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The Reaver.zip


Hottie "Reaver" (Female Brigand Fusieler from Xelsword Brigand reskins) ready to befriending and adventuring with you!


Original mods i used as basis - https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=948931447 https://www.nexusmods.com/darkestdungeon/mods/1672

Not compatible with original skins (bcs edited animation and skeleton)

Some edits in stats and skills to better fit Brigand Fusilier nature - if you will not love those edits - you can use vanilla ones, just replace "animations" and "sprites" into vanilla folder)

No Town Event right now since it will be event for double heroe at the same time (Brigand Fusilier and Brigand Cutthroat), and 2nd is not ready yet = event will crash game without 2nd heroe, dont worry, it will be ready soon alongside with event


Hope you will find a place for her in your party and enjoy her company)

Feel free edit (for example if you want version "with eyes" - its will be just fast and easy 30-60 minutes of matching in GIMP) and share yourself, as usual





reaver_guild_header.png.d8b75613c5af994a37aa0948048b6d75.png            reaver_portrait_roster.png.b9c5a9773101a85dd39f254c3bb7d06c.png


2.png.d4473864bc77da981fd1d9b6ea4a25e1.png3.png.7913f215e539075ff70bf0e00b8dd6d6.png              1.png.cb7114306328d6014981d45842a0438a.png4.png.c1064a68442ba818e20a0d791489b094.png


The Reaver.zip

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Finished animation (combat, idle and walk) for last hottie bandit girl from Xelsword reskin pack, for now only for SFW skin, but second variant (NSFW) will be much faster (when first one was already complete it will be almost only "copy-paste and matching" for second one), today i just already spent too much time for her (she was more complex and time consuming that i thought it would before start)


Tomorrow (or on next day perhaps, to the end of the week for sure) she will be ready and it will be full completion of  "Xelsword outlaw hotties as playable heroes to befriend with")





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2 hours ago, Fnakasjg said:

Finished animation (combat, idle and walk) for last hottie bandit girl from Xelsword reskin pack, for now only for SFW skin, but second variant (NSFW) will be much faster (when first one was already complete it will be almost only "copy-paste and matching" for second one), today i just already spent too much time for her (she was more complex and time consuming that i thought it would before start)


Tomorrow (or on next day perhaps, to the end of the week for sure) she will be ready and it will be full completion of  "Xelsword outlaw hotties as playable heroes to befriend with")


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"Camping" -


butcher.sprite.camp(2).png.11ebadb260c3d4ae169149ab995a26c1.png                                   butcher.sprite_camp.png.bc9775a2378de5020040a09c01eadedd.png

Edited by Fnakasjg
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1 hour ago, Leonid45252 said:

Hello, guys! Glad i found this site with mods for the game. I don't have darkest dungeon on steam, but i want to download one mod from the workshop, even saw a creator here. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2968538581 if someone can post this here as zip or rar file, i would be really thankful 

you can get the class and skin from nexus mods


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The Butcher.zip



 The Reaver.zip




The Bandits Town Event.zip




The Outlaw (Brigand Bloodletter Class Conversion).zip  The Outlaw (Brigand Bloodletter Class Conversion) Town Event.zip






Female Bandit Cutthroat "allowed you to befriending her, hmph"!))


preview_icon.png.8ab6b4c816d9a871764594d797ca7d9b.png                       butcher_portrait_roster.png.14f41d4edfcfd768c8d209efdd2e1df9.png




1.png.f4ee788235fb12f4e01ca9c925b8eec5.png              2.png.188420a258a21f71697abe37c61e643e.png     

 (forgot to do NSFW example of idle/combat animation, guess you can imagine it yourself easly - "no bra and no panties", other all same, as usual for SFW/NSFW variations on Xelswords skins (best part of them imo))




Reskin for "Butcher" class as female "Bandit Cutthroat" enemy from Xelsword Bandits skin pack (she is last one from them)

original mods https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2204393585 https://www.nexusmods.com/darkestdungeon/mods/1672


This class fitting her perfectly not only in terms of skills and appearence, but even in title ( "Bitcher" from "Butcher" just with one letter replacing - fitting her nature and personality pretty well ?))

Not compatible with original one skins (edited animations and skeleton)

Hope you will enjoy her company, even if she is "Butcher/Bitcher", she is pretty cute and good follower girl if you be able to befriending and build good long relationships with her)


Also uploading all "Brigand reskin "from enemy into ally" pack" at once, with events and minor (its FINAL (and i hope last one) version) fixes - more HP for Bloodletter (vanilla one fit) and self-stealth ability in skills for Fusilier (also vanilla one fit), all three bandit conversions fitting their enemy countparts by HP, dodge and armor for better lore fitting and immersiviness


All events also allow you to chose/ropleplay yourself mini-game "decide spare or execute this dirty bandit/bandits" -

if you want bandit girl hotties in your party, you like them and want to befriending and adventuring with them - chose "spare them" variant (= "recruit into roster")

if you hate bandits and want to make a warning to all other bandits in estate "what will wait them" - chose "execute them" (= "do nothing with heroe from event"), to the start of the next week they will die by exectution

For "The Bandits Town Event" to work propetly you need both "Butcher" and "Reaver" classes - since its event for both classes at same time, without one of them game will crash when event will suppose to appeare (after reloading game will continue as usual without troubles any way, but event will never appeare again)


Feels free edit and share youself as you want, as usual)




The Butcher.zip




The Reaver.zip




The Bandits Town Event.zip




The Outlaw (Brigand Bloodletter Class Conversion).zip  The Outlaw (Brigand Bloodletter Class Conversion) Town Event.zip




Edited by Fnakasjg
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I "suddenly" (by expereminting ?) figured out significant improvement/new way to deal with static sprites during skin conversion, also it is MUCH easier, faster and more compatible than previously - for example NOW you can yourself easly add/replace "with eyes" variants for Xelsword skin pack if you want to, just with copy/paste and replacing/creating another skin folder, since now here no edits for original one static sprites - so no compatability problems with just copy/past original variants 
Animations, "camp" and "invistigate" sprites still edited, so for them you still will need GIMP if you want edit them yourself)


Here fast fixed/improved versions of all my previous reskins/conversions, where were some position/body part troubles, now all smooth, clean and pretty as it was in their enemy originals


The Foxie Witch.zipThe Philomath.zipThe Thrall Mod Base.zipThe Outlaw (Brigand Bloodletter Class Conversion).zipThe Reaver.zipThe Butcher.zip 


For simple example "how its looks before/after" - "big girl" (since she had most body parts/positioning troubles before), "Before (previous "dirty and dumb" version)/After (now in current "clean and pretty" version)"








Same for all other skins - all same, not they just all with proper positioning, without missing body parts and cutting, just smoother and prettier)




Edited by Fnakasjg
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Is anyone have "MilkMaid" NSFW (or good SFW with NSFW redraw/edit potential) reskins? Or if they even exist?


Also - skins for Mildred ("Evil Wife") would be helpfull too, possibly i will convert this skin from "Evil Wife" to "MilkMaid" if its good and will fit well

I hear that skin for Mildred/"Evil Wife" exists, not was able to find it so - if someone have it or have link into it - will be very helpfull

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14 hours ago, Fnakasjg said:

I "suddenly" (by expereminting ?) figured out significant improvement/new way to deal with static sprites during skin conversion, also it is MUCH easier, faster and more compatible than previously - for example NOW you can yourself easly add/replace "with eyes" variants for Xelsword skin pack if you want to, just with copy/paste and replacing/creating another skin folder, since now here no edits for original one static sprites - so no compatability problems with just copy/past original variants 
Animations, "camp" and "invistigate" sprites still edited, so for them you still will need GIMP if you want edit them yourself)


Here fast fixed/improved versions of all my previous reskins/conversions, where were some position/body part troubles, now all smooth, clean and pretty as it was in their enemy originals


The Foxie Witch.zip 8.22 MB · 27 downloads The Philomath.zip 15.34 MB · 19 downloads The Thrall Mod Base.zip 16.05 MB · 14 downloads The Outlaw (Brigand Bloodletter Class Conversion).zip 11.03 MB · 22 downloads The Reaver.zip 8.14 MB · 13 downloads The Butcher.zip 8.21 MB · 14 downloads  


For simple example "how its looks before/after" - "big girl" (since she had most body parts/positioning troubles before), "Before (previous "dirty and dumb" version)/After (now in current "clean and pretty" version)"


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Same for all other skins - all same, not they just all with proper positioning, without missing body parts and cutting, just smoother and prettier)




Wow, amazing! This is what I've been searching for.

I must ask, could you also add eyes version to "The Butcher", "The Outlaw" and "The Reaver"? Thank you so much for converting them!

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9 hours ago, FireGeneral said:

Wow, amazing! This is what I've been searching for.

I must ask, could you also add eyes version to "The Butcher", "The Outlaw" and "The Reaver"? Thank you so much for converting them!

Ye, in lastest version here full compatability since improvement of way i convert sprites from enemy into class, so you can just replace sprites with "eyes" version from Xelsword skins, or create another one skin folder (originally here "A" and "B", you can add "C", "D" etc) and replace already here


You still will be need yourself to edit "idle"and "walking" animations, and "affcliction", "virtue", "camp" and "investigate" yourself, replacing will work only for "combat" animation and "in-combat skill sprites" (since enemy herself has only this sprites, all other i made by editing and redrawing)

"Just adding eyes" for those sprites will cost you like 30-60 minutes of lazy and simple working in GIMP, i myself willnt do that by simple reason - no point, i doing those in first order for myself usage, and i alwayes using only "shadow eyes" versions in my own game


Also - i not did myself too much, 99% of work is Xelsword originals here, i just edited/matched a little, so 99% of kudos for sure going to Xelsword and his original works and awesomness))

(and for original class mod author, ofcourse, i used as basis for conversion)

Edited by Fnakasjg
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3 hours ago, Ranzepasm said:

big titty goth gf?

(didnt animate her breasts yet, just here to show off hair animation. Also beta version of topless omenseeker released on my bossty 4free - 


gonna properly release duchess along with omenseeker on nexus and probably workshop ''''''''soon'''''''''


This looks fantastic! I will restlessly await its release!

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3 hours ago, Fnakasjg said:

Ye, in lastest version here full compatability since improvement of way i convert sprites from enemy into class, so you can just replace sprites with "eyes" version from Xelsword skins, or create another one skin folder (originally here "A" and "B", you can add "C", "D" etc) and replace already here


You still will be need yourself to edit "idle"and "walking" animations, and "affcliction", "virtue", "camp" and "investigate" yourself, replacing will work only for "combat" animation and "in-combat skill sprites" (since enemy herself has only this sprites, all other i made by editing and redrawing)

"Just adding eyes" for those sprites will cost you like 30-60 minutes of lazy and simple working in GIMP, i myself willnt do that by simple reason - no point, i doing those in first order for myself usage, and i alwayes using only "shadow eyes" versions in my own game


Also - i not did myself too much, 99% of work is Xelsword originals here, i just edited/matched a little, so 99% of kudos for sure going to Xelsword and his original works and awesomness))

(and for original class mod author, ofcourse, i used as basis for conversion)

Understood! Thank you!

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36 minutes ago, Fnakasjg said:

Question - is Xelsword already shared his next skins for enemies except "Bandits" somwhere (on Patreon for example), or he sharing them ONLY on Nexus, and just need to wait until they will be on Nexus same as "Bandit pack"?

currently patreon only, most likely will be released on nexus when the cult pack is finished

Edited by coally34
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20 minutes ago, coally34 said:

currently patreon only, most likely will be released on nexus when the cult pack is finished

So cultist pack already done and already on Patreon? Cool

Will wait it on Nexus, hope it will be soon)


Since i already have Cultist Acolite girl heroe - would be awesome to make Xelsword reskin for her, waitung with impatience)

Also if someone already have her skin from patreon and will share it here - it will be faster))


Also i already found "Cultist Brawler" heroe class mod as basis to make convertion of Xelsword skin for him as it will be neccecary to do)

Edited by Fnakasjg
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52 minutes ago, Fnakasjg said:

So cultist pack already done and already on Patreon? Cool

Will wait it on Nexus, hope it will be soon)


Since i already have Cultist Acolite girl heroe - would be awesome to make Xelsword reskin for her, waitung with impatience)

Also if someone already have her skin from patreon and will share it here - it will be faster))


Also i already found "Cultist Brawler" heroe class mod as basis to make convertion of Xelsword skin for him as it will be neccecary to do)

I am excited to try that out if you do it

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2 hours ago, ToastOwO said:

I am excited to try that out if you do it

As soon as will be avaliable material for it, i guess it will be when Xelsword will share it on Nexus, but if someone will already having them from Xels Patreon earlier than on Nexus and will share them here - it will be a little bit faster to start creating convertion/reskin)
Since i doing those conversions for myself in-game usage first of all - i interested to do that as soon as possible myself, dont worry))


Would be pity to have only option "kill those Xelsword skin cuties as enemies" (even if i already roleplaying "knock out and tie up on low HP with non-lethal skills (as "Dazzling Light" for example) instead of killing" for female enemies), when you can actually recruit them as heroes for roleplaying, close befriending and adventuring together))

Edited by Fnakasjg
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One awesome dude shared for me Xels "Cultist Acolyte", i guess from Patreon, biggest thanks to him)

With new method that i discovered few days ago conversions become much faster (also i guess expirience from all previous conversions boosting speed too)

Tomorrow or after tomorrow possibly she will be already finished)


Example of SFW walk/idle and combat (not made NSFW and "shadow-eyes" versions yet)





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Alright, never been here before, But something has been bothering me and I'm looking for help. In theory, Niur's class skins are the best fit for Lustiest Lair, as Xelswords skins just don't quite fit the tone, even if a bit more polished in my opinion. But I've noticed that while some of Niur's skins are total remakes, a few of them include bits of the original characters on them. On some it works fine, but the Crusader and Highwayman skins just look awful. When animations are playing, they look fine, but their walking sprites look bad. So, are there alternate Xelsword skins that go a bit further, to fit LL better, or versions of the Niur Skins that are complete remakes? I'd greatly appreciate it.

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9 hours ago, SecurityShy said:

Alright, never been here before, But something has been bothering me and I'm looking for help. In theory, Niur's class skins are the best fit for Lustiest Lair, as Xelswords skins just don't quite fit the tone, even if a bit more polished in my opinion. But I've noticed that while some of Niur's skins are total remakes, a few of them include bits of the original characters on them. On some it works fine, but the Crusader and Highwayman skins just look awful. When animations are playing, they look fine, but their walking sprites look bad. So, are there alternate Xelsword skins that go a bit further, to fit LL better, or versions of the Niur Skins that are complete remakes? I'd greatly appreciate it.

There's a Xelsword-based Hyena Grave Robber that goes all the damned way, but that's obviously nothing.

...It is difficult to tell with Niur's stuff, as they don't preview animated sprites... probably for this exact reason.

I 'think' their Rosaura Crusader Skin doesn't use vanilla assets, and am pretty sure the Noel Bounty Hunter skin doesn't either...

...Porting them over to the Highwayman should work, except for how Nuir has only made the one skin for Bounty Hunter and one for Highwayman, so any porting attempt will leave one uncovered.

Edited by Fasterflight225
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The Cultist Acolyte Town Event.zipThe Cultist Acolyte Class Mod.zip




Cultist Acolyte hottie in awesome Xelsword skin ready for befriending with you, if you will be able to handle her ?

Original mod i used as class bases - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=930929791

And Xelsword skin of enemy, for now its on Patreon only - https://www.patreon.com/xelswordart


So - enjoy her company (if you can ?)

Also - this time also added version "with eyes" alonside "shadow eyes", bcs original material i worked with was with eyes, so i decided not to delete them, and leave as optionals

So - 4 skins, 2 SFW 2 NSFW, "eyes" and "shadow eyes" this time, even if i will use myself "shadow" version)

Also "Town Event" for her, if you want to meet her faster, with roleplaying "choice" - do you want to "execute" this dirty Cultist Witch ("do nothing" with heroe in event, she will be executed before start of next week), or do you want to befriending and aventruring with cute and awesome Cultist Witch ("hire into roster") - chose yourself ?))






With eyes


1.png.7f6739eb0fa4461c73a1d976d602ea87.png2.png.4f95dc2f58ae38d9b651c40f166808da.png3.png.42f6c73b60a22e11ca350879249e61b0.png4.png.a04bc9d31835dfd68cfe6254b4f9176d.png               high_priestess_portrait_roster(2).png.6f1dcd7580452c936b3e1625926ba36c.png










Shadow eyes


11.png.8598612d42a89299089ffcc83c1ea1d0.png21.png.e4df08104a57b340b8f37edaca4488c1.png31.png.6840fe4e8d7e1e1727ff2ad642155fc7.png41.png.a8ada71f34e2e8069de25269de46b45e.png                high_priestess_portrait_roster.png.53f903bf323ed4342e642bfb8813a02d.png




UPD. I for now remove mod files themself from public, will return them right away when Xelsword will upload his original mod from Patreon into public

One dude was right - its a little bit wrong from my side to him - uploading his work, even as material, before his original public upload)

It will be back as soon as he will relise his own, i guss it will be soon))


Returned mod filed into public, since Xelsword shared his own work on Patreon for public download

The Cultist Acolyte Town Event.zipThe Cultist Acolyte Class Mod.zip

Edited by Fnakasjg
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On 9/5/2023 at 11:24 AM, Fnakasjg said:

The Outlaw (Brigand Bloodletter Class Conversion).zip 11.56 MB · 88 downloads The Outlaw (Brigand Bloodletter Class Conversion) Town Event.zip 801.18 kB · 68 downloads


The big woman still here? - Imgflip

Yes, she is already ready for action now!) SFW and NSFW 2 variants, as usual)


After your encounter on the Old Road (first intro quest) one of the outlaws was captured alive - knocked out instead of being killed thank for her huge body size. So now only you will deside - do you want to execute her ("do nothing"), or spare and befriending with her ("recruit in roster") (To unlock this "choice" use "The Outlaw Town Event" submod, choice will be right after "Old Road" quest when you will arive into Hamlet, also for best possible "lore" fitting if you also using Xelsword "Brigand Bloodletter"reskin for enemies - so you will really knockout female Bloodletter instead of vanilla male Bloodletter during fight (class still will be female since it is standalone even if you willnot use Xel enemy reskin for Brigands, this is just for Immersion purposes))


99% of kudos going to Xelsword - animations, sprites and even sub-mod standalone class "Outlaw" i used ("Highwayman" standalone variant class Xel did for standalone usage of his HWM reskin) - all this amazing works are from our beloves Xelsword, so if you will want to share this conversion - dont forget to remind him as original author, i myself just used his materials as basis and edit/compare them

(Original mods i used as materials - https://www.nexusmods.com/darkestdungeon/mods/959 https://www.nexusmods.com/darkestdungeon/mods/1318 https://www.nexusmods.com/darkestdungeon/mods/1672)


One issue - she is so "big girl" that in sprites i was forced to sort of "hide" some parts of her, but in my opinion this "alternative way" instead of decrease sprite is much better and more immersive in terms of good-looking, quality and picture, judge yourself, but i myself really pleased with final results))

While walking and idle she will be just a little bit lower than in combat (as usual - animation and sprite matching troubles, especially for such a "big girl"), but when battle start she will immidiatly use her passive inherited magic spell(i guess her mother or father was giant, so she is half-giant herself, allowing her to do that "fortify body spell")

In my opinion conversion of animations is also really smooth and cool-looking (at least i did my best and pleased myself with result) - also big "thank" for Xelsword for high compatability between all his mods in term of body parts and animations - this is allowed to do a really smooth and cool conversion, and to do it fast)


Also you cannt use same time this conversion and original "Outlaw" Xels standalone mod at the same time, for obvious reasons, all other stuff is fully compatible


So, about her - she is non-agile, slow, but same time very sturdy and reliable as frontline heroe with good damage(same as vanilla Bloodletter Bandit), using most of HighWayMan skills (both battle and camping) (obviously, bcs i used HWM standalone class, but its fitting her pretty well), but with COMPLETLY DIFFERENT stats and effects, so expirience of playing with her will be exactly like from completly new class who having only some similars with HWM


Hope you will enjoy this conversion and her company in your adventures, tryied my best for making her fitting original lore and her nature of original enemy)

Feel free to share and edit by yourself if you want, dont forget to remind Xelsword  - i only edited this for myself in-game usage, 99% of work is Xels originals




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outlaw_guild_header.png.0b89405f9156201dcb8bdbe7b26c6568.png                     outlaw_portrait_roster.png.7131e2293f1a7351c7a7f4d1f0f55e20.png




The Outlaw (Brigand Bloodletter Class Conversion).zip 11.56 MB · 88 downloads The Outlaw (Brigand Bloodletter Class Conversion) Town Event.zip 801.18 kB · 68 downloads



i want as thick as that for crusader but havent found one yet sadly

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