag removed then reapplied post conversion.

All animations need conversion with HavokBehaviorPostProcess.exe


A quick way to do recursive directory .hkx updating (in-place, keep backup):  

# PowerShell from directory that needs converting, make sure to copy HavokBehaviorPostProcess.exe or place in PATH

$hkxToProcess = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path *.hkx
ForEach ($hkx in $hkxToProcess) { HavokBehaviorPostProcess.exe --platformamd64 $hkx $hkx }


My conversion work so far:  


~SexLab Cumshot

  • Needs new NiOverride (skee64 https://github.com/expired6978/SKSE64Plugins)
  • Needs script change for NiOverride check
  • Needs script change for SoS Light SE
  • Spoiler



    int niOverrideVer = SKSE.GetPluginVersion("nioverride")


    int niOverrideVer = NiOverride.GetScriptVersion();


    elseIf Game.GetModByName("Schlongs of Skyrim - Light.esp") != 255



    elseIf ((Game.GetModByName("Schlongs of Skyrim - Light.esp") != 255) || (Game.GetModByName("Schlongs of SkyrimSE - Light.esp") != 255))


~Creature Framework

  • Needs new JContainers (https://github.com/ryobg/JContainers)
  • Needs script change for JContainers check
  • Has issues with (I believe) the SexLab strip routine, somewhat alleviated by turning off interactings with Aroused in MCM
  • Spoiler




    if JContainers.APIVersion() == 3 && JContainers.FeatureVersion() >= 2 && JContainers.IsInstalled()



    if JContainers.APIVersion() == 4 && JContainers.FeatureVersion() >= 0 && JContainers.IsInstalled()


~More Nasty Critters


~More Nasty Critters

  • Seems to work fine, issues caused by Creature Framework


~I'll Take The Display Model

  • Needs conversion but seems to work without issue.





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Since you don't mention it I will add that I do have a working direct port of the Random Sex Mod, but have not released it for general consumption as I am in the process of rewriting a lot of the code to make better use of the Papyrus engine.


I also made the mistake today of successfully converting the configuration code to an SKSE64 plugin, so will be rewriting the actor evaluation (current functionality, nothing new... yet) in C++. It'll take a little longer but will be worth it in the end. Fortunately I have some unanticipated extra time on my hands.


Is anyone porting over SexLab Aroused?

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16 minutes ago, Arizona_Steve said:

Since you don't mention it I will add that I do have a working direct port of the Random Sex Mod, but have not released it for general consumption as I am in the process of rewriting a lot of the code to make better use of the Papyrus engine.


I also made the mistake today of successfully converting the configuration code to an SKSE64 plugin, so will be rewriting the actor evaluation (current functionality, nothing new... yet) in C++. It'll take a little longer but will be worth it in the end. Fortunately I have some unanticipated extra time on my hands.


Is anyone porting over SexLab Aroused?

Aroused v2.8 is working after converting. You can also add ZAZ 8.0+ to the list. I'm working on an official release with permission of t.ara

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I have to mention something about converting ESP/ESM files: You need wyre bash to turn an ESM into a ESP. I don't know what effect the changing of the Header from 43 to 44 does Ingame but from my experience most of the ESP's work fine without this step and some ESM do, too.

I would suggest this only if the mod does not work properly after converting the nif and hkx files.


About HKX files. there are some that can not be converted. I had this problem with HSH 1.7 while HSH 1.6 worked. Does anybody have an Idea why?


Milk Mod Economy (oldrim) can be converted, too. 





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57 minutes ago, Pfiffy said:

I have to mention something about converting ESP/ESM files: You need wyre bash to turn an ESM into a ESP. I don't know what effect the changing of the Header from 43 to 44 does Ingame but from my experience most of the ESP's work fine without this step and some ESM do, too.

I would suggest this only if the mod does not work properly after converting the nif and hkx files.


About HKX files. there are some that can not be converted. I had this problem with HSH 1.7 while HSH 1.6 worked. Does anybody have an Idea why?


Milk Mod Economy (oldrim) can be converted, too. 





I have read some arguments on reddit and elsewhere that form 43 might lead to corrupted saves.

I cannot neither confirm nor deny that.


There is Milk Mod Economy SE https://www.loverslab.com/topic/84844-milk-mod-economy-se/

And I think, Ed86 (mod author) continues to work on it.

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2 hours ago, Arizona_Steve said:

Since you don't mention it I will add that I do have a working direct port of the Random Sex Mod, but have not released it for general consumption as I am in the process of rewriting a lot of the code to make better use of the Papyrus engine.


I also made the mistake today of successfully converting the configuration code to an SKSE64 plugin, so will be rewriting the actor evaluation (current functionality, nothing new... yet) in C++. It'll take a little longer but will be worth it in the end. Fortunately I have some unanticipated extra time on my hands.


Is anyone porting over SexLab Aroused?

I'll put down Random Sex as convertable (looks like it's just an ESP and scripts) with a rewrite in progress?


I haven't heard whether anyone is taking up the reins to own SLA for SSE, nor whether the author (@fishburger67) intends to do the conversion. I went back a couple months through the support thread and didn't see anything either.

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wetfunctionredux  is working by editing the WetfunctionMCM.psc



int niov = SKSE.GetPluginVersion("NiOverride")
    ok = ecCheckItem("NiOverride/RaceMenu", "3.4.0+", niov>=6, niov!=NiOverride.GetScriptVersion()) && ok



int niov = NiOverride.GetScriptVersion()
    ok = ecCheckItem("NiOverride", "4.0+", niov>=0, niov!=NiOverride.GetScriptVersion()) && ok



is working by editing the source scripts to the new Jcontainers. In aproposConfig.psc

line1525 - change to:

Bool isValid = JContainers.APIVersion() ==4 && JContainers.featureVersion() >= 0&& jcontainers.IsInstalled()


compile script.


EBD Skyrim Special Edition

It is also possible to make this work with head parts(hair/beards/eyes/brows).

Have to do a little reverse engineering using https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35307/ on the EBDGlobalFuncs.pex into .psc

and then change to this:

if jcontainers.APIVersion() == 4 && jcontainers.featureVersion() >= 0


Compile again and copy over the existing pex script


Aroused nips

Added modified .pex file. Mcm is working, but morphs are not working due to missing functionality in racemenu . Would probably work when that is implemented in racemenu







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You may want to make note that FNIS mod does not put the source files in the correct directory when installing.

its going to data/source/scripts

---needs to be in here also



Otherwise I was not able to compile any SL script edits.


I cant figure out why data/source/scripts exists, some other mods have placed their source files there too.  At any rate I could not compile scripts until I copied them over as mentioned above.

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8 hours ago, tasairis said:

Milk Mod Economy has an SSE release: Milk Mod Economy SE


...as was already pointed out. That's what happens when I read and reply to one post at a time.

Well, the official SE version had less features as the oldrim version when I tested it, so I did a conversion and it worked. This is just to mention it. I really appreciate the fact, that Ed has done MME SE without all the stuff it depends on in Oldrim.

But it is not the same...


Well, there are also 2 ports of mfgconsole, but they are not the same as in oldrim. And RDO without all the options in the MCM is also not the same as it has been in oldrim.



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9 hours ago, Farass said:

I have wetfunctionredux functioning by editing the WetfunctionMCM.psc



int niov = SKSE.GetPluginVersion("NiOverride")
    ok = ecCheckItem("NiOverride/RaceMenu", "3.4.0+", niov>=6, niov!=NiOverride.GetScriptVersion()) && ok



int niov = NiOverride.GetScriptVersion()
    ok = ecCheckItem("NiOverride", "4.0+", niov>=0, niov!=NiOverride.GetScriptVersion()) && ok

Hey, I did that in the .psc file but it still doesnt work for me

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  • Working: HDT HighHeels
  • Convertable: Random Sex, Wet Function Redux, Apropos
  • Summary: SLAL with (converted) animation packs should work
  • Added a comment for Milk Mod Economy that the original version is convertable
  • Adding *JC and *NIO headnotes for when mods have JContainers/NiOverride version checks that need editing; definitely not complete coverage on those

infiniteone: See also https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6076808-ck-not-compiling-with-skse-functions/


GOodTimes: Source? I don't see the Wyre Bash people saying anything. Looks in active development. And it supports SSE?

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20 hours ago, sfll said:


My conversion work so far:  


~SexLab Cumshot

  • Needs new NiOverride (skee64 https://github.com/expired6978/SKSE64Plugins)
  • Needs script change for NiOverride check
  • Needs script change for SoS Light SE
  •   Reveal hidden contents



    int niOverrideVer = SKSE.GetPluginVersion("nioverride")


    int niOverrideVer = NiOverride.GetScriptVersion();


    elseIf Game.GetModByName("Schlongs of Skyrim - Light.esp") != 255


    elseIf Game.GetModByName("Schlongs of SkyrimSE - Light.esp") != 255



I tried to convert SLab Cumshot before seeing this thread, and have been generally successful apart from it looking for the old NIOverride. Sadly no squirties, only the "final drip" works but the mod seems to do what it is supposed to do other than that. I do have the new SKSE64 and Skee in game already (part of my converted Racemenu). Thanks for the script. Presumably connecting NIOverride is what allows the "flying spunk" nif to work?


I use SE SOS Light with Tempered Skins version: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/72927-sos-light-version-with-tempered-skins-for-males/

The ESP has the same name but I don't know if the mod differs significantly. Have you any opinion on that please?


I'm not a modder though I'm reasonably OK with the various mainstream tools. If you have a moment I would be eternally grateful if you could drop me a couple of lines on how I can implement your script for my version of Cumshot.


Thank you!


And thanks for this conversion thread!





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well, we need some sort of Download section for patches like the DDi.dll and the version script patches....


Note: The whole DD stuff is working, but I had to grab the different parts from different sources.


Same for PAHE....


I didn't manage to get the HKX files from HSH 1.7 converted, but those from the 1.6 versions worked. We have to add version numbers of the files that could be converted, so that we know, what we are talking about.



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On 2/20/2018 at 1:50 PM, Pfiffy said:

well, we need some sort of Download section for patches like the DDi.dll and the version script patches....


Note: The whole DD stuff is working, but I had to grab the different parts from different sources.


Same for PAHE....


I didn't manage to get the HKX files from HSH 1.7 converted, but those from the 1.6 versions worked. We have to add version numbers of the files that could be converted, so that we know, what we are talking about.

I've tried to link whenever I have someplace useful - got the DDi x64 build link, and if people give details about their conversion (especially Papyrus diffs) then I'll link to them too. If I don't have a link for something and you/anyone knows of one, pass it on.

For version numbers I include them when it seems important. Like with ZaZ. But for the most part if no one says "version X works but version Y doesn't" then I'm assuming it's the most recent version they used and so not including it. (I do have the v1.6 note queued up for my next update in ~10 hours.)


Really, the whole point of this project is "let me know". Besides freeing up the SL thread, mostly I'm just trying to record everything in one place so people don't have to go through multiple pages of posts in multiple threads in multiple forums on multiple sites... looking for answers. Crowdsourcing.

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