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Darkest Dungeon Erotic Mods

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7 hours ago, doctorpotato said:

the girl event is from a mod that adds in those variants of girls. The abbey is art I found and made to work in the game... here are both png's for you.




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On 6/19/2024 at 6:52 PM, tlff83 said:



Which MOD is this from, please? Thank you!

This is late but the SoB is from a mod made by niknerozz or this mod and the abbey was just founded here and was actually made by jefuty, the blacksmith was posted and available in nexusmods too, I think the guy shared the png file and I actually do got it from them. I just added my own stuff so thats why they are a bit different.


Update: Made an edited version where the light in the middle window is removed but it changes the base .skel so its up to you  town_abbey_level03.rar

Edited by LussaVanor
main link and someone pointed them out already :(
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8 hours ago, Meister89 said:

You are sure its that skin that crashes the game? I used it for quite some game time without issues... maybe another mod does interfere?

Could you send me your files?
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, since at first looks broken (Pixelated broken) and then I get few errors about .skel and then it crashes

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16 hours ago, LussaVanor said:

This is late but the SoB is from a mod made by niknerozz or this mod and the abbey was just founded here and was actually made by jefuty, the blacksmith was posted and available in nexusmods too, I think the guy shared the png file and I actually do got it from them. I just added my own stuff so thats why they are a bit different.


Update: Made an edited version where the light in the middle window is removed but it changes the base .skel so its up to you  town_abbey_level03.rar


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On 6/22/2024 at 8:15 PM, Declaims said:

Could you send me your files?
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, since at first looks broken (Pixelated broken) and then I get few errors about .skel and then it crashes

I checked the original upload on Nexus and the mod does not have skin set B,C,D only A, guess it should have 4 even if just copy pasted and renamed. If a different skinset is selected then A it looks messed up, 'cause the game shows default ones that do not match the mod animations. That might be your problem maybe crashes the game.


Edited by Meister89
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Hey there fellas, sorry to bother but i was wondering ifanyone could help me get these mods?

I tried downloading em off of skymods cause i'm an epic games scum but they wouldn't appear in the modlist n i couldn't figure out what's wrong so i thought of getting them from you fellas

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I've made a Darkest Dungeon app, called Darkest Vibes, which reads your saves while you play and can control vibrators with various patterns based on different stats and game events, I feel like if anyone would find it useful, it'd be here ☺️
It generates several default presets (they are all json files) and the UI has a kind of janky preset editor so you can make your own and share them as json files also.

If you want to download, I've attached the files here, it's also available on nexus:
Also, it's public GitLab repo is here if you want to flag any issues:

I haven't had any saves corrupted but I have had a single crash during development so I'd back up your saves just to make sure.

Let me know if you use it and how it is, peace ✌️


Edited by koboldbaroness
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On 6/25/2024 at 2:58 AM, RanchoRelaxo10 said:

Hey there fellas, sorry to bother but i was wondering ifanyone could help me get these mods?

I tried downloading em off of skymods cause i'm an epic games scum but they wouldn't appear in the modlist n i couldn't figure out what's wrong so i thought of getting them from you fellas

That is weird, if you have donwloaded them from skymods it should work because the files are exactly the same. Maybe project files are missing? but they shouldn't tho


Anyways, here are the mods requested mod pack.rar

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On 6/24/2024 at 5:33 PM, tlff83 said:

Hi everyone, here's a question:


I used@Fnakasjg This MOD The Cultist Acolyte Class Mod.rar appeared, I tried to modify the modification, but it didn't work, I was very troubled

I need help.


If you will be able to tell what and where exactly you tryied to modify - i probably will be able to tell whats wrong



Bcs my original was working fine and without troubles (at least for me and my game version with like 100+ another mods, but since here were no bug reports about that mod - i can think, that for other dudes its working just fine as well (or that they are just not using and not playing with that mod :), which is ofc up to them and their wish, no judge, i sharing any of those anyway "just in case", not bcs "gathering anything from it"))


And ye - if you want to ask targetly someone - use quotes for previous answer (like i did for you question), so LL forum will send notification about "answer|quote", it allowing to respond faster if here that notification than if "normal page checking about something new")



Btw i fast-checked that file you linked - looks like its outdated version (at least as i can judge from her "hero_roster" icon and "armor_icons" - i myself now using "last one polished finished completed version", its shared in one of last sharings among forum (can search with LL searcher just with "Cultist Acolyte" tag, will be one of the last)


Anyway - if you need targeted help with your trouble - tell what you edited, i will try to detect what you are doing wrong and probably will be able to help




Upd: Double-check - ye that version is i guess my first "iteration" of that mod, its even having "dirty one placeholder" for her "walk" and "idle" animation, already in 2nd iteration that mod had proper and cool animations provided by amazing and higly recomended by me myself darkwerr, and "final complete finished polished" iteration of that mod (which one i using myself in my own game right now, and can count myself as "finished complete, no need to edit|touch further anything") is 5 or 6 i guess))

Edited by Fnakasjg
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2 minutes ago, Fnakasjg said:

If you will be able to tell what and where exactly you tryied to modify - i probably will be able to tell whats wrong

Bcs my original was working fine and without troubles (at least for me and my game version with like 100+ another mods)


And ye - if you want to ask targetly someone - use quotes for previous answer (like i did for you question), so LL forum will send notification about "answer|quote", it allowing to respond faster if here that notification than if "normal page checking about something new")

I installed the career MOD for Xelsword and the monster MOD, and was Lustiest Lair
I've had no problems with any of your other mods, except this one
Thank you, my brother

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7 minutes ago, Fnakasjg said:

If you will be able to tell what and where exactly you tryied to modify - i probably will be able to tell whats wrong

Bcs my original was working fine and without troubles (at least for me and my game version with like 100+ another mods)


And ye - if you want to ask targetly someone - use quotes for previous answer (like i did for you question), so LL forum will send notification about "answer|quote", it allowing to respond faster if here that notification than if "normal page checking about something new")

I should add that this error occurred when I was making a copy, but it is completely normal when in a town


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14 minutes ago, tlff83 said:

I should add that this error occurred when I was making a copy, but it is completely normal when in a town


Better just tell "step by step" what exactly you touched|edited in files, and in which way


And ye, as i said upper - first thing first try to replace your version you linked with last one, your one is VERY first version of mod, raw and outdated - its like 4-5 version iterations and polishing behind from last one

Last one is much more polished and completed, all core almost same, but small staff like sprites, animations, visual bugs for those, icons, small edits in numbers and overall polishing are really pleasant to have as in-game version of mod



Also ye - if you using Lustiest Lair i willnt be able to tell much about possible compatability since i myself dont using that mod, and as i know it has much-much problems with other mods, especially class ones)

Edited by Fnakasjg
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3 minutes ago, Fnakasjg said:

Better just tell "step by step" what exactly you touched|edited in files, and in which way


And ye, as i said upper - first thing first try to replace your version you linked with last one, your one is VERY first version of mod, raw and outdated

Last one is much more polished and completed, all core almost same, but small staff like sprites, animations, visual bugs for those, icons, small edits in numbers and overall polishing are really pleasant to have as in-game version of mod



Also ye - if you using Lustiest Lair i willnt be able to tell much about possible compatability since i myself dont using that mod, and as i know it has much-much problems with other mods, especially class ones)

Sorry, I tried to find the latest version of what you said, but unfortunately, I did not find it, maybe I am not very proficient in using the function of the forum

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6 minutes ago, tlff83 said:

Sorry, I tried to find the latest version of what you said, but unfortunately, I did not find it, maybe I am not very proficient in using the function of the forum

Dont know, i just checked with "Cultist Acolyte" from exactly that page in "Search" in right top corner of LL forum - first results are exactly links on my mod and darkwerr version with proper animations


Anyway i can just give you my one from my game folder, its easy

For more skin variants just replace those which you want (i mean "visible eyes" and etc, i myself using only "shadow eyes" versions in my game so in that folder will be only those") since they are fully cross-compatible to replace


The Cultist Acolyte Class Mod.zip

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1 minute ago, Fnakasjg said:

Dont know, i just checked with "Cultist Acolyte" from exactly that page in "Search" in right top corner of LL forum - first results are exactly links on my mod and darkwerr version with proper animations


Anyway i can just give you my one from my game folder, its easy

For more skin variants just replace those which you want (i mean "visible eyes" and etc, i myself using only "shadow eyes" versions in my game so in that folder will be only those") since they are fully cross-compatible to replace


The Cultist Acolyte Class Mod.zip 14.61 MB · 1 download

Okay, I'll go test it. Thank you

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9 minutes ago, tlff83 said:

Okay, I'll go test it. Thank you

Since core of the mod is almost same even from first version - i guess error will be the same from what are you trying to modify further yourself from it, so when|if you will encounter the same error - just describe properly "step by step" what exactly you did yourself (edit or touch inside files or renaming\replacing) from "pure original" which you placed into gamefolder (since "pure original" working fine and has no bugs on its own (may be incompatability with Lustiest Lair in some way, but in this case it will be "out of my abilities" anyway)))

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20 minutes ago, Fnakasjg said:

Since core of the mod is almost same even from first version - i guess error will be the same from what are you trying to modify further yourself from it, so when|if you will encounter the same error - just describe properly "step by step" what exactly you did yourself (edit or touch inside files or renaming\replacing) from "pure original" which you placed into gamefolder (since "pure original" working fine and has no bugs on its own (may be incompatability with Lustiest Lair in some way, but in this case it will be "out of my abilities" anyway)))

The tests came back normal. That's great
Thank you, brother!

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