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Darkest Dungeon Erotic Mods

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So like.. I usually come here to lurk and get more stuff for the game, but for once I'm gonna be asking for help. So the wildlander mod that was just made, for some reason, I can't wrap my head around what is going wrong with the bombard, I don't know exactly why it's decided to do this as I followed the instructions to the t.

Screenshot 2023-06-30 170746.png

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6 hours ago, chipthetimberwolf said:

So like.. I usually come here to lurk and get more stuff for the game, but for once I'm gonna be asking for help. So the wildlander mod that was just made, for some reason, I can't wrap my head around what is going wrong with the bombard, I don't know exactly why it's decided to do this as I followed the instructions to the t.

Screenshot 2023-06-30 170746.png

Oh wow thats strange. I see the enemy is amberlighted so maybe the everlay monster is affecting the animaton. Hold on im gonna check if i can reproduce it.

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5 minutes ago, Ranzepasm said:

Oh wow thats strange. I see the enemy is amberlighted so maybe the everlay monster is affecting the animaton. Hold on im gonna check if i can reproduce it.

nope, the animation is busted. Looks like i fucked up when exporting it. Fix incoming.

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5 minutes ago, Señor Esqueleto said:

Hey, is it possible to edit sounds in this game? I got an idea for a mod, which involves editing the Ancestor's voice lines, but the sound files are in .bank format and I don't know how to edit that.

It's possible, Dan_ has done it before. You can ask them for more specific tips, but from the official guide...

Before getting started on any mod stuff, be sure you're using the correct version of FMOD Studio. We're on 1.06.07 for the release version of Darkest Dungeon.

If you were asked to "migrate project to new version" upon loading this project file, you'll need to re-download and reopen this project file with the correct version of FMOD Studio.

Download URLs below:
Darkest Dungeon Files: http://darkestdungeon.com/darkestdungeon_audio_mod_materials.zip

Win: http://www.fmod.org/download/fmodstudio/tool/Win/fmodstudio10607win-installer.exe
Mac: http://www.fmod.org/download/fmodstudio/tool/Mac/fmodstudio10607mac-installer.dmg

Download a source code editor such as Notepad++. https://notepad-plus-plus.org/

Once you do that, you should be ready to dive in to the FMOD Studio project file.
We've prepared a very quick tutorial for you, located inside the project file,
in the Properties Pane of all events inside the "MODDERS_READ_ME_FIRST" folder.

If you need help with anything further, feel free to join and contribute to the
Darkest Dungeon - Workshop group on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/dd-workshop
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7 hours ago, chipthetimberwolf said:

So like.. I usually come here to lurk and get more stuff for the game, but for once I'm gonna be asking for help. So the wildlander mod that was just made, for some reason, I can't wrap my head around what is going wrong with the bombard, I don't know exactly why it's decided to do this as I followed the instructions to the t.

Screenshot 2023-06-30 170746.png

Update is out, should be fixed now. Looks like 207 people didnt use any bombard skins or just didnt bother to report them being broken.

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20 hours ago, Ranzepasm said:

Update is out, should be fixed now. Looks like 207 people didnt use any bombard skins or just didnt bother to report them being broken.

I can't believe I am doing such a minor nitpick, but the position of the cock from the Bombard futa doesn't seem to match the one you uploaded in the screenshot for your mod page. Its a little too low. Is this how its supposed to be? Same happens to the alt too. I am sure I followed the instructions correctly.


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Hey there guys, i can't seem to find the Black Reliquary mod on the workshop anymore so could anyone be so kind to tell me what happened + give me the files if possible? thanks. Oh and a few steam mods too, i plan to finally start playing Black Reliquary mod since i finished the base game



Thanks for your time
Being an epic games user is hard

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2 hours ago, JommJohnson said:

I can't believe I am doing such a minor nitpick, but the position of the cock from the Bombard futa doesn't seem to match the one you uploaded in the screenshot for your mod page. Its a little too low. Is this how its supposed to be? Same happens to the alt too. I am sure I followed the instructions correctly.


It is not a bug, i just changed animation before release.

but now i uploaded an optional file - bombard reposition - which contains .skel file that changes animation to be the same as the one on pre-release screenshot. So whoever wants it go get it.

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On 6/28/2023 at 12:17 PM, Ranzepasm said:

also here some more teasers of stuff that i will maybe work on, who knows, maybe ill finally drink myself to death soon.

Leave suggestions (with rough sketches of whatchu mean preferrably), and i will tel you why they bad, or not, maybe i will consider and implement them.

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Wanna remake the fackin raptor into something better and make those enemies that didnt win poll into actual ones (or just make assets for someone to do it)



Same here, only that these ones are original designs based on my headcanon (this mod not even finished DOES IT HAVE STORY???)



wanted to remake "the solution" class mod artwork cuz it looks freakin awful. Throw some ideas at me how should i make a stupid slime girl into actual interesting lokking character.



seen someone asking around for an edit of omenseeker that never actually happened, well it might happen. Should i also give her dicc?



----- futa alert ---------------













this one will actually get dicc, no arguing here. What could i add to keep her original style but also horni? Your thoughts, gents.



large women, man, large women....


Glad someone caught onto the convo a had a while back.
Yeah, I tried asking around, especially since that image of Omenseeker is the only massively big breasted variant out there!
Maybe one day she'll gain a hefty set of thick thighs even.

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Saw some people saying there isn't a good Siren reskin. There IS actually a decent Siren reskin, made by Porkin
Steam Workshop::Porkin's Monster Skin : 3. Siren (Less mutated) (steamcommunity.com)
In fact, Porkin has a bunch of boss and hero skins. If anyone would be willing to upload them here (because I'm a cheap bastard and didn't buy the Steam version of DD), I'll give you a digital high five.

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7 hours ago, Ranzepasm said:

choccy milke??? (some more vars maybe in future)

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--- futa alert ---

Nice, if youre making heroes skins is there any possibility of making, or in this case, remaking the thrall edit shared here? It uses the wildlander warhawk skin, so i was wondering if we could get some of the futa edits you made to the enemy version on the hero mod. As i was reading my post i decided to make a quick search, as im not even sure if it was here that i got this edit, and, couldnt find the file anywhere, if theres any interest in it i can share the mod.

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