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Darkest Dungeon Erotic Mods

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2 minutes ago, Fnakasjg said:

Looks like it was autofixed, at least i was able to download and check))


Oh those "bad dayes" of LL server and "bad routes"))

I always immediately download my file and it was fine for me.

It's good it's fixed for you, then I don't need to reupload ^^ 

Edited by Xenserrah
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3 minutes ago, Xenserrah said:

I always immediately download my file and it was fine for me.

It's good it's fixed for you, then I don't need to reupload ^^ 

Y, i alwayes checking too with "myself download"

But sometimes it just become "undownlodable" for some time - i guess it is just LL server problems or breaks during route for some countries/places, usually it is autofixing after browser restarting or after few hours/days

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42 minutes ago, fapzone10 said:

I'll take the entire pack for each mod, and thank you so much for looking at the Ancient ones No rush! 

I will look into Ancient Ones, I even grabbed Russian loc from Workshop, it's better than English but also lacks trinkets and stuff.

I wish it was better my Chinese is weakest... oh well.

I will translate it by hand when I have time.


As to classes that I already did - probably upload some tomorrow.



Yeah probably just LL or Cloudfare/anything between you and LL server. For me it was fine instantly, your file to was available as

soon as you updated your mod.

Edited by Xenserrah
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4 hours ago, Fnakasjg said:

If you talking about that "she is more busty than was requested for her author" - this did her author themself, i just "undressed her bra" as variant NSFW skin ;)))

So boob size - is completly made by original author himself)

Also i dont saw anything too kinky or lewd in her appearence - just young attractive sexy girl, looking very cute and innocently))

In compare with original "Librarian" - sure, more sexy and "open" clothes, but nothing kinky/weird imo)


Also - you can just not use it, if you will want to yourself - it is alwayes an option which everyone can chose from))


Nope. I'm referring to the fact that nobody seems to ask permission any more and just seems to assume the people who worked on the original mod simply don't exist. It just feels a bit disrespectful. That's all. I actually noticed this skin recently (I think a few pages ago in this thread). If there was anything I did mind about it, it would be that the floating book is too obviously magical :p. There's certainly been worse reskins out there.


It is a great song of Melanie's 'though. Maybe I should go and listen to it for old time's sake :).

Edited by Balgin
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1 hour ago, Balgin said:

Nope. I'm referring to the fact that nobody seems to ask permission any more and just seems to assume the people who worked on the original mod simply don't exist. It just feels a bit disrespectful. That's all. I actually noticed this skin recently (I think a few pages ago in this thread). If there was anything I did mind about it, it would be that the floating book is too obviously magical :p. There's certainly been worse reskins out there.


It is a great song of Melanie's 'though. Maybe I should go and listen to it for old time's sake :).

I gave link on original class mod, original skin mod and on dude who helped me with animation - thats all what i can do)

I guess if i even will try to ASK targetly those authors - they just will not answer, even if we will not taking about fact that i CANNT ask them since dont have their contacts (i myself not having Steam acc)


Also - as i said like 5-10 times i guess - i doing those for myself usage first of all, not for "popurarity/money gathering", i can just do all those edit and use them myself, without sharing))

But since im not greedy - why not share those edits so any people who will want to play with them too will be able to? Since i giving all links on ORIGINALS authors and every time saying that "all kudos to them, 99% of work is their, it is just amateur edit" - dont see here any problems) Just variation of their own work, used as material, with all respect and credits given)


It is not about "i trying to justify myself" or "im fearing original authors wraith" (since even if they will want to do something to me they will not be able, obviously, worst case scenario - LL account ban, i just dont care actually, will just continue to do same edits for myself, just without sharing) - i actually respecting original authors, alwayes, and very appreciating their original works, not even thinking about stealing anything and saying "thats me who did that")

1 hour ago, Balgin said:

I actually noticed this skin recently (I think a few pages ago in this thread). If there was anything I did mind about it, it would be that the floating book is too obviously magical :p. There's certainly been worse reskins out there.

May be you talking about my own skin pure concept i posted few days ago as "i working on that right now"? :)))

Edited by Fnakasjg
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9 hours ago, Fnakasjg said:

I gave link on original class mod, original skin mod and on dude who helped me with animation - thats all what i can do)

I guess if i even will try to ASK targetly those authors - they just will not answer, even if we will not taking about fact that i CANNT ask them since dont have their contacts (i myself not having Steam acc)

I am one of those authors. I would reply and I would have said I'm cool with it. Honestly, it's a decent skin and I like what you did with it.


You're welcome, by the way :D.

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1 hour ago, Balgin said:

I am one of those authors. I would reply and I would have said I'm cool with it. Honestly, it's a decent skin and I like what you did with it.


You're welcome, by the way :D.


I actually thanked you for the original Librarian mod in my post by name ^^


I'm on the same page with Fnakasjg, I either do stuff for myself or for my friends,

I never publish anything on Workshop or anywhere else and it's usually easier to remove files

if author don't want it to be transformed/shared than ask permissions and stuff.

I also don't want any "fame" it's quite an opposite due to nature of my work I have zero social presence 

and like to keep it this way. Contacting people would kill any desire to share anything at all.


The only reason I decided to share anything at all this time is because I've been told that

if I spent hours making smth. I should probably share, I chose LL because people here seems to be nice ^^


P.S. And we all not just respect, we love original authors and everything they did,

copying and transforming original works is always greatest form of flattery.

Edited by Xenserrah
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1 hour ago, Xenserrah said:

P.S. And we all not just respect, we love original authors and everything they did,

copying and transforming original works is always greatest form of flattery.

Speaking of which, I really need to get a move on and finish the Dwarf mod. He's been stuck for quite a while now because of some personal problems that I'm dealing with.

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1 hour ago, Balgin said:

Speaking of which, I really need to get a move on and finish the Dwarf mod. He's been stuck for quite a while now because of some personal problems that I'm dealing with.

Sad to hear, hope you'll resolve everything. Good luck ^^

Yeah making entire mod while dealing with IRL issues can be annoying. Gotta have motivation and free time to make mods.

Both, however, are very rare currencies.  


But while you are here might as well ask.


If I'm not mistaken Twilight Knight is also your mod, I made for myself a rebalance of it quite a while ago, she used to be my fav. frontliner. 

Still one of the classes I remember the most out of my modded runs, she and Muscarine classes were always in my Top10 best modded classes.

I recoded all effects and buffs into more "modern" format (same way Chinese modders make their classes but with more sensible buff/effect names.)


Basically your mod had like 4 buffs and everything was defined in effects, my version has like 500+ lines of buffs otoh.

It makes mods very easy to fully rebalance through just opening buffs file and change values. Helps for QA testing.


I didn't mess with buff powers/general balance of your class, but changed stress numbers tho, for the more recent DD patch formulas.

Might of also slightly reduce base dmg and cleaned up some stuff. Can't even remember everything I did.

Oh yeah I run like lots of difficult mobs mods that have very high dodge so all my rebalanced classes have less dmg and more accuracy

otherwise every class is a Leper ^^


I also found some old hooded SFW skin with her in light armor and several recolors and adapted it all for the new Leap of Faith sprite.

Might of also made custom guild header out of those sprites.


Is that something that you would be fine with me uploading here? ^^


And also would it be relevant for anyone here? Let me know, please.

Cheers ^^

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13 hours ago, Dogaen said:

Perdon las molestias, pero alguien tendra estos mods traducidos al español? 











No estoy seguro de que se pueda hablar en el foro en otro idioma que no sea el inglés :/


Anyways, I highly recommend you to just play the game in english since most nsfw mods only have english and chinese translation. If any, some have a really lazy spanish translation.

Check out Dan's thread , he did some spanish translations so maybe you can get something of what you're looking for


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18 hours ago, Xenserrah said:

I will look into Ancient Ones, I even grabbed Russian loc from Workshop, it's better than English but also lacks trinkets and stuff.

I wish it was better my Chinese is weakest... oh well.

I will translate it by hand when I have time.


As to classes that I already did - probably upload some tomorrow.



Yeah probably just LL or Cloudfare/anything between you and LL server. For me it was fine instantly, your file to was available as

soon as you updated your mod.

Thank you

Edited by fapzone10
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The Offering Rebalanced.


Original mods are here:


CC Trinkets

COM Trinkets

None of the original mods are needed.

All credits go to the amazing Muscarine.

Skins by jefuty

If authors want I will delete this immediately, let me know. This is made for personal use, and shouldn't be 

uploaded anywhere except LL.


I promised yesterday to fapzone10 to upload slightly rebalanced and cleaned up version.

Skins are NSFW, if you want SFW and more color variants get it from Dan's topic.

I try to keep mod size and variants to a minimum for game stability.


CC Trinkets and COM Trinkets are included, no other mods are required.


Localizations combined. I will release all Muscarine classes with all the trinkets combined into them (unless author complains.)

So eventually you will be able to delete separate trinket mods and just have class mods to reduce mod count.


Added guard clears on target to prevent crashes and weird interactions I noticed with some other multiguard classes.


On rebalancing:

This one actually needed least balancing, it's nearly perfect as it was and one of my favorite classes.

The only reason for rebalance was she was a bit too strong with dodge stacking and I made ALL 

classes in my game to have either PROT scaling (tanks, paladin-like healers) or DEF scaling (offensive classes.)

I also don't use vanilla classes and only use ONE copy of modded class per roster. So I tend to make classes

more self sufficient than vanilla. Fawn probably got the most rebalancing while Offering - least.


Some notes:

1) Basic idea was Prot scaling - no dodge at all
2) Never use defense/dodge trinkets on her because new custom debuffs remove all dodge anyway
3) Strong vs damage weak vs stress because no dodge (especially champion)
4) Will eat lots of Crits - stress healer required
5) Weak vs modded prot ignoring mobs and stuns
6) Stacking Prot makes amazing tank - way to go
7) Very slow speed


Without dodge she is actually weaker in endgame, so test before saying that Prot stacking is OP, don't complain 

if you use 4-8 trinkets.

She is very strong in apprentice dungeons - nothing I can do about it because original was even stronger.


Additional skill balancing short annotations in offering.info.darkest inside mod itself

I provide this "as is" no support no complaints about balance, I have about 10 monster mods.

All the difficulty mods I have add mobs that have high dodge so this and all my personal rebalances have reduced base dmg

(by ~1-2 per level) while increasing accuracy on skills (5% nothing crazy.)


Cheers ^^


Edited by Xenserrah
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1 hour ago, Xenserrah said:

The Offering Rebalanced.


Original mods are here:


CC Trinkets

COM Trinkets

None of the original mods are needed.

All credits go to the amazing Muscarine.

Skins by jefuty

If authors want I will delete this immediately, let me know. This is made for personal use, and shouldn't be 

uploaded anywhere except LL.


I promised yesterday to fapzone10 to upload slightly rebalanced and cleaned up version.

Skins are NSFW, if you want SFW and more color variants get it from Dan's topic.

I try to keep mod size and variants to a minimum for game stability.


CC Trinkets and COM Trinkets are included, no other mods are required.


Localizations combined. I will release all Muscarine classes with all the trinkets combined into them (unless author complains.)

So eventually you will be able to delete separate trinket mods and just have class mods to reduce mod count.


Added guard clears on target to prevent crashes and weird interactions I noticed with some other multiguard classes.


On rebalancing:

This one actually needed least balancing, it's nearly perfect as it was and one of my favorite classes.

The only reason for rebalance was she was a bit too strong with dodge stacking and I made ALL 

classes in my game to have either PROT scaling (tanks, paladin-like healers) or DEF scaling (offensive classes.)

I also don't use vanilla classes and only use ONE copy of modded class per roster. So I tend to make classes

more self sufficient than vanilla. Fawn probably got the most rebalancing while Offering - least.


Some notes:

1) Basic idea was Prot scaling - no dodge at all
2) Never use defense/dodge trinkets on her because new custom debuffs remove all dodge anyway
3) Strong vs damage weak vs stress because no dodge (especially champion)
4) Will eat lots of Crits - stress healer required
5) Weak vs modded prot ignoring mobs and stuns
6) Stacking Prot makes amazing tank - way to go
7) Very slow speed


Without dodge she is actually weaker in endgame, so test before saying that Prot stacking is OP, don't complain 

if you use 4-8 trinkets.

She is very strong in apprentice dungeons - nothing I can do about it because original was even stronger.


Additional skill balancing short annotations in offering.info.darkest inside mod itself

I provide this "as is" no support no complaints about balance, I have about 10 monster mods.

All the difficulty mods I have add mobs that have high dodge so this and all my personal rebalances have reduced base dmg

(by ~1-2 per level) while increasing accuracy on skills (5% nothing crazy.)


Cheers ^^

300_The_Offering_EX.zip 22.92 MB · 5 downloads

That is a interesting take on the offering's gameplay pattern, ill make a backup and try it out thanks. 

Will say am not sure about how well she will survive since i use 3 trinket mod but restrict myself to only add pets to the 3rd slot. My game is very unbalanced in a state that is against me and prot may help more than the dodge will in a majority of situations.

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5 hours ago, Xenserrah said:

If I'm not mistaken Twilight Knight is also your mod, I made for myself a rebalance of it quite a while ago, she used to be my fav. frontliner. 

Yeah. I never rebalanced her stress management skills after the great stress nerf that hit all core heroes around the time that Crimson Court came out. I should reduce the stress values on her skills ever so slightly (and redo all her art and animations so the sprites aren't all squishy and stretched then relying on the atlas & skel files to pull them back into shape again). It would also be nice to go back to Killthemall's original concept for her dragging the sword along behind her in her combat, idle & walk sprites instead of half swording.



I also found some old hooded SFW skin with her in light armor and several recolors and adapted it all for the new Leap of Faith sprite.

Is it the red cloaked one? I think I've seen that one before.

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41 minutes ago, Balgin said:

Yeah. I never rebalanced her stress management skills after the great stress nerf that hit all core heroes around the time that Crimson Court came out. I should reduce the stress values on her skills ever so slightly (and redo all her art and animations so the sprites aren't all squishy and stretched then relying on the atlas & skel files to pull them back into shape again). It would also be nice to go back to Killthemall's original concept for her dragging the sword along behind her in her combat, idle & walk sprites instead of half swording.


Is it the red cloaked one? I think I've seen that one before.


Yeah I rebalanced everything including stress to the latest patch and redone entire code to a new format.

Rest of balance pretty much intact.


Not only red, several more colors but they were missing new leap sprite, so I've added it.


If you want I'll upload it all and you can use it maybe to update your mod or however you wish. 

With separated buffs code is more efficient and overall most classes use this format nowadays.


I'll leave skeleton etc. talk to the professionals, I can only code I don't really get animations, skeletons etc. ^^

Edited by Xenserrah
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8 minutes ago, Xenserrah said:


Yeah I rebalanced everything including stress to the latest patch and redone entire code to a new format.

Rest of balance pretty much intact.


Not only red, several more colors but they were missing new leap sprite, so I've added it.


If you want I'll upload it all and you can use it maybe to update your mod or however you wish. 

With separated buffs code is more efficient and overall most classes use this format nowadays.


I'll leave skeleton etc. talk to the professionals, I can only code I don't really get animations, skeletons etc. ^^

Sure. I can take a look. I remember a version with a red cloak, black bikini and an albino look. I had a copy of it backed up somewhere (was it one of those dodgy Korean ones? They never asked for permission and never updated when the mod updated :p).

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1 hour ago, Balgin said:

Sure. I can take a look. I remember a version with a red cloak, black bikini and an albino look. I had a copy of it backed up somewhere (was it one of those dodgy Korean ones? They never asked for permission and never updated when the mod updated :p).

Skin doesn't matter really, anyone can just replace it with whatever they want, I mostly spent hours on remaking the code.

Making sprites was fastest and easiest part.


I also was making annotations because I gave this class to my friend who learns how to make her own effects etc.

So both .info and .effects files have everything explained (aka what have I done to your baby ^^)

Should be easy enough for you to read it all it's quite far from wall of text now.


Cheers ^^


Twilight Knight Recoded + SFW light armor skin

All credits to Balgin.

Also thx to whoever originally made the Red Hood skin.


Minimalistic rebalance. Mostly fixes and stress balance for CC.

Also 4 colors of hood skin with new Leap sprite and guild header to match.

I'm not an artist so guild header is just copy/paste to match the skin ^^

300 Twilight Knight NEW.zip

Edited by Xenserrah
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On 10/6/2023 at 3:45 AM, Fnakasjg said:

Or - yes, you can do backward, as in file this one dude shared in previous message - take "anims" in "art" intact, and instead of renaming "anims" inside it - rename skills for fitting names of them for class you want port for

Its just me who renaming "anims" instead of "skills" (habit), backward working too and i guess its even easier)

(dont tested it in game with this "second way" myself since i dont need this file and here no point to "just check what i will never use in-game", but i guess it should work just bcs here nothing too complex)

Veil.rar I don't think I did it right image.jpeg.ef3f8ca9e36e0551fd648afc784423ac.jpeg shit 

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18 hours ago, fapzone10 said:

Thank you

So I'm translating The Ancient One and slowly going insane because this class barks make as much sense as a giraffe crawling on wall while playing a guitar:

Here is fragment of Quirk barks:

		<!-- <Resuscitator Effects>// -->

		<!-- <Heal other teammates 0.05 maximum life>// -->
		<entry id="str_mark_self_Octopus_Quirk2"><![CDATA[Terms of Use]]></entry>
		<!-- <Self-Destress 5>// -->
		<entry id="str_stress_heal_self_Octopus_Quirk2"><![CDATA[Impregnable]]></entry>
		<!-- <Heal the entire team 2/1>// -->
		<entry id="str_stress_heal_party_Octopus_Quirk2"><![CDATA[Activity]]></entry>
		<!-- <Buff random teammate: If it is a believer +5% critical hit>// -->
		<entry id="str_buff_random_party_member_Octopus_Quirk2"><![CDATA[Activities]]></entry>
		<!-- <Buff Team: +3 Accuracy If you are a believer, +3 Accuracy>// -->
		<entry id="str_buff_party_Octopus_Quirk2"><![CDATA[Blame the Painting]]></entry>
		<!-- <Heal self 0.1 maximum life>// -->
		<entry id="str_heal_self_Octopus_Quirk2"><![CDATA[Contents of Activities]]></entry>

		<!-- <Ancient Effects>// -->

		<!-- <Heal other teammates 0.1 maximum life>// -->
		<entry id="str_mark_self_Octopus_Quirk3"><![CDATA[International Activities]]></entry>
		<!-- <Self-Destress 7>// -->
		<entry id="str_stress_heal_self_Octopus_Quirk3"><![CDATA[Forging Indigo, Forging Indigo.]]></entry>
		<!-- <Heal the entire team 3/1>// -->
		<entry id="str_stress_heal_party_Octopus_Quirk3"><![CDATA[Informal Glossary of Terms and Conditions of Use]]></entry>
		<!-- <Buff random teammate: +5% damage, if it is a believer, +5% critical hit>// -->
		<entry id="str_buff_random_party_member_Octopus_Quirk3"><![CDATA[Surface Thickening.]]></entry>
		<!-- <Buff Team: +3 Accuracy If you are a believer, +5 Accuracy>// -->
		<entry id="str_buff_party_Octopus_Quirk3"><![CDATA[Accessories, Accessories.]]></entry>
		<!-- <Heal self 0.2 maximum life>// -->
		<entry id="str_heal_self_Octopus_Quirk3"><![CDATA[Hangan Village, North Fujian.]]></entry>

As  you can see I was successful at translating what quirks actually do - that is not the problem.

But barks are literally INSANE. There is even worse crap later that is not even all in Simplified Chinese and nothing makes sense.

She constantly talks about "Terms and Conditions", sings weird songs and says nonsensical bs in general.

I think it's on purpose but translating this weird whimsical/business combination of random crap gave me headache.  

This might take a while.

Edited by Xenserrah
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10 hours ago, Lil_Beeing said:

Veil.rar I don't think I did it right image.jpeg.ef3f8ca9e36e0551fd648afc784423ac.jpeg shit 

Anim titles need to be too "veil", i guess

Not inside files, for inside and sprites it is fine to stay "plagdoc", but outsife it must be same with class name, also dont forget to remove "modfiles.txt" if you doing any heavy edits


I actually cannt say with 100% confidence "what is wrong" - bcs as i mentioned i myself doing "backward way" - renaming "anims" and "fx" in "art", not skills

May be for next one reskin will try this way instead - just to figure out and expirience "how it working"



This materials will also help you - almost all about "DD modding for beginners"

Edited by Fnakasjg
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