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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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I should have another update out before the end of May. Most likely late this coming weekend. Just dealing with life stuff. Work, kid graduating, out of state visitors, etc. So progress has slowed a bit.


Also - I'd like to put a plug out there for anyone who's looking for more image style consistency in Dark World Reborn. I encourage you to give Plutocene's mod pack a try. It works as an override, so you're not messing with the DWR mod folder at all. Plus, if you try it and determine it's not for you, it's as easy to remove as clicking to unselect it on the mod menu.



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2 hours ago, dewguru said:

I should have another update out before the end of May. Most likely late this coming weekend. Just dealing with life stuff. Work, kid graduating, out of state visitors, etc. So progress has slowed a bit.


Also - I'd like to put a plug out there for anyone who's looking for more image style consistency in Dark World Reborn. I encourage you to give Plutocene's mod pack a try. It works as an override, so you're not messing with the DWR mod folder at all. Plus, if you try it and determine it's not for you, it's as easy to remove as clicking to unselect it on the mod menu.




Do we just drag the gfx folder to the dwr folder to override gfx?

Also, I love the latest version of your mod.

Also, have you thought about adding a titfuck or different sex position events to the mod? Just curious, not demanding anything.

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55 minutes ago, WarLordXII said:


Do we just drag the gfx folder to the dwr folder to override gfx?

Also, I love the latest version of your mod.

Also, have you thought about adding a titfuck or different sex position events to the mod? Just curious, not demanding anything.


There is no need for a manual overwriting. Install as a standalone mod and activate it. It will overwrite the gfx artwork automatically.

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I may have gotten carried away with my current event chain. It's at 62 images and over 16,000 new words in localization, which doesn't include the code for the events.


I'm trying to wrap it up, but it still feels like it needs more options. Here's hoping it isn't an annoying waste.


You'd need to play with Fairy Tales, and maybe Fae content enabled, as it's based on you taking a trip into Wonderland to help find/save Alice. It's a random that can show up, after Alice is in your court, as she clearly can't escape the constant pull back there.


That said, I was hoping to have it done and the update posted yesterday, but it'll likely be next weekend instead.

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Looking good for the mod to be updated this weekend.

And thanks a bunch to Drax70 and Plutocene for their donations to making the mod better.

Current change log for the next update is below.

v1.98 (Dark World Reborn)
    - NOTE: This update should be save game compatible with games started using v1.95 or later
    - New events (Related Game Rules: Fae, Hero/Villain, Fairy Tales, Heaven/Hell, Classic Monsters)
    - New potential npc's (Related Game Rules: Fae, Hero/Villain, Fairy Tales)
    - Hero/Villain minor overhaul in progress - starting event tweaked, and there is a secondary event that helps shape a bit about these beings entering the game.
    - Bordello Upgrade event reworked a little - no idea where this motivation came from.
    - Updated the prison rape decision to look for NOT = { trait = hero }, for those looking to use it with Hero/Villain content disabled
    - Updated Slave Pay notification event to allow it to be hidden.
    - Updated Collector event to place the "Not interested" type option first, as it could be hidden when there were 4 items found for sale.
    - Image contribution from plutocene (male Slave Branding)
    - Image contribution from Drax70 (decision images / trait image / event image)
    - Image updates for Succubus Corruption\Brothel Madame
    - Event contribution from Drax70 (watch Sorcey masturbate)
    - Updated Slave Branding images, with new images displaying if it's a male or female being branded
    - Updated decisions that were missing icons and some that are improvements
    - Updated the trait image for gigantic tits.


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This is an old bug, but the crusaders win the first crusade on a random world they get the Wellspring Protector title in addition to whatever they crusaded for. It doesn't happen on historical starts and I didn't a crusade to trigger from 1066 in a shattered world when I just ran 40 years from 1066 in observe mode. I had this bug on older versions, but at the time I assumed this wouldn't be updated after CK3 came out, so I didn't report it.


The only other mod I used was a custom ruler cheat mod, but I've seen it in the past with only Dark World checked and with Luxuria Fantasia/Tentacle Dreams/Christianity Mod checked.

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2 hours ago, aserbahn said:

This is an old bug, but the crusaders win the first crusade on a random world they get the Wellspring Protector title in addition to whatever they crusaded for. It doesn't happen on historical starts and I didn't a crusade to trigger from 1066 in a shattered world when I just ran 40 years from 1066 in observe mode. I had this bug on older versions, but at the time I assumed this wouldn't be updated after CK3 came out, so I didn't report it.


The only other mod I used was a custom ruler cheat mod, but I've seen it in the past with only Dark World checked and with Luxuria Fantasia/Tentacle Dreams/Christianity Mod checked.


Wow. The Mana Wellspring hasn't been in the mod for a very, very, very long time.


Sure enough though, I found a record in dw_landed_titles that would still reward the title for a specific location. I'll comment it out for the next update.

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Thank you! I opened dw_landed_titles in notepad++, but don't know anything about how the files work especially since the only location I saw in there was in Scotland, and I most recently saw it spawn in Germany.

Is it intended for for every character to get the non-human slave merchant event? I'm noticed a lot of the landed npcs marrying the slaves the buy in that event and then a generation later quite a few characters around the map are rabbit kin, cat kit, or bull kin.


I also haven't seen any npcs respawn, but I don't tend to stay in saves for more than 50-60 years and I've had the option sent to 10 years+event mth, so I don't think its an issue.


Those are the only three things I've noticed since I picked this mod back up for the first time in a long time. I don't which NPCs are new to this update, but I haven't had any issues with Maleficent, Sleeping Beauty, or the Cinderella events and I'm pretty sure weren't in the last time I played, I've never had the Jasmine event fire for me, but I don't play in the Middle East much. In older versions I've seen her in npc courts, so I assumed it fired for them.


I do get way fewer superhero/villain events on this version than I remember getting in past, but without looking at the files I've just assumed that its because some of them came from Luxuria which I'm not using or they're now specifically moved behind the "get a sidekick" decision. I've had Professor X spawn in every game, and both Batman and Thanos fire once each. Batman might have been on the version before this - I started a few runs on Sunday before you updated. The Dr. Doom event when you become a villain worked fine. I don't remember the equivalent event for heroes, if there was one.

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39 minutes ago, aserbahn said:

Thank you! I opened dw_landed_titles in notepad++, but don't know anything about how the files work especially since the only location I saw in there was in Scotland, and I most recently saw it spawn in Germany.

Is it intended for for every character to get the non-human slave merchant event? I'm noticed a lot of the landed npcs marrying the slaves the buy in that event and then a generation later quite a few characters around the map are rabbit kin, cat kit, or bull kin.


I also haven't seen any npcs respawn, but I don't tend to stay in saves for more than 50-60 years and I've had the option sent to 10 years+event mth, so I don't think its an issue.


Those are the only three things I've noticed since I picked this mod back up for the first time in a long time. I don't which NPCs are new to this update, but I haven't had any issues with Maleficent, Sleeping Beauty, or the Cinderella events and I'm pretty sure weren't in the last time I played, I've never had the Jasmine event fire for me, but I don't play in the Middle East much. In older versions I've seen her in npc courts, so I assumed it fired for them.


I do get way fewer superhero/villain events on this version than I remember getting in past, but without looking at the files I've just assumed that its because some of them came from Luxuria which I'm not using or they're now specifically moved behind the "get a sidekick" decision. I've had Professor X spawn in every game, and both Batman and Thanos fire once each. Batman might have been on the version before this - I started a few runs on Sunday before you updated. The Dr. Doom event when you become a villain worked fine. I don't remember the equivalent event for heroes, if there was one.

It is intended for more than just the player to get the non-human slave merchant event. One of the complaints about the mod was how slow it can be in seeding the creatures-kins around the map. I'll take a look at it though. If they're going and marrying them, perhaps I should include a check to ensure that they've the law active that gives non-humans equal rights. That way, it'd make some sense for them.


The respawn is only for hero/villains, and honestly was made solely because Harley is just as likely to get herself killed as not. It was one of the biggest requests - a way to be able to have another chance with her. The Fairy Tale folks aren't included in it, nor are some other NPC's. I've thought about adding some recently, as poor Snow White died in my last play session from an illness, which left me bummed.


The Jasmine event comes from finding Aladdin's Lamp from one of the store vendors, and then rubbing the lamp if memory serves me correctly. She may be one of the hardest to trigger. I've thought about tweaking that one some, as even I forget who sells the lamp.


Luxuria never had the Heroes / Villain content. It's something I added after my return. The Hero / Villain content has been diluted some, due to the increase of other random events. I also updated the 'side kick' decision to where you can now select who you get, and a solid 20+ options listed there used to be their own random events, so those are 20 less from the Hero/Villain pool. You also can manually trigger a Hero / Villain random event by doing a Visit the Hall or Lair decision option that was added. The options results you get from using it, will seem small until you recruit more of the actual heroes or villains to your realm.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nightwing's portrait doesn't add correctly. Just a version of Thor and what looks like Superboy.

Anna's statue doesn't get given to the player properly.

The improve Bordello event chain seems to have some of its more interesting events blocked and just shows me the same options regardless of what I pick.


I got the "true" Alice in the Wonderland adventure, which honestly good job I wish all of them could be this cool, but her icon reverted back to regular Alice seemingly at random.



I think something that could help with character set up would be nice. Like reuniting Astrid and Hiccup is something I like to do, but with the way the merchant caravan works, it can be  awhile before I get the chance to free the other.

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20 hours ago, TriggerBlade said:

Nightwing's portrait doesn't add correctly. Just a version of Thor and what looks like Superboy.

Anna's statue doesn't get given to the player properly.

The improve Bordello event chain seems to have some of its more interesting events blocked and just shows me the same options regardless of what I pick.


I got the "true" Alice in the Wonderland adventure, which honestly good job I wish all of them could be this cool, but her icon reverted back to regular Alice seemingly at random.



I think something that could help with character set up would be nice. Like reuniting Astrid and Hiccup is something I like to do, but with the way the merchant caravan works, it can be  awhile before I get the chance to free the other.


I'll take a look at the items you mentioned. I appreciate your bringing them up.

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On 6/17/2024 at 11:19 PM, TriggerBlade said:

Nightwing's portrait doesn't add correctly. Just a version of Thor and what looks like Superboy.


Found the issue as to why the default image wasn't showing.


The other one that looks like Superboy - is an image of Dick Grayson. He's one of those characters who without his mask look like a dozen other dudes. To me, he always just looked like a younger Bruce Wayne. That image was from him slicked up and business like.


Marvel has some heroes that suffer the same thing. Captain America for example, you take Steve Rodgers out of his costume, and you start comparing him to other blond hair blue eye Marvel heroes and you see how cookie cutter some of the character designs get when it comes to their civilian sides. Not the most fun image hunting for them.

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On 6/17/2024 at 11:19 PM, TriggerBlade said:

Anna's statue doesn't get given to the player properly.

The improve Bordello event chain seems to have some of its more interesting events blocked and just shows me the same options regardless of what I pick.


I got the "true" Alice in the Wonderland adventure, which honestly good job I wish all of them could be this cool, but her icon reverted back to regular Alice seemingly at random.



Anna's statue added fine when I tested it in a new play session. It gets added as a character modifier instead of an artifact, mainly because I wasn't in the mood to add an artifact.


Found the issue with the Bordello Upgrade chain. It was a bad variable check.


Alice's portrait is supposed to toggle based on which shade you're helping. It potentially flips a lot, and it's very possible that I may have an exit point backwards for the image. Still need to do some testing on this one.

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I've been enjoying some other games since the last update, so not much has changed content wise. However, I'll probably look to still post an update later this weekend after finishing up a couple items, as there are several fixes for issues that have been made.


Current Change Log for the next planned release.


v1.99 (Dark World Reborn)
    - NOTE: This update should be save game compatible with games started using v1.95 or later
    - New events (Related Game Rules: Hero/Villain, Bestiality)
    - New npcs (Related Game Rules: Hero/Villain)
    - Update to brothel visit content when you've done the Bordello Upgrade event chain
    - Tweaks to some npc's, such as Maleficent has a dynasty now so the game doesn't treat her as a commoner.
    - New alternate Nightwing/Dick Grayson image. Looks a little less like SuperBoy. Maybe.
    - Fix: Removed an old land title that was related to the ancient Mana Wellspring that was once tied to spell casting, a long, long, long time ago.
    - Fix: Hero/Villain recruit event for selecting a specific person - was missing the event call, so it'd never fire.
    - Fix: Nightwing had Thor's image on one of his options.
    - Fix: Missing event text for a Ball event.
    - Fix: Variable mistake in the Bordello Upgrade chain that hid events and showed duplicates.
    - Thanks to TriggerBlade for finding a couple bad race entries and doing some clean-up in dw_npc_scripted_effects


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42 minutes ago, dewguru said:

Current Change Log for the next planned release.

Might wanna give a glance over some events. There's too much text. Even for bigger text boxes. This can be seen in all of the new fairytale events. I had to have the localization file open to read the remaining text.

One other thing. Why is Merida Irish? She's supposed to be Scottish.

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On 6/21/2024 at 10:47 AM, TriggerBlade said:

Might wanna give a glance over some events. There's too much text. Even for bigger text boxes. This can be seen in all of the new fairytale events. I had to have the localization file open to read the remaining text.

One other thing. Why is Merida Irish? She's supposed to be Scottish.


I just plugged it in as a best guess. Haven't seen Brave in years, and Irish seemed like a good fit in my brain. Will make the adjustment.


I've gone through the longest text strings from the Alice chain that didn't require a female character, and all of them displayed on my screen adequately.  The only thing I can guess, is that screen resolution may play into the size and scale of things. Image below as an example.


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@TriggerBlade If you can post a screen shot of your dw_wonderland.312, I'll consider tweaking things if it's not too far off. I know I can probably tighten some of the text, but if it's too drastic, then I'll likely pass as it'd stray in to pain in the ass territory.

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Will be uploading the update soon. I've already identified a few things I want to update, and I thought about delaying the update. However, I decided to post it anyway, since it has some important fixes.


Final change log.

v1.99 (Dark World Reborn)
    - NOTE: This update should be save game compatible with games started using v1.95 or later
    - New events (Related Game Rules: Hero/Villain, Bestiality)
    - New npcs (Related Game Rules: Hero/Villain)
    - Update to brothel visit content when you've done the Bordello Upgrade event chain
    - Tweaks to some npc's, such as Maleficent has a dynasty now so the game doesn't treat her as a commoner.
    - New alternate Nightwing/Dick Grayson image. Looks a little less like SuperBoy. Maybe.
    - Fix: Removed an old land title that was related to the ancient Mana Wellspring that was once tied to spell casting, a long, long, long time ago.
    - Fix: Hero/Villain recruit event for selecting a specific person - was missing the event call, so it'd never fire.
    - Fix: Nightwing had Thor's image on one of his options.
    - Fix: Missing event text for a Ball event.
    - Fix: Variable mistake in the Bordello Upgrade chain that hid events and showed duplicates.
    - Fix: Merida was Irish when she should be Scottish for race.
    - Thanks to TriggerBlade for finding a couple bad race entries and doing some clean-up in dw_npc_scripted_effects



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Posted (edited)

Realized I didn't include a tweak for an issue that was raised after doing some more playing after posting the update.


The next update will have this in it:

    - Tweak: The non-human slaver has been modified to reduce the number of non-human slaves that were being bought throughout the world


Edited by dewguru
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55 minutes ago, nikolei said:
Can anyone tell me how to get into the society of seduction?


If that's the name of the society, then you're asking in the wrong mod forum.


This mod only adds two societies, one related to Wizards and one related to Lilith.

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6 hours ago, nikolei said:
Can anyone tell me how to get into the society of seduction?


Society of Seduction is in Luxuria Fantasia. Has similar content, as far as I can tell, regarding Lillith, but it isn't the same. DWR is better for the most part, but Luxuria has some niche bits which can be fun. I've got both installed, and there ends up being quite a bit of overlap. It can take a bit of wrangling to get the two playing nicely together, but it isn't that hard.

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