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is the baozi.esp important for the castanic beta? nexus mod manger warning:plugin appears corrupted.


Hello Doujinftw


The Baozi files is just for beauty customization. Removing the Baozi files will not have any negative effect on the Castanics.


k thx cause when i was using it it kill my character attack animation, it wont initiate.

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Hello' date=' I moved to version 1.8....something there of Skyrim , armor Elin missing textures , i think ...



(I have ElinMod the earliest version (from http://skup.dip.jp/).

,Summon Elin ring works, all scripts are working,SKSE, (and other early modes),I like it this - early version.


Any idea what I missed?


The textures are not showing up. Is this an earlier version of the Elin armors that you download from skup.dip.jp? If so, try the ones from Tera Mod Collection or send me a copy and I'll fix it.


If this is an earlier version of the summon Elin ring, you can send me a copy and I'll fix the texture problem or you can use the one from Tera Mod Collection, though I'm not sure if it's exactly the same.

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SummonElinRing_v2.7 no contains scripts resources.


I need them to adapt mods of control ElinFollowers' date=' and dance mod.




some dance




Where to find them (scripts resources)?


ps. Without replacing it (SummonElinRing), I can not fix texcture ....



I don't know if those are available. I have seen a few vid by that uploader and I think he/she is only showing off, not sharing. The only dance mods I know about is from here...




Is your Summon Elin Ring v2.7 different from my Summon Elin Ring v2?


Here are the files I unpacked from the Summon Elin BSA. It contains the scripts and textures. You can check the armor meshes in Nifscope to see what, if any, paths to the textures is shown and make any corrections.


Any word on the no ear/tail Tera hairstyles having huge holes in them?


That word is "HAT". Really' date=' I don't know why except the guy/gal who made the patched ElinRaceTaint.esm was trying to add more variety to the Elin npcs. The Tera Elin hairs was never meant to be without ears so there will be some with holes.





I was working on a new custom beauty pack to replace the old files for the Castanic race. Here's a the result of the current pack I made. Opinions?






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I don't know if those are available. I have seen a few vid by that uploader and I think he/she is only showing off' date=' not sharing. The only dance mods I know about is from here...




Is your Summon Elin Ring v2.7 different from my Summon Elin Ring v2?


Here are the files I unpacked from the Summon Elin BSA. It contains the scripts and textures. You can check the armor meshes in Nifscope to see what, if any, paths to the textures is shown and make any corrections.



Summon Elin Ring v2.7 is no different, I do not put it on the specified reason.


You do not understand.

This are my mods adapted to early SummonElinRing (they are not related to casualmods.net or RSV, except for some animations)

They are different systems.


There were (in early SummonElinRing) scripts resources.

The main thing i need, appeal to an [Array of aliases]-ElinsFollowers, in the main plugIn:



However, thanks.


I have successfully replaced the new textures and meshes TeraBody on the old version of the plugins (2chElin fix / to 2chElin) and fix missing textures from pack:



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I absolutely loved this mod. But now it doesn't seem to like me ever since I tried installing this over it.


This happens both when I load my last save or start a new game' date=' occasionally, my right eye would just disappear. That, and for some reason, I swing a weapon twice in one swing, and every other time I move during the swing. I click once and I hit something twice, I click once and walk in a circle and I hit about 10 times. Finally, all of the names and locations show up as [']'s.


The mods are in the right load order, I've tried re-installing the mods and I've tried even going back to the old version I had to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


I had the same problem but i used that FNIS generator and everything worked out fine itr has to do with the skeletons i believe hope this helps!

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Hi PsychoMachina great work with those mods and thanks for all the updates but I had a problem with one of the body replacement of the new elin race specifically with the "Elin Race - Use UNP-BBP.esp", the issue is shown in the attached image and in creation kit the elin model doesn't even appear when the .esp is selected, could you please tell me why is this happening and if there is a way to solve it?






Hope for your answer.

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Hi PsychoMachina great work with those mods and thanks for all the updates but I had a problem with one of the body replacement of the new elin race specifically with the "Elin Race - Use UNP-BBP.esp"' date=' the issue is shown in the attached image and in creation kit the elin model doesn't even appear when the .esp is selected, could you please tell me why is this happening and if there is a way to solve it?





Hope for your answer.


Hello Wuashi


You have Children of the Sky installed. The prisoner clothes is from that race. The Elin's UNP-BBP body is incompatible with Children of the Sky.


One solution is to deactivate the CotS plugin and Xvision plugin when playing the Elins with the UNP body.

The other solution would be to use an updated Elin-x117 that uses the same body as the current version of CotS but with a modified x117 skeleton.

Another solution is to use the custom CBBE body which will not conflict with the UNP CotS.


I'll get started on updating the Elin-x117 so in the mean time, if you still want to use the custom UNP, you will have to deactivate all of the plugins from Children of the Sky when playing the Elins.


Interesting, the Elins have no effect on CotS or Xvision so you do not have to deactivate any of the Elin plugins and master files when playing CotS.

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Hi PsychoMachina great work with those mods and thanks for all the updates but I had a problem with one of the body replacement of the new elin race specifically with the "Elin Race - Use UNP-BBP.esp"' date=' the issue is shown in the attached image and in creation kit the elin model doesn't even appear when the .esp is selected, could you please tell me why is this happening and if there is a way to solve it?





Hope for your answer.


Hello Wuashi


You have Children of the Sky installed. The prisoner clothes is from that race. The Elin's UNP-BBP body is incompatible with Children of the Sky.


One solution is to deactivate the CotS plugin and Xvision plugin when playing the Elins with the UNP body.

The other solution would be to use an updated Elin-x117 that uses the same body as the current version of CotS but with a modified x117 skeleton.

Another solution is to use the custom CBBE body which will not conflict with the UNP CotS.


I'll get started on updating the Elin-x117 so in the mean time, if you still want to use the custom UNP, you will have to deactivate all of the plugins from Children of the Sky when playing the Elins.


Interesting, the Elins have no effect on CotS or Xvision so you do not have to deactivate any of the Elin plugins and master files when playing CotS.



Thanks for your answer, well I tried the custom CBBE body but I get the same problem even if I deactivate the CotS plugins, I think I have to wait until you release that x117 update, meanwhile I'll use the body set from the main pack.





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Hi, just wanted to say thank you for the Elin mod! I just have one question though. The followers are way to strong for my level. Is there a way to tone them down? Say when I use Thundelin, she takes everything out in one electric bolt. I am only level 6 be it starting over. Just makes the game less fun, or challenging is all.

Also what is the name of that spell she casts that does the rain, thunder and lightning storm?


Again much appreciated for this mod!



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Hello Wuashi


Children of the Sky is still affecting the game even when the plugins are deactivated. Look at the prisoner's clothes, it's still the same. I find it strange and interesting that it now conflicts with the custom CBBE body. This was not the case with CotS-R1 which only caused problems with UNP.


I'll get started on the Elin-x117 update.




Hello Reki34


I look into this and make the necessary changes.





On another topic, for those who chose the Castanic race to rock Skyrim I have been making some changes though I plan on rebuilding the race and have taken some ideas from the Elin mods. I'll be releasing the improved Castanics soon.


New Castanic 2.wmv


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