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Darkest Dungeon Erotic Mods

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All i want from BlackReliquary in fact are standalone Enchantress miniboss and BR factions as roaming enemies in vanilla zones (Cove, Weald etc) without going to full BR overhaul and replacing vanilla game, mostly since 99% of vanilla mods will not go with BR. and like without 50% of them i already cannt imagine my game any way) So having just roaming enemy packs and bosses from BR same as this doing for example "Here be Monsters" or "Project Monster Variety" mods - would be really awesome

Possibly one day someone will do that, Enchantress as miniboss and all those hotties Wildlanders really will be cool to meet in vanilla zones without full overhaul to BR,  info 146%)

Myself i have no knowleges to do such complex thing, all i can do to edit/redraw sprites of already existing things or edit some numbers in "effects/info" files)


For now all we have are 2 invasions (same as Wwulf) for Levantine and Wildlanders, both appearing only once same as Wwulf event, no roaming packs in dungeons

And not 2 other factions even as invasions, i dont even talking about mods for full roaming enemies and minibosses from BR 

Edited by Fnakasjg
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16 hours ago, Fnakasjg said:

So having just roaming enemy packs and bosses from BR same as this doing for example "Here be Monsters" or "Project Monster Variety" mods - would be really awesome

Possibly one day someone will do that, Enchantress as miniboss and all those hotties Wildlanders really will be cool to meet in vanilla zones without full overhaul to BR,  info 146%)



For now all we have are 2 invasions (same as Wwulf) for Levantine and Wildlanders, both appearing only once same as Wwulf event, no roaming packs in dungeons

And not 2 other factions even as invasions, i dont even talking about mods for full roaming enemies and minibosses from BR 


I've made some major customizations to my BR just to be able to redo the Wildlander boss fights over and over again. I don't quite know yet how roaming encounters work atm, but I do have 2 permanent (always available per week) lvl 5 boss quests that I can enable to fight a scaled up version of Wildlander Steelpath and Warhawk.


I am looking into tweaking the AI for Warhawk (and to a lesser extent, Steelpath) so that potentially I can have both of them show up in the same encounter while retaining a lot of the flavor of their abilities, but I'm having a bit too much fun with the Flayed atm. (Ultimate goal is Flayed + Steelpath + Warhawk encounters, lol)


If there's interest, I can probably look into creating a standalone mod for repeat boss encounters, but right now the balance is completely out of whack for vanilla heroes (since I heavily mod the hero's stats in my BR). I kinda want to try my hand at a custom map too, but baby steps.


Having repeatable enchantress or that plant lady fights is something in the back of my mind, but since there's no smexier reskins for those bosses, it's definitely lower on my priority list, lol.

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14 hours ago, irysius said:


I've made some major customizations to my BR just to be able to redo the Wildlander boss fights over and over again. I don't quite know yet how roaming encounters work atm, but I do have 2 permanent (always available per week) lvl 5 boss quests that I can enable to fight a scaled up version of Wildlander Steelpath and Warhawk.


I am looking into tweaking the AI for Warhawk (and to a lesser extent, Steelpath) so that potentially I can have both of them show up in the same encounter while retaining a lot of the flavor of their abilities, but I'm having a bit too much fun with the Flayed atm. (Ultimate goal is Flayed + Steelpath + Warhawk encounters, lol)


If there's interest, I can probably look into creating a standalone mod for repeat boss encounters, but right now the balance is completely out of whack for vanilla heroes (since I heavily mod the hero's stats in my BR). I kinda want to try my hand at a custom map too, but baby steps.


Having repeatable enchantress or that plant lady fights is something in the back of my mind, but since there's no smexier reskins for those bosses, it's definitely lower on my priority list, lol.

You now talking about game with BR, or about vanilla but with some features from BR added manualy?


If about BR - i not care too much since i will not use BR any way, yes it good overhaul i agreed, but as i already said before - i have too much essential mods for vanila game, and like 90% of them 100% incompatible with BR

I would like to try BR if it will be like Pet Cemetry or Sunward Isles zones - with their own monsters and mechanincs, but in vanilla game and with all 100+ vanilla game mods compatability 

But since its not the option, simplest and most posible thing which can be made - adding just enemies from factions, same as other monster mods do ("Here be Monsters", "Monster variety project" and etc)


If you talking about adding some more events/roaming mini-bosses/quests into vanilla game but with BR stuff and features - i would glad to see all of it

If about just editing some for BR itself - meh. no point, sadly))

Edited by Fnakasjg
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On 3/16/2023 at 3:41 PM, zacpahec111 said:

Hello all,
I wanted to introduce you to my crusader based on the Anartailin - Profaned Knight skin.
This is the initial version, it will be further revised and refined. 
I would like to hear your opinions.
Crusader is based on I Legion of Dark Angels.

Dark Angels 07.gif


Is this finished or is it still being worked on?

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On 8/19/2023 at 3:16 AM, ToastOwO said:

Does anyone has news on this? Also what are the skins for the other characters they looking really cool.

this has asked for a lot since the beginning of this thread, from what ive gathered its not around. and if it is i doubt anyone here has it to share

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4 hours ago, Tsuyukami said:

My game is daying I have to "fuck 0 necromancer aprentice", when I enter the quest the boss don't spawn and I can't win. what I can do to fix this?

This sounds familar.

On 7/28/2023 at 5:52 PM, Fasterflight225 said:

If the quests aren't spawning, it's Campaign/Quest/quest.plot_quests.json.

quest.plot_quests.json 64.35 kB · 8 downloads

If the quests are spawning, but the bosses are not, it's Dungeons/Crypts/crypts.conditional.#.mash.darkest.

crypts.conditional.rar 659 B · 5 downloads

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8 hours ago, Tsuyukami said:

My game is daying I have to "fuck 0 necromancer aprentice", when I enter the quest the boss don't spawn and I can't win. what I can do to fix this?

I think i know what a problem, mb you use some broken reskin for necromancer? bcuz i just install another reskin and all work

Edited by Mr_Snake45
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Can someone share vanilla "brigand_hunter" (whole folder) from vanilla "monster" directory


My own fault ofcource of breaking "First Rule of every edit attempt" - didnt make backup before editing, very dumb and i hope last time mistacke)

"Overconfidence" that all will be alright i guess, "slow killer" indeed)

Edited by Fnakasjg
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3 hours ago, Fnakasjg said:

Can someone share vanilla "brigand_hunter" (whole folder) from vanilla "monster" directory


My own fault ofcource of breaking "First Rule of every edit attempt" - didnt make backup before editing, very dumb and i hope last time mistacke)

"Overconfidence" that all will be alright i guess, "slow killer" indeed)

don't forget the backup next time,bro.


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