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WickedWhims v180b [2024-06-08]

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5 hours ago, lupololo said:

Thanks, someone gave this tip maybe one or two weeks. Maybe it was you?


I've tried this but first my actor limit wasn't setting on 2 but on 3, but I wasn't have threesome. Very strange.


And after trying to change this 3 to 4, I had a notification from WW when I've reload my save : "The Wicked Whims setting was adjust by someone else, it result that this save is corrupted."


So it's not working for me. 

Oh shoot, no way :( Yes it was me. Damn, how crazy, and yet for me, I literally had no issue. For the longest time I was not getting any auto-sex past 2 sims, I made one test, one change and poof it worked for me, no issue. Sorry to hear and thanks for reporting back.


Really goes to show how frustrating this mod is! A mod that single handedly accounts for (I'm betting) 1/4 of all game sales for one of the biggest AAA franchises and we continue to go 1 step forward, 2 steps backward. How "EA" of Turbo. I know that isn't fair to put onto one person/mod team, but damn maybe they could fix what they broke with a little more urgency. 

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  • TURBODRIVER changed the title to WickedWhims v180a [2024-05-20]
On 6/4/2024 at 11:19 PM, dmr said:

Yes, that is the whole point.  It appeared 3 times already on NPCs. 

Try using the ww.fix command.

There's an update coming soon that should address the issue.

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  • TURBODRIVER changed the title to WickedWhims v180b [2024-06-07]

I was finally able to update the game and then download and use the latest version of WW.
Much appreciated the improvements, but wondered if there was any setting to prevent partners from leaving their underwear lying around.
It's a nice idea, but maybe there should be an option to enable it individually.
I mean, not all people have a fetish or interest in collecting their partners' underwear (casual and otherwise): maybe it's me who can't find the right setting, because English is not my first language, so I apologize.

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New WW update, but still the same issue about NPC who don't make or join group sex anymore. Even if ALL THE WORLDS in a save are set to have bisexual sims.


And YES Sandatharius, I've send an e-mail to Turbo last week but still no answer yet.


So the mod doesn't still work as it was before.

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20 minutes ago, lupololo said:

New WW update, but still the same issue about NPC who don't make or join group sex anymore. Even if ALL THE WORLDS in a save are set to have bisexual sims.


And YES Sandatharius, I've send an e-mail to Turbo last week but still no answer yet.


So the mod doesn't still work as it was before.


Could it be a glitch from EA. I've noticed that the game like to spawn sims as not romantically exploring. Same with sims made in cas that hasn't got their sexuality set. 

Have you checked in the sim tuner option in the WW menu, as well as the attractive system? 



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My sim have no condoms in his inventory, so why does he keep putting condoms on. The notification says it's a condom owned by my sim. It's annoying when I play a kind of 100+ babies challenge. How do I stop it? I'm fine if it is condoms owned by other npc's as I have the setting set to rare, but not that my sim somehow like magic have a condom to put on when he doesn't own any.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, LilythArdat said:

Much appreciated the improvements, but wondered if there was any setting to prevent partners from leaving their underwear lying around.
It's a nice idea, but maybe there should be an option to enable it individually.

Well, there *is* a setting to completely turn it off. "Wicked > Settings > Sex Settings > Other Settings > Panties Collecting Switch".

Edited by Sandatharius
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1 hour ago, Sandatharius said:

Well, there *is* a setting to completely turn it off. "Wicked > Settings > Sex Settings > Other Settings > Panties Collecting Switch".

Wish the panties was sorted in bundles like other collectables are. My sim has so many but unless I open the bundle, I can't see which ones and how many of each I have, that is if I decided to count them.


4 hours ago, LilythArdat said:

I was finally able to update the game and then download and use the latest version of WW.
Much appreciated the improvements, but wondered if there was any setting to prevent partners from leaving their underwear lying around.
It's a nice idea, but maybe there should be an option to enable it individually.
I mean, not all people have a fetish or interest in collecting their partners' underwear (casual and otherwise): maybe it's me who can't find the right setting, because English is not my first language, so I apologize.

You could always give them the "no underwear" trait. The downside is that they won't wear any underwear at all.

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2 hours ago, NekoboyGames said:


Serait-ce un problème d'EA. J'ai remarqué que le jeu aime générer des simulations sans explorer de manière romantique. Idem avec les Sims créés dans des cas où leur sexualité n'est pas définie. 

Avez-vous vérifié l'option sim tuner dans le menu WW, ainsi que le système attractif ? 



I see what you mean, but this setting is about only new generated NPC. And my issue occuring in a save that I play since a few years now, and I've never experienced something like this before.


For example, I'm playing a sim that is a peeping guy, he went to a household that I've create, there is 4 roomates in this house. Everyone of them is bisexual. And when my sim came on this lot to look at the window, the roomates (they are treat like NPC because I'm not playing with them at this precise moment), have sex but only as couples, no threesome or foursome for example. 


And this issue occure also with sex club (from Get Together) where the rules are to have sex with everybody inside the club. Again only couple, no group sex.

And of course it's the same problem if I organize a sex party, everyone have sex, but again as couple not as orgies.


Before, every situtation that I mentioned, I've never seen sex in couple, or only if there was just two sims on the lot. Everytime a couple start sex, a sim joined them, and another .... 

It's an issue that came like this, with no reason. I thought it was a change in my attractivness settings, but I've test some different things like everybody as bisexual, always accept or no gender preference for example. The result is still the same. 


And its the same on my current save that I played since a few years, and the in a new save I start without any mods in my Mods folder and put mods after saving a first time in vanilla. 

I've also tried to play a save only with Wicked Whims and the animations I've download : Same issue.


Is this gonna make me mad ? It's a possibility 😅

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  • TURBODRIVER changed the title to WickedWhims v180b [2024-06-08]

Yet another Room Logic/Autonomy bitch post that hopefully @TURBODRIVER reads and puts some thought to, because it has value... 

2 outstanding issues: 

  1. Sims autonomously pick the same, or very selected, locations to initiate sex
    • Meaning the same couch, or an arm-chair (any), a mirror, or door/window, or (if on public lot) the toilet 9/10 times. 
    • And/Or they pick the last item that I manually selected. Meaning, if I chose a counter one time, then 7/10 times a counter is selected. 
    • Overall, it feels like the same 2-4 rooms and/or objects get selected every time. 
    • Expectation: Increase variety in autonomous location/object selection. 
  2. Sex Control - Sex Probability does not always work 
    • Meaning, I have doors, windows, and mirrors set to -4 (-99% probability) and yet, they still get selected. Not often, rare, but they shouldn't at all, and when you compound that with the issue mentioned above, then it's like WTF, just use literally ANYTHING else!
    • Expectation: Sims to always respect the + and - probability settings I manually place on objects. 

What I do not understand, and wish you or anyone could help re-explain in case I am mistaken is how autonomous locations are selected. I would like more variety since damn near every object on the lot can be manually selected to initiate sex. I have a 2 story home with 10+ rooms of various sorts and furnishings. Why do they keep picking the closet, that one bed, that one shower, or that one chair? 


I have called you out for this before, but you literally had WW Settings that allowed us to customize location count. Where is it!? Bring back your previous settings that YOU said would come back. It's been like 8 months since removing/hiding a number of sex autonomy settings. Your mod is more broken/frustrating then it was before. That said, I appreciate seeing updates fixing some things, but the overall framework is still struggling. Help us out! 

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Posted (edited)

(part 2 of 2) I, like many others, build a number of complex/ highly detailed/ realistic lots (gyms, bars, homes) of varying size and scale. I expect the bulk of the lot as a whole to be considered (respecting things like crowds, other settings, etc) as this mod did before. But it would be nice if WW sex autonomy did not behave so predictably at every lot. The same 4-5 objects/locations, probability settings not being respected, the same bathroom toilet, the same arm chair, and never that bed, room, or that table etc. etc..... no no no, but the window on the second floor I specifically set to -99% probability that leaves a sim stuck on an inaccessible balcony afterwards.


You said you added new logic about sims wanting to also choose rooms that are actively used by other sims, then perhaps that is forcing them to disregard probability settings. Your new logic can be seen as a bug, not a feature. Keep it or scrap it, some settings to improve this experience would be great. 

Edited by Mooz22
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  • TURBODRIVER changed the title to WickedWhims v180b [2024-06-08]
20 hours ago, Sandatharius said:

Well, there *is* a setting to completely turn it off. "Wicked > Settings > Sex Settings > Other Settings > Panties Collecting Switch".


I will check as soon as I can.
I was sure I checked all the possible settings, probably using a translated version of WW (even if it is a Turbo approved translation), does not make it easy to locate all the settings.

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Posted (edited)
On 6/7/2024 at 12:56 PM, MortiferusX said:

Are the "No Sex Signs" removed in new patch?


Can't find them in Build & Buy anymore. 


If you haven't already, download and install WW again. Turbo released a hotfix for the signs issue but didn't update the release notes because it was a minor issue. I can confirm that in the latest release the signs are back.

Edited by AdriftAtSea
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21 minutes ago, Wolf k said:

Hello, Does anyone know why i get this LastException?

At a glance here is what I can deduce: 

  • The error reads "mc_bills" that is more than likely coming from your MCC mod and not having anything to do with WW. 
  • There are MCC settings that have to do with bills (as in the bills your sims receive in the mailbox) 
  • This might be outdated but you can find bill related settings in your MC settings via:
    • Click on a computer > MC Command Center > MCCC Settings > Money Settings > Change Bills Percent
  • Maybe you or another mod messed with those settings which is causing the error OR
    • Maybe your mailbox on the lot got deleted or is corrupted 
    • Try deleting and placing down a new mailbox in an accessible area
    • Check your household and sims inventory for bills 
    • Check MC Tuner settings for any autonomy you might have disabled that has to do with bills
  • Clear your localthumbcache along with testing above (just because). 
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So : I've spent too much time trying everything I can to fix the problem about NPC group sex autonomy occurs. 


This issue occurs everytime, in a new save only with Wicked Whims installed (and a few animations of course), with every sims sets as bisexual, no gender restriction, always accept as much as possible. 


The explanation for me is simple : the mod doesn't work as it was. Broken I don't know, but the autonomy especially about npc group sex have problems. But if the mod is not "broken" as we can say, this issue about npc group sex make that some other features from Wicked Whims are not working too, it's simply logical. If NPC don't make group sex, the sex party social event doesn't work optimaly, same for the sex club from Get Together. 


So I know I talk a lot about this, but I've try, I've spent to much time to try to fix and not play at all.


Turbodriver NEED to fix HIS mod, because yes : some lucky guys here have no problem, but some others have issues. 

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Is there any way to add other, non-WW traits to the WW trait assigner we got in the update before last? The granularity of those groups is better than the trait assigning options I have from other mods, but I don't know if there's any documentation about making other traits compatible with the WW assigner.

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Anyone knows a good animation pack with lots of Vaginal Category?? I have installed over 1k animations and i seem to not have that category for my sims. I try doing it in the double bed and nothing, only certain areas but I am struggling to find any better ones.

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5 hours ago, fernanododo said:

hello, does anyone know if theres a version for the 1.107.112 update?


Supported Game Versions:

1.107.151(June 6) 1.106.148(April 16)


WW v.180b works fine with the last couple of game versions & recent update.

Edited by Sandatharius
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