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Darkest Dungeon Erotic Mods

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34 minutes ago, OPC-mada said:

thank you!! but the errors are all the same, i've seen that in the anim files there are two diferent files for one action, so i allready change the attack name and the name of the character there, but in the other file i just see random code things that make no sense for me, maybe i have to change something with some sort of program maybe?Capturadepantalla2023-09-02102730.png.57b74ba649e326c21bd16e176d8ea21f.pngCapturadepantalla2023-09-02102714.png.ec59b6906f4246c89ea5fc558c4d05de.png

Sry cant help here since i have no any knowledges/understandings myself of how to proper working with animations/skeletons parametres in files (i even instaled programm to work with skeletons/animations, but it was far more difficult and complex than "edit some numbers and effects for heroe skills and trinkets" and "edit/draw some sprites" (level of my current "modding" skill for DD)))


All my works/edits im doing - im doing on some already existing and stable "basis" - already existing files and skeletons/animation masks, just editing/comparing them and with them)

Its much simplier and less time-consuming as for me than studing something like "creating animation and skeleton mask from zero", since im fine with my "amateur level" of skill - just doing those edits for myself first of all to use in my own game, not pretending to be "professional", not even close))



Edited by Fnakasjg
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The Wizard.zipThe Wizard Town Event.zip


Wizards Merlin apprentice Morgana, young and unexpirienced, but highly talented witch, is ready for action and meeting new friends with new female skin variant (SFW and NSFW as usual) for "Wizard" class!

("Merlin" is lore name for "Wizard" class, given for him by his original author on Steam page, so "Morgana" for girl Wizard fitting pretty well)

(original mod link - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3019720528)

(used this one skin for work with as basis- https://catalogue.smods.ru/archives/7842)


Fully compatible with original "Wizard" skin and skeleton, so roleplaying "old man wizard and his young female apprentice witch" in one battle at the same time with 2 different Wizard heroes valiable and easy option)


Town event for those who wants to meet Wizard faster also here as additional optional mod)


As usual - feel free to use, edit and share yourself)




wizard_guild_header.png.f107788457d8639ce63d8e439f7432a8.png                                           wizard_portrait_roster.png.06fb5d8b0fc065388a486536a2863388.png


The Wizard.zipThe Wizard Town Event.zip

Edited by Fnakasjg
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The Megumin.zipThe Megumin Town Event.zip


Skin variant (SFW and NSFW) for our beloved Explosion Loli - "ArchWizard Megumin" mod class. "She is already adult", after all (from her own words ?))


Fully compatible with original one (same skeleton and animation matrix) (Original mod link - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2988627846)

Also (as usual) Town even optional mini submod, for meet her faster if you want to)


Feel free to use skin as you want if you want)





The Megumin.zipThe Megumin Town Event.zip

Edited by Fnakasjg
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The Privateer.zipThe Privateer Town Event.zipThe Philomath.zip


Just a mini fast edit for "Privateer" and "Philomath", "mild-NSFW" for better fitting nipple position and avoiding "no nipples at all in SFW" variant (and "Town Event" for "Privateer" if you missed it previously)

Same as i did for "OmenSeeker" few days ago


Finally all "ongoing side edits" done, and next week i will FINALLY start working with NSFW skin variant for my beloved "Succubus" ) 
Hoping all this previous gained expirience from previous edits and reskins will help greatly both in term of time-spending and quality)




Examples (original/mine edit/NSFW) -






The Privateer.zipThe Privateer Town Event.zipThe Philomath.zip

Edited by Fnakasjg
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Question - someone saw any mods with conversion for enemy "Unclean Giant" and/or enemy "Brigand Blodletter" into heroe class, or at least classes that fitting them close enough (size, appearence, skills)?


image.jpeg.6be0ce3909c112bc93726ad98f239e93.jpeg   image.jpeg.b3c43e263e9872925802f4eefc80438e.jpeg


Why im asking about them? Thinking about creating in some future (already after "Succubus" NSFW skin for sure, enough delays for her) skin variants for them using this ones enemis skins (Giant from "Micondae+" and Bloodletter from Xelsword) -







but for it i need an already existing mod heroe class, fitting this skin, especially in body size, in the best case - full enemy conversion into heroe (as for Courtesan or Cultist Acolyte for example i already worked with))







Edited by Fnakasjg
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For those two hotties (Xelsword skins for enemies "Brigand Fusilier" and "Brigand Cutthroat")







by the way i already found perfect fitting mod heroe classes, so you already can waiting  in some future opportunity to have them in your party and befriending with them))

Edited by Fnakasjg
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Complete "Succubus" animations (walk, idle, combat), want to say that "hardest part is done", but sadly its reverse - since in most animated parts she is in cloak - it was actually mostly easier part, and with static sprites here will be a lot of work (since hard structure and multiple stages in almost any sprite)


But at least now i can edit/redraw like "1 sprite/per day", when have time and mood for it)) Bcs animations need to test during process in game immidiatly (same time using GIMP and opened game, edit/draw - immidiate in-game test/check, bcs every edit in animation can easly cause mess and force to reverse last changes), and sprites can be tested all at once when they are all already drawn - advantage of static sprite without animation and skeleton with coordinates)





Edited by Fnakasjg
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Also - for "Unclean Giant" reskin i decided to use Marvins "Thrall" class (imo fitting pretty good for this skin by his skillset, and as i know "Thrall" for now not having female reskin too - 2 benefits at once)


Still open question for "Brigand Bloodletter" reskin so - need class with strong single damage skill (for fitting "Point Blank Shot") and aoe bleed damage skill (for fitting nine-tail aoe) for proper fitting of this conversion/reskin

Edited by Fnakasjg
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51 minutes ago, Fnakasjg said:

Also - for "Unclean Giant" reskin i decided to use Marvins "Thrall" class (imo fitting pretty good for this skin by his skillset, and as i know "Thrall" for now not having female reskin too - 2 benefits at once)


Still open question for "Brigand Bloodletter" reskin so - need class with strong single damage skill (for fitting "Point Blank Shot") and aoe bleed damage skill (for fitting nine-tail aoe) for proper fitting of this conversion/reskin

Nvm, i guess i found a solution - how to add this reskin by smooth, immersive, and fitting way, guess will start with her right after "Succubus" finishing - want to test is it will work as i think it should with this new for me way/solution)

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The Outlaw (Brigand Bloodletter Class Conversion).zipThe Outlaw (Brigand Bloodletter Class Conversion) Town Event.zip


The big woman still here? - Imgflip

Yes, she is already ready for action now!) SFW and NSFW 2 variants, as usual)


After your encounter on the Old Road (first intro quest) one of the outlaws was captured alive - knocked out instead of being killed thank for her huge body size. So now only you will deside - do you want to execute her ("do nothing"), or spare and befriending with her ("recruit in roster") (To unlock this "choice" use "The Outlaw Town Event" submod, choice will be right after "Old Road" quest when you will arive into Hamlet, also for best possible "lore" fitting if you also using Xelsword "Brigand Bloodletter"reskin for enemies - so you will really knockout female Bloodletter instead of vanilla male Bloodletter during fight (class still will be female since it is standalone even if you willnot use Xel enemy reskin for Brigands, this is just for Immersion purposes))


99% of kudos going to Xelsword - animations, sprites and even sub-mod standalone class "Outlaw" i used ("Highwayman" standalone variant class Xel did for standalone usage of his HWM reskin) - all this amazing works are from our beloves Xelsword, so if you will want to share this conversion - dont forget to remind him as original author, i myself just used his materials as basis and edit/compare them

(Original mods i used as materials - https://www.nexusmods.com/darkestdungeon/mods/959 https://www.nexusmods.com/darkestdungeon/mods/1318 https://www.nexusmods.com/darkestdungeon/mods/1672)


One issue - she is so "big girl" that in sprites i was forced to sort of "hide" some parts of her, but in my opinion this "alternative way" instead of decrease sprite is much better and more immersive in terms of good-looking, quality and picture, judge yourself, but i myself really pleased with final results))

While walking and idle she will be just a little bit lower than in combat (as usual - animation and sprite matching troubles, especially for such a "big girl"), but when battle start she will immidiatly use her passive inherited magic spell(i guess her mother or father was giant, so she is half-giant herself, allowing her to do that "fortify body spell")

In my opinion conversion of animations is also really smooth and cool-looking (at least i did my best and pleased myself with result) - also big "thank" for Xelsword for high compatability between all his mods in term of body parts and animations - this is allowed to do a really smooth and cool conversion, and to do it fast)


Also you cannt use same time this conversion and original "Outlaw" Xels standalone mod at the same time, for obvious reasons, all other stuff is fully compatible


So, about her - she is non-agile, slow, but same time very sturdy and reliable as frontline heroe with good damage(same as vanilla Bloodletter Bandit), using most of HighWayMan skills (both battle and camping) (obviously, bcs i used HWM standalone class, but its fitting her pretty well), but with COMPLETLY DIFFERENT stats and effects, so expirience of playing with her will be exactly like from completly new class who having only some similars with HWM


Hope you will enjoy this conversion and her company in your adventures, tryied my best for making her fitting original lore and her nature of original enemy)

Feel free to share and edit by yourself if you want, dont forget to remind Xelsword  - i only edited this for myself in-game usage, 99% of work is Xels originals





outlaw_guild_header.png.0b89405f9156201dcb8bdbe7b26c6568.png                     outlaw_portrait_roster.png.7131e2293f1a7351c7a7f4d1f0f55e20.png



The Outlaw (Brigand Bloodletter Class Conversion).zipThe Outlaw (Brigand Bloodletter Class Conversion) Town Event.zip



Edited by Fnakasjg
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On 8/8/2023 at 4:12 PM, Fnakasjg said:

Lamia Mod Base.zip 18.63 MB · 138 downloads


Lamia ready to join you with her new NSFW skin variant, allowing her to fully free her "siren nature" and to do her "siren luring things" with much better effectiveness and opportunities)


(When she using any skills breast become much more busty - its sort of luring illusion/magic, exact same one her "sister" Siren is using during her "Lure" skill  to take advantages from it  - free and fast increasing of effectiveness for seducing/luring through this "illusion busty buff" (since they both were transformed by almost exact same ritual by same creatures (from in-game lore side) - they using almost same kind of magic and spells for luring they enemies (and allies too), thats also a reason, why they both have similar light-blue-purple color and form for breast skin and nipples - same magic, same ritual and same nature of power source for transformation)

(Main reasons why i used for basis sprite from Siren boss "Lure" - siren.sprite.attack_lure.png.2ed4bdcfab4049668f8bcb25b30d4829.png )


This NSFW fully compatible with original vanilla heroe class mod

(Original mod - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1130829365)


As usual - feel free to use this skin as you want yourself (edit, share, upload etc), i dont mind)







Lamia Mod Base.zip 18.63 MB · 138 downloads


Looks good. How to handle the walk and idle animations? Do you have any files for that?

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This "big girl" conversion was mostly for test (and gladly it was not spend so much time, and what even better - it will help greatly in future with any other similar "from zero" conversions and reskins since i learned a lot of new usefull "tricks" during this one), now i will end with "Succubus" (still a lot of work), only then will start with last ones Xels Bandits reskins into classes (at least already found class mods to work with, no problems this time) and with "Micondae+" "big girl" (Unclean Giant female reskin), also found class for it (will try to do reskin for Marvin "Thrall", fitting her pretty good in term of appereance, nature and skills, also "Thrall" has no female reskin itself yet - good target for work with by both reasons)

Edited by Fnakasjg
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14 minutes ago, MasterZeigh said:

Looks good. How to handle the walk and idle animations? Do you have any files for that?

Nope, just editied all by hands in GIMP, i just usually using as "basis" already exists animation file, and edit it with "parts" of skin i want to implement, if skin and animations are "native" - less work and problems since high compatability between parts, any wayy after every edit i immidiatly test in-game result (opened GIMP and game at the same time, thanks for game thats edits implementing right after skin switching back-forward, no need to restart all game)

If last edit was bad/breaking - back one step and edit again, until i pleased with results) With static sprites its much easier in 99% of cases - they "static", you know)) Just picture, only need to "stay in borders" of sprite and think about image perspective (positioning)


After like 5-10 edited skins and classes here is already some "automathic" expirience and "triks" how to edit faster and make more "cool-looking") For first edits it was much harder - all studing from zero on pure expirience and mistackes)

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for the love of fuck dude just please put your images into spoilers, my scrollwheel is dying here

2 hours ago, Fnakasjg said:

The Outlaw (Brigand Bloodletter Class Conversion).zip 11.56 MB · 5 downloads The Outlaw (Brigand Bloodletter Class Conversion) Town Event.zip 801.18 kB · 6 downloads


The big woman still here? - Imgflip

Yes, she is already ready for action now!) SFW and NSFW 2 variants, as usual)


After your encounter on the Old Road (first intro quest) one of the outlaws was captured alive - knocked out instead of being killed thank for her huge body size. So now only you will deside - do you want to execute her ("do nothing"), or spare and befriending with her ("recruit in roster") (To unlock this "choice" use "The Outlaw Town Event" submod, choice will be right after "Old Road" quest when you will arive into Hamlet, also for best possible "lore" fitting if you also using Xelsword "Brigand Bloodletter"reskin for enemies - so you will really knockout female Bloodletter instead of vanilla male Bloodletter during fight (class still will be female since it is standalone even if you willnot use Xel enemy reskin for Brigands, this is just for Immersion purposes))


99% of kudos going to Xelsword - animations, sprites and even sub-mod standalone class "Outlaw" i used ("Highwayman" standalone variant class Xel did for standalone usage of his HWM reskin) - all this amazing works are from our beloves Xelsword, so if you will want to share this conversion - dont forget to remind him as original author, i myself just used his materials as basis and edit/compare them

(Original mods i used as materials - https://www.nexusmods.com/darkestdungeon/mods/959 https://www.nexusmods.com/darkestdungeon/mods/1318 https://www.nexusmods.com/darkestdungeon/mods/1672)


One issue - she is so "big girl" that in sprites i was forced to sort of "hide" some parts of her, but in my opinion this "alternative way" instead of decrease sprite is much better and more immersive in terms of good-looking, quality and picture, judge yourself, but i myself really pleased with final results))

While walking and idle she will be just a little bit lower than in combat (as usual - animation and sprite matching troubles, especially for such a "big girl"), but when battle start she will immidiatly use her passive inherited magic spell(i guess her mother or father was giant, so she is half-giant herself, allowing her to do that "fortify body spell")

In my opinion conversion of animations is also really smooth and cool-looking (at least i did my best and pleased myself with result) - also big "thank" for Xelsword for high compatability between all his mods in term of body parts and animations - this is allowed to do a really smooth and cool conversion, and to do it fast)


Also you cannt use same time this conversion and original "Outlaw" Xels standalone mod at the same time, for obvious reasons, all other stuff is fully compatible


So, about her - she is non-agile, slow, but same time very sturdy and reliable as frontline heroe with good damage(same as vanilla Bloodletter Bandit), using most of HighWayMan skills (both battle and camping) (obviously, bcs i used HWM standalone class, but its fitting her pretty well), but with COMPLETLY DIFFERENT stats and effects, so expirience of playing with her will be exactly like from completly new class who having only some similars with HWM


Hope you will enjoy this conversion and her company in your adventures, tryied my best for making her fitting original lore and her nature of original enemy)

Feel free to share and edit by yourself if you want, dont forget to remind Xelsword  - i only edited this for myself in-game usage, 99% of work is Xels originals




outlaw_guild_header.png.0b89405f9156201dcb8bdbe7b26c6568.png                     outlaw_portrait_roster.png.7131e2293f1a7351c7a7f4d1f0f55e20.png




The Outlaw (Brigand Bloodletter Class Conversion).zip 11.56 MB · 5 downloads The Outlaw (Brigand Bloodletter Class Conversion) Town Event.zip 801.18 kB · 6 downloads




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7 hours ago, Fnakasjg said:

The Outlaw (Brigand Bloodletter Class Conversion).zip 11.56 MB · 15 downloads The Outlaw (Brigand Bloodletter Class Conversion) Town Event.zip 801.18 kB · 17 downloads


The big woman still here? - Imgflip

Yes, she is already ready for action now!) SFW and NSFW 2 variants, as usual)


After your encounter on the Old Road (first intro quest) one of the outlaws was captured alive - knocked out instead of being killed thank for her huge body size. So now only you will deside - do you want to execute her ("do nothing"), or spare and befriending with her ("recruit in roster") (To unlock this "choice" use "The Outlaw Town Event" submod, choice will be right after "Old Road" quest when you will arive into Hamlet, also for best possible "lore" fitting if you also using Xelsword "Brigand Bloodletter"reskin for enemies - so you will really knockout female Bloodletter instead of vanilla male Bloodletter during fight (class still will be female since it is standalone even if you willnot use Xel enemy reskin for Brigands, this is just for Immersion purposes))


99% of kudos going to Xelsword - animations, sprites and even sub-mod standalone class "Outlaw" i used ("Highwayman" standalone variant class Xel did for standalone usage of his HWM reskin) - all this amazing works are from our beloves Xelsword, so if you will want to share this conversion - dont forget to remind him as original author, i myself just used his materials as basis and edit/compare them

(Original mods i used as materials - https://www.nexusmods.com/darkestdungeon/mods/959 https://www.nexusmods.com/darkestdungeon/mods/1318 https://www.nexusmods.com/darkestdungeon/mods/1672)


One issue - she is so "big girl" that in sprites i was forced to sort of "hide" some parts of her, but in my opinion this "alternative way" instead of decrease sprite is much better and more immersive in terms of good-looking, quality and picture, judge yourself, but i myself really pleased with final results))

While walking and idle she will be just a little bit lower than in combat (as usual - animation and sprite matching troubles, especially for such a "big girl"), but when battle start she will immidiatly use her passive inherited magic spell(i guess her mother or father was giant, so she is half-giant herself, allowing her to do that "fortify body spell")

In my opinion conversion of animations is also really smooth and cool-looking (at least i did my best and pleased myself with result) - also big "thank" for Xelsword for high compatability between all his mods in term of body parts and animations - this is allowed to do a really smooth and cool conversion, and to do it fast)


Also you cannt use same time this conversion and original "Outlaw" Xels standalone mod at the same time, for obvious reasons, all other stuff is fully compatible


So, about her - she is non-agile, slow, but same time very sturdy and reliable as frontline heroe with good damage(same as vanilla Bloodletter Bandit), using most of HighWayMan skills (both battle and camping) (obviously, bcs i used HWM standalone class, but its fitting her pretty well), but with COMPLETLY DIFFERENT stats and effects, so expirience of playing with her will be exactly like from completly new class who having only some similars with HWM


Hope you will enjoy this conversion and her company in your adventures, tryied my best for making her fitting original lore and her nature of original enemy)

Feel free to share and edit by yourself if you want, dont forget to remind Xelsword  - i only edited this for myself in-game usage, 99% of work is Xels originals




  Reveal hidden contents

outlaw_guild_header.png.0b89405f9156201dcb8bdbe7b26c6568.png                     outlaw_portrait_roster.png.7131e2293f1a7351c7a7f4d1f0f55e20.png




The Outlaw (Brigand Bloodletter Class Conversion).zip 11.56 MB · 15 downloads The Outlaw (Brigand Bloodletter Class Conversion) Town Event.zip 801.18 kB · 17 downloads



Can I put the version with the eyes over this one and it will still work or no the skin will bug out if I do that?

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7 hours ago, ToastOwO said:

Can I put the version with the eyes over this one and it will still work or no the skin will bug out if I do that?

I edited every sprite and animation from enemy to class, its not just "copy and paste", sadly)


But bcs "shadow eyes" and "with eyes" versions are having same texture matrix/positioning and high compatability between skin variants for same enemy/heroe (tnk for Xelswords again for doing that easier for any edits) - you can easly edit it yourself for every sprite and animation, and create another skin variant, all same but just with eyes, just 30-60 minutes of lasy working and matching in GIMP (free programm and easy to use even without expirience and knowledges, almost like "advanced Paint", which just will not destroy "empty" background into "white square" as "Paint" will do)


I myself willnt do that bcs simple reason - i myself alwayes using "shadow eyes" versions on ALL skins (heroes and enemies) - for proper fitting of vanilla lore and art style atmosphere)

So for me here no point to do that, even if its really easy and fast (as i said - 30-60 minutes of fast matching and lasy editing)

Edited by Fnakasjg
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The Thrall Mod Base.zip


The big woman still here? - Imgflip


Female Unclean Giant, previously slaved and selled into gladiator arena as "Thrall", now can become your companion and friend))

Female reskin for Marvin Seo "Thrall" class (original mod - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1175904375), SFW and NSFW as usual

Used reskin of hottie female Unclean Giant enemy from "Micondae+" (original mod -https://www.nexusmods.com/darkestdungeon/mods/1093 ) - fitting pretty well with "Thrall" class in term of charachter, skills and appearence, also "Thrall" has no female skins at all - double profit))


So if you all this time wanted to have one of those "Micondae+" hotties Giants in your party, and also wanted a female skin for "Thrall" (SFW or NSFW, no matter since here are both) - now it is possible, hope you will be able to handle her ferosious charachter and rebellious temper and become friends (or even "close" friends ?) with her))))

Carefull with her "Ferocity" affliction so (original and guaranteed "Thrall" affliction from "Thrall" vanilla) - or you will know fast all "pretties" of having Giant girlfriend nearby))


Since she is really "big girl" - same issue as it was with Outlaw with female "Bloodletter" skin - she will be a little bit smaller during walking and idle, but when combat starting, she will immidiatly use native Giant spell "fortify body", growing up into her "battle Giant form"


Uncompatible with original "Thrall" skins (since here is another skeleton and animations), but fully compatible with all other Marvin submods (trinkets, events and etc), i edited ONLY skins and animations, all other was intacted

Feel free to edit and share yourself)




thrall_guild_header.png.8e7f0de2caece49e31ec463619d9128c.png                           thrall_portrait_roster.png.43d8ea7346f17bcc7a9e27b0b754260a.png


2.png.8104f8df003c5adc2aedc5118fdf338b.png3.png.2f8aeb1f98d7dba4f3edb7cbe6c0907f.png     1.png.aa4bb17b7b2dc26818931e15dfb27d18.png4.png.002211fe88040279dea70f6765b602f8.png


The Thrall Mod Base.zip

Edited by Fnakasjg
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one day i shall return, for now teasers


- yes, big bloody lady is being worked on

- yes, omenseeker reskin collection is being worked on

- yes, any new wildlander enemies will be given saucy skins in time 

- to that one motherfucker that dared me to do troggs, be mindful of what you wish, beetch



if you wanna any nsfw skins done for some class mod you can message me on boosty for comission, i got some free time for now, but who cares anyway









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