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Darkest Dungeon Erotic Mods

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On 9/30/2023 at 3:16 PM, ROPROPE said:


Ah. I have all of Niur's mods now, but I wish they were better tagged. I can't tell which of these contain dick, aside from Astolfo which tbh good taste

i have some new class mod with futa skin if u want, btw what are niur mods?

Edited by Drenkor
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9 hours ago, LussaVanor said:

I see you didn't like the background I made for the hero unit. Well I am alright with that cause I really didn't put too much though on it and was just horny. You also changed the disease panel background to the default one, is this made to be compatible for most mods or for just LL in mind? 

On the contrary I did like that background, however I felt it keeped popping out and did not match the theme,  and ya I changed the disease eventhough I like the sperm graphic, in fact I hummed and hawed about it. I also tried to move the boobie skeleton up more so the tits were visible but gave up after a bit of trial and error (I just wanted to play at that point). And ya I made it for the normal DD.



I just realized your the author for LL and not BR, with that now in mind, I actually liked the window backdrop that BR did and nothing else, but liked your work on the rest of the background more (loved the icons you did for weapons and armor).

Edited by doctorpotato
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26 minutes ago, Megumin. said:

Can you not use both Anaertailin and NIUR skin for a single class?

Most likely no, it's all has to do with the skel, and animation frames, if they both use the same ones then yes you can, just pop the _a into the hero folder with the same name and change the "A" to some other letter, the game will pick up the new skin proper like (I'm guessing you can have at least 26 skins)

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6 hours ago, Koborlok said:

I would be interested in those, wanna give the game another go.

i would like to have any futa skins too, i only have some enemy skins and this one new class of those, if anybody has smth in mind give me a share pls (also i have seen people are talking about niur mods, i would like to look at those too if they work), i will add a share of new class once i will be home, she is pretty op in my opinion though, so if smb wants a hard game keep that in mind

Edited by Drenkor
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8 hours ago, Drenkor said:

i would like to have any futa skins too, i only have some enemy skins and this one new class of those, if anybody has smth in mind give me a share pls (also i have seen people are talking about niur mods, i would like to look at those too if they work), i will add a share of new class once i will be home, she is pretty op in my opinion though, so if smb wants a hard game keep that in mind


300 Serona.7z

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On 9/27/2023 at 6:23 AM, Fnakasjg said:

The Jiangshi.zip 34.26 MB · 324 downloads The Jiangshi Town Event.zip 868.5 kB · 165 downloads yurei.zip 2.85 MB · 236 downloads


Jiangshi consumed too much Qi energy, which made her unholy body a little bit ... bustier, and also a little bit more ... voluptuous)



Original mod - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2866004139

(didnt find source on original skin, one dude just shared it to me without source link)


Optional "Jiangshi" skin varian (incompatible with vanilla), i guess its already exist somewhere - i just didnt find myself original source and link, so if someone will want this one too and didnt find original too - here you go. 

Also added "shadow eyes" version (original was only "with eyes"), so here 4 at all (1 SFW 1 NSFW for "eyes" and "shadow eyes")

Also - optional "Town Event" to meet her faster (in my version its required "Sunshine Island" mod and completed first intro quest from it, you can easly edit it if you want to, just with common NotePad (remove "plot_quest" from "requirments")

Also - optional "Yurei" skin (ghosty female enemy from "SI") - same model and skin as for "Jiangshi", you can easly make her to be "eyes|shadow eyes" "SFW|NSFW" just in one click by replacing sprites from hero mod folder into enemy one, bcs i left full file name compatability (originaly i left - "NSFW" "shadow eyes", feel free to chose yourself)


Hope you will enjoy her company and will be able to handle her ... ghosty unholy charm)



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The Jiangshi.zip 34.26 MB · 324 downloads The Jiangshi Town Event.zip 868.5 kB · 165 downloads yurei.zip 2.85 MB · 236 downloads


Hey there, I installed this over top of the workshop mod, however none of the sprites work. Walking and combat work, but being attacked and investigating are plain white boxes. Any idea why?

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2 hours ago, sw2014 said:

Hey there, I installed this over top of the workshop mod, however none of the sprites work. Walking and combat work, but being attacked and investigating are plain white boxes. Any idea why?

the game crashes for me as i try to load into an expedition with this character.

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12 hours ago, sw2014 said:

Hey there, I installed this over top of the workshop mod, however none of the sprites work. Walking and combat work, but being attacked and investigating are plain white boxes. Any idea why?


10 hours ago, vacuouspal said:

the game crashes for me as i try to load into an expedition with this character.

Tested myself - all was fine, at least when i installed it not "over top")

Also it should work, if you will just replace "anim" and "sprite" folder', without "modfiles" presence in mod folder as one dude mentioned upper already

The easiest way is "install all folder", replacing parts is more complicated and requiering true understanding of "what you doing"

I guess load order is matter too - i loading all classes almost on top of load order, try to move it higher in load order

Also, as i mentioned in case if you not read - if you will using exactly this one "Town Event" without your own editing - you will need "Sunwiard Isles" for it, if you not using "SI" - edit "Town Event" (remove "plot_quest" requirment, since i for my own game gave it dependancy from SI first quest) or not use it, or you will have crashes from it

Edited by Fnakasjg
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11 hours ago, Fasterflight225 said:

Did you delete modfiles.txt?

It 'shouldn't' break a simple replacement like that, but who knows...

It will break actualy if you not delete "modfiles" - since i not changed skill sprites names, and their originals were "leper", not "jiangshi", so with "modfiles" game will just not search for them - it will searhce original names and ignore others

Also i dont even know - is this mod will work on Steam version or not, it should since reskin is not so complex and heavy thing, but who knows, since i myself not on Steam version and tested no on Steam version

So if you will replace only "anim" and "sprites" - you will need to delete "modfiles"

The easiest and less conflict way is for sure to use all folder without replacing only some parts - since i tested it in-game only as this folder, not as "its parts')

Edited by Fnakasjg
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1 hour ago, Fnakasjg said:

It will break actualy if you not delete "modfiles" - since i not changed skill sprites names, and their originals were "leper", not "jiangshi", so with "modfiles" game will just not search for them - it will searhce original names and ignore others

Also i dont even know - is this mod will work on Steam version or not, it should since reskin is not so complex and heavy thing, but who knows, since i myself not on Steam version and tested no on Steam version

So if you will replace only "anim" and "sprites" - you will need to delete "modfiles"

The easiest and less conflict way is for sure to use all folder without replacing only some parts - since i tested it in-game only as this folder, not as "its parts')


modfiles.txt fixed it on steam. 

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On 9/3/2023 at 5:19 AM, Fnakasjg said:

The Privateer.zip 14.96 MB · 92 downloads The Privateer Town Event.zip 829.78 kB · 45 downloads The Philomath.zip 16.41 MB · 96 downloads


Just a mini fast edit for "Privateer" and "Philomath", "mild-NSFW" for better fitting nipple position and avoiding "no nipples at all in SFW" variant (and "Town Event" for "Privateer" if you missed it previously)

Same as i did for "OmenSeeker" few days ago


Finally all "ongoing side edits" done, and next week i will FINALLY start working with NSFW skin variant for my beloved "Succubus" ) 
Hoping all this previous gained expirience from previous edits and reskins will help greatly both in term of time-spending and quality)




Examples (original/mine edit/NSFW) -



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The Privateer.zip 14.96 MB · 92 downloads The Privateer Town Event.zip 829.78 kB · 45 downloads The Philomath.zip 16.41 MB · 96 downloads

Thanks so much for all the edits.

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On 10/4/2023 at 8:16 PM, Lil_Beeing said:

Can I request xelsword brigand blood into Thrall skin I wanna see big lady image.png.94e83f482097b7a5b1093994f132fccb.png

You can easly do that yourself just with renaming, she is already fully done in "final complete version" as "Outlaw" class, i myself will not do that since no point for me, but as i said - it will be not so difficult, just renaming completed "anim" and "sprite" files and a little bit of editing on "art" file with Notepad, it will cost you 1-2 hours without hardly any skill requirments


Other thing that it will not fitt perfect nature of "Thrall" class and skills - thats why i chose "Outlaw" class as basis instead - much better fitting in nature, lore and immersion between class and skin both in skills and appearence

Edited by Fnakasjg
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1 hour ago, Fnakasjg said:

You can easly do that yourself just with renaming, she is already fully done in "final complete version" as "Outlaw" class, i myself will not do that since no point for me, but as i said - it will be not so difficult, just renaming completed "anim" and "sprite" files and a little bit of editing on "art" file with Notepad, it will cost you 1-2 hours without hardly any skill requirments


Other thing that it will not fitt perfect nature of "Thrall" class and skills - thats why i chose "Outlaw" class as basis instead - much better fitting in nature, lore and immersion between class and skin both in skills and appearence

I tried that it doesn't work for me probably miss input somewhere 


so I don't have to use dragonbone to rename the file? 

Edited by Lil_Beeing
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2 hours ago, Lil_Beeing said:

I tried that it doesn't work for me probably miss input somewhere 


so I don't have to use dragonbone to rename the file? 

Nah, all you need is Notepad)

You need to replace files with those from mod, and then rename and match names in "anim" folder (from "outlaw" to "thrall"), inside "anim" files for "combat", "walk" and "idle" (not rename for skills, for renaming for skills too you will need much more editing on other files, it will work any way even without renaming for them just after editing in "art" file), replace names of "anims" inside "art" file, and rename names of "sprites" inside skin directory ("thrall_A", "thrall_B", whatever it is in your game) for proper matching, its pretty natural and easy in fact to understand where it will need to rename (if you renamed link from "outlaw.combat" inside "atlas" file into "trall.combat" - rename "sprite" too, if you not renamed for skill "skel" files - just leave them intact)


Its not too hard, when you will figure out one time how to do that the process will be really clear and simple, just try it out on your own expirience with this simplified instruction i composed upper

Edited by Fnakasjg
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Or - yes, you can do backward, as in file this one dude shared in previous message - take "anims" in "art" intact, and instead of renaming "anims" inside it - rename skills for fitting names of them for class you want port for

Its just me who renaming "anims" instead of "skills" (habit), backward working too and i guess its even easier)

(dont tested it in game with this "second way" myself since i dont need this file and here no point to "just check what i will never use in-game", but i guess it should work just bcs here nothing too complex)

Edited by Fnakasjg
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