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My mod is causing constant CTD, and I'm not sure why

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I made a glass texture replacement mod for Xbox that uses textures and altered meshes (removed the Specular color and glow). Somehow users have reported that it has causes the constant CTD, where they have to wipe reserved space, and all their mods, to fix it. However, when I use it on the PC, it works without a hitch.

Does anyone know WHY or what it might be that is causing this?

I previously made a mod that removes the opening animations from some of the chests/containers, and it caused the same thing.

I'm archiving the textures and meshes together with compression and tagging Meshes and Textures for the box. Edited the meshes in Nifskope removed the textures\cubemaps___e.dds along with Specular color to get rid of previous glow, generated the textures/normal maps with Crazybump and PS. And ran them through Nif Optimizer after. If any of that is relevant.

I have no idea how to go about fixing this. I put a lot of time into the new textures (and they look pretty badass), and it's really frustrating.


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I believe I figured out the problem. The CK wasn't allowing me to drop files in for packing archives, so I used the TESArchive to make them manually. However, I forgot the Xbox needs textures in a separate file appended with "- Textures.bsa".

Repacking everything and making achlists to import, so the CK does it all, fixed the problem.

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