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This may have been covered' date=' but is there a way to have the small character but keep a normal 1st person view?



Hello Xenic


Meshes > Actors > Character > _1stPerson


Delete 'skeleton.nif'.


thnx! The low 1st person can be annoying at times.

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On another topic' date=' for those who chose the Castanic race to rock Skyrim I have been making some changes though I plan on rebuilding the race and have taken some ideas from the Elin mods. I'll be releasing the improved Castanics soon.


New Castanic 2.wmv




ooooohhhh!! Looking good :D I can't wait.


I'm working on a custom beauty pack just for them. This includes some scripts that adds more options to the face menu. It's still in the early stages and I tested it on the Sky Children race.







Looks good so far. Now if only I can find someone to convert the new Castanic hairs and horns that would be a big bonus. If not, I'll do it myself, but it will take some time.

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@Wuashi and anyone else running Elin race and Sky Children


I'm not getting the missing texture problem. I installed both races and the only problem I encountered is Xvision giving certain Elin npcs a dark head.


I tried both CBBE and UNP (Elins) and default and flat-chest body with the different textures (CotS) and moved the ESPs in various orders, but could not recreate the Elin's body glitch.


I'll proceed with the Elin-x117 update.

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I was trying to find the cause of this problem.




A very early version of the Elin race (UNP) had problems coexisting with CotS. As you can see, I'm not having the same problem.










Even with Sky Children and Xvision deactivated I'm still having remnants of the mods in the game. The one prisoner is still wearing the robe from CotS.






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@Wuashi and anyone else running Elin race and Sky Children


I'm not getting the missing texture problem. I installed both races and the only problem I encountered is Xvision giving certain Elin npcs a dark head.


I tried both CBBE and UNP (Elins) and default and flat-chest body with the different textures (CotS) and moved the ESPs in various orders' date=' but could not recreate the Elin's body glitch.


I'll proceed with the Elin-x117 update.





I really don't know what's happening with those textures, even when I uninstalled the Sky Children mod it keeps giving me the same results, maybe I'm missing something or my laptop just hates me XD.


Anyway your work in the x117 update is very much appreciated, I'm looking forward to it.





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The showracemenu mod. not good at character creation. When I tried it. I entered and Console showracemenu. when you load the game mode racemenu crashed. So let me nobody construed that this mod is not problematic.



P.S nesnáším hajzliky který si myslí že jsou dokonaly.....

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Is Human-like elin still not out yet? or was it derievelin?


Looks like at least the H'elin child will be available sooner than expected. I was making the Elin-x117 update, but no matter how I add the body to the Elins (either using CK to change the meshes/textures paths to the x117 files or adding those files as installable body replacers like the custom CBBE and UNP bodies) there is always some problem; texture anomalies and the CotS hairs (shows up in hair options, but either the head clips through or the hair becomes a jagged mess) being the two major ones.


So I'm wiping the slate clean and proceeding with the human Elin child using the x117 head and body.

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If you can get "RaceMenu" to work right. CAN make a (Human-like Elin) just use the sliders to Adjust her height to 1.0, Adjust her head to make it a little Smaller, Can Adjust All of Her with it! And use "ShowRaceMenu Alternative" at: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20394 Works better then "Console ShowRaceMenu" (This mod allows for you to keep all your skills, perks, health stamina and magic points after having changed your character's race.).

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I'm now eagerly waiting for the Castanic race to stop being beta, in case I get conflicts with it.


The Elin race works pretty good now all teh race conflicts are gone. Didn't install mannequins because I prefer MLLY now, and voices are great.


Had some troubles when trying to install the followers so I'll leave that for another time.

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The Castanic Race conflicts without Dawnguard ?


They are look really nice someone using them already ?

and maybe without dawnguard


I'm using the Castanic Race Beta right now. Works just fine without Dawnguard :)Here are my pics on the nexus.


Ol' Nexus is telling me 'image not found'. They took it down?


Btw, the Castanic beta was made before Dawnguard was released. When I remake the race there will be versions for Skyrim 1.8 or whatever the next update will be another for Dawnguard and another for Dragonborn if needed.


I think I'll divide my time between the H'elin child and the new Castanics.

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Hello Wuashi


Children of the Sky is still affecting the game even when the plugins are deactivated. Look at the prisoner's clothes, it's still the same. I find it strange and interesting that it now conflicts with the custom CBBE body. This was not the case with CotS-R1 which only caused problems with UNP.


I'll get started on the Elin-x117 update.




Hello Reki34


I look into this and make the necessary changes.





Hi PsychoMachina,


I am sorry for my ignorance at modding, but I am unclear as to what you are asking me to do. I only started playing Skyrim for alittle less then a month. Anything more would be much appreciated.

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I never said anything like that. You asked if I could make changes to the followers so that they wouldn't be over-powered and I responded I will look into the matter and make the changes.


I type way too fast and there will by typos. I try to edit out those errors, but sometimes I'm in a rush and a few grammer errors sneak by.





I like Race Menu, but right now I'm using something else while creating the H'elins and Castanics. I know plugins can be created to extend the features of Race Menu so it will be awhile until I can make some plugins that features additional face morphing options.


What I'm experimenting with right now helped create this beauty, but Race Menu couldn't.



Angelica (x117 body)







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I never said anything like that. You asked if I could make changes to the followers so that they wouldn't be over-powered and I responded I will look into the matter and make the changes.


I type way too fast and there will by typos. I try to edit out those errors' date=' but sometimes I'm in a rush and a few grammer errors sneak by.




Hi PsychoMachina,


Sorry, it must have added something else when I replied. Probably my mistake too. Don't know. Again my apologies, I must have misunderstood your response. Thankyou though for looking into it. I used that npc editor to look at thundelins stats, would it be right to just set her stats in game to a mage character around my level? Considering at level 8 she is already a master mage. Or is there more to it?


Also might I ask what that spell is called that she does. The one that causes the immense rain, thunder, lightning storm? I can not find it anywhere in game or via online videos. I looked up every last vanilla mage spell up the destruction line and its not there. Or is it something specific to thundelin?


Many thanks agains!!

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I have made changes to the Elin mages. I simply removed their high-level magic and reduced their magicka.


Thundelin know the complete Storm Call dragon shout and that explains the maelstrom you see.


Additional info and links are on the front page. If you want to make additional changes to them then do what you like.

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