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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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2 hours ago, arkanoiD_ said:

It's been a long while since I've modded and played CK2. How is it that you make Dark World compatible with a total conversion mod again? Wasn't there something you had to do, change a line somewhere? Or does it just run together with everything

Hello @arkanoiD!


In the .mod file, you modify it to add dependencies.

Like this:


name="Dark World Reborn"
path="mod/Dark World Reborn"


You save the file and you are good to go!

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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, dewguru said:


The dw_randomevent270 does indeed exist in localisation. Specifically the dw_on_action_randoms.txt file.


I know about it, but forgive my ignorance, shouldn't there be a refference .csv "localisation" file about it???

It supposed to be in the "dw_on_action_random.csv" file right?

I also searched in all the other .csv files as well!

I'm telling you this, because I have never seen it fire, that's why I did some "digging". 🙂

Edited by Drax70
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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Drax70 said:

I know about it, but forgive my ignorance, shouldn't there be a refference .csv "localisation" file about it???

It supposed to be in the "dw_on_action_random.csv" file right?

I also searched in all the other .csv files as well!

I'm telling you this, because I have never seen it fire, that's why I did some "digging". 🙂


I meant to say dw_on_action_random.csv instead of .txt.


It is in dw_on_action_random.csv, I'm staring right at it. 


Edit: I just unpacked the 1.97 zip and verified it is indeed in that dw_on_action_random.csv as well.


Edit 2: I also did a force run via the console, and it's condition checks fired as expected, and the event displayed with text for me as well.

Edited by dewguru
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For all those who were getting the file not found message, I was able to reupload it again this morning - using the original .zip format, and when I tested it, it downloaded for me.


Please let me know if 1.97 is still not there for you folks and I'll post an alternate download link again.

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Posted (edited)

two small things: I'm very regularly getting a "hero dog joins you" event that I think has something about me "going to a justice hall" or something in description - as a villain, doesn't really seem intended? (edit: it's called "caped crusader", I think)

Also would be nice if the artifact seller event, "the collector" I believe, always had an "not interested" option. If you're just starting as a single county count 50 gold is no chump change, can put you in debt for a while. 


oh, also a question, what type of notification is the "slave courtesan you own gave you 2.5 gold"? As in how can I make it not pop up as a major thing, because if you get a few of the girls it gets a bit annoying fast 

Edited by kalafior1
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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, kalafior1 said:

two small things: I'm very regularly getting a "hero dog joins you" event that I think has something about me "going to a justice hall" or something in description - as a villain, doesn't really seem intended? (edit: it's called "caped crusader", I think)

Also would be nice if the artifact seller event, "the collector" I believe, always had an "not interested" option. If you're just starting as a single county count 50 gold is no chump change, can put you in debt for a while. 


oh, also a question, what type of notification is the "slave courtesan you own gave you 2.5 gold"? As in how can I make it not pop up as a major thing, because if you get a few of the girls it gets a bit annoying fast 


I'll look at Krypto's event. I should have it check to see if you already have him or not, and if the check is there, I may have the duration wrong on how long he lasts.


I can look to move the Collector's not interested option up to 1st on the list. Right now, it's at the bottom, so if it evaluates to 4+ available items, you don't see the not interested option.


I'll be honest, this (the slavery wage notice) was one of those things where everyone had different recommendations on it, and we went through a lot of testing to get it where it's at now. We wanted it to just be a low priority notification that showed up on the side where others are, but everyone who tried to help figure out how to get it to show there with any kind of reliability was unsuccessful. So the character event was settled on.


If you're fine assuming all is working, I don't see why I can't have an option of "Don't show me this again" and have it set a flag that could be used to suppress the event from displaying.


Edit: specified where I was talking about the slavery wage notice.

Edited by dewguru
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Hey, sorry if I was imprecise, my point about Krypto the dog is not getting him too often, as it seems to be once per character, but that I keep getting him with 'villains' which feels a bit off. But if it's intended for everyone to be able to have him than it's fine I guess.


And the ability to disable those payout messages would be great. I asked because I was hoping I would be able to find this notification in this menu and just lower the prio by hand


2024-05-04 110843.png

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ok, I guess my bad, I've read the Krypto event again and it clearly states that the dog is confused and treats me as a hero. But I'd swear that the first time I got it it wasn't like that but something about hall of of justice etc. And I only had villains this run. But also it seems to trigger for every single character in a dynasty, often within few months 

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Posted (edited)

I found a bug,

In the Ball content, when I engage to make love with the dog or other animals, the event confuses me with a woman...! 😝

My character is a man...! No Trap or Futa.

But it scopes some other Welsh Lady in the process.




Edited by Drax70
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I was just testing my new image set and noticed that currently there is no male version for the branding a slave event in DWR, a male slave is branded but the event uses the default female version. Would you please consider to fork that event? I can provide the artwork.

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8 hours ago, kalafior1 said:

ok, I guess my bad, I've read the Krypto event again and it clearly states that the dog is confused and treats me as a hero. But I'd swear that the first time I got it it wasn't like that but something about hall of of justice etc. And I only had villains this run. But also it seems to trigger for every single character in a dynasty, often within few months 


It's one of those situations where it hits frequently because it has a low threshold to trigger. My preferred method for addressing it will be to increase the potential of other Hero / Villain random events. So I'd ask to deal with it for another update or two, and if it's still hitting too frequently, then I can look to tweak it somehow.



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6 hours ago, Drax70 said:

I found a bug,

In the Ball content, when I engage to make love with the dog or other animals, the event confuses me with a woman...! 😝

My character is a man...! No Trap or Futa.

But it scopes some other Welsh Lady in the process.





Yeah, I noticed some odd issues on some ball events. I've not looked into them yet, because I'm on a roll with other things and don't want to get annoyed by trying to unravel some of the odd character inclusions with the sub-portraits it includes on events that have zero to do with that character. I think it has to do with the character being set as an event target earlier in the chain and it just comes along for the ride. I believe there is something I can add to suppress those sub-portraits, which if when I do get around to looking - I'll end up doing if I don't find an obvious issue to fix.

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6 hours ago, Drax70 said:

I found a bug,

In the Ball content, when I engage to make love with the dog or other animals, the event confuses me with a woman...! 😝

My character is a man...! No Trap or Futa.

But it scopes some other Welsh Lady in the process.





Yeah, I noticed some odd issues on some ball events. I've not looked into them yet, because I'm on a roll with other things and don't want to get annoyed by trying to unravel some of the odd character inclusions with the sub-portraits it includes on events that have zero to do with that character. I think it has to do with the character being set as an event target earlier in the chain and it just comes along for the ride. I believe there is something I can add to suppress those sub-portraits, which if when I do get around to looking - I'll end up doing if I don't find an obvious issue to fix.

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5 hours ago, plutocene said:

I was just testing my new image set and noticed that currently there is no male version for the branding a slave event in DWR, a male slave is branded but the event uses the default female version. Would you please consider to fork that event? I can provide the artwork.


Shoot me an image and I'll see about working it in.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Drax70 said:

I have already provided a Unisex picture...! 😜



The one currently used is an anime chick. I have made a custom set of new ones (see attached) that Imo fit quite well. The only downside is, I cannot create a branding iron, SD does not know what that is ;)  and I couldnt find a workaround yet. So my interpretation is, the prisoners are looking at the player, awaiting the decission if they are to be branded, as the dialogue implies. Actually found a workaround, and created a branding iron version if that is preferable.


Edited by plutocene
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Posted (edited)

Great stuff!

BUT, @dewguru is not fun of 3D pictures....! lol 😁


If he accepts them, you could give the same "prompts" for the female!

Edited by Drax70
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6 hours ago, plutocene said:

slavery_branding02.dds 108.91 kB · 1 download slavery_branding.dds 217.69 kB · 1 download


The one currently used is an anime chick. I have made a custom set of new ones (see attached) that Imo fit quite well. The only downside is, I cannot create a branding iron, SD does not know what that is ;)  and I couldnt find a workaround yet. So my interpretation is, the prisoners are looking at the player, awaiting the decission if they are to be branded, as the dialogue implies. Actually found a workaround, and created a branding iron version if that is preferable.

slavery_branding03.dds 108.91 kB · 2 downloads


I like it. I'll see about doing a trigger that displays the male branding one you have. I'll ponder the female one as a replacement. It'd improve the odds if she was also being branded, but it's been long enough that I may look into seeing if there is another suitable image out there as well.


38 minutes ago, Drax70 said:

Great stuff!

BUT, @dewguru is not fun of 3D pictures....! lol 😁


If he accepts them, you could give the same "prompts" for the female!


I still am not as large a fan of them as I am well drawn images, but my dislike of them has softened as they've improved, and I don't mind ai images unless there is something too off about them that draws my eyes to the flaw instead of the larger image overall.


One reason I'm holding off on updating the Drax70 version of the mod, is I want to go through its images again and see if there are any I'd be fine with rolling with now.

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Related to the above - if you're not happy with the actual slave branding action in the image, I think a good slave brand or tattoo (if the ai creator doesn't recognize slave brand) would work as well.


I found an image that I like a bit more than the current female branding one I'm using, although I'd prefer the brand to be on the ass rather than the breast, but I like the quality of the image more.



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5 hours ago, Drax70 said:

Great stuff!

BUT, @dewguru is not fun of 3D pictures....! lol 😁


If he accepts them, you could give the same "prompts" for the female!


Thanks, but it I do not work on prompts that much, its more complicated, it uses a controlnet, loras, inpainting and I edited the image manually. I make dozens of iterations and iterations of iterations. Thus, its impossible to snap a finger and just change a word in the prompt to get a genderswaped version unfortunately. In that particular case, I photoshoped the branding iron the picture of the male and ran some iterations until I kind of got a useable result, the model is simply not built for this. As for the female, version, I photoshoped the branding iron in, and blended it into the picture, repeating the process essentially. I'm still learning, and made a lot of progress, but its a complicated technique.


As for the artistic style, I try to achieve a detailed, semi realistic look. The "best" matching art style for CK2 is more pictoresque, but for some reason I cannot recreate it. It sometimes shows up but refuses to be recreated in a follow up creation. This is my white stag so to speak, that event has a 1% chance to fire :( 


Regarding dewguru, I can indeed create slave brand tattoos on the body, I have lora models for that. I can edit any detail in an image seperately and generally remove clearly visible imperfections, such as broken limps etc, flip the background or enhance the most important eyecatcher areas, areola, mouth, eyes.  I used your picture as a reference for the model. It was not well suited but I managed to claw away a pretty solid result, only took me like 2 hours :P You can use any of them or none at all.

slavery_branding_variant1.dds slavery_branding_variant2.dds

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13 hours ago, plutocene said:


Regarding dewguru, I can indeed create slave brand tattoos on the body, I have lora models for that. I can edit any detail in an image seperately and generally remove clearly visible imperfections, such as broken limps etc, flip the background or enhance the most important eyecatcher areas, areola, mouth, eyes.  I used your picture as a reference for the model. It was not well suited but I managed to claw away a pretty solid result, only took me like 2 hours :P You can use any of them or none at all.


Heh. I can relate to the 2 hours. In the past I used to have an idea, and then spend hours seeking the images I wanted to use for it. It's one reason why the image styles vary so much.


Now, I take a slightly different approach. It still takes hours, but I'll do a couple topic searches, collect images that catch my eye, and then when looking through them, create events that spring to mind. It's still not perfect, as sometimes I'll envision it as a multi-stage event, so then I've got to hunt down another image, which may or may not be quick.

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4 hours ago, dewguru said:


Heh. I can relate to the 2 hours. In the past I used to have an idea, and then spend hours seeking the images I wanted to use for it. It's one reason why the image styles vary so much.


Now, I take a slightly different approach. It still takes hours, but I'll do a couple topic searches, collect images that catch my eye, and then when looking through them, create events that spring to mind. It's still not perfect, as sometimes I'll envision it as a multi-stage event, so then I've got to hunt down another image, which may or may not be quick.

Hey @dewguru!


Why don't you use Stable Diffusion? It's whey faster to think of some "prompts" and go closer to the result you want, than search pages and pages for a single picture for hours!

Then, if you don't like something with the result, just tweak it with Photoshop, Gimp or Canva!

Ooooor.... you got Drax70 and plutocene...! 😜

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Posted (edited)

Professor X still can join you with heroes&villains disabled. Thanos or Batman do not have the button to do so, but he does. 


also a  small suggestion, maybe we could have an option for characters to respawn after dunno 50 or 100 years and not just 10? I feel like with the respawns disabled you get all of them during the lifetime of your maybe first two rulers, and then they're all dead except for few immortals, while with 10 years it seems like you can have them with you pretty much constantly 

Edited by kalafior1
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11 hours ago, Drax70 said:

Hey @dewguru!


Why don't you use Stable Diffusion? It's whey faster to think of some "prompts" and go closer to the result you want, than search pages and pages for a single picture for hours!

Then, if you don't like something with the result, just tweak it with Photoshop, Gimp or Canva!

Ooooor.... you got Drax70 and plutocene...! 😜


I had a big response and it got lost due to some network headaches.


Long story short, I've found my time investment is worse. I can spend hours messing with it in hopes of getting an image I want to use, while I could do a few searches and find a couple dozen potential images to inspire other events. While ai artwork has come a long way in only a year, and I do occasionally create or find something I like, the output isn't comparable. For example, I can find a couple hundred ai images of say Jasmine. Yet out of the 200, most of them are various solo pose variations. I could probably use one or two of them for a clothed and naked intro style event, like "I stopped by Jasmine's room for whatever reason." Then, those that remain, I'm probably looking at 1 image where she's giving a blowjob, and another where she's riding a dick cowgirl style. So hundreds of images for 4 pretty basic usable items. Now, looking over a similar number of drawings, I'll find several dozen that give me ideas for potential events.


Specific characters, complex actions, especially with additional characters, are things that it seems like ai artwork struggles with right now. Compared to where ai artwork was two years ago, I'd imagine that we're just a couple years away from those challenges being a thing of the past.

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2 hours ago, kalafior1 said:

Professor X still can join you with heroes&villains disabled. Thanos or Batman do not have the button to do so, but he does. 


also a  small suggestion, maybe we could have an option for characters to respawn after dunno 50 or 100 years and not just 10? I feel like with the respawns disabled you get all of them during the lifetime of your maybe first two rulers, and then they're all dead except for few immortals, while with 10 years it seems like you can have them with you pretty much constantly 


I've tried to reign Charles in several times, but then he touches his forehead while staring at me, and I forget what it was I was going to do.


I might tweak the respawn period further, but I'm going to give it a little more time as I'm still changing around how some of the recruitment stuff works.

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