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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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Sorry to hear that you got hit in the head.


Knowing that, I'd have not responded at all, as if you've trouble reading a couple forum posts without inducing a migraine, then playing a text heavy game with a UI that isn't necessarily the most vision friendly, isn't likely what you should be doing right now.


But hey, it's your call what you do, just like it's mine to refer you instead to where you can find the answer.



I usually dose myself up with painkillers before I play.  I've never let pain stop me from doing things I enjoy before, and I won't now.


It's a little late, but apologies for annoying you, and thank you for the direction.



No worries. I wasn't really annoyed. Hope the pain passes.

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How does one check the average life expectancy of a werewolf or elf for example?


I can't seem to find anything in the common folder.

Use Charinfo in console


3.0 = weak hp, usually dies somewhere around 40

4.0 = normal hp, usually dies somewhere 40-60

5.0 = strong hp, usually dies above 60


Assuming health works same way for werewolves.



If you want a really old age werewolf, use Arglwydd together with dark world and suck the lifeforce out of your foes (or anyone else)

my last ruler had health of more than 70 and died in battle leading an viking group of raiders at the age of 86,

don't know how long he would have lived without fighting.

health is one of the most important values in ck2, because it is used for most kinds of survival check (battles, plagues, wounds...)

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How does one check the average life expectancy of a werewolf or elf for example?


I can't seem to find anything in the common folder.

Use Charinfo in console


3.0 = weak hp, usually dies somewhere around 40

4.0 = normal hp, usually dies somewhere 40-60

5.0 = strong hp, usually dies above 60


Assuming health works same way for werewolves.



If you want a really old age werewolf, use Arglwydd together with dark world and suck the lifeforce out of your foes (or anyone else)

my last ruler had health of more than 70 and died in battle leading an viking group of raiders at the age of 86,

don't know how long he would have lived without fighting.

health is one of the most important values in ck2, because it is used for most kinds of survival check (battles, plagues, wounds...)



Ill have to keep that in mind if I ever feel like playing an immortal game at some point. Though id have to tweak the fertility values a bit so I don't have over 9000 children lol. Thankfully I added my own portraits for werewolves so that theres a 1 in 20 chance (for both male and females) of having at least some degree of diversity in my werewolf children's portraits.


My concern when I first posted however was whethwer werewolves, vampires, or elves, etc, were immortal or not which I didn't actually want for my werewolf playthrough. I found out first hand that werewolves have slightly higher than normal life spans though.

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I think that futa characters should have the option of taking the place of the male in a relationship with females (you can ask for this from a futa in the brothels but you don't get the option of doing it yourself. Pregnancies should also be a possibility, both in this particular case, as in a relationship or marriage. The slavery system should also adress this if you think that a more personal input is necessary (as in the older versions of the mod). You do awesome work! thanks a lot!
I also just found out about your accident. Hope you're feeling better! 

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I think that futa characters should have the option of taking the place of the male in a relationship with females (you can ask for this from a futa in the brothels but you don't get the option of doing it yourself. Pregnancies should also be a possibility, both in this particular case, as in a relationship or marriage. The slavery system should also adress this if you think that a more personal input is necessary (as in the older versions of the mod). You do awesome work! thanks a lot!

I also just found out about your accident. Hope you're feeling better! 


Yes, I need this for my Futa Empire.

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I think that futa characters should have the option of taking the place of the male in a relationship with females (you can ask for this from a futa in the brothels but you don't get the option of doing it yourself. Pregnancies should also be a possibility, both in this particular case, as in a relationship or marriage. The slavery system should also adress this if you think that a more personal input is necessary (as in the older versions of the mod). You do awesome work! thanks a lot!

I also just found out about your accident. Hope you're feeling better! 


While I can't say that I'm going to hit your futa desires fully to your liking, I have been considering them more often in what gets done. And while I'm not going to mess around with the basic CK2 or it's DLC's pregnancy methods, I do believe that most instances where a futa and either another futa or a non-futa woman gets together can indeed result in a potential pregnancy.


It's not going to be perfect by any stretch, but as things get re-released, it should be better than it was in v1.25.

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Ill have to keep that in mind if I ever feel like playing an immortal game at some point. Though id have to tweak the fertility values a bit so I don't have over 9000 children lol. Thankfully I added my own portraits for werewolves so that theres a 1 in 20 chance (for both male and females) of having at least some degree of diversity in my werewolf children's portraits.


My concern when I first posted however was whethwer werewolves, vampires, or elves, etc, were immortal or not which I didn't actually want for my werewolf playthrough. I found out first hand that werewolves have slightly higher than normal life spans though.



Would you mind sharing your portraits please? I play a lot with the werewolves and I also feel their is a big lack of diversity.

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Ill have to keep that in mind if I ever feel like playing an immortal game at some point. Though id have to tweak the fertility values a bit so I don't have over 9000 children lol. Thankfully I added my own portraits for werewolves so that theres a 1 in 20 chance (for both male and females) of having at least some degree of diversity in my werewolf children's portraits.


My concern when I first posted however was whethwer werewolves, vampires, or elves, etc, were immortal or not which I didn't actually want for my werewolf playthrough. I found out first hand that werewolves have slightly higher than normal life spans though.



Would you mind sharing your portraits please? I play a lot with the werewolves and I also feel their is a big lack of diversity.



I'll second that. Please. :D


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Question how is the progres of 2 phase of beauty and beast content ??


I have what I want to do planned out, but my focus currently is the next releases. This weekend (tomorrow), will see an updated DWCore and the initial release of the DWFuta mod. I'm also hoping to drop a partial Children of Lilith or Creatures of the Night mod as well, although that may be next week.


Speaking of which - when I mentioned I should be able to drop all three this weekend - last week, it was said before I recalled my wife's birthday. She likes to be spoiled, so I've been sinking a lot of time into appreciating her yesterday and today.

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Would you mind sharing your portraits please? I play a lot with the werewolves and I also feel their is a big lack of diversity.








Would you mind sharing your portraits please? I play a lot with the werewolves and I also feel their is a big lack of diversity.



I'll second that. Please. :D




Here. I included my DWcore.txt file which allows for the game to randomly pick the portraits when assigning them to people coming of age. *Though its for DW v1.25


If you use the newer version of DW then you'll have to go through the new txt file and manually enter the portrait assignments you want.


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Your wife very clearly takes precedence over online porn games.  I mean, if you don't keep her happy, she could join in a plot against you and you'll suddenly find yourself walking into an exploding inn!


Futa's not my kink, so I might not be testing that one, but hope other people enjoy it.  And I'll be looking forward to the Children of Lilith and Creatures of the Night when they get released -- the succubi have been what I'm most interested in so far, but if you can make the vampires and werewolves as interesting, I'll be thrilled.

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Would you mind sharing your portraits please? I play a lot with the werewolves and I also feel their is a big lack of diversity.








Would you mind sharing your portraits please? I play a lot with the werewolves and I also feel their is a big lack of diversity.



I'll second that. Please. :D




Here. I included my DWcore.txt file which allows for the game to randomly pick the portraits when assigning them to people coming of age. *Though its for DW v1.25


If you use the newer version of DW then you'll have to go through the new txt file and manually enter the portrait assignments you want.



Could you explain what you mean by manually entering the portrait assignments?

I'm fairly new at this (I've had the game for 3 weeks), and I've still got a lot to learn.


So, if I understand correctly, I should install your portraits into documents/paradox interactive/mods/dark world core, and overwrite when asked?


And that will allow me to assign the portraits through the console (ex. add_trait portrait30 <charID>)?

Or is there more to it than that?

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Here. I included my DWcore.txt file which allows for the game to randomly pick the portraits when assigning them to people coming of age. *Though its for DW v1.25


I'm still using DW1.25 so it was easy to install ^^

thank's a lot! I just tested it and it is perfect!


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Quick note - only 5 stages to becoming the most powerful tier of a succubus (Succubus Demoness).


Sunday night should bring Dark World Futa mod, an updated Dark World Core mod, a minor update to Dark World Fairy Tales, and possibly the first stage of the Dark World Children of Lilith mod.

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Hey Dew, wanted to follow up on the posts from the christianity mod without flooding his thread..


So thats cool, seeing mods and how they get made is also makes me want to dig into the files and figure out stuff for myself for personal edits.  Been waiting for updates not only to the main game but a few mods, including yours to really see about merging a few together.  Course.. just even lookin at the files of one mod (like yours or christianity) just..make my head hurt cause of not understanding all the code formulas.    Was looking to merge elements from haremkings, Ksv, pieces of the christianity mod, and parts of what creampie was making with the sm-capture mod, using yours as a base. 


I know your not "head mod helper", but beyond whats on the wiki for modding, you have any recommendations for better resources to pull from?


and i see while i was putting this out you updated.. cool.

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Hey Dew, wanted to follow up on the posts from the christianity mod without flooding his thread..


So thats cool, seeing mods and how they get made is also makes me want to dig into the files and figure out stuff for myself for personal edits.  Been waiting for updates not only to the main game but a few mods, including yours to really see about merging a few together.  Course.. just even lookin at the files of one mod (like yours or christianity) just..make my head hurt cause of not understanding all the code formulas.    Was looking to merge elements from haremkings, Ksv, pieces of the christianity mod, and parts of what creampie was making with the sm-capture mod, using yours as a base. 


I know your not "head mod helper", but beyond whats on the wiki for modding, you have any recommendations for better resources to pull from?


and i see while i was putting this out you updated.. cool.


I'd like to plug Creampie as a potential resource (hope he doesn't mind).


I tend to get by on the wiki, using Validator (a code validation tool, link is here (you need to be logged into the Paradox forum to see it): https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/the-validator-find-errors-quickly-and-with-minimal-pain.597480/), Notepad ++ for my editor, and even though it's really old, there is a Notepad ++ plug in that helps color code some things when doing CK2 coding (like the Validator, you'd need to be logged in to use it: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/index.php?threads/ck2-language-file-for-notepadd.591011/)


Outside of that, the reason I recommend following up with Creampie is I saw somewhere in another thread where he shared what looked alike a larger list of potential resources for getting started. And honestly, he seems more helpful in general than I do. I often hit periods where I don't like to interact or help anyone, while I've seen Creampie extend help far longer than I would have.


and i see while i was putting this out you updated.. cool.


Oh - just a heads-up to folks. I posted a new DW Fairy Tales mod that simply addresses a compatibility issue that would have arose tonight when I post the updated Core that will have additional support for the new Futa mod and Children of Lilith.


The Futa mod is pretty much done, but I'm holding off on posting the updated Core as I'm still seeing how much I can have ready for the Lilith mod. Right now it's not a lot.

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Thanks Dew,

I had found both.. just had not messed w/ the validator yet, but the "language" file for N++, yes... helps out alot even though it doesnt catch some of the newer ck2 coding, it still helps break it apart visually. 


So yea il be lookin into that stuff more.  As it is.. i read though the "ck2 potential thread" thats on LL here ... most of it back from early 2015 when you, and remedy and few others were just getting into things it seems.  There was some good reference material in there too...  understandings slowly increasing, so maybe il get what i want done at some point here ;)

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Dark World Reborn Hentai Sub-Mod Release V1.11


Hey again guys, Turtle Pancakes here. So I was busy tweaking my other mod and I decided to create a mod that has hyper-traits. E.g. Now every body trait has 3 new tiers. I have also added in my other unreleased sub-mod that adds balls to males and futa. So I decided to compile them into one big sub-mod.


What this mod does:

  • Three new tiers of body traits
  • Adds ass traits
  • Adds ball traits
  • Randomly assigns new traits
  • New Events
  • Visit Lover Variants
  • New Nicknames
  • Up to date with Dark World Core v1.30 mod and is compatible with Futa v1.29 sub-mod and Children of Lilith v1.29 Sub-Mod


Installation - Use instead of normal Dark World Core, since this is basically just a modified version of it.


Mod Compatibility - Should be compatible with everything my other mod and the Core mod is compatible with. Compatible with the Dark World Reborn Futa and Lilith sub-mods.


Bugs - May be a few here and there.


Notice - Sorry about the artwork, it's really bad. Maybe I should take art lessons.


Credit - All credit and thanks goes to Dewguru and the team for their work on Dark World Reborn.




- Added lactation and engorged ball traits and events
- Buffed traits
- Added a nickname for lustful women
- Renamed from Hentai Sizes Mod to Hentai Mod
- Added new event variants for visit lover
- Updated for Dark World Core 1.30
- Added Dark World Lilith Compatibility
- Added lactation events
- New event GFX


- Fixed a trait graphic not working
v1.00 (Dark World Reborn Hentai Traits Submod)
- Initial release
- Three new tiers of body traits
- Adds ass traits
- Adds ball traits
- Randomly assigns new traits
- Up to date with Dark World Core v1.29 mod and is compatible with Futa v1.29 sub-mod
- Turtle Pancakes

Dark World Hentai Mod V1.11.zip

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Hi everyone,


Thank you for your work Dewguru.


I have many problems with Dark World ReMeDy Custom Portraits. Indians first and in many others. 3 pictures for example :








I use CKII patch (XKJY). I have all the DLC, I use only Dark World mods.

I had read the FAQ, and I think there is nothing for me, because I haven't forgotten to install the DLCs.


I had read some poste with problems with ReMeDy, but nothing for me. :-(


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