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Darkest Dungeon Erotic Mods

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1 hour ago, lol954 said:

i want as thick as that for crusader but havent found one yet sadly

That one is much thicker than crusaded, especially during combat (thank for her half-giant blood), enjoy))


Also if you loving thick girls and want as much of them as possible - also look at "Thrall" reskin into Unclean Giantess from "Mickondae+" reskin pack, she is pretty cute and thick too))

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The Succubus.zip



"Succubus" is finally, after all those years, can fully reveal her "succubi" nature, and she loving that!

NSFW skin variant for "Succubus" heroe class (original mod - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1597176026)

Compatabile with vanilla skins (not edited animations or skeleton, only sprites)


I made them from zero myself, so level of quality is "very amateur", but "better this than nothing", because other NSFW skins for her not even existing any way)








The Succubus.zip

Edited by Fnakasjg
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12 hours ago, Fnakasjg said:

The Succubus.zip 48.88 MB · 5 downloads



"Succubus" is finally, after all those years, can fully reveal her "succubi" nature, and she loving that!

NSFW skin variant for "Succubus" heroe class (original mod - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1597176026)

Compatabile with vanilla skins (not edited animations or skeleton, only sprites)


I made them from zero myself, so level of quality is "very amateur", but "better this than nothing", because other NSFW skins for her not even existing any way)




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The Succubus.zip 48.88 MB · 5 downloads

 Althought it is true that  quality is "very amateur", as you said, it is better than nothing, as you said aswell. And I appreciate that :) So I encourage you to keep going while you can!

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12 hours ago, Imphy24 said:

 Althought it is true that  quality is "very amateur", as you said, it is better than nothing, as you said aswell. And I appreciate that :) So I encourage you to keep going while you can!

Y, i have at least 10-15 heroes from my game without NSFW variants (Acolyte of Sun, Jiangshi, Librarian and many others), i planning to give all of them this variant 


Also when Xelsword will relise his amazing reskins for enemies one by one - i will make conversions for them into heroe classes as well, at least for all "Human" tagged enemies i already planning to do that (even already finding fitting basises for them, even if skin itself will be ready probably in only year or so) 

100% i will made conversions for Cultist Brawler (its his next and current on-going work by the way), probably Raptorous Cultist (i already found and have perfect basis classes for both of them), Madman (will keep both current one and Xelsword, need to find another basis for Xels variant so),

Courtesan (will keep both my current one (she is too hot and sexy to just replace her with Xelsword one) and Xelsword, i probably already found good basis class for Xelsword one as well), Crone (same - will keep current and Xelsword at the same time, already found basis), Hatefull Virago (found basis), Unclean Giant (sort of found basis, will keep both current and Xelsword as well), Piglet (already found perfect basis), Evil Wife/Mildred ("Milkmaid" as basis)

Highest possibility for Hag and Siren as well (i guess basises for them will be my current "Botanis" and "Lamia", probably, make most sence in term of fitting imo)

Those are 100% will be conversions when Xelsword will relise skins for them (may be many monthes or even years so, bcs he making them one by one and it is like 1-2 monthes between skins, and in order he wants himself, so for example Courtesan, Hag and Siren very possible can be relised only in next or even in 2025 year)

But also here alwayes possibility that his skin for any enemy will be so hot, that i will want to add heroe class conversion and "for this one" too, even if right now im not planning so))

(for undead skeletons for example)


So it is just "as soon as Xelsword will relise any enemy skin - most likely will do a conversion for it as heroe, only condition is "i want option to have her as my party member in-game")

Edited by Fnakasjg
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1 hour ago, Fnakasjg said:

i have at least 10-15 heroes from my game without NSFW variants (Acolyte of Sun, Jiangshi, Librarian and many others), i planning to give all of them this variant 



btw I have a jiangshi nude skin, but it is unfinished and it is done for the leper class (a port into the jiangshi class should be necessary)  I can share if you want to work with it





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58 minutes ago, Imphy24 said:

btw I have a jiangshi nude skin, but it is unfinished and it is done for the leper class (a port into the jiangshi class should be necessary)  I can share if you want to work with it


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I guess i saw that skin, not like it too much, i more like origianal (vanilla) design of her skin (its really has cute-looking and adorable original style), so i most likely will just add NSFW for vanilla one, especially since here not will be a lot of work (since her model and body part positioning, for many sprites breast part will be "hidden", not need to redraw)

Edited by Fnakasjg
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On 9/14/2023 at 11:09 AM, Fnakasjg said:

The Cultist Acolyte Town Event.zip 641.61 kB · 73 downloads




Cultist Acolyte hottie in awesome Xelsword skin ready for befriending with you, if you will be able to handle her ?

Original mod i used as class bases - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=930929791

And Xelsword skin of enemy, for now its on Patreon only - https://www.patreon.com/xelswordart


So - enjoy her company (if you can ?)

Also - this time also added version "with eyes" alonside "shadow eyes", bcs original material i worked with was with eyes, so i decided not to delete them, and leave as optionals

So - 4 skins, 2 SFW 2 NSFW, "eyes" and "shadow eyes" this time, even if i will use myself "shadow" version)

Also "Town Event" for her, if you want to meet her faster, with roleplaying "choice" - do you want to "execute" this dirty Cultist Witch ("do nothing" with heroe in event, she will be executed before start of next week), or do you want to befriending and aventruring with cute and awesome Cultist Witch ("hire into roster") - chose yourself ?))






With eyes

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1.png.7f6739eb0fa4461c73a1d976d602ea87.png2.png.4f95dc2f58ae38d9b651c40f166808da.png3.png.42f6c73b60a22e11ca350879249e61b0.png4.png.a04bc9d31835dfd68cfe6254b4f9176d.png               high_priestess_portrait_roster(2).png.6f1dcd7580452c936b3e1625926ba36c.png










Shadow eyes

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11.png.8598612d42a89299089ffcc83c1ea1d0.png21.png.e4df08104a57b340b8f37edaca4488c1.png31.png.6840fe4e8d7e1e1727ff2ad642155fc7.png41.png.a8ada71f34e2e8069de25269de46b45e.png                high_priestess_portrait_roster.png.53f903bf323ed4342e642bfb8813a02d.png




UPD. I for now remove mod files themself from public, will return them right away when Xelsword will upload his original mod from Patreon into public

One dude was right - its a little bit wrong from my side to him - uploading his work, even as material, before his original public upload)

It will be back as soon as he will relise his own, i guss it will be soon))

The Cultist Acolyte Town Event.zip 641.61 kB · 73 downloads

Will you add eyes variation for the Brigand Classes?

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12 minutes ago, JK069 said:

Will you add eyes variation for the Brigand Classes?

I myself will not, even for Cultist Acolyte i not added them - it was just basis material "with eyes", so i just not removed original i worked with, but for Brigands i worked from start with "shadow-eyes" version

But gladly since for last (final) version here advanced way for dealing with sprites - you can add it youself in your game if you want to easly, just with replacing sprites of skill and animations in proper folder with same names


However it will work only for combat animation and skills (since enemy has only them originally)

For "camping", "investigation", "affliction", "virtue", "walk" and "idle" i edited/redraw myself, not just "copy-paste", so if you want eyes for those ones as well - you will need to edit them in GIMP, luckly "only add eyes" will cost you like 30-60 minutes of "cntr c - cntr v" of simple and lazy work for all sprites, thank for high compatability for all of Xelsword skins between them

(just open original one sprite "with shadow eyes" and match with proper position "cntrl c" part of same body from "with eyes" version, easy and fast)

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On 9/11/2023 at 7:55 PM, Ranzepasm said:

big titty goth gf?

(didnt animate her breasts yet, just here to show off hair animation. Also beta version of topless omenseeker released on my bossty 4free - 

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gonna properly release duchess along with omenseeker on nexus and probably workshop ''''''''soon'''''''''


hey hey people


duchess beta hair/big rack reskin released on boosty 4free. Proper release on workshop/LL/nexus is gonna happen once i finish modpage posters and fix visual glitches if there any --->


now, for posters - i believe in flashy modpage supremacy, so i'll be doing one poster for it. Theres multiple concepts for now, and people will choose which will be finished - https://strawpoll.com/LVyK83BkKn0

one of the concepts here --->




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3 hours ago, mrjayaur said:

Will this work for the Human Duchess version of the mod?

never used it, but from file structure i can tell that you can just rename some files and things will work... for exactly half the sprites, since human duchess mod adds new moves.


Now i might do the patch for that human duchess mod yeah, seems like a reasonable idea, i bet alot of people use it.

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8 hours ago, Ranzepasm said:

never used it, but from file structure i can tell that you can just rename some files and things will work... for exactly half the sprites, since human duchess mod adds new moves.


Now i might do the patch for that human duchess mod yeah, seems like a reasonable idea, i bet a lot of people use it.

I swapped to the human version because I was not the biggest fan of her monster form so I would love to see this for her human form! Can't wait to see what you do next!

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20 hours ago, Ranzepasm said:

never used it, but from file structure i can tell that you can just rename some files and things will work... for exactly half the sprites, since human duchess mod adds new moves.


Now i might do the patch for that human duchess mod yeah, seems like a reasonable idea, i bet alot of people use it.

As somone who love both the duchess and human duchess,and went out of my way to make them both work same time (made human duchess her own class and called her countess),if you could make the skin work with her too it'd be awesome.It look real good

Edited by SoulOfMod
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