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Darkest Dungeon Erotic Mods

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8 hours ago, 6LewdLove6 said:

Can anybody share their collection of monster replacers? Getting back into this game.


...Okay, let's take it from the top.

This is the most expansive cultist pack.


I recommend combining skeleton packs, but if you pressed me for one...


...Their Captain is just too juicy.

Hestrir's work covers about half of cove, all of the Wield, and all of the DLCs, there's no other option there.


Plugging the holes in the Cove is a mixed bag, but Sonk has most of them. That's the Crab, Thrall, and Ghast.


While you're there, go ahead and grab the Gargoyle. It's a one-off, but practically the only option.

Next up, grab Anaertailin's Warrens packs.



And their spiders.


And their Brigands.


Okay, one-offs time. The Ghoul lives in a megapack and the Jellyfish is... somewhere, but they both live here now.


Right right right, the snakes. Almost forgot the snakes...


Okay, the snail. I had a few options, but all seem to have vanished... so this is what we're defaulting to.


...I can't think of anything else, so we're moving on to bosses.

The Shambler.


The Prophet.


The Siren.


And the Swine King.

swine_prince_anaertailin.rar 7.32 MB · 7,076 downloads

Also the Fanatic, who just showed up one day.


Oh, right, the Fuseman, he's technically a boss but isn't included because fuck you.

Anaertailin Fuseman.rar 4.14 MB · 296 downloads


Okay, so Wilbur lives here, since you didn't mention him...

swine_piglet_anaertailin.rar 821.79 kB · 4,798 downloads

Alcor's done a bunch of stuff, since they're purely request-based.

The Shuffling Horror.


The Collector.



Additionally, the Hag's Cauldron appeared... somewhere.

cauldrons.rar 2.75 MB · 482 downloads


The Cannon and Vvulf have been asked of me before... and I've done it.

Yakou's Brigands for Vvulf's men.rar 9.92 MB · 1,392 downloads

Wildlander Cannon.rar 9.42 MB · 937 downloads

Speaking of, the Necromancer is merely a clone of the Fawn Mother in my build... though I think I've seen a dedicated version I just didn't like?

necromancer.zip 3.66 MB · 1,500 downloads


What's left should be... the Crew, the Flesh, and the Darkest Dungeon, which haven't been covered yet.

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thank you very much ruvel and i want to tell something see this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1689631977 it have more dungeon is mines pet cemetary and red mountain  but  have some problem red mountain i don t have this mod and any data about this mod mines i found this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2683922974 i don t have this mod but if have i think it difficult to install this mod but i try to learning this mod and finally pet cemetary https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2299938973 i don t have and if i have i must learning i don t know maybe use other mod to advanture for this mod

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