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WickedWhims v180b [2024-06-08]

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7 hours ago, ioawdfv said:

What you said made me think about having questions about some wickedwhims settings.

"Sex Autonomy Switch" -> This is only for active sims?

"Multiple Sims Start Switch" -> Does this includes NPC?

"Autonomy Intensity Presets" -> Does this includes NPC?

"Autonomy Complex Settings->Sex Autonomy Triggers->Joining Sex" -> Does this includes NPC?

Yeah, those settings you talk concerns NPC, I mean for me that's true because I've used this settings during the last four years and NPC literally had maded orgies. Today with the same settings, NPC just do couple sex.

But in my case I've noticed this issues came when the Wicked Whims parameters where changed for more simplicity by Turbodriver. I remember there was a setting before that gave you the ability to select how many (max/minimum) sims can join the sex. And this was include the NPC.

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, lupololo said:

Yeah, those settings you talk concerns NPC, I mean for me that's true because I've used this settings during the last four years and NPC literally had maded orgies. Today with the same settings, NPC just do couple sex.

But in my case I've noticed this issues came when the Wicked Whims parameters where changed for more simplicity by Turbodriver. I remember there was a setting before that gave you the ability to select how many (max/minimum) sims can join the sex. And this was include the NPC.

Oh, ok.

I don't remember seeing "ability to select how many (max/minimum) sims can join the sex", maybe because I have started to use wickedwhims after Turbodriver removed that feature.

But anyway, I now see your problem and not sure what to say further, I think Turbodriver should gave us the answer about your problem.


Not sure the this is the changes of npc sex or not but I just read this on the wickedwhims website (https://wickedwhimsmod.com/sex-autonomy?rq=NPC).


Autonomy Triggers

Joining to sex occurs every 6 seconds when any Sim is in sex. If tested Sim is less than 6 distance units away and the sex interaction didn’t reach its actors limit, Sim will join. Every sex interaction starts with a random actors limit, from 2 to the highest possible number of actors.

You should try read the entire pages from above link, to find out if there are differences between what you already known or what the Turbodriver has been changed.

Above page also shows something about "Desire Level".


I also found this stuffs in this link (https://wickedwhimsmod.com/features?rq=NPC).


Sex Extras

Control any and all NPCs with a cheat setting to make everybody have sex everywhere.


I forgot to mention this.

"Sex Relationship Settings" -> "Joining Sex Relationship Compliance", does this affects the NPC too?

"Sex Relationship Settings" -> "NPC Sims Relationship Modifier", does this affects the NPC too?


I was Googling around the NPC Sex and found this reply for NPC and Player Sim

On 1/4/2021 at 12:47 PM, Scorpio said:

WW Settings/Sex Settings/Cheats: Always Accept ON (1 bar for normal sex and 2 bars ignore genders for group sex)


WW Settings/Sex Settings/Autonomy Settings/Autonomy Awareness:

Player Sims: ON, Joining Sex: ON, Relationship Awareness: OFF,(Cheating)
Pregnancy Awareness: OFF, Sex Location Memory: ON, Sex Animation Memory: ON
Block around Children: (Your Choice)
Joining Sex Gender Compliance: ON (OFF for group sex?)
Joining Sex Relationship Compliance: OFF (ON will cause less sims joining in sex) 


Autonomy Settings/Autonomy Specifics: Player to NPC Relationship Modifier: Higher number means easier sex

I think this also applies to NPC and NPC sim?

Edited by ioawdfv
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I've just tried to see in another new save if I had the same issues with NPC joining autonomy, and same result. Sims have sex in couple and that's all.


I really hope that Turbo will fix this.

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34 minutes ago, lupololo said:

I've just tried to see in another new save if I had the same issues with NPC joining autonomy, and same result. Sims have sex in couple and that's all.


I really hope that Turbo will fix this.

Oh, ok, that's weird.

Hope Turbo will fix this.
In the mean time, I'm going to test it also.

Can you tell me how to test the NPC sex?

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57 minutes ago, lupololo said:

I've just tried to see in another new save if I had the same issues with NPC joining autonomy, and same result. Sims have sex in couple and that's all.


I really hope that Turbo will fix this.


If there was something wrong with the mod, wouldn't you think that more people would be experiencing it? As I mentioned previously, I am having no issues with what you describe. I just came from a bar I placed in the game, and at one point there were NPCs in threesomes and foursomes. But obviously only where the animations location would permit it. Two would join for autonomous sex, and then others would join in. Sometimes the sex was mismatched, with male Sims performing female roles or vice-versa. 

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7 hours ago, Sandatharius said:


S'il y avait quelque chose qui n'allait pas avec le mod, ne penseriez-vous pas que davantage de personnes en feraient l'expérience ? Comme je l'ai mentionné précédemment, je n'ai aucun problème avec ce que vous décrivez. Je viens tout juste d'une barre que j'ai placée dans le jeu, et à un moment donné, il y avait des PNJ en trio et en quatuor. Mais évidemment seulement là où le lieu des animations le permet. Deux d'entre eux se rejoignaient pour des relations sexuelles autonomes, puis d'autres se joignaient à eux. Parfois, le sexe n'était pas adapté, les Sims masculins jouant des rôles féminins ou vice versa. 

I understand what you mean, but the problem is that I've don't change my setting before this issue happened. This issue comed even with current settings I have since a few years. It's not like I've change something, this issue just come and I don't know how to fix her.

It's simple : My settings -> NPC have sex autonomy and joign each other. 
Same settings -> It's not working anymore.

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Posted (edited)

@lupololo It could be that in the last update or so, Turbo changed or added something to settings that is now interfering with your settings in autonomy. Or, another mod (maybe MC Command Centre) is conflicting somewhere with WW Settings. I would email him directly. If you go on the Wicked Whims site, the contact info is there. He does respond. 

Edited by Sandatharius
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On 5/19/2024 at 8:28 PM, Sandatharius said:


Some other WW setting must be causing that. I have complete random locations when clicking "make a move". Are you using the teleport to sex location, or walk to sex location? I have my own set for walk to location. That might make a difference if you're using the former option.



You can get rid of the bag thing from the NAP in Eco Lifestyle by opting out. Click on the mailbox and there are options to get rid of it. And I think WW causes the Friendship and Romance bars to be ignored when NPC Sims are asking for sex.

I have it set to walk to location. I also experience the "make a move" getting cancelled on some lots for no reason. For example on the Vatore lot, my sim make a move on Caleb who they are sex buddie with, just as they are about to walk to the location, it gets cancelled and my sim starts doing something else. This also happen when I do it from a specific location that I know can be used as it has been used before and I have no problem moving the sex to the place after I managed start it on another location.


But that doesn't make sense as the attraction system is part of WW and my sim only like men (as you can't chose sexual attractions to a specific kind of genitals afaik) so females shouldn't keep asking.

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Does anyone else experience following things?


1. Female NPCs that watch sex gets a strap-on and starts a male masturbation animation while male NPCs starts a female masturbation animation one. 


2. A played sim has Top and male role chosen, yet in some animation is switched to bottom/female role. 


3. Getting "No sim available" despite there being sims available in the loaded world. 



I also wonder following:


1. Does the NPC males have to have the "can get pregnant" marked in CAS for the "Males can get pregnant through anal sex" option to work?


2. Does the mod "Ghost can get pregnant", that makes ghost being able to get pregnant/impregnate, not work through WW sex or is the mod broken as it hasn't been updated for a long time? Is there any WW version of that mod?


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REQUEST =   so my animation list is quite large now adays & finding specific animations is getting tricky

Once i find one i like i can add it to a playlist & thats Great!  BUT

is it possible to add a SEARCH feature to look for specific animation titles or just a word &  have it bring up just the animations with the key words i search for?


this would help immensly!  thanx if u can!

bummer if u can't

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I also have an issue with NPC autonomy. NPCs will not randomly engage with other NPCs on an active household lot. It works fine on every other venue, including university dorms with an active sim attending uni but whenever I replicate that setting on a residential lot, the NPCs only do solo autonomy or spam my sim with sex dialogs even though there are 7 other roommates plus visitors on the lot. I tested this on:

- extreme intensity preset

- gender/relationship compliance off

- always Accept on two bars

- equal always accept relationship scoring on

- hypersexual lot trait


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Posted (edited)

Yes. This will happen if you enable the dynamic pubic hair on male Sims. It goes away if it's disabled. Wicked > Settings > Master Settings > Pubic Hair Switch. I was running into this all the time. Not sure why it happens, but doing that took away the issue. Something else is possibly causing it. But I only play female Sims anyway, so it's no issue for me.

Edited by Sandatharius
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10 minutes ago, Sandatharius said:

Yes. This will happen if you enable the dynamic pubic hair on male Sims. It goes away if it's disabled. Wicked > Settings > Master Settings > Pubic Hair Switch. I was running into this all the time. Not sure why it happens, but doing that took away the issue. Something else is possibly causing it. But I only play female Sims anyway, so it's no issue for me.


Thank you! Is there any ways to use Pubic hair without the error though?

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2 hours ago, buxxuc30 said:

Thank you! Is there any ways to use Pubic hair without the error though?


I think you should be able to find male pubic hair CC. Not sure if WildGuy has any - he does have them for female Sims.

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Problems with WW and all in CAS.  Firstly, name bar does not come up.  Secondly, all aspiration icons are duplicated and partially hovering over each other.  Thirdly, once I've created my new sim, I cannot exit case with said sim to start a new game. I've done all the trouble shooting. Have tried without mods - works. Played the elimination game (have been sick since Wednesday, so used that time to do so) - it's wicked whims. Ever since the last update. Turbo really dropped the ball on this one.

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Is there a way to save the adjustments made with the repositioning tool to keep them from being reset each time the animation plays? I saw another post saying it isn't possible to do that currently, but if I'm wrong please let me know how it's done. 

If it's not part of WW, that's a feature I'd really love to see since it's a major hassle to adjust sims and objects to look good every time with no way to save those changes. I'd rather just disable any animations that don't look right but that's kind of a bummer and defeats the purpose of having such a tool.  Would be a great way to support height mods for more immersive and enjoyable game play. Maybe with a "save new position" or option added to the repositioning tools pie menu?

I'd like to make the suggestion as a mod improvement where, but not sure how to go about it. I also don't want to bother Turbo in case it's already in the mod and I just haven't seen it or it's a bug/conflict and should be happening.

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It appears that after two weeks of various test, my attractiveness settings was the problem.


To fix the autonomy issues when the NPC doesn't make autonomous group sex, I had to set all of my sims as bisexual.


But It's not perfect. I have a lot of gays and lesbians sims, so I have to check the "Respect the gender preference to join" setting. And that a setting that really impact the autonomy.


Before I remember that the attractivness system was more precise. For example a male sim can be set as bisexual with a preference for women if I set him as "prefer male and female" and "prefer female appearance". Now even if I check "Prefer female appearance" my male sims try to have to sex autonomously with male sims more often than before.


It's not a big problem because now I've group sex, so it's the best settings I've found to resolve my problem. 


I've check in the Protocol system that the mod include since a few updates. It's cool but no parameters allow me to make sure that my queer sims try to have sex only with others queer sims.


A cool feature that can be include, for example it's to have sims that accept to have sex with sims that have specific trait or sexual preference. 


I really hope Turbo will expand this protocol system with customizable options, especially with sex gender preference. 


P.S. : I hope my English is not to bad, it's not my mother tongue I'm French and I'm not using a translator. Sims modding it's a good exercise to practice my English 😊


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  • TURBODRIVER changed the title to WickedWhims v180a [2024-05-20]
13 minutes ago, Sniperpls said:

Update today, did it break anything? Getting ready to test now.

Apparently not. Everything seems to work like it was before the update. No LE for the moment.

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