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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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I have all DLC and I havn't seen anything like this in my game. Maybe it's a conflict with you not having a certain portrait DLC, can you give me a list of DLC you have and I'll do a few tests on my end. Also witch character you tried to play as.


Another thing you might want to try might be to Verify integrity of local game cache (check game files).

I have all the expansions but conclave, none of the unit or portrait packs. The character is a grandson of Wallachian ruler I made in Ruler Designer. I checked the portrait files, since thats kinda required for getting DW to run at all, and nothing is there that shouldn't be. I will run a verify just in case tho, weirder shit has happened

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I've been asked by some people to share my patch, so I asked dewguru and he said he's not opposed to me sharing so here is my patch for Dark World 1.25 to make it work with CK2


It works for me, but i'd like to hear of any problems. Just extract my patch to the Dark World folder.


Side Note:

There is one file I included in the patch that can be deleted as it's just a copy of the game's own "00_job_titles.txt"

I included it in the patch to overwrite the one orginally in the mod as all the changes that dewguru made are now in "00_scripted_triggers.txt", but if the originally modded version of "00_job_titles.txt" is left in the mod folder it will cause problems. split off large parts of 00_job_titles.txt into 00_scripted_triggers.txt

thanks for sharing :) applied this and I can load my games again! :D

don't know if its related to DW(and/or your fix) but on a savegame where the only mod I use is DW I have a large number of potraits now that are a black head with a number (ex my ruler is 77). Didn't have this before, the only other change Ive made recently was adding horse lords dlc and Ive never used a portrait mod. Not a big deal and doesn't seem to prevent gameplay.

Technically, you are using a portrait mod. It's my mod included with all versions of Dark World. In a future DW release, the mods will be treated separetely.


A missing #77 portrait is unusual, as I'm not sure Dew has added up to 77 portraits yet. With Conclave's release, everything is screwy, because it's forcing everyone to update their mods, so stuff you're subscribed to on Steam may auto-update, breaking other mods.


Disable EVERY user mod except DW. You'd be surprised what can mess with my portraits. They operate off gfx property slots, and anything sharing those slots can conflict.

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Quick update, the next release should be by this weekend. It's a simple mod, new content. It's called Dark World Fairy Tales. It's sort of a proof of concept for me using the Dark World Core as a central dependency, and so far it's going well.


After it's done, I'm going to focus again on the existing content to get it back up and operational. I was just looking for a test and in finding some content, I was struck with an idea so I followed it.



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I'm building a mod about werewolves (and later about vampires too)

the mod name is "Fangs and Claws"

it's my first attent to mod a game like this...

for now I'm using elements from darkworld, mythos and princes of darkness but with my own vision of the myths and some of my creations
I think I will use some elements from Aglwydd too (for the mental control of your inferiors like omega_males and werewolf_bitches)

I don't know where it goes and if I will be abble to end this but... just to let you know I'm working on it...
I hope you will like the idea and encourage me :P

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I'm building a mod about werewolves (and later about vampires too)


the mod name is "Fangs and Claws"


it's my first attent to mod a game like this...


for now I'm using elements from darkworld, mythos and princes of darkness but with my own vision of the myths and some of my creations

I think I will use some elements from Aglwydd too (for the mental control of your inferiors like omega_males and werewolf_bitches)

I don't know where it goes and if I will be abble to end this but... just to let you know I'm working on it...

I hope you will like the idea and encourage me :P


Sounds like an interesting project. :)

You might want to break it off into your own, seperate topic though.


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Technically, you are using a portrait mod. It's my mod included with all versions of Dark World. In a future DW release, the mods will be treated separetely.


A missing #77 portrait is unusual, as I'm not sure Dew has added up to 77 portraits yet. With Conclave's release, everything is screwy, because it's forcing everyone to update their mods, so stuff you're subscribed to on Steam may auto-update, breaking other mods.


Disable EVERY user mod except DW. You'd be surprised what can mess with my portraits. They operate off gfx property slots, and anything sharing those slots can conflict.

I did disable em all, as I said, I loaded a game with ONLY Dark World. I also don't use Steam's Workshop for CK2 mods I install them manually, I generally prefer to do that with all mods for any game actually....



just loaded it up so I could be more specific and lookin around the map briefly it looks like all portraits from 70-81 are missing... so maybe I inadvertently deleted one portrait file too many or something?

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Is conclave needed or only need latest patch ?,




Is conclave needed or only need latest patch ?,


I'm assuming conclave is required since with just the darkworld mod tried with both versions and the game crashes.




You've other issues if just the Dark World Core mod crashed your game. I'd recommend clearing out your mod directory and doing the ole' Steam game installation verification thing.

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I'm building a mod about werewolves (and later about vampires too)


the mod name is "Fangs and Claws"


it's my first attent to mod a game like this...


for now I'm using elements from darkworld, mythos and princes of darkness but with my own vision of the myths and some of my creations

I think I will use some elements from Aglwydd too (for the mental control of your inferiors like omega_males and werewolf_bitches)

I don't know where it goes and if I will be abble to end this but... just to let you know I'm working on it...

I hope you will like the idea and encourage me :P


Sounds like an interesting project. :)

You might want to break it off into your own, seperate topic though.




Yes. I encourage others, but expect them to handle non-Dark World mod business in their own threads. It's simple forum etiquette, and posting about other mods in a thread seems to always lead to confusion.


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Is conclave needed or only need latest patch ?,




Is conclave needed or only need latest patch ?,


I'm assuming conclave is required since with just the darkworld mod tried with both versions and the game crashes.




You've other issues if just the Dark World Core mod crashed your game. I'd recommend clearing out your mod directory and doing the ole' Steam game installation verification thing.



well reinstalled everything and the 126 version works, where as the 125 version that I tried didnt.  ( only mod I have is darkworld and nothing else and it was a fresh install from the get go)

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Is conclave needed or only need latest patch ?,




Is conclave needed or only need latest patch ?,


I'm assuming conclave is required since with just the darkworld mod tried with both versions and the game crashes.




You've other issues if just the Dark World Core mod crashed your game. I'd recommend clearing out your mod directory and doing the ole' Steam game installation verification thing.



well reinstalled everything and the 126 version works, where as the 125 version that I tried didnt.  ( only mod I have is darkworld and nothing else and it was a fresh install from the get go)


125 is the mod- 126 is the core. 125 crashed because you didn't have the core. Pretty sure.

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Hey Dewguru.. first.. just wanted to say thank you for the mod. just got into this game thanks to the sale with the release of the new dlc (passed on the new dlc though, waiting to get that til the next sale.. doesnt really have content im crazy about anyway), but as for the rest of the game, it sounded, good, and ontop of this and a couple other mods off the site, give it just that needed ... "oomph" to really make it enjoyable! :)  


so 2nd thing.. i always poke around the files and whatever mods i find if i can.. and so im still running the 2.4.5 version and went thru and stripped out alot of the mod the other nite, to take out some stuff i didnt prefer much (hence why i think you are making the next edition modular, very nice btw), and to get it to play nicer with the harem kings mod,  and i noticed something about some of the player son/daughter events that i think is a bug.


rest in spoilers to reduce eye space:



Now im still learning this games syntax.. like how = isnt equals.. its equal to or greater than...at least in the case of numbers... but theres some conditionals you have in the events that would result in possible impregnation of the player or the daughter depending on situation, and you have coding in there for both "known" and "secret" fathers.  So since you are redoing the mod anyway, not sure if you caught this or not.. but in at the very least the male player/daughter event.. the "known" pregnany will never trigger.  You have the is_female condition, which is set to yes on an if/then, which i think really needs to have the FROMFROM if i understand how that works right, else its checking the is female against the male player.. which will never pass.. not even to get into the is_married/is_consort check.

For the female player/son event, you have the same kind of thing split up into different percent chances based on levels of fertility in each participant.. and then the same is female/married/consort..  now.. this DOES have a possibility of triggering i think, cause its checking against a female player, the player may or may not be married, which would affect it, and as for consort..... can a player even be a consort?... and still be playable? 

Just something i wanted to point out.  I couldnt even begin to understand how you knew to code all of this.. i can just read a bit of it and understand some.. as for the rest.. i could never really get into coding too much.  Still something to learn from, so wanted to drop a msg. 





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Is conclave needed or only need latest patch ?,




Is conclave needed or only need latest patch ?,


I'm assuming conclave is required since with just the darkworld mod tried with both versions and the game crashes.




You've other issues if just the Dark World Core mod crashed your game. I'd recommend clearing out your mod directory and doing the ole' Steam game installation verification thing.



well reinstalled everything and the 126 version works, where as the 125 version that I tried didnt.  ( only mod I have is darkworld and nothing else and it was a fresh install from the get go)


125 is the mod- 126 is the core. 125 crashed because you didn't have the core. Pretty sure.



125 is the OLD mod. It's not compliant with the current CK2 patch that's out there. I suppose I should remove that so as to avoid confusion.


The reborn part is multiple mods, the next portion will be hitting this weekend.

Hey Dewguru.. first.. just wanted to say thank you for the mod. just got into this game thanks to the sale with the release of the new dlc (passed on the new dlc though, waiting to get that til the next sale.. doesnt really have content im crazy about anyway), but as for the rest of the game, it sounded, good, and ontop of this and a couple other mods off the site, give it just that needed ... "oomph" to really make it enjoyable! :)  


so 2nd thing.. i always poke around the files and whatever mods i find if i can.. and so im still running the 2.4.5 version and went thru and stripped out alot of the mod the other nite, to take out some stuff i didnt prefer much (hence why i think you are making the next edition modular, very nice btw), and to get it to play nicer with the harem kings mod,  and i noticed something about some of the player son/daughter events that i think is a bug.


rest in spoilers to reduce eye space:



Now im still learning this games syntax.. like how = isnt equals.. its equal to or greater than...at least in the case of numbers... but theres some conditionals you have in the events that would result in possible impregnation of the player or the daughter depending on situation, and you have coding in there for both "known" and "secret" fathers.  So since you are redoing the mod anyway, not sure if you caught this or not.. but in at the very least the male player/daughter event.. the "known" pregnany will never trigger.  You have the is_female condition, which is set to yes on an if/then, which i think really needs to have the FROMFROM if i understand how that works right, else its checking the is female against the male player.. which will never pass.. not even to get into the is_married/is_consort check.

For the female player/son event, you have the same kind of thing split up into different percent chances based on levels of fertility in each participant.. and then the same is female/married/consort..  now.. this DOES have a possibility of triggering i think, cause its checking against a female player, the player may or may not be married, which would affect it, and as for consort..... can a player even be a consort?... and still be playable? 

Just something i wanted to point out.  I couldnt even begin to understand how you knew to code all of this.. i can just read a bit of it and understand some.. as for the rest.. i could never really get into coding too much.  Still something to learn from, so wanted to drop a msg. 






You're looking at really, really old code, but you're likely correct. The early pregnancy stuff I used didn't always work as intended. Later, when I set-up the pregnancy checks in DWCore, they work as intended. The only thing then is that I never got around to going through all of the existing code to pluck out and redirect things.


That's something that should be improved upon as I re-release things in the modular format as I'm taking the time to touch a lot of it (which is also why it's not coming out quicker).


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Yes. I encourage others, but expect them to handle non-Dark World mod business in their own threads. It's simple forum etiquette, and posting about other mods in a thread seems to always lead to confusion.




sorry about that. too much enthousiasm from my side I gess :P

I'll post it in a new thread

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Yes. I encourage others, but expect them to handle non-Dark World mod business in their own threads. It's simple forum etiquette, and posting about other mods in a thread seems to always lead to confusion.




sorry about that. too much enthousiasm from my side I gess :P

I'll post it in a new thread



No worries. 40 lashes and an hour with Rosie O'Donnell and all will be forgiven.

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