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Darkest Dungeon Erotic Mods

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Same as Fnakasjg uploaded but with Eyes and localization cleaned up and fixed up:


1) Same two skins but with eyes.

2) Got rid of small Chinese leftovers, streamlined some Skill Tooltips.

3) Hopefully made flavor descriptions feel less like written by AI who learned from 12 y.o. edgelord.

4) Changed localization to have proper Project ID.


All credits to original mod authors: Kaze空白幻想 w_s_l and Fnakasjg for skins.

Many thanks to everyone who worked on mod and skins.


Cheers ^^





Edited by Xenserrah
Minor fix for SK2 Sprite.
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1 hour ago, Xenserrah said:

Same as Fnakasjg uploaded but with Eyes and localization cleaned up and fixed up:


1) Same two skins but with eyes.

2) Got rid of small Chinese leftovers, streamlined some Skill Tooltips.

3) Hopefully made flavor descriptions feel less like written by AI who learned from 12 y.o. edgelord.

4) Changed localization to have proper Project ID.


All credits to original mod authors and Fnakasjg.

Many thanks to everyone who worked on mod and skins.


Cheers ^^



The_Baiken_EYES_ENG_FIX.zip 24.98 MB · 0 downloads

Can you tell targetly where exactly were those localisation problems and leftovers? In barks/skill tooltips descriptions like "debuff on enemy"?

I myself ofcource did testing only fast and in first dungeon, but i didnt spot any of those, may be just bcs didnt play with her too long obviously and didnt hear all her bark lines

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15 minutes ago, Fnakasjg said:

Can you tell targetly where exactly were those localisation problems and leftovers? In barks/skill tooltips descriptions like "debuff on enemy"?

I myself ofcource did testing only fast and in first dungeon, but i didnt spot any of those, may be just bcs didnt play with her too long obviously and didnt hear all her bark lines

Ok, I'll try but I will not remember everything.

1) This entire block entry id="buff_stat_tooltip_upgrade_discount_BaikenDes1" to BaikenDes5 still had original Chinese words.

2) Barks I didn't touch much - too many and they seemed fine but I added Capitalizations where it felt proper.

3) Overall skill descriptions and names had no Caps in half of the places where other Vanilla classes have - so I added it for consistency

4) Overall skill descriptions had wording that wasn't quite describing skill usage for example SKILL 2 needs to be used vs Bleeding to achieve additional Bleeding and it was worded like it will Bleed target without any condition.

5) Flavor descriptions had preschool feeling and sometimes AI feeling like "She is strong. She is that. She is the other" I slightly rewrote it to just my personal taste.

6) Some Triket names and set names were weird and lack Caps again. So I hopefully made it better and retranslated myself manually without Google.

7) Couple of Trinket descriptions felt off. I hopefully made them worded better - tell me if I missed some.


P.S. I did it mostly for myself and only shared because... why not? But if you don't like my take on translation I can remove it if you wish.

Overall I don't claim to be professional Translator I'm mostly professional coder and programmer so I don't claim that my translation is better quality.

Just hope it looks nicer. Cheers ^^

Edited by Xenserrah
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48 minutes ago, Xenserrah said:

Ok, I'll try but I will not remember everything.

1) This entire block entry id="buff_stat_tooltip_upgrade_discount_BaikenDes1" to BaikenDes5 still had original Chinese words.

2) Barks I didn't touch much - too many and they seemed fine but I added Capitalizations where it felt proper.

3) Overall skill descriptions and names had no Caps in half of the places where other Vanilla classes have - so I added it for consistency

4) Overall skill descriptions had wording that wasn't quite describing skill usage for example SKILL 2 needs to be used vs Bleeding to achieve additional Bleeding and it was worded like it will Bleed target without any condition.

5) Flavor descriptions had preschool feeling and sometimes AI feeling like "She is strong. She is that. She is the other" I slightly rewrote it to just my personal taste.

6) Some Triket names and set names were weird and lack Caps again. So I hopefully made it better and retranslated myself manually without Google.

7) Couple of Trinket descriptions felt off. I hopefully made them worded better - tell me if I missed some.


P.S. I did it mostly for myself and only shared because... why not? But if you don't like my take on translation I can remove it if you wish.

Overall I don't claim to be professional Translator I'm mostly professional coder and programmer so I don't claim that my translation is better quality.

Just hope it looks nicer. Cheers ^^

Nah, i totally fine with any edits and sharing as i alwayes saying in description for all my edits and conversions - "fell free to do with them whatever you want", including sharing, on LL or on Nexus/Steam, just as you want))

You can even not mentioning about me as about author if you want since i just did little edit too - so all "kudos" are for original author for sure, also i dont care too much about that ("gathering known/popularity") at all any way - just doing for myself, same as you))

Also "more variations/editions = more choces from what to chose", it is alwayes better)

Just asked to know where and what exactly problems were, to decide "will i need your fix for smoother gameplay or im fine with my current version" - since im actually fine with my own version and didnt spot anything "too messy")

Edited by Fnakasjg
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1 minute ago, Fnakasjg said:

Nah, i totally fine with any edits and sharing as i alwayes saying in description for all my edits and conversions - "fell free to do with them whatever you want"))

Just asked to know where and what exactly problems were, to decide "will i need your fix for smoother gameplay or im fine with my current version")

Oh ok, you probably don't need my fix just keep in mind that skill 2 only applies bleed on bleeding enemies and that when you get certain trinkets they don't 

activate 2 last skills by themselves but only after using other skill.

You did a very good job already, saved me lots of time I was about to make my own translation of that mod from the one that was distributed with the base mod.

I also reduced size of some tooltips by rephrasing them. One comet rarity trinket had needlessly long one for example.


I just have personal pet peeve about lack of Caps and the fact that all Vanilla classes and most of modded classes that natively English capitalize everything nicely.

I also like class descriptions etc. worded nicely.

Overall I edited about 25 Chinese mod classes for my friend mostly, some for myself.

Only decided to share this one because I also did quick skin edit so might as well save people some time ^^


Lots of classes are machine translated and while they can look decent I just don't like when skill names are like this "skill name" and then tooltips in many classes are either blue strings (missing) or original Chinese letters or smth. like "blue Moon shines on ground and stuff" it's just weirds me out ^^

Also Camp skills in Vanilla are like this "CAMPING SKILL" and some mods have them in this format "Camping Skill" and some don't have caps at all.

One class I edited had random letters capitalized that one drove me insane I just had to fix that.

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1 hour ago, Xenserrah said:

You did a very good job already, saved me lots of time I was about to make my own translation of that mod from the one that was distributed with the base mod.

I did not translate myself, i just composed the last avaliable (the most advanced/fixed) version of mod and separate fix of localisation (sadly have no link for it, that why i dont mentioned it in link section)

Myself i did - NSFW "topless" edit/drawing and "composing all together" (last mod version, skins and last avaliable fixed version of english translation), thats all, actually))


1 hour ago, Xenserrah said:

Oh ok, you probably don't need my fix just keep in mind that skill 2 only applies bleed on bleeding enemies and that when you get certain trinkets they don't 

activate 2 last skills by themselves but only after using other skill.

Y, got it, thanks)

Already knew about trinket and its activation by the way, didnt know about bleeding mechanic)

Edited by Fnakasjg
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On 9/14/2023 at 3:09 PM, Fnakasjg said:

The Cultist Acolyte Town Event.zip 641.61 kB · 240 downloads The Cultist Acolyte Class Mod.zip 17.55 MB · 174 downloads




Cultist Acolyte hottie in awesome Xelsword skin ready for befriending with you, if you will be able to handle her ?

Original mod i used as class bases - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=930929791

And Xelsword skin of enemy, for now its on Patreon only - https://www.patreon.com/xelswordart


So - enjoy her company (if you can ?)

Also - this time also added version "with eyes" alonside "shadow eyes", bcs original material i worked with was with eyes, so i decided not to delete them, and leave as optionals

So - 4 skins, 2 SFW 2 NSFW, "eyes" and "shadow eyes" this time, even if i will use myself "shadow" version)

Also "Town Event" for her, if you want to meet her faster, with roleplaying "choice" - do you want to "execute" this dirty Cultist Witch ("do nothing" with heroe in event, she will be executed before start of next week), or do you want to befriending and aventruring with cute and awesome Cultist Witch ("hire into roster") - chose yourself ?))






With eyes

  Reveal hidden contents

1.png.7f6739eb0fa4461c73a1d976d602ea87.png2.png.4f95dc2f58ae38d9b651c40f166808da.png3.png.42f6c73b60a22e11ca350879249e61b0.png4.png.a04bc9d31835dfd68cfe6254b4f9176d.png               high_priestess_portrait_roster(2).png.6f1dcd7580452c936b3e1625926ba36c.png










Shadow eyes

  Reveal hidden contents

11.png.8598612d42a89299089ffcc83c1ea1d0.png21.png.e4df08104a57b340b8f37edaca4488c1.png31.png.6840fe4e8d7e1e1727ff2ad642155fc7.png41.png.a8ada71f34e2e8069de25269de46b45e.png                high_priestess_portrait_roster.png.53f903bf323ed4342e642bfb8813a02d.png




UPD. I for now remove mod files themself from public, will return them right away when Xelsword will upload his original mod from Patreon into public

One dude was right - its a little bit wrong from my side to him - uploading his work, even as material, before his original public upload)

It will be back as soon as he will relise his own, i guss it will be soon))


Returned mod filed into public, since Xelsword shared his own work on Patreon for public download

The Cultist Acolyte Town Event.zip 641.61 kB · 240 downloads The Cultist Acolyte Class Mod.zip 17.55 MB · 174 downloads

This is an update for Fnakasjg The Cultist Acolyte, here's what I modified from his work:


Roster's Portrait: high_priestess_portrait_roster.png.b3d12b3da0c41da3794ad13e0d672247.pnghigh_priestess_portrait_roster.png.7d251ab1d9b9aa57aab9402f8f6f7103.png

Idle Animation: acbc4a96d6.gif.90e8241deb97d1c0b51a5233f5e35c32.gif

Walk Animation:12fc011b3e.gif.c18cc5b3f2061d3f21d6987eac609be3.gif

Older Version Walk Animation:


Walk Animation: c68c147729.gif.bc90b04a52e4b1b68d4a3e69b6c38773.gif

And an optional Walk Animation,

Extra Bouncy: 121a887e30.gif.30d0ff94f635c497afa76e222f3d0a99.gif


Mod Files:

The Cultist Acolyte Class Mod 1.1.zip

New Walking Animation Only:

The Cultist Acolyte Class New Walk Only.zip





Older Version:



All skin and original animations credits for Xelsword

Original High Priestess author GhostSeeker

And Fnakasjg for putting everything together and helping me with some feedbacks for the final animation.



Edited by darkwerr
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Atalanta Rework ENG.


Mod from here (you don't need original mod) trinkets from here (also included)


Some minor fixes and put two mods together to reduce mod count.


Completely redone localization by hand, ENG only.


Original localization was not really English, I could barely understand it and none of the barks were translated.

So I translated everything manually. Some skill names weren't even proper Fate names so I used Fate Wiki.


Mod is SFW, all credits go to original author Kamo Master for original Atalanta and Rework too, also yliin for trinkets.

I made it for a friend who likes Fate, I have no idea about Fate so tell me if I got smth. wrong. 

Sharing it because I spent lots of time making a translation. Hope someone wants it. Cheers ^^



Edited by Xenserrah
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The Librarian.zip


Huge-huge thanks for darkwerr for creating completly new sexy awesome animations


"Librarian discovered some especially forbidden knowledges from one lost book and tried one forgotten spell from it, which made her body (or at least some parts of her body ;))... a little bit ... different"


Reskin for "Librarian" class, SFW/NSFW, "shadow eyes" (restoring "eye" variant from original will be easy if you will want it)

Incompatible with original since here used new animations (thanks to amazing darkwerr for creating them))


Original mod - https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1185211485

Original skin i used - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2862907826

New animations ("idle" "combat" and "walk") created by darkwerr - big thanks for him for that, they looking completly sexy, awesome and amazing :))


Also edited her healing skill (from single target into aoe, same time reducing strength of heal, now it is working almost similar as Antiquarian heal in Butcher Circus if you familiar with that) - so now she can be solo heal even in the most difficulty fights

Also edited her Town Event ("Kill Prophet" condition, she will arrive right after that at the same week)

Also edited her CoM trinket since its original was broken and not appearing in my own game, by the way in your game it will not work since i edited it with usage of like 10 other my mods (effects from other trinkets), so it will be better for you just use vanilla one "trinket" files instead, or it will just not appeared

If you dont like any of those edits (skill, Town Event or trinket) - you can just use only skin without other edits in folder and stay with original ones


Hope you will enjoy her company and will research some books together ... at night ;)))






librarian_guild_header.png.57c6ad9c804deafa15f919c0b7f1afda.png                          librarian_portrait_roster.png.0326b8ff50f785deb73e7508aee1a6cd.png





UPD Just Fix for right arm shoulder in "topless" skin for 3 sprites, for better and more immersive/realistic (also cuter :))look

Nothing critical new, previous variant also fully fine and almost similar, decide yourself if you will want to reupload for such a small fix if you already downloaded








The Librarian.zip



Edited by Fnakasjg
Reuploaded file (looks like bad route/server with first upload, so if you was unable to download first one bcs "cloudfire" - now all looks like working fine. Also added link on original skin i used, just forgot to mentioned it when created post, my bad))
Link to comment
30 minutes ago, Fnakasjg said:

The Librarian.zip 23.22 MB · 15 downloads


Huge-huge thanks for darkwerr for creating completly new sexy awesome animations


"Librarian discovered some especially forbidden knowledges from one lost book and tried one forgotten spell from it, which made her body (or at least some parts of her body ;))... a little bit ... different"


Reskin for "Librarian" class, SFW/NSFW, "shadow eyes" (restoring "eye" variant from original will be easy if you will want it)

Incompatible with original since here used new animations (thanks to amazing darkwerr for creating them))


Original mod - https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1185211485

New animations ("idle" "combat" and "walk") created by darkwerr - big thanks for him for that, they looking completly sexy, awesome and amazing :))


Also edited her healing skill (from single target into aoe, same time reducing strength of heal) - so now she can be solo heal even in the most difficulty fights

Also edited her Town Event ("Kill Prophet" condition, she will arrive right after that at the same week)

Also edited her CoM trinket since its original was broken and not appearing in my own game, by the way in your game it will not work since i edited it with usage of like 10 other my mods (effects from other trinkets), so it will be better for you just use vanilla one "trinket" files instead, or it will just not appeared

If you dont like any of those edits (skill, Town Event or trinket) - you can just use only skin without other edits in folder and stay with original ones


Hope you will enjoy her company and will research some books together ... at night ;)))





  Reveal hidden contents

librarian_guild_header.png.57c6ad9c804deafa15f919c0b7f1afda.png                          librarian_portrait_roster.png.0326b8ff50f785deb73e7508aee1a6cd.png




The Librarian.zip 23.22 MB · 15 downloads

Uh oh. Somehow I'm hearing "look what they've done to my song" by Melanie Safka running through my head.

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6 minutes ago, Balgin said:

Uh oh. Somehow I'm hearing "look what they've done to my song" by Melanie Safka running through my head.

If you talking about that "she is more busty than was requested for her author" - this did her author themself, i just "undressed her bra" as variant NSFW skin ;)))

So boob size - is completly made by original author himself)

Also i dont saw anything too kinky or lewd in her appearence - just young attractive sexy girl, looking very cute and innocently))

In compare with original "Librarian" - sure, more sexy and "open" clothes, but nothing kinky/weird imo)


Also - you can just not use it, if you will want to yourself - it is alwayes an option which everyone can chose from))


Edited by Fnakasjg
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Again I provide Eyes for Fnakasjg skin.

Thx to Fnakasjg for Librarian fix and skin, also thx to darkwerr.

Thx to Balgin, Moon/Void Slime for The Librarian.

Thx to all the authors of The Obituary.


This time you NEED original mod (couple of posts above,) I only edited sprites and Portrait.


Librarian EYES skins C and D compatible with A and B eyeless skins unpack into original mod directory:


Cheers ^^



Edited by Xenserrah
Same fix that Fnakasjg did for 3 sprites.
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4 minutes ago, Xenserrah said:

Again I provide Eyes for Fnakasjg skin.

Thx to Fnakasjg for Librarian fix and skin, also thx to darkwerr.

Thx to Balgin, Moon/Void Slime for The Librarian.


This time you NEED original mod (couple of posts above,) I only edited sprites and Portrait.


Librarian EYES skins C and D compatible with A and B eyeless skins unpack into original mod directory:


Cheers ^^

The_Libraria_EYES_skin_only.zip 8.27 MB · 1 download

Your pretty fast))

Link to comment
12 minutes ago, Xenserrah said:

Again I provide Eyes for Fnakasjg skin.

Thx to Fnakasjg for Librarian fix and skin, also thx to darkwerr.

Thx to Balgin, Moon/Void Slime for The Librarian.


This time you NEED original mod (couple of posts above,) I only edited sprites and Portrait.


Librarian EYES skins C and D compatible with A and B eyeless skins unpack into original mod directory:


Cheers ^^

The_Libraria_EYES_skin_only.zip 8.27 MB · 9 downloads

Do you think it would be possible for you to fix the ancient ones with its loc issues for English?

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20 minutes ago, Fnakasjg said:

Your pretty fast))


Yes, my Photoshop copy pasting skills are unmatched ^^


9 minutes ago, fapzone10 said:

Do you think it would be possible for you to fix the ancient ones with its loc issues for English?


It would be I did like all published Kaze classes except for Warlock because that one has decent separate English loc.

Lilith was not bad but I did it anyways. I just usually don't publish anything I do for me or my friend.

Ancient Ones seems like one of those imbalanced one that I didn't yet touch.

I rebalanced like 20+ classes so far but Kaze classes with advanced mechanics are very annoying.

I didn't touch Scourge and Ancient Ones because it seems like a pain.

Because of that I didn't yet made localization fixes but I will look into making one probably soon.


Overall if anyone interested in some other classes with mediocre ENG loc feel free to ask I might've already done some.

Examples: Lilith, Livia, Serona (Draconblood) etc,


I also made complete recoding/rebalancing of lots of old classes like Drowner and Fawn to increase stability and enjoyment of those, 

sometimes to just bring 2017-19 classes to 2023 standards or just reduce annoyances.

Again if someone interested let me know.


Currently working on bunch of SFW Fate classes for my friend she is crazy about Fate, idk if this is right place for SFW stuff but let me know 

if someone looking for some particular class.

Link to comment
14 minutes ago, Xenserrah said:


Yes, my Photoshop copy pasting skills are unmatched ^^



It would be I did like all published Kaze classes except for Warlock because that one has decent separate English loc.

Lilith was not bad but I did it anyways. I just usually don't publish anything I do for me or my friend.

Ancient Ones seems like one of those imbalanced one that I didn't yet touch.

I rebalanced like 20+ classes so far but Kaze classes with advanced mechanics are very annoying.

I didn't touch Scourge and Ancient Ones because it seems like a pain.

Because of that I didn't yet made localization fixes but I will look into making one probably soon.


Overall if anyone interested in some other classes with mediocre ENG loc feel free to ask I might've already done some.

Examples: Lilith, Livia, Serona (Draconblood) etc,


I also made complete recoding/rebalancing of lots of old classes like Drowner and Fawn to increase stability and enjoyment of those, 

sometimes to just bring 2017-19 classes to 2023 standards or just reduce annoyances.

Again if someone interested let me know.


Currently working on bunch of SFW Fate classes for my friend she is crazy about Fate, idk if this is right place for SFW stuff but let me know 

if someone looking for some particular class.

Thank you! Yes i would like any loc files you have made, 1000 times better than machine translation i cook up. Also would love any rebalancing and sfw skins you've done. I am not too good when it comes to rebalancing as my bias gets in the way. 
Have you done any rebalancing for muscarine The Offering?

Edited by fapzone10
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17 minutes ago, fapzone10 said:

Thank you! Yes i would like any loc files you have made, 1000 times better than machine translation i cook up. Also would love any rebalancing and sfw skins you've done. I am not too good when it comes to rebalancing as my bias gets in the way. 
Have you done any for muscarine The Offering?

Well you will have to wait a little bit I will need to find my archived class mods and either extract localizations or pack entire class, 

most of classes I localized I also rebalanced so if I pack entire thing it will probably be weaker than Kaze class.

You'd need to tell me if you prefer my entire mod or just locs. Locs however probably made with my changes in them. 

And I will not be able to remember what the hell did I change, in some of the mods I changed like 10 lines of code in others 1k+ ^^

So it will be "as is". However I usually write annotations in info and effect files.


As to Ancient Ones I just downloaded it, oh hell this is truly abysmal, give me several days, even machine translation is crap for it.

I will have to retranslate entire thing by hand and my Chinese is rusty,


As to Offering wait like a day, I don't remember what I did but I remember I did something and I have it with skins and fixes packed somewhere.

I also did Fawn, Hood and Hollow I think... I will get back to you on that tomorrow.  

Edited by Xenserrah
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25 minutes ago, Xenserrah said:


Yes, my Photoshop copy pasting skills are unmatched ^^


By the way i just now did little fix in 3 NSFW (topless) sprites (better right shoulder if in few words), if you will want too to update your own skins to fit perfectly - just letting you know)

Link to comment
8 minutes ago, Xenserrah said:

Well you will have to wait a little bit I will need to find my archived class mods and either extract localizations or pack entire class, 

most of classes I localized I also rebalanced so if I pack entire thing it will probably be weaker than Kaze class.

You'd need to tell me if you prefer my entire mod or just locs. Locs however probably made with my changes in them. 

And I will not be able to remember what the hell did I change, in some of the mods I changed like 10 lines of code in others 1k+ ^^

So it will be "as is". However I usually write annotations in info and effect files.


As to Ancient Ones I just downloaded it, oh hell this is truly abysmal, give me several days, even machine translation is crap for it.

I will have to retranslate entire thing by hand and my Chinese is rusty,


As to Offering wait like a day, I don't remember what I did but I remember I did something and I have it with skins and fixes packed somewhere.

I also did Fawn, Hood and Hollow I think... I will get back to you on that tomorrow.  

I'll take the entire pack for each mod, and thank you so much for looking at the Ancient ones No rush! 

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15 minutes ago, Fnakasjg said:

By the way i just now did little fix in 3 NSFW (topless) sprites (better right shoulder if in few words), if you will want too to update your own skins to fit perfectly - just letting you know)

Nvm figured out, I'll update my post soon ^^

Edited by Xenserrah
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15 minutes ago, Xenserrah said:

Nvm figured out, I'll update my post soon ^^

This one definatly will be final one)


If you not spotted diference - just redownload the final version (i reuploaded files few minutes ago with final one)

Difference will be in topless skin with 3 sprites - removed black line near right shoulder which was unnececcary here for immersion/realism)

Edited by Fnakasjg
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10 minutes ago, Fnakasjg said:

This one definatly will be final one)


If you not spotted diference - just redownload the final version (i reuploaded files few minutes ago with final one)

Difference will be in topless skin with 3 sprites - removed black line near right shoulder which was unnececcary here for immersion/realism)


Not only I've spotted difference I already updated my post with fixed sprites ^^

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2 minutes ago, Xenserrah said:


Not only I've spotted difference I already updated my post with fixed sprites ^^

Can you reupload? Its unavaliable

I myself encountered the same today when uploading "Librarian" - looks like bad day for LL server or route, and sometimes when uploading files going to one unavaliable server, on other upload all fine

So when uploading - check yourself "can you download it", or it will be "cloudfire says that "host not responding"" - as it right now for your last file :)))

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