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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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is the slavery system part of the core? or will this come in a different mod?


Same here, I want my slavery back.



It will likely be its own mod, or part of a buildings mod. If it gets split off into a stand alone, it'll be due to the decision to expand on its content more. If I wrap it up in the Buildings mod, it'll be because I've decided to not expand on it a lot.

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I unfortunately have no idea which files i need to alter to prevent the PC and npcs like Harley from being replaced by seiji's anime portraits. If someone know's how to make ReMeDy's portraits take precedence over Seiji's id be grateful.

Go into the mod whose portraits you do not want and delete or rename interface\portrait_properties.txt


Hmm thats weird. Removing the file didn't do anything it seems. The anime portraits are still there and they still override the Dark World portraits. 


I was expecting that the removal of the .txt file might render the mod nonfunctional or in the best case scenario possibly solve my problem but it appears that the .txt file has no crucial function?


The portrait_properties.txt file is how the game determines the backgrounds and overlays for portraits. Background changes when the character is at war, bars when in jail, etc.. Technically, ReMeDy's mod doesn't actually replace any potraits. Rather, it inserts a picture as an overlay over the existing portraits, but since it has no transparency it appears to have replaced it. The anime portraits, on the other hand, actually replace the assets used to generate the initial portrait. Theoretically, removing portrait_properties.txt should have allowed the Dark World portraits to win while removing an overlay type or two from the anime portraits, but I hadn't realized that the anime portraits also made edits to interface\portraits.gfx.


I don't know why Paradox doesn't have some form of load order manager. Since the normal "quick fix" didn't work, my suggestion to you is to delete or rename, one-by-one, all the files in the anime portraits mod that also exist in the Dark World mod until the Dark World portraits win.



I appear to have solved my problem. I added the ReMeDy lines of code from Dark World's .gfx files into the anime portrait .gfx files. Then i copied those Anime Portrait files into the Dark World interface folder replacing everything.


I also changed the Anime Portrait mod name so that it occurs later alphabetically which is how the game handles load orders apparently.





Ill also upload my Dark World interface folder and modified Seiji's Anime Portrait mod if anyone wants to try it out.  Just make sure to back up your Dark World mod folder before replacing files. I'm using CK2 v.241 with all dlc's up to Horse Lords and Way of Life. Also using Dark World v.1.25

Compatibiliy patch.7z

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I appear to have solved my problem. I added the ReMeDy lines of code from Dark World's .gfx files into the anime portrait .gfx files. Then i copied those Anime Portrait files into the Dark World interface folder replacing everything.


I also changed the Anime Portrait mod name so that it occurs later alphabetically which is how the game handles load orders apparently.


Ill also upload my Dark World interface folder and modified Seiji's Anime Portrait mod if anyone wants to try it out.  Just make sure to back up your Dark World mod folder before replacing files. I'm using CK2 v.241 with all dlc's up to Horse Lords and Way of Life. Also using Dark World v.1.25



I hadn't played that anime mod, but the key difference why it's compatible with my portraits is because the anime mod most likely uses a cultural approach for replacing assets, whereas my mod uses property slots in portrait_properties.txt for adding static overlays. Good to know the two work well together! I'll have to one day play a campaign using both of them once I'm done with my Conclave game!


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I appear to have solved my problem. I added the ReMeDy lines of code from Dark World's .gfx files into the anime portrait .gfx files. Then i copied those Anime Portrait files into the Dark World interface folder replacing everything.


I also changed the Anime Portrait mod name so that it occurs later alphabetically which is how the game handles load orders apparently.


Ill also upload my Dark World interface folder and modified Seiji's Anime Portrait mod if anyone wants to try it out. Just make sure to back up your Dark World mod folder before replacing files. I'm using CK2 v.241 with all dlc's up to Horse Lords and Way of Life. Also using Dark World v.1.25


I hadn't played that anime mod, but the key difference why it's compatible with my portraits is because the anime mod most likely uses a cultural approach for replacing assets, whereas my mod uses property slots in portrait_properties.txt for adding static overlays. Good to know the two work well together! I'll have to one day play a campaign using both of them once I'm done with my Conclave game!

It's a simple portrait mod, I like it so I don't have to necessarily work with ugly courtiers
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I unfortunately have no idea which files i need to alter to prevent the PC and npcs like Harley from being replaced by seiji's anime portraits. If someone know's how to make ReMeDy's portraits take precedence over Seiji's id be grateful.

Go into the mod whose portraits you do not want and delete or rename interface\portrait_properties.txt


Hmm thats weird. Removing the file didn't do anything it seems. The anime portraits are still there and they still override the Dark World portraits. 


I was expecting that the removal of the .txt file might render the mod nonfunctional or in the best case scenario possibly solve my problem but it appears that the .txt file has no crucial function?


The portrait_properties.txt file is how the game determines the backgrounds and overlays for portraits. Background changes when the character is at war, bars when in jail, etc.. Technically, ReMeDy's mod doesn't actually replace any potraits. Rather, it inserts a picture as an overlay over the existing portraits, but since it has no transparency it appears to have replaced it. The anime portraits, on the other hand, actually replace the assets used to generate the initial portrait. Theoretically, removing portrait_properties.txt should have allowed the Dark World portraits to win while removing an overlay type or two from the anime portraits, but I hadn't realized that the anime portraits also made edits to interface\portraits.gfx.


I don't know why Paradox doesn't have some form of load order manager. Since the normal "quick fix" didn't work, my suggestion to you is to delete or rename, one-by-one, all the files in the anime portraits mod that also exist in the Dark World mod until the Dark World portraits win.



I appear to have solved my problem. I added the ReMeDy lines of code from Dark World's .gfx files into the anime portrait .gfx files. Then i copied those Anime Portrait files into the Dark World interface folder replacing everything.


I also changed the Anime Portrait mod name so that it occurs later alphabetically which is how the game handles load orders apparently.


-img cut-



Ill also upload my Dark World interface folder and modified Seiji's Anime Portrait mod if anyone wants to try it out.  Just make sure to back up your Dark World mod folder before replacing files. I'm using CK2 v.241 with all dlc's up to Horse Lords and Way of Life. Also using Dark World v.1.25



Awesome work man.

I kept meaning to getting around to doing that but have been lazy and would usually just let the portrait mod overwrite the static images and deal with the defaults. So does CK2 handle load orders from z-a or a-z?


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Awesome work man.

I kept meaning to getting around to doing that but have been lazy and would usually just let the portrait mod overwrite the static images and deal with the defaults. So does CK2 handle load orders from z-a or a-z?






And i have no idea how the load orders are handled exactly. All i know is that i needed the anime portrait mod to be further down alphabetically on the launcher for the patch to work. So I assume its a-z.

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looking forward to it!, though if you mean you are hatching a plan to conquer the world, then I might be indifferent!



No worldly domination plans just yet. Was about ready to package it, then I thought I may as well add a generic "Spend time with..." event that folks can trigger for any lover, spouse, consort.


That of course lead to me needing a few generic images, which ate up an hour, and then there was adding it in, blah, blah, blah.


I've not fully tested everything, but I wanted to get it posted as I'll have time on Sunday to work on it some as well, so if I need to tweak something, I'll be able to fix it quick. Otherwise you'd be waiting on me to test it all, and that'd be Sunday, so I'm hoping it's not totally broke and that there will be little if anything that needs fixing so I can keep on moving forward.


Even though I set aside time yesterday, it was slow going. Not 100% certain why, but today was much better.


v1.27 DW Core Mod in the process of being posted now.


Change log:


    - Added some event modifiers to support the Dark World Fairy Tales mod

    - Added the Dark World pregnancy checks back in

    - Added a "Spend Time With..." decision for your lover, spouse, concubine. Right click on their portrait and have at it. They can be visited about once a month with this

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Very nice, thanks Dew.


Im wondering something too, i know you made this to support the latest patch, I didnt get conclave yet myself, and i used the "beta" option to stay at 2.4.5 for the mean time, but do you think this will work even with hanging out at 2.4.5 or will it need 2.5.1+?

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For  play the mod need have v 1.25?


v1.25 has been discontinued. If you're enjoying v1.25, then I'd hold off on using the Core and Fairy Tales until I release more of the original v1.25 content.

Very nice, thanks Dew.


Im wondering something too, i know you made this to support the latest patch, I didnt get conclave yet myself, and i used the "beta" option to stay at 2.4.5 for the mean time, but do you think this will work even with hanging out at 2.4.5 or will it need 2.5.1+?


I believe what has been released should work with either 2.4.5 or 2.5+. It doesn't require the Conclave DLC, and you can have the 2.5.1 patch without having Conclave. I always keep my CK2 up to date, so I can't promise that it will always operate on 2.4.5, but right now I believe it would still work.

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I got that same option too, when choosing options for my wife or my lover.  Hadn't encountered Gaston yet, either.


Also, the generic 'spend time with' event has the wrong name in the localization -- it said my character was spending time with his own name, not his wife's/lover's.  No doubt just using the wrong scope.


I didn't get the Beauty and the Beast event over about fifteen years of play, but that's probably just bad luck -- I'll keep on watching for it.


Bug reports aside, very glad to see this progressing!  I can't wait to see more.  Thanks for all your hard work.

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Ah. If you're getting Gaston - don't click on the Spend Time with Gaston option. Choose the other one that appears.


I simply am missing a check that's treating the Gaston one like the default one, as it's not first ensuring that Gaston is a lover.


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Hey I spent about 50 years as a single guy but never got the beauty and the beast event to fire and when I forced it to activate All that showed up was a event screen with the word a on it.


It's a very random event. If you forced it, I've zero feedback to give as I don't know how you tried to force it, I don't know what other mods you're running, and I don't know what version of CK2 you're running.


I'm running only the Dark World Core and Fairy Tales, on the current CK2 2.5.

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Hey I spent about 50 years as a single guy but never got the beauty and the beast event to fire and when I forced it to activate All that showed up was a event screen with the word a on it.


It's a very random event. If you forced it, I've zero feedback to give as I don't know how you tried to force it, I don't know what other mods you're running, and I don't know what version of CK2 you're running.


I'm running only the Dark World Core and Fairy Tales, on the current CK2 2.5.


Only Core and Fairy tale mods with version 2.5, I used the event console command to force it 

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I got that same option too, when choosing options for my wife or my lover.  Hadn't encountered Gaston yet, either.


Also, the generic 'spend time with' event has the wrong name in the localization -- it said my character was spending time with his own name, not his wife's/lover's.  No doubt just using the wrong scope.


I didn't get the Beauty and the Beast event over about fifteen years of play, but that's probably just bad luck -- I'll keep on watching for it.


Bug reports aside, very glad to see this progressing!  I can't wait to see more.  Thanks for all your hard work.


The localization in theory is entered properly. It's just not displaying what it should be. :P


I've been looking to use event_targets a little more, as I previously avoided them largely because I couldn't get them to display in localization. So someone (ngppgn) shared a link to a Paradox article where someone showed how it's supposed to be done. I've done it as it says, yet it's definitely not working, and it doesn't appear to be the event_target's fault, as the rest of the event handles it properly, just not the method that is supposed to work in localization.


I've necro'd the Paradox thread, as that information was many versions ago, pre-WoL. So what it shares may simply not be possible. If that's the case, I'll have to make some changes.

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