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[Sims 4] wild_guy's Female Body Details [01.10.2023]

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On 5/13/2022 at 7:26 PM, alexlll said:

Здравствуй. Для полного комплекта кастомизации не хватает волос подмышкми.

Hello, for the complete set there is not enough armpit hair.

С ними не так все просто. Если сделать отдельным элементом, то при рандомизации они наверняка окажутся другого цвета, чем лобковые, если добавить прямо в лобковые волосы - тоже плохо, потому что их нельзя будет применять отдельно.

Edited by wild_guy
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11 hours ago, wild_guy said:

 если добавить прямо в лобковые волосы - тоже не плохо, потому что их нельзя будет применять отдельно.

А нельзя сделать, чтобы они красились как обычные волосы (галочка окрашивать в цвет волос) ? Мне 2 вариант нравится ( в любом случае, это лучше чем ничего!).

But you can’t make them dyed like regular hair (check the box to dye the hair color)? I like option 2 (in any case, it's better than nothing!).

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2 hours ago, alexlll said:

А нельзя сделать, чтобы они красились как обычные волосы (галочка окрашивать в цвет волос) ? Мне 2 вариант нравится ( в любом случае, это лучше чем ничего!).

But you can’t make them dyed like regular hair (check the box to dye the hair color)? I like option 2 (in any case, it's better than nothing!).

Галочка в данном случае не работает, поэтому чистый рандом. Мне второй вариант не нравится, нельзя будет убрать одни волосы и оставить другие и нельзя поменять стиль одних, без изменения других, поскольку всё в одной текстуре. Не знаю, по мне наверное лучше никак, чем так.

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  • 4 weeks later...
14 hours ago, twmuse said:

Do you still suggest using cmar's female top and bottom with the latest WW update, or should they be removed?



This totally depends on purposes you want to achieve. Cmar's bottom (aka default game bottom) gives you the best look of vagina and pubic hair textures but it doesn't support animated holes recently added in WW. It also looks more correct in animations, especially  in some specifically bent positions. So you have to choose what is more significant for you. 

Personally I'm not ready to sacrifice better look to animated holes so I'm going to continue using Cmar's body.

Edited by wild_guy
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7 hours ago, wild_guy said:

Personally I'm not ready to sacrifice better look to animated holes so I'm going to continue using Cmar's body.

Thank you, that was my feeling also when I checked them side by side, I still prefer your stuff with cmar's, and really do not need the new animations, doubt I ever zoom in enough to even know the difference. Just wanted to know if you had seen any issues leaving Cmar's.

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2 hours ago, bobhoji said:

Is this normal? The top of the vagina starts way above the clitoris!

How do I fix this? When they are standing upright, they look normal. (I am new, this is my first post, you'll need to explain it to me in simple terms)

TS4_x64 2022-06-15 01-09-58-44.png

TS4_x64 2022-06-15 01-07-07-07.png

TS4_x64 2022-06-15 01-06-03-16.png



Did it happen before yesterday update patch?


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@bobhoji the texture look critically depends on the used body mesh and apparently this is how the vagina texture looks with the default WW body. I don't like it either so I don't use WW body and don't recommend it.

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14 minutes ago, wild_guy said:

@bobhoji the texture look critically depends on the used body mesh and apparently this is how the vagina texture looks with the default WW body. I don't like it either so I don't use WW body and don't recommend it.

So I guess what you're saying is that if people want to use the WW body, we have to stop using your stuff?

It'll take awhile but I'm sure that when the animations start appearing for the new holes, people are going to want to use the WW body.

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1 hour ago, BatDood said:

So I guess what you're saying is that if people want to use the WW body, we have to stop using your stuff?

It'll take awhile but I'm sure that when the animations start appearing for the new holes, people are going to want to use the WW body.

As I already answered above, it's a personal choise. If you're satisfied how they look together, then no problem.

But also the default WW female bottom itself looks not too good in animations, so it's one more reason for me not to use it, no matter of the number of available animations with animated holes.
I believe any body mesh can be updated with animated holes but I'm not skilled in meshing, so I can't update the default in-game female bottom (Cmar's body) which makes vagina textures look best. I asked Cmar and she doesn't have any plans about that too. And I know noone who would willing to do that.

Also I'm not going to animate holes myself in my animations because the only body I use doesn't support them, so this doesn't make sense for me.

Edited by wild_guy
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32 minutes ago, bobhoji said:

I put cmar_NudeBottomFemale.package in my mods folder but nothing changes. Everything is still the same. Sorry if I'm annoying you because I'm new to this - I just really want this mod to work because it looks amazing.

You need to have cmar_NippleTopFemale and cmar_NudeBottomFemale packages in the main Mods folder and WickedWhims in a separate folder inside Mods, this way Cmar body will override WW body in CAS. 
Then, to see it in the game you need to pick the "Native / Override" option for your sim's top and bottom in the WW body selector (Click on a sim->Wicked->Personalization->Anatomy & Clothing->Body Selector).

Edited by wild_guy
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I haven't yet updated my game to the June 14th patch. I've heard that some default skin replacements were broken by the patch. Is it known yet if the wild_guy FemaleDefaultNudeSkin.package file is compatible with the current game version? Same for the various tan-line overlays? Thanks.

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3 minutes ago, Idaho46442 said:

I haven't yet updated my game to the June 14th patch. I've heard that some default skin replacements were broken by the patch. Is it known yet if the wild_guy FemaleDefaultNudeSkin.package file is compatible with the current game version? Same for the various tan-line overlays? Thanks.

All FBD parts works fine with the latest patch.

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1 hour ago, karazin1991 said:

Default Female skin dont work for me :/ i have Wicked Whim newest version

I can't see any problem, works fine for me. Make sure you don't have other default skins installed.

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@karazin1991 I think I guess what may be the reason. Recently the '!' character was added to WW folder name, this makes WW load first and override FBD. FBD must be loaded first to work, so either remove '!' from WW folder name or add it to FBD folder name.

Edited by wild_guy
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22 minutes ago, wild_guy said:

@karazin1991 I think I guess what may be the reason. Recently the '!' character was added to WW folder name, this makes WW load first and override FBD. FBD must be loaded first to work, so either remove '!' from WW folder name or add it to FBD folder name.

i delete ! from WW folder and work thanks very much :D

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