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how would one go about making there own tails for personal uses? I have something but cant get them all 2 show up on her only one of the tails shows up


This is how I added the tails. Don't forget that the new tails might have an effect on the Elin NPCs (i.e. dark head bug).



Need Wrye Bash

1) Convert ElinRace.esm to ElinRace.esp


2) Open ElinRace.esp in CK

- Make sure you have RaceCompatibility Improved installed.



- Find FemaleEarElin' date=' right-click on it and choose DUPLICATE.

- Double-click the duplicate FemaleEarElin and change the ID and Name to FemaleEarElin.

- Do not change anything else. Click OK.



- Find FemaleTailElinCat and make a duplicate (right-click > choose Duplicate).

- Change ID and Name to FemaleTailElin.

- Where you see MODEL, click on EDIT, in the pop-up window click EDIT.

- Go to where your tail mesh is located and click on .nif (or _1.nif if there is one).

- Click OK in the pop-up window.

- In the HEADPART window where you just renamed the ID/NAME, click on the little box (near the bottom) that says "Is Extra Part".

- Don't change anything else.


5) Go back to ACTORS > CHARACTER > HEAD PART > UNISEX > HEAD PART and double-click the entry you made earlier ( FemaleEarElin).

- In the EXTRA PARTS box on the bottom left, right-click inside of it and choose NEW. A list of head parts/Extra parts will pop-up.

- In the search box at the top of the list, type the name of the new EXTRA PART you created earlier and it should show up on the list. Click on it and it will be added to the EXTRA PARTS box. Click OK. The tail needs to be paired with ears. If there are no ears then a blank is made instead. This is how the ram tail was added since the 'ears' are really the hair.


6) Save ElinRace.esp.


You can test ElinRace.esp in game as long as you do not have any other Elin mods installed.

If you do, then you will need Wrye Bash to convert ElinRace.esp to ElinRace.esm, then test if the new tails show up in the Facial Hairs slider.



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Thanks for the updates! I'm very happy that you were able to fix the dark face issue <:


On another note, I noticed something as I was tweaking my character. I'm not sure if this is solely my problem or not, but does anyone else who is using the ear/tail combo through the Facial Hair slider find that the ears and tail are very bright?


Default Elin hair/ears/tail



Custom hair with Facial Hair slider



Like I said, I don't know if it's a problem on my side or not, but ideally I would want the Facial Hair slider options to look like the TERA defaults, so does anyone have an idea of what it might be? It's like that with every animal, not just the rabbit.

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Here is what they look like in my game. The rabbit ears and Ahri tail will glow when near bright light sources or using a lighting/shader mod.




I never noticed the fox, squirrel, and Ahri ears being too bright, only the white rabbit ears and Ahri tail.


If you have any mods that alter lighting, tweak them or shut them off and see if the ears/tails still glow.

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Hey, so I got everything working and I can now choose the Elin race and edit the character as I please "the first time" in the character ceation menu via "showracemenu".


However, everytime after the first from when I change into the Elin race that I try to go into the "showracemenu" as an Elin character, the game freezes before the menu even opens up, or just CTDs.


Has any had this problem before? Why do you think it happens? Help would be appareciated.


Thanks in advance.

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I use "ShowRaceMenu Alternative" to, And some times my game CTDs to but it just happend 1 time, And Game freezes but just give it time and it works.


Get (ShowRaceMenu Alternative Mod) Here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20394


"Have you ever had issues with your skills after having used the ShowRaceMenu command?

Indeed, you will notice that if you use this command, your stats will reset to their default setting.


The goal of this mod is simple, il allows for you to keep all your skills, perks, health stamina and magic points after having changed your character's race.


Don't use the "ShowRaceMenu" command, use the "Change Race" spell which is available in the spells menu.


If you freeze or encounter any other bug with the race changing menu, it has nothing to do with this mod."

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Hello Janos


Did you go indoors and unequip all your gear before using SHOWRACEMENU? There will be some initial freezing when choosing the Elins when first playing the game, but if you CTD anytime afterwards then you are running out of memory. Another cause would be too many hair mods - Apachii hairs is one that can potentially cause crashing at character creation.





I must be one of those rare breeds that never lost my stats/perks everytime I use SHOWRACEMENU.


The Elins should transform into vampires. Are you referring to Dawnguard vampires?

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Hey Psychomachina, I don't know if you're still supporting your lsCastanic race, but do you know what would cause the hands not to show up? This is just for this race, I've checked with my other characters. Tried placing it last in my load order, but that didn't do anything. Any suggestions?


Other than that, awesome mods, thanks a lot for uploading them.

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