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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 24JUN2024

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9 hours ago, mikovic76 said:

I started dabbling with the GFX for DW events as a little project to learn SD based image generation. I noticed that DW has a GFX called dw_pregnancy_01, however, I have never seen that ingame. The vanilla event and picture are displayed, when pregnancy occurs. Oversight, or is it too much hassle to interfere with this event due to conflicts? Second question, DW does use the bigger text boxes? I'd like to increase the size to a more convinient scale and create an entire new set of matching pictures.


I don't mess with any vanilla events, as doing so only leads to potential conflicts with other mods. If I'm not using dw_pregnancy_01 anywhere, it's likely because it's from one of the prior versions.


The original Dark World had a number of different events and was my first mod for Crusader Kings. Dark World Reborn was almost a complete rewrite, and Dark World Reborn has also been overhauled at least twice. So there are definitely images that are no longer used.


As for the bigger text boxes, that is from a mod elsewhere on the site, that the creator gave permissions to incorporate and tweak. The files that control it's spacing are located within the interface folder. Messing with the UI is a headache for me, so I'm not likely to provide much more help beyond pointing you to there.

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13 hours ago, dewguru said:


I don't mess with any vanilla events, as doing so only leads to potential conflicts with other mods.


As for the bigger text boxes, that is from a mod elsewhere on the site, that the creator gave permissions to incorporate and tweak.



Thanks for the reply, alright, I did interpret it correctly then. I merely replaced the default pregnancy image whith my creation, which bugged me for years. Infact, I think it would be worthwhile to replace all vanilla event pictures. Thus, I was curious about your handling of the UI. Your using a 472x472 format, I was thinking of resizing that too to 512x512 at least. But I realize that this is going to be a messy business after taking a closer look on how the UI is built lol.


I have one follow up question, you have wedding pictures based on "culture", thus it is possible make sex events based on culture/other variables like charID too? After all, its just another event. Like I created a brunette in this example, that kinda of works for most cases, but it would be nice to have pictures corresponding to the ethnic and culture, even if it would be quite a bit of work to code, assuming they can be referenced.  

2024-04-18 19_38_58-ck2.png

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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, mikovic76 said:


Thanks for the reply, alright, I did interpret it correctly then. I merely replaced the default pregnancy image whith my creation, which bugged me for years. Infact, I think it would be worthwhile to replace all vanilla event pictures. Thus, I was curious about your handling of the UI. Your using a 472x472 format, I was thinking of resizing that too to 512x512 at least. But I realize that this is going to be a messy business after taking a closer look on how the UI is built lol.


I have one follow up question, you have wedding pictures based on "culture", thus it is possible make sex events based on culture/other variables like charID too? After all, its just another event. Like I created a brunette in this example, that kinda of works for most cases, but it would be nice to have pictures corresponding to the ethnic and culture, even if it would be quite a bit of work to code, assuming they can be referenced.  



Yeah, I don't remember the specifics, but we went through a lot of trial and error before hitting the 472x472. Although part of the challenge was using the book like background imagery. We tried some others, but they were too extreme that they looked completely out of place (which is saying a lot for someone who mixes 3D/realistic drawings/toon-like drawings into their mod).


If I was being amazingly adventurous, I'd probably have 3 different large event boxes. One that was optimized for square images, horizontal rectangles, and vertical rectangles. I can't tell you how often I find art I like and it just doesn't crop well at all to the square.

Edited by dewguru
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Cool, I'll stick to 472 then. If there is a particular image you want to replace, let me know, I might be able to create a replacement. I focus on the realistic sex events for the time beeing and try to replace them all with a common artstyle.


I also have encountered 2 3 bugs to report:

For some reason I can declare my direct liege a prostitute.

Whoring or visiting a whore resulting in a pregnancy of female MC that is not discovered until birth.

I caught a daugther masturbating in the prison of a foreign lord.


Could be a mod conlict? But kind of looks like also tested it just with DW so it isnt.

Edited by mikovic76
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5 hours ago, mikovic76 said:

Cool, I'll stick to 472 then. If there is a particular image you want to replace, let me know, I might be able to create a replacement. I focus on the realistic sex events for the time beeing and try to replace them all with a common artstyle.


I also have encountered 2 3 bugs to report:

For some reason I can declare my direct liege a prostitute.

Whoring or visiting a whore resulting in a pregnancy of female MC that is not discovered until birth.

I caught a daugther masturbating in the prison of a foreign lord.


Could be a mod conlict? But kind of looks like also tested it just with DW so it isnt.


- For some reason I can declare my direct liege a prostitute.

How funny. I so rarely play under another liege that I really don't take that into account at all. "Your lordship, I highly recommend you become a prostitute, it'll help build your treasury."


I'm not going to take a look at fixing it. I'd worry about it a bit if the AI was making each other prostitutes like crazy, but in this case, where it's a player ability - the player can "fix" this themselves by simply not using it in that way.


-Whoring or visiting a whore resulting in a pregnancy of female MC that is not discovered until birth.

Regarding the pregnancy bit, the vanilla game is supposed to handle pregnancy notifications. Not sure why you're not seeing a notification. I may slide through the brothel events to see if I can spot something, as that is older code and some of it was written by another person who volunteered to add events to the chain.


-I caught a daugther masturbating in the prison of a foreign lord.

Yeah, I don't always go deep into checks. Partially because if I make a mistake, it blocks off the event from ever happening. So I usually go light and focus primarily on the player themselves. Even then, the vanilla game will have events like I'm in my court, when I'm across the map leading an army, so I decided to not get too hung up on it myself. And now that I think about it, I didn't even write the daughter masturbation part. That was a submission similar to some of the brothel events.

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Hey @dewguru!


I got a strange bug,

  When I choose to sell a Healthy and Strong prisoner, who I've captured from a battle and branded him, the options I get are either "Kill him..." or "Hold on to it..."!

I think the code-check, that searches for either the Slave is healthy or not, is checking MY character who has "Gout" or "Wounded"!




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3 hours ago, Drax70 said:

Hey @dewguru!


I got a strange bug,

  When I choose to sell a Healthy and Strong prisoner, who I've captured from a battle and branded him, the options I get are either "Kill him..." or "Hold on to it..."!

I think the code-check, that searches for either the Slave is healthy or not, is checking MY character who has "Gout" or "Wounded"!





Yeah, I'm checking but not changing the scope, so it's check is against the ROOT for the event, which would be the one selling the slave.


I'll scope it properly and we can see if it fixes it.

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13 hours ago, mikovic76 said:

I caught a daugther masturbating in the prison of a foreign lord.


Found the events for this (one for a daughter, one for a son), and have updated them check to ensure the child it's targeting is not in prison. It'll be in the next update.

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I have an update that I'm putting the finishing touches on before I test it out. It'll remove the automatic seeding of the princess NPC's that lacked fairy tale related stories to introduce them, as the next update includes new random events that have the potential to introduce them.


So, if you turn off Fairy Tales, then the next update will have little for you. Some of the Fairy Tales content relies on Fae Content being enabled as well, so having that off would keep some from firing.


I'm hoping to have it out by the end of next week (April 28th).


Present Change Log for the next release.


v1.97 (Dark World Reborn)
    - NOTE: This update should be save game compatible with games started using v1.95 or later
    - New events (Require Game Rule: Fairy Tales, Fae Content)
    - New potential npc's (Game Rule: Fairy Tales)
    - Merchant Wagon from the Hero/Villain random events included in normal random event chance, as most it's wares aren't Hero/Villain specific, and they have some Fairy Tale items.
    - Updated a small image that was associated with the Lilith Self Beautify spell
    - Fixed: A poorly scoped check when trying to sell a slave (was looking at the seller instead of the slave)
    - Fixed: Adult Son and Daughter Masturbation events will not trigger if they're prisoners somewhere.


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Hey @dewguru,

In Fairy Tales, with Beauty and the Beast, I got the same option, 2 times "It seemes as though she has something planned.".

I made the choice to befriend her, the 3rd option.

The event that fired is dw_beauty.630!

Is this intentional?

I tested this and after that, there is no difference of those 2 options...! They fire the same event.

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1 hour ago, Drax70 said:

Hey @dewguru,

In Fairy Tales, with Beauty and the Beast, I got the same option, 2 times "It seemes as though she has something planned.".

I made the choice to befriend her, the 3rd option.

The event that fired is dw_beauty.630!

Is this intentional?

I tested this and after that, there is no difference of those 2 options...! They fire the same event.


I didn't change anything related to Beauty and the Beast.

From looking at it, the idea was to only display 1 option based on a variable or global.

I'll have to dig through the chain more, but I can see that if I didn't handle somethings correctly, then it'd give two options - and yes, they were coded to say the same thing.

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Can some one help me with the fading twillght (elven) campaign please, as I never seem to be able to progress anything with it? (just 'spreading elven trait via birthing')

Edited by philjd
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3 hours ago, philjd said:

Can some one help me with the fading twillght (elven) campaign please, as I never seem to be able to progress anything with it? (just 'spreading elven trait via birthing')


That is all that there is to it unfortunately. There are several campaigns with no additional content outside of the opening decision.


Several campaigns are a mix of things folks requested so they could start with a trait, and ideas I had which were simply lower priorities than other ideas (since I tend to work on things I like personally).


Others at least have additional content within the game, like the corruption/spirit walk mechanic that therianthropes have (Neko & Kitsune). Vampires have a little bit of content, as do Werewolves. Tentacle start might not have anything either.


Campaign related content can be summarized like this:

Major - Multiple events specific to the campaign

- Child of Lilith ( Demons - Succubus/Incubus)

Minor - some campaign specific events

- Rise of the Pack (Werewolf / Wolf Therianthrope)

- Bitten and Awoken (Vampire)
- For the Horde! (Orc)


Minimal - mod content related to the trait gained in the opening decision, but not campaign specific.

- Curiousity and the Cat (Neko / Cat Therianthrope)
- Fox and the Hound (Kitsune / Fox Therianthrope)
- Champion of Chaos (Tentacle)

- Werewolf Toy (Human beta/bitch to a werewolf)


Nothing beyond the opening decision:

- Divine Inspiration (Angel)
- Fading Twilight (Elf)

One thing to note - the campaign idea isn't meant to provide a full fledged story based overlay to CK2. It's intention is more for giving a little flavor and hopefully a little immersion in helping you craft your own story within the CK2 game.


Oddly enough, I've been gathering some ideas to hopefully take those bottom six in the minimal and nothing categories, and give them some additional events. Nothing akin to what I've done for demons, but something that'd allow them to be slotted in the minor section.

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I've gotten a little carried away with changes I've worked in. Not 100% sure I'm going to be ready for a release by April 28th goal I made.


I really need to get in a solid play test session, as I let out a small error in the last update. Not 100% sure I'll get said session squeezed in this weekend due to other plans.


Below is the present change log for what will be the next release.


Change Log:
v1.97 (Dark World Reborn)
    - NOTE: This update should be save game compatible with games started using v1.95 or later
    - NOTE: I have removed some old files, and consolidated some files that had only an item or two in them. I recommend deleting your old mod before installing this one. If you don't, everything should still work, but your game will likely have some duplication or ghost entries in the error.log from the start check-up it does.
    - New events (Related Game Rules: Fairy Tales, Fae Content, Classic Monsters, Heaven/Hell)
    - New potential npc's (Related Game Rules: Fairy Tales, Fae Content, Classic Monsters)
    - Merchant Wagon from the Hero/Villain random events included in normal random event chance, as most it's wares aren't Hero/Villain specific, and they have some Fairy Tale items.
    - Updated several small images that were still around
    - ALTERNATE/NON-RULE CAMPAIGN STARTS (allows potential for any campaign content to be triggered in a play through based on some conditions)
    - Lustful player characters, with Heaven/Hell content enabled can lead to the demon kin trait (Lilith content)
    - Zealous player characters, with 500 piety, with Heaven/Hell content enabled can lead to the angel kin trait
    - Arbitrary player characters, not already a therianthrope with Classic Monsters enabled can lead to the cat kin trait
    - Shrewd player characters, not already a therianthrope with Classic Monsters enabled can lead to the fox kin trait
    - Temperate & Patient player characters with Fae Content enabled can lead to the elf trait
    - Wroth & Proud player characters with Fae Content endabled can lead to the orc trait
    - Additional custom pic image for kitsune / fox kin
    - Fixed: A poorly scoped check when trying to sell a slave (was looking at the seller instead of the slave)
    - Fixed: Adult Son and Daughter Masturbation events will not trigger if they're prisoners somewhere.
    - Fixed: Wrong image shown when having Grimhilde provide some service.
    - Fixed: Wrong option text in a Werewolf event
    - Fixed?: A Beauty event that could generate multiple options when it should only generate one.
    - Removed an old small image used by an old event that is no longer present.


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goddamn, He's back. Am I glad to see you mr developer. 

a small request for your consideration, could you maybe change the requirement for the prison rape scene from villain to not hero? So it could be done when hero/villain thing is disabled? Thanks

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The file upload isn't working for me. I keep getting an Error -200 message at about the 87% upload point, and the newest file is ~115MB, so it shouldn't be hitting the size cap for attachments.


So, I uploaded the file to Mega.nz, and the link to it is there in the download section, although it's called 44tFkApZ, because I don't see where I can give the link a more user friendly name.


Anyway, I tested things, but I didn't hit everything, let alone all the different ways things could potentially be called. The error.log and the Validator show it as clean, so anything in there would like be minor, like a bad scope that hits the wrong target, or the wrong image displaying somewhere.


I've got more events I'm working on still, plus Drax70 provided me with some new decision icons I need to look at including. I just wanted to get this last batch published, because I felt like my change log was getting a little carried away, and I know there are some items I didn't capture in the change log.


v1.97 (Dark World Reborn)
    - NOTE: This update should be save game compatible with games started using v1.95 or later
    - NOTE: I have removed some old files, and consolidated some files that had only an item or two in them. I recommend deleting your old mod before installing this one. If you don't, everything should still work, but your game will likely have some duplication or ghost entries in the error.log from the start check-up it does.
    - New events (Related Game Rules: Fairy Tales, Fae Content, Classic Monsters, Heaven/Hell)
    - New potential npc's (Related Game Rules: Fairy Tales, Fae Content, Classic Monsters)
    - Merchant Wagon from the Hero/Villain random events included in normal random event chance, as most it's wares aren't Hero/Villain specific, and they have some Fairy Tale items.
    - Updated the remaining small images that were still in use *Note - there are a couple small images that do belong as small images for character_event calls instead of narrative_event calls.
    - ALTERNATE/NON-RULE CAMPAIGN STARTS (allows potential for any campaign content to be triggered in a play through based on some conditions)
    - Lustful player characters, with Heaven/Hell content enabled can lead to the demon kin trait (Lilith content)
    - Zealous player characters, with 500 piety, with Heaven/Hell content enabled can lead to the angel kin trait
    - Arbitrary player characters, not already a therianthrope with Classic Monsters enabled can lead to the cat kin trait
    - Shrewd player characters, not already a therianthrope with Classic Monsters enabled can lead to the fox kin trait
    - Temperate & Patient player characters with Fae Content enabled can lead to the elf trait
    - Wroth & Proud player characters with Fae Content enabled can lead to the orc trait
    - Greedy, strong, & proud characters with Fae Content enabled can lead to the dragon trait
    - Additional custom pics image for female fox-kin, female bovine-kin, and female rabbit-kin
    - Fixed: A poorly scoped check when trying to sell a slave (was looking at the seller instead of the slave)
    - Fixed: Adult Son and Daughter Masturbation events will not trigger if they're prisoners somewhere.
    - Fixed: Wrong image shown when having Grimhilde provide some service.
    - Fixed: Wrong option text in a Werewolf event
    - Fixed?: A Beauty event that could generate multiple options when it should only generate one.
    - Fixed: An issue where an incorrect portrait was showing
    - Removed all old small images used by old events that are no longer present.


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14 minutes ago, kalafior1 said:

goddamn, He's back. Am I glad to see you mr developer. 

a small request for your consideration, could you maybe change the requirement for the prison rape scene from villain to not hero? So it could be done when hero/villain thing is disabled? Thanks


Sounds like a reasonable request. I'll take a look at it for the next update.

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Quick mention.


Skatan asked about adjusting the Hero / Villain content to have more of a story around why heroes and villains are running around in the world.


I declined the recommendation at the time, because I didn't need it for my immersion, but I acknowledged that I sometimes change my mind on requests that I turn down.


Well, this may be one of those times.


While I don't need a story for my immersion, having a semblance of a story would help it. It won't be anything grand, but I'm going to adjust somethings around it. The vanilla game offers fantasy elements, and this mod builds on it with more, so I don't see a reason why at least some Hero / Villains can't be framed a bit within that context.

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Posted (edited)

 Hey @dewguru!

Massive update...! Wow! 🤯


I have noticed that the dildo artifact is not finished...

There is a "dildo_01.dds" file that is connected with "dw_randomevent.270" event, that doesn't exist in the localisation folder!

It is also in a #TODO... event for the Lilith content as well...

In fact, I discovered, you got a lot of #TODO... stuff in almost every main .txt event file! lol

I hope all the Mental Help/Health in the world my friend!!!



Edited by Drax70
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20 minutes ago, Drax70 said:

 Hey @dewguru!

Massive update...! Wow! 🤯


I have noticed that the dildo artifact is not finished...

There is a "dildo_01.dds" file that is connected with "dw_randomevent.270" event, that doesn't exist in the localisation folder!

It is also in a #TODO... event for the Lilith content as well...

In fact, I discovered, you got a lot of #TODO... stuff in almost every main .txt event file! lol

I hope all the Mental Help/Health in the world my friend!!!




The dw_randomevent270 does indeed exist in localisation. Specifically the dw_on_action_randoms.txt file.


And you are correct that there are a ton of TODO's peppered throughout the code. I flag them that way if I've an idea, but lack an image or desire to finish the chain out.

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Posted (edited)

So, I changed out the file format from .zip to .7z - which is the 7Zip's file format, and used by many other files on this website. 7Zip is a free program if you're not already using it or an extractor that can read their format.


Edit - This is to say that instead of that weird link to mega.nz, the latest patch is now available for direct download using the different format.

Edited by dewguru
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12 minutes ago, dewguru said:

So, I changed out the file format from .zip to .7z - which is the 7Zip's file format, and used by many other files on this website. 7Zip is a free program if you're not already using it or an extractor that can read their format.


Edit - This is to say that instead of that weird link to mega.nz, the latest patch is now available for direct download using the different format.

When i tried to download the new file it says File not found

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Posted (edited)

It's been a long while since I've modded and played CK2. How is it that you make Dark World compatible with a total conversion mod again? Wasn't there something you had to do, change a line somewhere? Or does it just run together with everything

Edited by arkanoiD_
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