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Yup totally stopped me and said i must install that so yeah i agree total garbage hence why from this day forward its manual installing now. lol


Ah nice i look forward to the release of your Girls of Tera.


See i know if you start as a Elin you can place more Elins around the world with your mod the ElinNPC Enemy so its like your not the only Elin in Skyrim and your race does exist so i really liked that, Also another mod was the Elin Arborea were it adds a town with Elins so yet again feel more like your race is known, But when i started a Castanic i was like "Im the only one here.... Im so alone D:" Haha so your mod is a excellent idea and i wish you the best on it! I will try to help but sadly not so good with the whole modding side as of yet still a rookie, So when released i can help pin point if there is any bugs etc for you.


Good luck!

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I can't say, atm.  I'm going to add all 4 races (Elins, Castanic, High Elves, and Humans) in one mod with separate options to change their bodies like the current Elins.  I'm always finding something new to make them better. 


If you want a guess as to when it will be ready, I'll say by next weekend.  Like I said, if I come across something that will enhance or improve the races, I will try to add it.  That was the main reason the Castanic Race Beta 3 took longer than expected to complete.



UPDATE:  If anyone is having issues with Mabari getting stuck while in attack mode (won't follow you and dialogue menu will not appear), just go outdoors (if you're indoors) or go indoors (if you're outdoors) or just FUS-ROH-DAH him to 'unstuck' him.

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I was exploring a Norse ruin when I entered one of those large rooms that had a bridge spanning overhead guarded by a Draugr.  I couldn't get a clear shot of him which meant I had to proceed out the other door.  There was a ramp leading to the door and Mabari was blocking it - blocking as in stuck in place.  The Draugr was hitting me with arrows and  I got so pissed I FUS-ROH-DAH Mabari out of the way, only he ended up flying up towards the far end of the bridge.  So while that Draugr was busy shooting arrows at me, Mabari saw fit to run up and bite it in the arse.  Yeah, fun times.




Thank you, but credit rightfully belongs to the person or people who originally created the Skyrim Elin race.



UPDATE:  A little preview of the loli Tera High Elf.  I'm starting with them first since they're the easiest.




I tried using the Tera hairs, not the Elin hairs, but the Castanic and Human hairs that's been around for some time.  I've decided to leave them out since the textures need major updating.


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The other 2 popular loli races are:


Sky Children - R2



Monli Race Edited v2.1



The Elin race is based on the Tera Elins.



As with trying out a new custom race, it would be best to install then start a new game as changing races anytime during a gameplay will reset your perks, skills, and level. 


Since this is all new to you, I suggest downloading the starter packs, but you need to choose one of the body packs (CBBE or UNP).  For pink hair, you will need the Elin Race XTC color patcher.  The link is located in the OPTIONAL - Elin Enhancements section.  Make sure the ESP is list in the load order BEFORE the custom body ESP or else you will get the default body instead.


The Elins have their own head and is not compatible with any other race (custom or vanilla) head mesh.  You can try, but the results will be far less than desireable.  I am working on a more human looking (as oppose to the current anime-ish look) Elin that uses the above mentioned loli race heads and bodies.




Ok thanks for this info. :) Yes. I was looking for a more anime loli... Maybe w long hair or twin tails? I will try what you suggested. Thanks.





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The 2nd link needs something called: Monli v2. Where can I get that?



Actually, Kashim's version of the Monli race does not need the original (Monli v2).  Kashim's Monli race edited v2.1 is a fixed version of Monli v2 so all the necessary files is listed on his front page.


However, it has not been updated for sometime.  I think this was released when Skyrim was v1.6 or v1.7.  I can update the race both certain files and for Skyrim v1.8.  Since he gave me permission to use his assets for an earlier version of the New Elin race, I'm sure he wouldn't mind my updating his mod as long as I do it properly.


I should have the updated Monli (edited) race ready by tomorrow.


Edit:  Since Kashim removed the original Monli elf ears, I can include them in the update.  You will be able to create a Monli with or without the elf ears.

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The 2nd link needs something called: Monli v2. Where can I get that?



Actually, Kashim's version of the Monli race does not need the original (Monli v2).  Kashim's Monli race edited v2.1 is a fixed version of Monli v2 so all the necessary files is listed on his front page.


However, it has not been updated for sometime.  I think this was released when Skyrim was v1.6 or v1.7.  I can update the race both certain files and for Skyrim v1.8.  Since he gave me permission to use his assets for an earlier version of the New Elin race, I'm sure he wouldn't mind my updating his mod as long as I do it properly.


I should have the updated Monli (edited) race ready by tomorrow.


Edit:  Since Kashim removed the original Monli elf ears, I can include them in the update.  You will be able to create a Monli with or without the elf ears.


Hmm thanks. rather intriging. Can I go ahead and start the game w another race and use the edit menu later if I don't care about losing anything since I won't be that far anyway?


I think I will just use, "Chirdren of the Sky".

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FYI:  Children of the Sky and Elin race are not compatible.  CotS will work, but it will conflict with the Elins causing them to crash or glitch.



Oh, well. That's sad. And nice timing. A few moments ago I asked basically this question in the CotS thread (if it's compatible with my other mods), because while this mod is nice, there are no boys.


I will have to think long and hard about that now.


/Edit: What if I disable CotS when I load my Elin and disable Elin Race when I log into my CotS?

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lol I use cots and elin race at the same time all the time no troubles :D\


 but I use custom textures and meshes for cots so that may be why



I might try that then.


Umm does anyone know if there is a loli boob slider? Sorry to be blunt. I like my character. The boobs are a bit small though.


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lol I use cots and elin race at the same time all the time no troubles :D\


 but I use custom textures and meshes for cots so that may be why



I might try that then.


Umm does anyone know if there is a loli boob slider? Sorry to be blunt. I like my character. The boobs are a bit small though.


CotS has boobs (the flat chest is optional); Monli has boobs; can't remember if Elin have boobs (all I remember are the birthin' hips and the creepy uncanny valley faces [how long 'til the human Elin are done?]) . I've had CotS and Elin work fine together and CotS and Monli work fine together. Problem I find is that all the armor made for lolis is flat, while the non-loli armors give the loli melons; there's no middle ground that I can find.


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Thanks, Happy Valentines day to you too and to everyone.


So you gave the CotS children the CBBE body.  That would explain why you are able to run it with the Elins.  CotS, or maybe Xvision, tries to change the Elin's body which causes the CTD or (this happened to me) an invisible body when removing the armor.


It looks like the Girls of Tera will not be using the x117 body.  The skeleton seems not to be compatible with the latest Enhanced Character Editor.  Instead of the character being child-size, she appears as an adult with abnormally long legs.  However, the Elin skeletons and the x106 works fine so it looks like only the Elins will be about child size and the other girls will be around young teen size.


This is what they look like with the CBBE and UNP bodies at min weight (trying to go for the flat chest look).













I have yet to see if the CBBE and UNP Tera armors will fit them though I'm sure they will.



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