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I have a question. The summon Elin ring's followers have the voice set to be that of a female child (which fits them' date=' actually). While the ones from the standalone followers have the default female Nord voice, which seems kinda weird. I tried to edit the voices of the standalone ones but the Creation Kit crashes, must be a language error or something. My request is, if someone could edit the .esp and add the child voices to them without changing anything else. Unless the dialogue can't be used properly or something.



Did you make sure all of the master files were listed and selected? I believe the problem is a missing Race Compatibility.esm because that was what happened to me on numerous occasions. Give it another try, but make sure these master files are listed and selected:




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Oh yeah, I tried to do that at one point myself, changing their voice from the eager young female voice to the child voice, but it just made them unrecruitable. I presumed it was because they didn't have any child dialogue for recruitment and left it at that.




Something I noticed a while ago and neglected to mention: I notice that the Elins seem to be immune to abilities that push, like a max strength Unrelenting Force. As in instead of getting flung away, they just stagger. Why is that?

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That would explain why the summoned Elins generally speak English and with a child's voice, but when responding to a command, they speak Japanese and with a soft, adult voice.





This is new. Are you using the eye color replacers or the default eye colors. I wonder if this is another bug caused by another mod.


Disable all of your non-Elin mods and see if the problem continues. If not, start activating the other mods. Activate one mod and see if the bug returns. If not, activate the next mod and repeat until you find the cause.


If it's not another mod, reinstall the Elin mods. Could be a corrupted file.

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Since I'm spanish' date=' the Elin ring companions have spanish voices but english interface commands.


Ah well I guess I can leave Mi Ya and Yi Ka with that voice.



Does TES5edit create localization or allow string translations? I have been using TESVsnip all this time to do the English translations.

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Hate to say it but I can't get any of the custom body mods to work along with the extended colors mod you made. I've tried swapping the install order as well as the load order, making sure the XTC mod loads/installs before the custom body mod, and even vice versa, but to no avail. Only one works at any given time; I either have a custom body, or a default body with all the colors.


I've tried both CBBE and UNP. Yeah I'm sorry to bother you again, but I'm just letting you know that there's still one more issue I can't get past. Though this time, it's not as significant as the hairs issue.


Also since I'm here, might as well add that I wish there was a paler skin option than what's available, lol. The XTC mod makes it so that the skin color only gets to a certain lightness.

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Hate to say it but I can't get any of the custom body mods to work along with the extended colors mod you made. I've tried swapping the install order as well as the load order' date=' making sure the XTC mod loads/installs before the custom body mod, and even vice versa, but to no avail. Only one works at any given time; I either have a custom body, or a default body with all the colors.


I've tried both CBBE and UNP. Yeah I'm sorry to bother you again, but I'm just letting you know that there's still one more issue I can't get past. Though this time, it's not as significant as the hairs issue.


Also since I'm here, might as well add that I wish there was a paler skin option than what's available, lol. The XTC mod makes it so that the skin color only gets to a certain lightness.





Strange, I didn't have any issues changing the body colors for the custom bodies. XTC contains the race data so keeping the plugin before the custom body plugin will not override it with the default body, but you did say you tried different load orders.

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Does anyone know if there is a name for a 9-tail rabbit?








I added the rabbit tail to the FACIAL HAIRS slider and fixed (I thought) the dark head bug with the rabbit Elin npcs, but when doing a clean install of the mods to test one more time, this happens.


If anyone wants me to change the named npcs (ex. Jordis, Elisif, Britte) from rabbit Elins to Ahri Elins, let me know. I'm taking a break before fixing this one way (keeping them as rabbit Elins) or the other (changing them to Ahri's).

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i have small issue with SummonElinRing v2.


Sometimes (when not fighting) Follow mode,

companions accidentally changing the position, as if something makes them line up.


This can be compared, as happens with vanilla companions when they are lost, the game puts them in place, next to the player. But my next to me.


This before (with SER v1) not happened.

In the scripts I have not found attitude to change position in follow mode. Maybe this is a new package Elins?

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i have small issue with SummonElinRing v2.


Sometimes (when not fighting) Follow mode' date='

companions accidentally changing the position, as if something makes them line up.


This can be compared, as happens with vanilla companions when they are lost, the game puts them in place, next to the player. But my next to me.


This before (with SER v1) not happened.

In the scripts I have not found attitude to change position in follow mode. Maybe this is a new package Elins?



I have notice them teleporting around just like when a follower runs into an obstacle then teleports around it. I have seen it happen when they are near objects or people. It would seem the scripts that prevents them from being stuck next to an object (rocks, furniture, npcs) is a "little too sensitive".

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By the way' date=' I noticed the Frost Breath shout doesn't have voice. I installed ElinVoicesEng.esp via NMM and so far, the shouts I have (Unrelenting Force, Aura Whisper, Whirlwind Sprint, Animal Allegiance, Ice Form) work fine except that one.



I remember Elin voices were custom so not all of them were properly voiced. My Fire breath doesn't have a voice, and the Drain Shout doesn't either cause it was a DLC shout.

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By the way' date=' I noticed the Frost Breath shout doesn't have voice. I installed ElinVoicesEng.esp via NMM and so far, the shouts I have (Unrelenting Force, Aura Whisper, Whirlwind Sprint, Animal Allegiance, Ice Form) work fine except that one.



I remember Elin voices were custom so not all of them were properly voiced. My Fire breath doesn't have a voice, and the Drain Shout doesn't either cause it was a DLC shout.


Yeah, not every shout will have a voice for it and the voice mods I have was made before Dawnguard. I'm keeping an eye out for any new, current voice mods.

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i have small issue with SummonElinRing v2.


Sometimes (when not fighting) Follow mode' date='

companions accidentally changing the position, as if something makes them line up.


This can be compared, as happens with vanilla companions when they are lost, the game puts them in place, next to the player. But my next to me.


This before (with SER v1) not happened.

In the scripts I have not found attitude to change position in follow mode. Maybe this is a new package Elins?



I have notice them teleporting around just like when a follower runs into an obstacle then teleports around it. I have seen it happen when they are near objects or people. It would seem the scripts that prevents them from being stuck next to an object (rocks, furniture, npcs) is a "little too sensitive".


It's annoying.

Any idea where this script?


I have own control of their position, so for me it's unnecessary.

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I'll be uploading some updates later today. I fixed the Elin npc dark head bug and the rabbit Elin npcs have the rabbit tails instead of the Ahri tail.


I'm also redoing the starter packs so now there will be additional bodies available.



Pack 1 = CBBE Slim Flat

Pack 2 = DMRA



Pack 1 = UNP BBP

Pack 2 = Tight Body


The main pack with the new Ahri set will no longer be an option. The Elins will have all tails available from the FACIAL HAIRS slider (cat, fox, rabbit, ram, Ahri).


CORRECTION: The main pack with the Ahri set will be available, it will replace the old main pack that did not have the Ahri set.

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Elin animation on there do not do or do not like it' date=' and then some characters are like statues ... I had to file a few to give away. Something to do with it is not good for me ......



Did you run GenerateFNISforUsers.exe? Located in DATA > TOOLS > GenerateFNIS_for_Users folder.

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