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WickedWhims v180b [2024-06-08]

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Bon ben je me suis inscrit sur patreon (ca faisait un moment que j'y songeais) et ... rien du tout.
Que ca soit en version gratuite ou patreon, mes sims ado n'ont plus de sexe avec les adultes, juste avec les ados. Pareil pour les adultes.
Et ce, malgré le fait que j'ai coché la case du sexe ado. :(

Je viens aussi de voir que ma sims ne peut plus se prostituer comme elle est ado 

Edited by werwolf57
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On 12/11/2021 at 11:35 PM, Monson said:

Il semble donc que cette nouvelle mise à jour ait fubar’d couples ayant des relations sexuelles.... le problème... mon adolescente ne peut pas avoir de relations sexuelles avec son petit ami jeune adulte... cliquez sur lit double... sélectionnez tease... seule ma sim féminine semble être sélectionnée... le petit ami ne peut pas être sélectionné... oui j’ai l’interrupteur de l’adolescent sur oui j’ai l’option autoriser le sexe entièrement cochée ... mais il semble que turbo ait décidé de ne pas permettre aux adolescents de profiter de moments sexy avec leurs partenaires plus âgés.... et pour tester cela.... J’ai vieilli ma femme adolescente en jeune adulte et bam elle peut séduire son petit ami jeune adulte...



Alors, pourquoi une fille de 18 ans n’a-t-elle pas le droit de passer du temps spécial avec son petit ami de 20 ans maintenant?

Ca regle les problemes ;)


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How does "randomize" wicked attributes work? It feels like it's not smart enough to know not to give both Fear Nudity and Nudist Enthusiast to the same person. Also, it gave every attribute (that I selected) to every person. How do I say I want my townies to have random attributes (or no attributes, depending on random %), but I don't want to give them all of the attributes and I don't want them to have conflicting attributes.


Also, does the NPC-NPC relationship modifier affect married NPCs or just rando NPC + rando NPC? Just curious if lower that too low will result in none of my NPCs having kids because none are having sex with their partners.

Edited by sirsleepy001
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1 hour ago, sirsleepy001 said:

Also, does the NPC-NPC relationship modifier affect married NPCs or just rando NPC + rando NPC? Just curious if lower that too low will result in none of my NPCs having kids because none are having sex with their partners.

I wouldn't rely on WW giving random attributes as RNG is kind of unpredictable.

Much safer doing it manually so it doesn't mess up all your Sims as you can't remove them all at once they have to be removed one sim at a time.


I think it's a global setting for all NPC-NPC sex but the other WW relationship settings should, in theory, prevent Married Sims from cheating on their Spouses unless they have the Adulterer, Polymorphous Attributes(Traits) or have the Evil Trait.


You can try lowering the NPC relationship modifier to test it out.


Wicked Settings > Sex Settings > Cheats: Always Accept 0 Bars or 1 Bar

(Might need to try 1 Bar first and then 0 Bars if 1 doesn't work)


WW Settings/Relationship Settings:
/Personality Settings:(Your Choice)
/Attractiveness Settings: (Your Choice)
Open Relationships: OFF (No Cheating)


Wicked Settings > Sex Settings > Autonomy Settings >Autonomy Awareness:

Player Sims: ON, Joining Sex: ON, Relationship Awareness: ON, (No Cheating)
Pregnancy Awareness: OFF, Sex Location Memory: ON, Sex Animation Memory: ON
Block around Children: (Your Choice)
***Joining Sex Gender Compliance: ON (OFF for sims to auto join in group sex)***
Joining Sex Relationship Compliance: ON 


Edited by Scorpio
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Can player sims learn about each NPC's wicked attributes via conversations? I know we need to manually add wicked attributes to Sims, but I'm trying to avoid 'cheating' and looking at Sims attributes/traits. It would be interesting to somehow learn about those traits, like how we can "ask about hobbies and interest" and "ask if single" etc. Also, are any wicked attributes passed down through genetics? 

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1 hour ago, sirsleepy001 said:

Can player sims learn about each NPC's wicked attributes via conversations?


1 hour ago, sirsleepy001 said:

Also, are any wicked attributes passed down through genetics?

Also No

Genetics are handled by game or possibly other Mods.

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I also just noticed some strange behavior. This is the first time I'm seeing this, so it could be related to this specific game's settings (which is mostly as recommended above).


1. Male Sim actively having sex with Bella (married to Mort, not in household). Invited second female (household). Bella refused because she "has a significant other." Since Bella was actively having sex with my male household sim, I don't think Mort (significant other) is an actual factor here. Bella had "liked" male and nothing selected for female.


2. The day after my male and female sims (same household) got married. Female sim refused my male's "make a move" to have sex because of "sexual orientation compatibility." The pair has had sex together numerous times, and even a three way with another female sim (Cassandra). When I switched to Female and had her "make a move" on male, then they had sex as normal.  I could see if she had an headache, tired, or something else, but he had 'like females' and she had 'liked males' as preferences, so I don't see why "sexual orientation compatibility" would be a reason for refusal.

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24 minutes ago, sirsleepy001 said:

1. Male Sim actively having sex with Bella (married to Mort, not in household). Invited second female (household). Bella refused because she "has a significant other." Since Bella was actively having sex with my male household sim, I don't think Mort (significant other) is an actual factor here. Bella had "liked" male and nothing selected for female.

This is where things get sticky because of the 3rd sims relationship.

Having 3 ways with Married Sims Couples you might need to give them the Adulterer & Polymorphous Attributes/Traits for them to be able to cheat on Spouses.

(But once you add those traits they will have sex with anybody)

Doesn't Bella also have the Evil Trait?

This usually allows them to cheat on Spouses but might not allow them to have sex with Spouse AND another male. 

32 minutes ago, sirsleepy001 said:

2. The day after my male and female sims (same household) got married. Female sim refused my male's "make a move" to have sex because of "sexual orientation compatibility."

Sounds odd but I wonder if it's just a strange fluke.

I don't rely on WW Attractions to set Gender Preferences as sometimes it sets them for both.

You might be better off going into attractions settings for each sim and disable the preferences for both Males & Females. 

There is also an optional Mod addon to disconnect the games Likes/Dislikes system from WW that I use.

File below attached if you want it.


But I use MCCC to set sims gender preferences manually most of the time.


Or use the WW command line to set them...

ww.preference_hetero 100 all


More info here about it: https://wickedwhimsmod.com/relationships-gender-preference


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1. Once the female sim got romance higher on Bella, they were able to have sex and have a three way with male sim. So the error was really that the relationship wasn't strong enough and not that she was worried about Morty.


2. Yeah, it's strange. It happened again. It just looks like the male sim can't initiate sex with female, but female can initiate with the male sim.

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24 minutes ago, sirsleepy001 said:

1. Once the female sim got romance higher on Bella, they were able to have sex and have a three way with male sim. So the error was really that the relationship wasn't strong enough and not that she was worried about Morty.

I don't think WW always reports the correct response when sims refuse.

But TURBO tries very hard to get things working better all the time.


26 minutes ago, sirsleepy001 said:

2. Yeah, it's strange. It happened again. It just looks like the male sim can't initiate sex with female, but female can initiate with the male sim.

You can try changing the number in another setting to increase romance chances for sex.

Wicked Settings > Sex Settings >Autonomy Settings > Autonomy Specifics:

Romance Sex: (1.0)


Using romance interactions will often increase sims desire level and they will usually ask for sex without any manual input.

Making both sims flirty also helps along with giving your Male Sim the Alluring & Sexually Alluring Attributes/Traits. 


I also have my WW Always Accept Cheat set to 1 bar green and don't think I've never had a Sim refuse the 'Make a Move' interaction yet.

Sometimes my sims don't do anything at all but it's usually because they are out in the middle of nowhere without any objects available or the NPC was jogging or something.

But I do play with all the WW Cheating settings enabled without any other restrictions so that might be why. 

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  • TURBODRIVER changed the title to WickedWhims v167a [2021-12-17]

Hello I recently updatep to v167a but I'm getting a very annoying error where my WW settings are resetting everytime I switch to another family or use CAS. In addition no option to ask sim to leave sex is triggering a WW exception file.



Update: I downloaded the version that was released recently and the settings bug is now fixed for me but still any attempt of making a sim leaving the sex interactions ends up triggering a similar WW exception file. Hoping turbo fix it soon.

Edited by darkel47
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  • TURBODRIVER changed the title to WickedWhims v167b [2021-12-17]

How does the "invite to watch sex" button work exactly? Each time I try to use it, it just says that the sim isn't interested in watching. I have my male sim having sex with another female sim and try to have the wife watch (she has the cuckquean trait as well as polyamorous) and each time it simply says she isn't interested regardless of if she gets the cuckquean moodlet from having walked in on them or not.

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I have 4 female sims and I want one of them to act as the male in all animations (without adding a penis in CAS) is this possible? I try the gender preferred setting and I set the one female as male but they cant get anyone to join them. On their own they can still do male animations though.

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I'm getting a WW Exception when I try to change animations during sex. The various categories appear, Teasing, Handjob, Oral, etc...But actually trying to select one of the categories triggers the exception and nothing happens. Maybe one of the animations is causing this? I hate to go through the effort to find out. I'm just going to roll back to my previous version and keep playing. I'm excited about the new features though. It all sounds pretty good, and I'll just wait to see what happens.





EDIT: Installed v167c and that seemed to fix the issues I experienced. Much thanks. I'm gonna continue playing in a test save for a bit more, but it all looks good. Thank you, Turbo.

Edited by mle
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On, I have autonomy on, 167b, and sometimes they pick locations where no other participants are allowed, 

so I use "Change location to here" a lot.

Wickedwhims asks me what I want them to do, and then an error occurs unless I choose "Random", on the latest iteration.

There are probably pat-answers galore, (e.g. Clear localthumbcache.package) don't bother, but it did not happen in the last version, and it does now.

Unreadable text follows.




That too (but I'd rather have "Invite to join")

Edited by 2dk2c.2
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