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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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Here's my personal set up for Dark World Reborn.


I gave everyone cultures and religions that made sense, changed names and portraits to match Marvel 1602 and DC Dark Knights.


Made a Tameranian culture as well as a Kryptonian Culture and two religions. I just made them Catholic heresies so I didn't have to mess with holysites and other issues like that. Might do more with it later. All of this will make things a little difficult because of potential culture and religious clashing but I like the challenge.


Altered some dynasties and added new ones.


I also fixed some minor things that didn't really matter.


Hel will be Loki's daughter. If you get Loki first.

X-23 will be Wolverine's daughter. If you get Wolverine first.


Added the historical flag to characters Dew missed. I streamlined the trait sorting, mostly.


Some localization won't match up with some things, specifically renames, but that will be a focus of another update if I bother keeping with it.


Added compatibility with Ala's body mod.


I'm not making it its own page as it has some stuff from other authors and it's not an actual add-on. You'll find a Dark World Reborn folder. Just drag, drop, and override.

Dark World Add-On.rar

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I updated to the last version and it stopped working with faerun, I have the traits when creating a character and the buildings but I receive no events, and the mod decisions are not there. 

Is this solvable? The mods worked normally in the previous version, and it is working with vanilla. 

Even the image replacer mod, Plutocene Imagepack, doesn't work anymore 



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53 minutes ago, EniesLobby777 said:

I updated to the last version and it stopped working with faerun, I have the traits when creating a character and the buildings but I receive no events, and the mod decisions are not there. 

Is this solvable? The mods worked normally in the previous version, and it is working with vanilla. 

Even the image replacer mod, Plutocene Imagepack, doesn't work anymore 



If you start a new game, when the game rules appear, are the Dark World Reborn ones showing up?


Also, if Faerun is a complete overhaul, you may need to update the .mod file for Dark World Reborn similar to what is shown in the 2nd post on this thread (last item in the FAQ that talks about setting a dependency for DWR to ensure it's loaded after the overhaul).

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5 hours ago, EniesLobby777 said:

Another question if you don't mind, About the Plutocene Imagepack not replacing the original ones is there anyway to fix it?


Plutocene's Imagepack should be loading after DWR, as I believe it lists DWR as a dependency. If you're not seeing the images with it enabled, then it could be the same situation and you may need to include the Faerun mod as a dependency as well. It might not make sense, since DWR is a dependency, but it could need both. Over the years, I've seen a number of things in CK2 that didn't work the way you'd expect them.

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