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WickedWhims v180b [2024-06-08]

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On 5/26/2024 at 6:54 AM, buxxuc30 said:


Thank you! Is there any ways to use Pubic hair without the error though?


On 5/26/2024 at 9:00 AM, Sandatharius said:


I think you should be able to find male pubic hair CC. Not sure if WildGuy has any - he does have them for female Sims.


Body Hair v5+ Updated by Luumia would be my recommendation. 
Once downloaded, locate in the CAS tattoo section and is compatible with Noir & Dark, LunarEclipse & Simdulgence meshes if you have any of those installed too  😉


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I have sims with items always on their feet and head. During sex I can undress them using the action -> undress options. The problem is there is no option only for specifically the bottom. When using the bottom feature it removes all items including pants, socks and shoes. The same happens when we remove the outfit. It just removes too much. Its abit odd that we can remove everything else and only one item like glasses, gloves but not only the pants/underpants.


I know we can create specialised outfits. But Im at the maximim for certain categories already. Creating half naked outfits outside the sleeping category makes little sense.


So is it possible to only remove the pants items without removing anything else?

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This sexual autonomy that insists that NPCs only have sex as a couple is going to drive me crazy! It's simple, the best way I've found for NPCs to have group sex (and even then it really rarely happens) is to make them all bisexual. But obviously everyone sleeps with everyone without any distinction.


I can ensure that the majority of my male sims like both genders with a preference for feminine appearances, makeup, long hair, big breasts, and that on the contrary they hate masculine appearances, body hair. facial, penises or short hair, nothing helps.


As a result, male sims find all other sims very attractive, sometimes even more certain male sims than female sims! Whereas I made sure that this is what characterizes the female sims in my save as the basis for the preferences of the male sims.


So I tried again to remove the male gender preference for male sims, I was careful to uncheck "Respect gender preference to join sexual activity", I set "Always accept" to both bars and "Equal Relationship Score Always Accepted" to ON. But by doing all that I end up with NPCs who only have sex as a couple. Worse still, if for example I have two male sims and one female sim in the same house: if one of the men starts having sex with the woman, the maximum recharge time of the autonomy is reached and that the autonomy frequency is set to the minimum (0.01), the other male will obviously not join the other two, but he will not even have solo sex even though the option is checked. He stays there watching TV or going to drink water at the sink or swimming in the pool.


I would like to believe that I could have accidentally modified certain attractiveness parameters at one time or another, which caused all these problems of sexual non-autonomy in groups in my game. But here I come to the end of the tests which I can carry out to see if it works somehow.


In this case it never works or everyone sleeps with everyone. While I know for a fact that in the past, I always set my sims' attractiveness based on their romantic partner, so women weren't attracted to other women, and men weren't attracted to other men. However, with this setting I was regularly surprised to see group sex with various genders.


I hope Turbo finds a solution to these battery life issues. As for me, I don't know what to do anymore. I would just like to rediscover some of the surprise and spice that the sexual autonomy of this mod could bring. It was fun to play before, now it's just frustrating.

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I'm having some weird issues getting straight WW animations to activate on Rocket Ships. When I go for the vaginal option, only other male NPCs in the vicinity are available for it, otherwise WW just gives me an error message when there's only female sims available.

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On 5/26/2024 at 1:02 PM, taffster74 said:

Problems with WW and all in CAS.  Firstly, name bar does not come up.  Secondly, all aspiration icons are duplicated and partially hovering over each other.  Thirdly, once I've created my new sim, I cannot exit case with said sim to start a new game. I've done all the trouble shooting. Have tried without mods - works. Played the elimination game (have been sick since Wednesday, so used that time to do so) - it's wicked whims. Ever since the last update. Turbo really dropped the ball on this one.


have taken Wicked Whims back to the last 179 version. Everything is working perfectly. There were some issues caused by chingyu's extra traits mod, but not all of it. Wicked Whims 180a still does not allow you to play after creating a new sim. 

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I know this has probably been covered before but there are over a thousand pages of comments. I was wondering how you set up the sex on stairs rugs and the wall sex markers. If anyone knows i would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

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1 hour ago, dmr said:

The following CC hat is assigned randomly
And yes: it is annoying
Mysterious Bowler Hat


I doubt that has anything to do with Wicked Whims. If you are finding that hats are randomly appearing, you can use MCCC to blacklist those items that the game is placing on your character. I would move your comment to Sims 4 technical support.

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Posted (edited)

Hi Sandatharius,

I checked with Sim 4 Tray importer and the hat comes from WW. I did find it in TURBODRIVER_WickedWhims_Tuning.package
The hat does not show in CAS, so I cannot "backlist it". I went crazy trying to figure it out. I found out it was a HAT because it gets removed when I remove all hats from the Sim. 

Screenshot 2024-06-02 155620.png

Edited by dmr
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39 minutes ago, lupololo said:

I really think Turbo need to fix his mod. There is some several issues with various things from Wicked Whims. Hope it will be done soon ...


As previously mentioned, I am not having any difficulties with WW. However, I would email Turbo directly. I had a question for him, and he responded within a day or so.

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3 hours ago, Sandatharius said:


As previously mentioned, I am not having any difficulties with WW. However, I would email Turbo directly. I had a question for him, and he responded within a day or so.

And as I said, NPC have autonomy but they only do pair sex. Even after trying different kind of settings. I have a gay sex club (functionnal with Get Together) and for years this group of only gay sims (so composed of NPC attract by eachother), they don't do group sex anymore, only pair sex. 

So yes you don't have issue, but you'r lucky. Maybe can you tell me what's the setting you'r using ? It can help me.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Kyusei1999 said:

guys teem sex dont work, i have unappropriate unlock ed post puberty, and i have abilited interaction adult-teen anyone can help me... sorry for my bad english

Do you have the setting "Wicked > Settings > Relationship Settings > Relationship Utilities > Adult-Teen Relationship Switch" enabled also?

Edited by Sandatharius
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On 6/2/2024 at 9:49 PM, dmr said:

Hi Sandatharius,

I checked with Sim 4 Tray importer and the hat comes from WW. I did find it in TURBODRIVER_WickedWhims_Tuning.package
The hat does not show in CAS, so I cannot "backlist it". I went crazy trying to figure it out. I found out it was a HAT because it gets removed when I remove all hats from the Sim. 

This "hat" is only used for the mod icon in the game menus, it shouldn't be seen normally, the Sims that wear them should disappear a second after loading into the game. Is this hat on random Sims in the world?

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12 hours ago, Husk said:

This "hat" is only used for the mod icon in the game menus, it shouldn't be seen normally, the Sims that wear them should disappear a second after loading into the game. Is this hat on random Sims in the world?

Yes, that is the whole point.  It appeared 3 times already on NPCs. 

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On 6/2/2024 at 7:57 PM, lupololo said:

And as I said, NPC have autonomy but they only do pair sex. Even after trying different kind of settings. I have a gay sex club (functionnal with Get Together) and for years this group of only gay sims (so composed of NPC attract by eachother), they don't do group sex anymore, only pair sex. 

So yes you don't have issue, but you'r lucky. Maybe can you tell me what's the setting you'r using ? It can help me.

Gonna repost a comment/reply I made for someone voicing a similar issue, so while I think I know what issue you are describing, my solution might not be what you are looking for, but worth a shot... 


One thing I noted was about the NPC/autonomy issues. One solution for you may be to look at your "autonomy_minimum_actors_limit" setting. This used to be found in to the WW settings in game, but looks to be have been removed. I was still able to edit the setting though via the SettingsProfile file found in your ElectronicArts>TheSims4>Saves>WickedWhimsMod>SettingsProfile. There you have a min setting which I believe is set to '2' by default and a max setting which can be set up to '10'. If your min is set to '2' then that could be why no one else joins them. I changed mine from 4 to 3 which basically means any autonomy sex happening results in threesomes instead of foursomes. And that I can manually invite up to 10 sims (considering an animation is available). Hope this helps. 

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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, GMac2021 said:

Thanks for the heads up, Mooz! I was pulling my hair out trying to find that setting!

Sure thing, this is one of those things that is basically unheard of and yet is so obvious! While I cannot speak to testing every setting, I can say I have restored critical parts of this mod for my game. It absolutely blows my mind why Turbo hid CORE WW Settings from the in-game menu but kept them in your mod profile settings. Luckily everyone has access to their own WW mod settings in text format. To reiterate: 


To change your WW Settings, especially those hidden from the in-game menu, you can find and edit them here: 

SettingsProfile file found in your ElectronicArts>TheSims4>Saves>WickedWhimsMod>SettingsProfile. 


  • autonomy_minimum_actors_limit: For me, the min value got changed to '2' by default, this meant only couples (2) sims had autonomy sex. I changed this to '4' and now autonomous sex joins up to 4 sims! Note there is a max value setting as well which is set to '10' which I believe means you can manually assign up to 10 sims to join sex. 

I recommend saving a copy of your current settings profile to your desktop in case you later edit something that causes a defect. 

And if the wording/behavior of some of these settings does not make complete sense, I believe that is why Turbo hid these to begin with, to refactor, but that was like 6 months ago now and I'm sick of waiting! 

Edited by Mooz22
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52 minutes ago, Mooz22 said:

Bien sûr, cela fait partie de ces choses qui sont fondamentalement inouïes et pourtant si évidentes ! Bien que je ne puisse pas parler de tester chaque paramètre, je peux dire que j'ai restauré les parties critiques de ce mod pour mon jeu. Je suis absolument stupéfait de savoir pourquoi  Turbo a caché les paramètres CORE WW dans le menu du jeu mais les a conservés dans les paramètres de votre profil de mod. Heureusement, tout le monde a accès à ses propres paramètres de mod WW au format texte. Recommencer: 


Pour modifier vos paramètres WW, en particulier ceux masqués dans le menu du jeu, vous pouvez les trouver et les modifier ici : 

Fichier SettingsProfile trouvé dans votre ElectronicArts>TheSims4>Saves>WickedWhimsMod>SettingsProfile . 


  • au tonomy_minimum_actors _limit : Pour moi, la valeur minimale a été modifiée par défaut à "2", cela signifiait que seuls les couples (2) sims avaient des relations sexuelles autonomes. J'ai changé cela en « 4 » et maintenant le sexe autonome rejoint jusqu'à 4 sims ! Notez qu'il existe également un paramètre de valeur maximale qui est défini sur « 10 », ce qui, je crois, signifie que vous pouvez attribuer manuellement jusqu'à 10 Sims pour rejoindre le sexe. 

Je vous recommande d'enregistrer une copie de votre profil de paramètres actuel sur votre bureau au cas où vous modifieriez ultérieurement quelque chose qui provoquerait un défaut. 

Et si la formulation/le comportement de certains de ces paramètres n'a pas tout à fait de sens, je pense que c'est pourquoi Turbo les a cachés au début, pour les refactoriser, mais c'était il y a environ 6 mois maintenant et j'en ai marre d'attendre ! 

Thanks, someone gave this tip maybe one or two weeks. Maybe it was you?


I've tried this but first my actor limit wasn't setting on 2 but on 3, but I wasn't have threesome. Very strange.


And after trying to change this 3 to 4, I had a notification from WW when I've reload my save : "The Wicked Whims setting was adjust by someone else, it result that this save is corrupted."


So it's not working for me. 

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